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General Secretary : Chandranna

CPI(ML)New Democracy vehimently condemns and opposes the

Trump Decission on Jerusalem as capital of agressive Israel

As Palestinians suspected, the US president has recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

In doing so the US flagrantly violated several international laws, UN Security Council resolutions
and Oslo accord mediated by the US itself.
Except some crooked and despotic states like Saudi Arabia, the US’ move is not supported
by the world community. We unequivocally condemn this fascistic move and call upon the world
nations and political and democratic institutions to reject this retrograde step by the US with
united voice.
Palestinians are shut out with this move by the same country which has been promising a
permanent peaceful settlement that never came into existence except some deceitful never ending
and ever lasting talks, talks and talks.
Jerusalem is an international city under a UN protectorate. For Christians, Jerusalem is
where Jesus born, lived and died. For Muslims, it is their third holiest site after Mecca and Medina,
due to Al-Aqsa mosque. For Israeli state or Zionists it is politically important to appropriate the
whole of Jerusalem for the revival of Judaism. For them the city is critical to suppress the idea of
Palestinian state.
But for Palestinians, Jerusalem is their history and cultural heritage. The city is the symbol
of their democratic and historical aspirations for an independent statehood. Until 1967 war only
West Jerusalem was under Israeli control. East Jerusalem used to be the capital of Palestine.
During the war Israel occupied East Jerusalem and latter annexed it as part of it’s territory against
UN resolutions. The occupation and annexation has the clandestine support of the US imperialist
President Trump disgracefully pledged to recognise Jerusalem as Israeli capital during
his campaign itself. He promptly fulfilled his promise under the mediation of his Jewish son-in-
law Jared Kushner. It is suspected that Trump’s administration is in secret discussions with the
most despicable Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Jerusalem recognition. The US was
warned against the move by several international players. He seemed to be backtracked when
he said he was not shifting the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Suddenly he picked up
the most feared thread to please the powerful lobby in the US.
Trump’s decision is the proof for the obvious. The so called Palestinian peace process is
more of a hoax consistently put in place by the US. It has never an intention to adhere to the
peace process in general and Oslo accord in particular which was primarily a ploy to diver attention
from rising Palestinian movement, 2nd intifada.
Even more disgraceful is that the suggestion that the recognition is to carry forward the
inexistent peace process. It is nothing but a cruel joke on century long struggles of the oppressed
and occupied Palestinian people. The US once again utterly deceived the occupied and stood
with the occupying state Israel, this time without wearing any colourful mask. The latest chapter of
the peace process announced by the Trump administration is already dead even before it’s
Trump proved himself that he is hell bent on destroying peace process and destruction of
regional stability. With this, the Middle East region is permanently thrown into chaos unless other
world powers step in to rebalance the situation.
But the lasting solution of destroying Zionist occupation and realising the long aspired
independence for the Palestinian people can only be attained through unrelenting struggles of
united Arab working class masses. For this all Arab states should be united at least at national
level. Working masses of Arab countries should be united beyond borders. Otherwise the immoral
alliance of Zionist occupation and the dominant US imperialism can not be defeated.
India’s stand on Palestine in general and Jerusalem in particular has been mischievous under
BJP-Modi rule. While India has been a traditional supporter of independence for Palestine, two
state solution and East Jerusalem as Palestinian capital, since Modi’s advent as Prime Minister
it has not been the case. During his July visit to Israel, the Prime Minister Mode could not extend
his unequivocal support to East Jerusalem as Palestine’s future capital. He simply avoided the
question on his stand on Jerusalem. He did not answer when he was questioned whether he
would shift Indian embassy to Jerusalem. If he intends to support our traditional stand he should
have said so. But he did not. He further said that Indian stand would depend on the outcome of
peace process. This itself is going back on our historical commitment towards Palestinian people.
Indian working class, democratic forces should oppose this stand and fight against subservience
politics of Narendra Modi – RSS – BJP combine.


General Secretary

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