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On Christmas Eve Timo and I had to go to bed early. We were supposed to do

all the Santa Claus stuff because our little sister Kate still thinks that there is a
bearded guy who brings gifts to children. Our parents also wanted us to go to
bed early so they could start putting gifts under the tree.
While we were changing into our pajamas, I could tell that there was
something that Timo wanted to tell me. But I kept quiet and waited for him to
start talking. As usual, it didn't take long. But what he said was a lot more
interesting. He told me he knew what I was getting for Christmas. He said he
had seen my present in the garage earlier that day.
At first I didn't believe him. "What were you doing in the garage?" I asked. He
didn't say anything for a while. It sounded like he couldn't think of a good lie.
Then he said, "I thought maybe they hid my present in there. But I only found
yours.” I told him to stop lying but at the same time I wondered if he was in
fact telling the truth.

NOTE: First, write all the English vocab on the whiteboard, then explain all of it in English until most of the
students seem to understand. Do not allow the students to use any Czech while you're explaining the
meaning of these words. When you're done explaining, ask the students to guess the correct Czech
translations of each word.
✔ act ... act is like behave; when for instance a dog acts strange, he runs around or rolls around on
the ground or bites his own legs
✔ pretend ... when you don't believe something but you act like you do, you are pretending (e.g.
some of you pretend to be listening to me but in fact you are texting someone on your cell phones)
✔ find out ... when someone does something bad to you, you need to find out who it was and why
they did it; the best way to find out is usually by asking other people, thinking really hard etc.
✔ relationship ... when two people have a good relationship, they like each other and like spending
time together
✔ beard ... is hair that grows on both sides of your face; women don't have beards
✔ change into ... you're wearing something but you want to wear something else, what you do is you
take off your clothes and change into new ones
✔ can tell ... here is an example: when you're good at reading emotions, you can tell that someone is
unhappy even if that person is smiling or laughing
✔ take (time) ... it takes a long time to learn a foreign language as you probably know
✔ a while ... a while is a short time, if you stay somewhere for a while, you don't stay there forever or a
long time, but you do stay for some time
✔ early ... (výslovnost)
✔ hid / hide ... when I have something and I don't want anyone else to find it, I have to hide it; like,
parents have to hide Christmas presents from their children before Christmas because the children
are looking for them since early December
✔ lie ... when you say something that isn't true, you're lying
So, do you know what happens on Christmas Eve, that is December 24? In many countries, including Czechia, little
kids have to go to their rooms for a while so that their parents can put gifts under the Christmas tree. Then the kids
are called back and the parents explain that an angel of some sort has brought them gifts. The kids run to the tree to
open all the gifts and usually they are very happy to find the things that they wanted. In some countries, like the
United States, the kids don't get the presents until the next morning when they wake up and the parents have the
whole night to put them under the tree.
When I was a little kid, I believed there was a Santa Claus who brought gifts to little kids who had been good. Then
my older cousin explained to me what really happened on Christmas Eve. I was a little disappointed and I asked my
parents to make sure he wasn't pulling my leg. My parents told me that my cousin was right but they also asked me
to pretend that I still believed in Santa in front of my sister. My sister's name is Kate and she was only six at the time.
Our parents didn't want her to find out about Santa until she was older. I also had a brother named Timo, but he
and I didn't have a very good relationship. By the way, Timo found out about Santa before I did but he never told

be supposed to ... jako české "mám něco dělat" // x should, must, can
want sb to do st ... s vloženým předmětem // x want that he go
stuff ... jako české "věci" (stuffs) + the Santa stuff (to s tím Santou)
wait for st to happen ... čekat až se něco stane // x wait for coming
so that ... účelové věty "aby" // x to
yours / mine ... x the red one, a cheap one
posun časů ... "řekl, že ví co dostanu (co jsem dostal)"
at first ... x first
wonder ... zajímalo by mě, to bych rád věděl // x think
tell the truth ... české "pravda" (be right, be wrong, be true, tell the truth)

ok, so is there a Santa?
who told me there isn't?
why didn't my brother Timo tell me first?
who in our family still believed that Santa existed?
did I tell her the truth? ... why not?
so what happens on Christmas Eve? (parents put...)
are kids allowed to watch?
when do kids get their presents?
what time did we go to bed that Christmas Eve?
did Timo and I talk before going to bed?
what did we talk about?

A.T. (students talk among themselves)

(a) ask Brian ... about everything
(b) ask Timo ... about the garage
(c) ask Kate ... about Santa
(d) ask parents ... about Christmas Eve
(e) ask Santa ... about his job
(f) Brian and Timo (in their room)
(g) parents and boys (about Kate)
(h) parents and boys (about going to bed)
(i) mother and father (about Christmas Eve)
( j) Kate and Santa (about his existence)
(k) monolog by a Christmas tree
1. bez přípravy povyprávět intro (opening words)
2. vysvětlit potřebnou gramatiku (grammar)
3. nechat si povyprávět obsah intra od studentů
4. povyprávět příběh v ich-formě (za Briana) + přeptat se zda všemu správně rozuměli (inquiry)
5. rozdat doplňovačku (gapfill) a nechat studenty ve dvojicích ji doplnit (stačí ústně, bez vepisování), následně porovnat s
druhou dvojicí (A-B), průběžně chodit po třídě a radit
-- ještě jednou provést inquiry (v případě potřeby)
-- ústně se zeptat na obraty z textu (point out)
-- společně přeložit otázky (questions)
-- první A.T. (převyprávění příběhu ve dvojicích pomocí keywords)
-- rozdat/rozeslat gapfill jako homework
-- studenti mezi sebou (a nakonec adresně před třídou) vymýšlí věty na must-use
-- společně projít homework (gapfill) a vysvětlit proč právě takto a ne jinak
-- převyprávění příběhu z jiné perspektivy (otázky, monology postav etc.)
-- spin-off test (předchází mu intro, vocab etc.) - simultánní překlad studentů
-- adresný point-out (na každého studenta dva obraty, podle kvality jeho/její angličtiny)
-- překladový test psych-out – studenti společně ve dvojicích (zakrytá pravá polovina, případně ve verzi bez správného
překladu); lze použít i několik hodin
-- spin-off test ghost-style, včetně následného prohození papírů
-- další varianty vyprávění A.T.


Na Štědrý večer jsme museli jít s Timem do postele dřív. Měli jsme dělat jako že Santa Claus existuje,
protože naše sestřička Kate si pořád myslí, že je nějaký vousatý pán co nosí dětem dárky. Rodiče po nás
chtěli, abychom šli spát brzo, aby mohli začít dávat dárky pod stromeček.
Zatímco jsme se převlékali do pyžama, bylo vidět, že Timo mi chce něco říct. Já jsem ale mlčel a čekal, až
sám začne mluvit. Jako obvykle to moc dlouho netrvalo. To co řekl bylo ale mnohem zajímavější. Pověděl
mi, že ví co dostanu pod stromeček. Že prý ten den viděl můj dárek v garáži.
Nejdřív jsem mu nevěřil. "Cos dělal v garáži?" zeptal jsem se ho. Chvíli nic neříkal. Vypadalo to, že nemůže
přijít na žádnou dobrou lež. Pak řekl, "Myslel jsem, že tam třeba schovali můj dárek. Ale našel jsem jenom
ten tvůj." Řekl jsem mu, ať přestane lhát, ale přitom jsem přemýšlel, jestli náhodou neříká pravdu.

děcka, chceme abyste šli spát kids, we want you to go to bed now
nenuťte nás ještě nikam chodit, prosím please don't make us leave yet
sorry, ale jsou určitá pravidla sorry kids, there are rules
jaktože vy nikam nemusíte? how come you don't have to go?

copak nejsme vaši rodiče? aren't we your parents?

to nic neznamená that doesn't mean anything
co byste dělali bez nás? what would you do without us?
nebojte, budeme v pohodě don't worry, we would be fine

a kdo vám kupuje věci na jídlo? and who buys you things to eat?
to zvládneme, pokud nám dáte peníze we can do that if you give us money
co když žádné nedostanete? what if you don't get any?
no, pak s náma bude zle well, then we're in trouble
____ Christmas Eve Timo and I had to go to bed early. We ____ supposed
to do all the Santa Claus ____ because our little sister Kate still thinks that
there is ____ bearded guy who ____ gifts to children. Our parents also
wanted us ____ go to bed early so they could start ____ gifts under the
While we were changing ____ our pajamas, I could tell that ____ was
something ____ Timo wanted to tell me. But I kept quiet and waited for
him ____ start talking. As usual, it didn't take long. But ____ he said was a
lot more interesting. He told me he ____ what I was getting for
Christmas. He said he ____ seen my present in the garage earlier that
____ first I didn't believe him. "What were you doing in the garage?" I
asked. He didn't say anything for a ____. It sounded like he couldn't think
____ a good lie. Then he said, "I thought maybe they hid my present in
there. But I only found ____.” I told him to stop lying but ____ the same
time I wondered if he was in fact ____ the truth.

On Christmas Eve Timo and I ____ to go to bed early. We were ____ to do
all the Santa Claus stuff because our little sister Kate still thinks that ____
is a bearded guy ____ brings gifts to children. Our parents also wanted
____ to go to bed early ____ they could start putting gifts under the tree.
____ we were changing into our pajamas, I could ____ that there ____
something that Timo wanted to tell me. But I ____ quiet and waited for
him to start talking. As usual, it didn't ____ long. But what he said was a
____ more interesting. He told me he knew what I was ____ for Christmas.
He said he had seen my present in the garage ____ that day.
At first I didn't believe him. "What ____ you doing in the garage?" I asked.
He didn't say anything for a while. It sounded ____ he couldn't think of a
good lie. Then he said, "I thought maybe they ____ my present in there.
But I only found yours.” I told him to stop ____ but at the same time I ____
if he was in fact telling the ____.

On Christmas Eve Timo and I ______ to go to bed early. We were ______ to

do all the Santa Claus ______ because our little sister Kate still thinks that

______ is a bearded guy who ______ gifts to children. Our parents also

wanted us ______ go to bed early ______ they could start ______ gifts under the


While we were changing ______ our pajamas, I could ______ that ______ was

something that Timo wanted to tell me. But I ______ quiet and waited for

him ______ start talking. As ______, it didn't ______ long. But ______ he said was a

______ more interesting. He told me he ______ what I was ______ for Christmas.

He said he ______ seen my present in the garage ______ that day.

______ first I didn't believe him. "What ______ you doing in the garage?" I

asked. He didn't say anything for a ______. It sounded ______ he couldn't

think ______ a good lie. Then he said, "I thought maybe they ______ my

present in there. But I only found ______.” I told him to stop ______ but ______

the same time I ______ if he was in fact telling the ______.

DĚCKA, CHCEME ABYSTE ŠLI SPÁT kids, we want you to go to bed now
don't make us leave yet NENUŤTE NÁS JEŠTĚ NIKAM CHODIT
SORRY, ALE JSOU URČITÁ PRAVIDLA sorry kids, there are rules
how come you don't have to go? JAKTOŽE VY NIKAM NEMUSÍTE?
COPAK NEJSME VAŠI RODIČE? aren't we your parents?
that doesn't mean anything TO NIC NEZNAMENÁ
CO BYSTE DĚLALI BEZ NÁS? what would you do without us?
don't worry, we would be fine NEBOJTE, BUDEME V POHODĚ
A KDO VÁM KUPUJE VĚCI NA JÍDLO? and who buys you things to eat?
we can do that if you give us money TO ZVLÁDNEME, POKUD NÁM DÁTE PENÍZE
CO KDYŽ ŽÁDNÉ NEDOSTANETE? what if you don't get any?
well, then we're in trouble NO, PAK S NÁMA BUDE ZLE


co jsi dělal o vánocích? what did you do on Christmas?
proč musím teď jít spát? why do I have to go to bed now?
my jsme tady ani neměli být we weren't even supposed to be here
žádný Santa Claus neexistuje there is no Santa Claus

ten člověk co přinesl peníze the guy who/that brought the money
nechci, aby kdokoli odcházel I don't want anyone to leave
zmlkni, ať můžu domluvit (finish) shut up so I can finish (speaking)
mobil dej na zem a nechej ho tam (cell, leave) put the cell phone on the floor and leave it there

ukradni to zatímco bude zpívat (steal) steal it while (s)he's singing
jak jsi poznal, že to neví? how could you tell he didn't know? (did you know)
čekáme, až ten zápas začne we are waiting for the game to start
jak dlouho ti trvalo to vysvětlit? how long did it take you to explain it?

tvůj brácha je mnohem zkušenější (experienced) your brother is a lot more experienced (much more)
řekl jsem, že vím kde ti lidé bydlí I said I knew where the people lived
co dostaneme na vánoce? what are we getting for Christmas?
chvíli jsem si myslel, že jsem tě našel for a while I thought I had found you

co jsi dělal u něho v pokoji? what were you doing in his room?
nenapadá mě žádný dobrý název (title) I can't think of a good title
kdo tady schoval tu knížku? who hid the book here?
vaši hráči jsou horší než ti naši your players are worse than ours

kdo vám řekl, ať přestanete hledat? (look) who told you to stop looking?
zároveň jsem mu ale chtěl věřit at the same time I wanted to believe him
co když říká pravdu? (what if) what if he's telling the truth?
to by mě zajímalo proč mi lže (to) I wonder why he's lying to me
proč museli jít spát brzo jestli začal Timo hned mluvit * right away
kdo jim řekl, ať jdou spát jak poznal, že Timo chce něco říct
čí sestra je Kate jestli Timovi řekl, ať to řekne
jestli je Timo jiný než on jak dlouho to trvalo
jak jste se měli chovat co na tom bylo zajímavého * about
jestli Kate věří na Santa Clause jak zjistil co Brian dostane

jestli nějaký Santa Claus existuje proč mu nevěřil

co S.C. dělá jestli někdy chodívá do garáže * ever
komu nosí S.C. dárky čí dárek tam Timo našel
proč chtěli rodiče, aby šli spát jestli ho při tom chytili * catch
kdo dává dárky pod stromek jestli Timo říkal pravdu
jestli mají stromek kdy ho napadlo jestli Timo nelže

HAVE TO » Xmas bed early BE SUPPOSED TO » Santastuff
THERE IS » Kate think guy gifts WHO » kids think guy gifts
WANT SB TO DO ST » parents bed early SO THAT » must early – put gifts
PUT » after bed gifts tree WHILE » pajamas – Timo say
CAN TELL » want say THERE IS » something want say
WAIT FOR SB TO DO ST » quiet – he talk TAKE » no long start talk
A LOT MORE » what say interesting (TENSE SHIFT) » say know I get
(TENSE SHIFT) » say see garage AT FIRST » no believe
BE DOING » in garage? A WHILE » say nothing
THINK OF » sound no good lie YOURS / MINE » say think hide his but...
STOP -ING » tell not lie WONDER » tell truth?

co jsi dělal o vánocích? tvůj brácha je mnohem zkušenější (experienced)
proč musím teď jít spát? řekl jsem, že vím kde ti lidé bydlí
my jsme tady ani neměli být co dostaneme na vánoce?
žádný Santa Claus neexistuje chvíli jsem si myslel, že jsem tě našel
ten člověk co přinesl peníze co jsi dělal u něho v pokoji?
nechci, aby kdokoli odcházel nenapadá mě žádný dobrý název (title)
zmlkni, ať můžu domluvit (finish) kdo tady schoval tu knížku?
mobil dej na zem a nechej ho tam (cell p., leave) vaši hráči jsou horší než ti naši
ukradni to zatímco bude zpívat (steal) kdo vám řekl, ať přestanete hledat? (look)
jak jsi poznal, že to neví? zároveň jsem mu ale chtěl věřit
čekáme, až ten zápas začne co když říká pravdu? (what if)
jak dlouho ti trvalo to vysvětlit? to by mě zajímalo proč mi lže (to)


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