The Impact of TV Commercials On Mobilink Sales: Adnan Rasheed

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Adnan Rasheed

Rasheed, A., (2018), The Impact of TV Commercials on Mobilink Sales. Bachelor

Thesis, Management Sciences, Institute of Management Sciences.

This study is being conducted to know about the Impact of TV commercials on Mobilink Sales.

Because telecommunication industry has huge impact now a days through advertisements. It is

easy for Mobile networking companies to target their audience through Advertising. Therefore,

Questionnaires will be used to gather data because it is easy to know about the impact of sales

through asking people. Almost Every age group watch TV and commercials so Questions from

different age groups will be asked about different aspects and analysis will be done on the basis of

that gathered data and then that data will be interpreted to conclude the final results. Sample size

will be large to get the accurate results. It is often in the love advertising in which people of charity

have benefited, they pass on bucket to kick the bucket observers talk, they are frequently for their

efforts. (Stevens, M. 2011) with this, for California tourism shows bite the dust famous actors and

personalities kick the bucket bucket to try to convince you, the viewer, California to nook to occur.

A series of spot is simply a display of the bucket to compete in a series of continues. Mobilink

have an incredibly impressive marketing team designs and its packages and services to bite the

dust bucket changes in consumer behavior of customers. Mobilink was advertising and its offers

in lair different media such as electronic media to promote. Bite the dust to promote new products

by print media, such as glossy magazine newspaper newspapers and posters. Mobilink is exclusive

and special packages to country - your customers with different needs, it includes all types of

subscribers like people, business staff and corporate rate plans. Mobilink offers postpaid and

prepaid tariff plans to its privileged users.

Keywords: Advertisements, Sales, Impact, Mobilink


1. Introduction……………………………………………………….

2. Research Problem…………………...……………………………

3. Knowledge Gap and Purpose, Objectives…………...………….

4. Research Questions and Theoretical Framework.………..……

5. Hypothesis & Diagrammatic Model………..……………………

6. Research Design…………………………………………………..

i. Philosophy……………………………………………………...

ii. Strategy………………………………………………...………

iii. Method of Data Collection…………………………………...

iv. Population, Sample, Analysis………………………………

v. Consent & Information Sheet……………………………….

7. Scope……………….…………………………………………….

8. Ethics……………………………………………………………..

9. Summary………………………………………………………...

10. References………………………………………………..…….

Contemporary world recognizes telecommunications or TK-as the lifeblood of the networked

society. Telecommunications is a term from the Greek and means "Communication on distance"

through signals of the varied nature, pass on from a sender to a receiver. In order to achieve an

efficient communication is kick the bucket selection of a suitable means of transport for the signal

cap playing (and) plays a fundamental role. In ancient times, cave pass on the most common type

of production would be a signal by light (fire) and sound (drums and horns). However, this type

of communications were uncertain and definitely room for improvement, since it does not allow

message encryption neither is a fast transmission of information on a large scale. Broadcasting

transmission or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or information of any nature

by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems known as telecommunications

(Constitution and convention of the International Telecommunications Union, optional protocol

and recommendations, Geneva 1992). Telecommunications Service of Pakistan, the primary

industry telecommunications could be characterized as the telephony industry, a pass on the

transmission of language, bite the dust is a two-way process. Telecommunications and

Broadcasting may be administered throughout the world by an agency of the United Nations, the

International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Kick the bucket most countries have their own

agencies to bite the dust enforcement of the reform package for cave telecommunications sector.
Research Problem
This proposal has been considered to focus on the Impact of sales Mobilink generate through Tv

advertisements. Because TV advertisements have now a days very impact on sales of any brand

directly or indirectly. Mobilink should focus on TV commercials or advertisements because they

have greater impact on consumer minds consciously or unconsciously.

Knowledge Gap

Previously researches were conducted just to know about the sales of Mobilink but this area of

Impact of TV advertisements on Mobilink sales was not investigated by researchers. In this

research data from college and university students will be gathered along with working people to

know the impact.

Purpose & Objective

The purpose of the research is to find the impact of TV Commercials on Mobilink sales.

Research Questions

Here are the question/questions about the research to know the impact of sales.

1. Does TV commercials has any impact on Mobilink sales?

2. Is TV commercials a good source to communicate to people?

Theoretical Framework

TV Advertisements Mobilink Sales

In this theoretical framework we want to focus on the impact of Tv Advertisements on Mobilink

Sales. After Kotler and Keller (2011, p. 476) Marketing Communications is defined as "the means

by which companies to inform, to try to convince and share remind consumers - directly or

indirectly - pass on bucket products and brands kick nook dust you sell to bite". Pass to kick the

bucket the role of marketing communication is a differentiating feature/promoter for offers of the

company on the market and includes various types of communication, e.g.: advertising, sales

promotion, events, direct marketing, advertising, interactive marketing, word-of-mouth marketing

and sales (filling, 1999; Kotler and armstrong, 2010; Wright, 1995).


Ho:TV commercials has no impact on Mobilink sales

H1: TV commercials has impact on Mobilink sales

Ho: Is TV commercials not a good source to communicate to people?

H1: Is TV commercials a good source to communicate to people?

Research Design


There are four methods of research methodology: Positivism, Social Constructivism, Advocacy

and Pragmatism. The researcher is concerned with gaining knowledge in a world which is objective

using scientific methods of enquiry. Methods associated with this paradigm include experiments

and surveys where quantitative data is the norm. Analysis methods using statistical or

mathematical procedures are frequently used, and conclusions drawn from the research setting

may be used to provide evidence to support or dispel hypotheses generated at the start of the

research process (John,2008).It helps in enhancing knowledge and more dependent on scientific


The second type is Social Constructivism. Social Constructivism method is about deeper and rich

information (G,Kenneth,2015) Social constructionism is not just one thing,theory or approach but

rather it is a “creative resource” that enables researchers a new and expanded way of talking and

thinking about concepts. one thing, not one theory or approach, but rather a “creative resource”

that enables a new, expanded way of talking and thinking about concepts.
The Third method is Advocacy.It is carried out by people who are researching on social problems

and issues.It gives a clear message and gives support to your arguments. To identify pure reasons.

An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest (B.Franklin, 2017).

The fourth and last method is Pragmatism. It deals with the application of experiences , ideas and

perception. It gives clear indication to researcher to pick on of the perception about the research

topic and prove that (P.Jaloni, 2005).

My research method is positivism because its about the Impact of Tv Commercials on Mobilink

Sales.So numerical data will be required and its more quantitative rather than qualitative.The

conclusion will be based on sample to population because it is very difficult to take population

data for such topic.


There are seven to Eight strategies about collecting data for research. There are Surveys,

books,Case study, Grounded theory,experiment.All of them are good sources of data collection

but it varies from research to research and it depends on nature of the research.

Resarcher can conduct surveys and can take interviews from people in case of qualitative research

(Mike,2009).It is used when reasercher wants to get deeper and broad information.Some times

researcher uses questionnaire in case of quantitative data and that contains specific questions.These

questions can be open ended or close ended depends on nature of research

(L,lawkings,2011).Sampling technique is also another strategy of data collection (

M.wright,2013). Sampling technique is used when researcher wants to get specific information

about gender,area and time.

I will be using Questionnaires because it suits my research nature.My reaserch is about knowing

the impact of Tv commercials on sales of Mobilink. So, questionnaires can greatly help me in

collecting relevant data. I will select a specific large sample and will collect data from them by

using questionnaires.

Data Collection Method:

There are many techniques/methods of Data collection like Interview, questionnaire & surveys,

focus groups, observations, documents. And it depends on research which method should be used

to collect data.

Interview can be conducted in person or over the telephone or through Skype. Interviews are

basically used for qualitative type of research. Questionnaire is used for quantitative type of

research where you need to analyze your data and it is easier than qualitative. Focus Groups are

those groups which have something In common, it helps in collecting data about combined

perspectives and opinions. Observation allows us for the study of the dynamics of situation. It’s a

good source for providing additional information about a particular group. It can generate both

qualitative and quantitative data. Documents is the existing data in the form of database, meeting

minute or reports. It’s an inexpensive but an incomplete data source (Cyfar,2017) .

As far as my research is concerned I will be using questionnaire because I want to know “the

impact of T.V Advertisements on Mobilink Sales”. I will collect data and then by analyzing that

data through SPSS I will get outcome.

2- Sample:
My research topic is “Impact of T.V Advertisement on Mobilink sales”. The population includes

all the elements from a set of data while the sample consists one or more observations from the

population (stattrek, 2017).The population in my research is the telecommunication companies in

Pakistan like Mobilink,ufone,warid,Telenor,zong . The sample is Mobilink and I choose Mobilink

for my research because it is the top telecommunication company in Pakistan and Mobilink have

a large number of users and their network is very good ( I.rizwan,2016). My data will be single

stage and groups are stratified because I will be collecting data from students and business people.

Topic: Impact of T.V Advertisements on Mobilink Sales

3- Consent and Information Sheet:

Information sheet is used to get the information about participant and it is used to get help for

research topic and suit the audience. The language used throughout the form will be easy to

understand. Use simple and understandable terms.

Information sheet

Name: Adnan Rasheed

I want to know about the sales

of Mobilink they generate
through T.V Ads so I need you to
Participation fill this questionnaire based on
Requirements: your information and knowledge Interviewer Phone Number: ( 03401234567 )

Ethical Participation: Your Name and other information which you have given will not be disclosed to anyone

Name and signature :


This research is exclusively to know about the results of TV commercials for Peshawar region and

relevant sample will be tested to get the accurate results.The data will be of 2017.


This research is being conducted to know the results and no further information about the

participants will be used against them and will not be leaked at any platform. All the participants

given data will be analysed without any biasness and everything will be confidential.


In Pakistan, telecommunications to one of the largest sectors in "the" in the last ten years. That is

from a wide variety of network operators, fixed network and Internet service providers.

Competition is intense in the telecommunications sector by biting dust presence of different service

providers with more or less bite the dust pass on same offers. Uniformity of the offers makes them
less for pass on customers, excessive pressure to bite the dust companies to pass on services

attractive to customers. Show casing strategies in a higher market share to achieve integrated

marketing communication/advertising is crucial to nook. Pass to bite the dust significance of

advertising as a tool to attain certain objectives, convincing advertising practices seems promising

to attract new customers and influence. Special offers is a product of many other factors. Corporate

image could be considered, since the general impression of a company a the top of a customers

left (Balmer et al., 2001; Balmer and gray, 2003; Dowling, 1988). It is closely linked with the

Corporate Reputation (Gotsi and Wilson, 2001, p. 24).


Gallup. (2015, October 1). Gallup Pakistan’s Annual Advertising Expenditure Data 2012.

Retrieved May 27, 2016, from


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