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Pathfinder to Genesys Conversion

*General Conversions*
Difficulty Roll Conversion
Pathfinder DC Genesys Difficulty
1-5 Simple (-)
6-10 Easy (f)
11-15 Average (ff)
16-20 Hard (fff)
21-25 Daunting (ffff)
26-30 Formidable (fffff)

Pathfinder Base (Brawn) = (Strength+Constitution/2)
Pathfinder Base (Agility) = (Dexterity)
Pathfinder Base (Intellect) = (Intelligence)
Pathfinder Base (Cunning) = (Intelligence +Wisdom/2)
Pathfinder Base (Willpower) = (Wisdom)
Pathfinder Base (Charisma) = (Presence)

Usually you should round down but if a stat seems like you would rather it higher than lower to fit the
type of character, round up.
For mounts
Most mounts in fantasy settings such as a horse will have a minimum of 3 Agility for determining
speed and handling. 2 Agility and lower is reserved for particularly slow mounts such as a cow, or
oxen, etc..

Pathfinder (Base) Genesys (Final)

1-9 1
10-15 2
16-20 3
21-25 4
26-35 5
36-45 6
If the creature has no Con or Int like a skeleton, for calculation purposes treat the Con score as the same as Str
score. For the Int Score set to 1.
Example: So a goblin stats in Pathfinder are thus:
Str: 11
Dex: 15
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 9
Cha: 6

Starting with Str we apply the formula (11+12)/2=11.5(Round down). Check it against the graph his
Brawn is 1
Next with Dex 15 here we need no formula so we can check it against the graph. Agility is 2
And do the same for the rest of the stats you should end up with this:
Brawn: 1
Agility: 2
Intellect: 2
Cunning: 2 (Rounded up since goblins are more of a cunning creature.
Willpower: 1
Presence: 1

Wound Threshold
Wound Threshold is figured by the size of the creature 1st
Size Wound Threshold Mod 1
Fine 6 + Brawn Rating x0.5
Diminutive 7 + Brawn Rating x0.33
Tiny 8 + Brawn Rating x0.66
Small 9 + Brawn Rating x0.75
Medium 10 + Brawn Rating x1
Large 11 + Brawn Rating x1.5
Huge 12 + Brawn Rating x2
Gargantuan 13 + Brawn Rating x3
Colossal 14 + Brawn Rating x4

Then it is adjusted according to Enemy Type:

Enemy Type Wound Threshold
Minion WT Mod 1 x0.25
Rival WT Mod 1 x0.75
Nemesis WT Mod 1 x1.5
*Round up after final calculations
Natural Armor and Damage Reduction
For every 5 Damage Reduction add 2 soak to the creatures armor.
For every 4 Natural Armor add 1 soak

Converting skills in Pathfinder to Genesys should be pretty straight forward.
For instance Pathfinders Acrobatics and Climb both would fall under Genesys Athletics skill.

1.75 * (PF Skill Mod) = Rank Mod 1

Rank Mod 1 Ranks

1-8 1
9-18 2
19-33 3
34-53 4
54-78 5
79-108 6

All minion skills are counted as proficient. If the creature that has a feat or ability of some sort that adds bonuses
to a skill check that counts as proficient as well.

If the character has a 5 or higher initiative score than give the skill Cool(Pre) or Vigilance(Will), depending on
which characteristic is higher. Use the above rules for determining additional ranks in those skills.

Weapons stats are taken from the formula below.
Natural attacks should be reflected in the Genesys RAW. On page 108 of the Genesys Core Rulebook.

There is no hard and fast rule for this. The way I do it is, I look for a talent in the Genesys Core
Rulebook that comes closest to the ability resented in pathfinder and use that. If that doesn't work
then I look to see if the Star Wars line has anything close and use that. Finally if all don't find anything
in those areas I follow the rules for creating them on page 194 of the Genesys Core Rulebook. The
reason I go in those steps specifically is because those talents and abilities have already been balanced
and is a safer option.
I treat mounts like land vehicles except I use the Ride skill instead and deturming the stats for the
riding animal as thus:
Max Speed: ½ * Agility (Rounded up)

For enemies the skill they use to cast varies depending on which system you are converting from. Most systems
have a specific stat that is tied to spell casting use that.

My House Rule (Optional): Although normally nemeses is normal the only one who is supposed to have a
strain thresholds, as a house rule rivals that cast spells receive strain threshold of 8 + Willpower. This stat is
ONLY used when the enemy casts a spell and takes 2 strain.

Spell difficulty As a rule of thumb you should roughly follow this.

Pathfinder Spell Level Genesys Difficulty
0-1 Easy (f)
2-3 Average (ff)
4-5 Hard (fff)
6-7 Daunting (ffff)
8-9 Formidable (fffff)
*Note there may be special circumstances. Use this if you are unsure what difficulty to go with.

Pathfinder Genesys
Touch Engaged
Close Short
Medium Medium
Long Long

(More work on spell conversion is to come)

*Weapons, Armor, and Items*
Item Cost
Follow guide lines in the Genesys Core Rulebook page 199 for all weapons, armor, and other items that
effect game balance. You the Armor table below for determining encumbrance for armor.
For Misc. Items and gear use the table below. Since Genesys doesn't split up currency this is a way
turn it into a currency. The reason I don't just use the default pathfinder system currency is because the
weapons and armor cost need to use the same currency as the items for consistency.
Pathfinder Genesys
PPx2 Genesys Currency
GPx5 Genesys Currency
0.SPx5 Genesys Currency
0.0CPx5 Genesys Currency
*Round up on all calculations
For example a backpack in Pathfinder costs 2 GP. That equals about 10 in Genesys Currency.
Like wise a bedroll cost 5 sp. That equals about 3 Genesys Currency (0.5*5=2.5)Rounded up.

Rarity is more difficulty to pin down stat for stat, but this is a good starting point.

Weapons and Armor/Game changing equipment:

Rarity Examples
0-1 Simple (-) Most gear and goods and services
Simple Weapons, Light Armor and shield, 1st level Potions and Wands, 1st
2-3 Easy (f)
and 2nd level spells
Martial Weapons, Medium Armor, Heavy shield, 2nd level Potions and
4-5 Average (ff)
Wands, 3rd and 4th level spells
Exotic Weapons, Heavy Armor, Tower shield, 3rd level Potions, and
6-7 Hard (fff)
8-9 Daunting (ffff) 4th level Wands
10 Formidable (fffff) Unique Magic Items, 9th level Wands, Potions and Scrolls

Rarity Examples
0-1 Simple (-) Mundane equipment (worth 10 gp or less)
2-3 Easy (f) Mundane equipment (worth 11-50 gp)
4-5 Average (ff) Mundane equipment (worth 51-100 gp)
6-7 Hard (fff) Mundane equipment (worth 100 gp or more)
8-9 Daunting (ffff) -
10 Formidable (fffff) -
This is a rule of thumb. Don't be afraid to change it if common sense tells you otherwise.
Pathfinder lbs. Genesys Encumbrance
2 or less 0
3-5 1
6-10 2
11-20 3
21-30 4
31-40 5
41-50 6
Now that is the base. Modify it further by the following:
Pathfinder Genesys
“Light” in the name. (ex: light crossbow) -1
one-handed No Change
Two-handed +1
Very Flexible (ex: rope) -1
Per 1 step small version of the original weapon -1
Per 1 step larger version of the original weapon +1
All weapons have a minimum encumbrance of 1. Except something you would wear like brass

If similar items of the same weight and type, like shortbow and Longbow, and are two handed, apply
the +1 encumbrance to the lighter version then a +2 the heavier version.

Pathfinder Armor Type Encumbrance Range
Light 2
Medium 3-4
Heavy 5

Hard Points
Hard points are figured using the Genesys Core Rulebook Pg. 206 Which says the hard points is the
(Encumbrance value/2) round up.

Melee Damage
One-handed Genesys
1d4 +1
1d6 +2
1d8 +3

Two-handed Genesys
1d8 +3
1d10 +4
1d12 +4 or +5 (use best judgment)

Ranged Damage
Take the max amount rolled possible from pathfinder and that is the damage of the weapon in Genesys
For example a longbow does 1d8 damage, in Genesys it would be 8 damage.
For every rank the weapon has in Pierce -1 from the damage.
For weapons like 2d6 I would add 1 damage or +1 damage, per extra die.
Pathfinder Genesys
19-20, x2, x3 etc... 3
18-20 2
You shouldn't get to 1 crit unless you mod your weapon to do so or something truly special.
Weapons that are Melee (Heavy) should get -1 critical in addition to the base above.
You might add +1 or +2 to the crit for more nonlethal weapons like a whip.
Weapons with x3 = Viscous 1
Weapons with x4 = Viscous 2

Weapon Ranges
Pathfinder Genesys
1-30 ft. Short
31-80 ft. Medium
81-156 ft. Long
156+ ft. Extreme

*Magic Items*
When applying a potion effect turn the f into f and apply results.

(More work on magic item conversion is to come)

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