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3/8/2018 Bhavat Bhavam

Wendy Vasicek More Articles

Bhavat Bhavam
(from house to house)

Bhavat bhavam applies to the house that is the same counted from a Jyotish Basics
particular house in respect to lagna. For instance:- Question of Ayanamsha
Aspects of Nodes
3rd house is bhavat bhavam for the 2nd house (2nd from 2nd)
3rd house is also bhavat bhavam for the 8th house (8th from 8th) True or Mean Nodes
Home The Effects of 10th Lord
11th house is bhavat bhavam for the 12th house (12th from 12th) Cosmic Counterparts
J.V. Articles 11th house is also bhavat bhavam for the 6th house (6th from 6th)
Ruby - The Sun Gem
House Significations
The 5th house is bhavat bhavam for the 3rd house (3rd from 3rd) Vedanga
Significations of Planets
The 5th house is also bhavat bhavam for the 9th house (9th from 9th) Navamsha
Online Library Srinkhala
Download Books The 9th house is bhavat bhavam for the 11th house (11th from 11th) House of Father
The 9th house is also bhavat bhavam for the 5th house (5th from 5th)
Healing Power of Gems The Point of Deepest Fall
and Mantras The 7th house is bhavat bhavam for the 4th house (4th from 4th) Length of Year - Dasa
Medical Astrology The 7th house is also bhavat bhavam for the 10th house (10th from 10th) Identical Charts of Twins
Directory of Astrologers Jyotisha
The 1st house is bhavat bhavam for the 7th house (7th from 7th)
Horoscopes Jaimini or Parashara
Basically the bhavat bhavam, sharing similar indications, lends support to The Untold Story
Holy Tradition
(Parampara) the house in question. For instance, 5th house signifying inclination of Tradition v/s non-tradition
mind (intellect) indicates deep and wise learning. 9th house (5th from 5th)
Proof that I'm a Rogue
Biblical Astrology supports these attributes as it offers the opportunity for higher education.
(Parampara) Authenticity of BPHS
Mahamrtyunjaya In the same manner 5th (3rd from 3rd) also supports the significations of The 27 Nakshatras
3rd house which shows initiation into spiritual practices. 5th lends its The Use of Divisionals
Gayatri Mantra support with deep knowledge of mantras, tantras and yantras. Likewise
5th, signifying appreciation of entertainment and amusements, lends Bhavat Bhavam
The Process of Karma
support to 3rd house significations such as music and drama. 27 BirthYogas
Recommended Links Combust/Retrograde
Visitors Comments Further, as 8th from 10th, 5th house also signifies fall from (or major Role of Dispositors
change) in regards to occupation/profession. 9th house being 12th from
Recommend Reading 10th, supports this concept as it indicates cessation of normal activity. An
example here is the chart of Deepak Chopra with 5th lord Mercury
conjunct 10th lord Mars in 9th.

Deepak was a successful endocrinologist who had a major shift in his

career (1985) when he resigned from his position at the New England
Memorial Hospital and became the founding president of the American
Association of Ayurvedic Medicine under the auspices of the TM
movement...a complete shift from one discipline to another. 1/3
3/8/2018 Bhavat Bhavam

And again in Jan 1994 he had another major shift when he parted from
the TM movement and branched out on his own. Both dasa periods are
shown in the above chart.


A long-standing tradition in India has been that on retirement (cessation

of worldly duties) one adopts the life of a sannyasin or spiritual aspirant.
We see this reflected in the chart of Srila Prabhupada (below) with 5th
lord Venus conjunct exalted 9th lord Mercury in 9th house.

His biography states that in 1950 he adopted the vanaprastha (retired)

life; thus retiring from home and family in order to devote more time to his
studies. In 1959 he took sannyasa, the renounced order of life. Operating
dasa at that time would have been Venus bhukti in Mercury mahadasa.
Another significant connection between 5th/9th is in relation to literary
works and publishing. 5th house of literary works is supported by 9th
which gives the opportunity to publish such works. In today's climate, of
course, this includes all media such as magazine and internet
publications etc.. 2/3
3/8/2018 Bhavat Bhavam


This (same) principle can be extended to other Houses:

For example, as previously mentioned, 3rd house (amongst other things)
shows initiation into spiritual practices. The reason for this becomes
apparent when we consider how we may come to this...remembering, of
course, that these bhava significations were in effect since the time of the
great rishis so we need to take into consideration the principle of Desh,
Kala and Patra (Country, Times and Individual).
The normal path to initiation would have been (and still is in many cases)
that the native would seek a guru (9th house) by visiting his ashram (12th
house being 4th from 9th). The end result, if the chart supports this,
would be to receive initiation from his Guru. Hence 3rd house (4th from
12th) signifies the final result of the natives stay at his Gurus ashram.
Anyone familiar with the story of Milarepa (Tibet's greatest yogi) will know
of the difficulties he had to endure before his Guru (Marpa) would grant
him his fervent desire for initiation. Its an inspiring story of strong will and
unfailing motivation that ensured he would be willing face all obstacles in
order to achieve his goal.
The 4th house from lagna, as we know, signifies the conditions at close
of life. Lagna indicates our physical body whilst 4th from this shows the
final result i.e., conditions at close of life...see >here<
Lets consider 4th from 2nd which is the 5th house of literary works.
We know that 2nd signifies education, educators, imagination, poets etc.,
and naturally enough educational textbooks, written by educators, can
show the end result of their labours expressed through literary works
(textbooks). 2nd also signifies creative imagination through which we see
the end result of great poets through their literary works.
Rabindranath Tagore is a great example of this with exalted 1st/10th
lord Jupiter in 5th (4th from 2nd). No doubt his fame as India's greatest
poet was the result of his poetic imagination.
Note exalted Jupiter in 5th (4th from 2nd) disposits Rahu in 10th whilst
exchanging signs with Moon in lagna. This exchange of 1st/5th lords
gives rise to Maha-Parivartana Yoga.

It was during the mahadasa of Moon (1913) that Tagore was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Literature...the first non-European to receive this award.


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