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1 Electric Current and Ohm's Law 11. BASIC DATA ABOUT ATOM . Mass of electron = 9.11 x 10°"! kp Mass of proton. 1.67 x 10°?” kp Mass of neutron = mass of proton . _t Mass of electron = Jeep 55 of proton Diameter of nucleus is of the order of 10° m Diameter of orbits= 10° times dia of molecule Diameter of clecton = 10° m Charge on electron = - 1.602 x 10°” coulomb Charge on proton = + 1.602 x 107? coulomb: 1.2. UNIT OF CURRENT The charge on an electron is measured in terns of coulomb, The unit of current is coulomb per second and is called ampere. This Ly = coulomb _ Ag. 1 (Ampere ) = second = AT One coulomb is equivalent to the charge of 6,28 x 10! electrons. 1 emu of curent= 3 x 10! esu of current. 13. ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE Electromotive force or potential of a body is the work done in joules to bring a unit electric charge from infinity to the body. It is expressed in terms of volts, ‘The potential difference is defined as that which causes current to flowin the closed circuit. 14, RESISTANCE Resistance is the property of a substance due to which it opposes the flo v of electrons (ie, electric current) through it, The unit of resistance is ohm (Q ), Metals, acids and salt solutions are good conductors of electricity. Silver, copperand aluminium offer least resistance to flow of current and are called very good conductor of electricity. The electrons while flowing through the molecules or the atoms of the conductor, collide with other atoms and electrons, thereby producing heat. Some substances offer relatively greater difficulty or ixindrance to the passage of these clectias. ‘Such substances are called poor conductors or insulators of electricity. Some of the insulators are slass, bakelite, mica, rubber, polyvinyl chloride (P.V.C.), dry wood, ete. The resistance of a conductor depends on: ELECTRICAL ENGG (0 2 __ Ty Teng af conductor ~ it varies rectly swith the length : se Spas sectional area of the conduct ~ i aries kuversely wit the resarsechis a te vesisivity Le. the nature of composition, ef, of the material of which the conas made up ;and* fiv) Temperature of the conductor ~ it almost varies ¢->cUv with the temperature, Thus KR, resistance of acanductor is givenby = = p 4 or resistivity af the muteril ‘A = cross-sectional area of conductor. ditions remain constant, the current through ice and it remains constant. Thus where jp = speeilic: resistant 1 = length of the conductors, 1.4.1, Ohm's Lav, If the temperature and other con a conductor is proportional to the applied potential differen Applicd voltage Current = - rent = Resistance of the cizcuil Resistance = —Abilied volisee 2 exrcull © Current in Potential across resistance = Current x Resistance. 1.4.2. Conditions for Ohm's Law: 1. Ohm's law can be applied either to the entire circuit of a part of a circuit. 21, pant resistance and the potential across the par “When ohm’s law is applied to a pant ci resistance should be used. “The Oln's law can be applied to de as well as ac ciscults. However, 1m CSS of 2c cucuns impedance Z, is used in place of resistance. Thus 1 - E - —Apolied voltage —. = Z ~ Impedance in the carcuit 1.3, Conductance (G) is the reciprocal of resistance (R) an 6 OF d is measure of the case with which the current will flow through a substance. Thu The unit of conductance is mho( 1). 1.8, ELECTRICAL POWER Electrical power is expressed in terms of watts (W ) aud is given by Pe = =PR== / WeExisl r Power is also expressed in terms of kW (kilowatt) (=1000 W) ot MW (megawatt) which is 1000 LW or 100,000 W. 1.5.1. Electrical Energy is expressed in terms of kilowatt hours QgWh). Thus Wh = 1kW x Lhour = 1000 watt-hours = 1000 x 60 x 60 watt-sce. 1.6, RESISTANCE COMBINATIONS Sr eee eee in series: When resistances are connected in series, same current Movs B Fesistances, and overall resistance R, is given by R= Ry + Ry + Rs. «Also, Vey . = Vy) + Va + Vs = IR) +4Ra + IRs. ELECTRIC CURRENT ANO OnN'S | Fay 2, are joined in parallel, following relations bold. GOLDS % -— BAND O TOLEAA BaNOOTOLERNCE SOLOS BANOC DECIMAL MULTIPLIER, BAND B SECOND DIGIT BANDA FIRST OIGIT Fig.9, 1.6.3, Effect of Temperature on Resistance. Resistance of all materials is affected Dy-the variations in temperature. The effect of temperature in general is as follows : (i) Resistance of most of the metallic conductors increases with rising temperature, Gi) Resistance of non-conduciors or insulators usually decreases with rising temperature, 164. Temperature coefficient of resistance is defined as the increase in resistance per obm original resistance per *C rise in temperature. Thus @ = fa where Ro is resistance at O°C, R; is resistance at 1°C, J is temperature rise in *C. Usually a: is of the order of 10“ Q/0°C for most of the metals, Incase of insulators and electrolytes, c is usually negative. Temperature coefficient of carbon és negative. 1 in size and colow. codes 3.05. Resistor colour coding. Carbon resistors are physically sail a eee used to represent their value in obms, The scheme is shoaw in Fig. 3. Veri given in the table below : a 4 _ ELECTRICAL ENGG. (OBJECTIVE Type Colour Code Colour Value Black 0 Brown 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green s Blue 6 Viclet 7 Grey 8 White 9 1,7, DRIFT VELOCITY ‘The drift velocity ve of charge carriers is related to current by the equation 1=naevg where, n = density of charge carriers in conductor, @ = area of cross-section of conductor, € = charge on each carrier. A large amount of enerey has to be supplied to pull an electron from inside to outside of the metal surface, This cnergy is called work function. This energy is the characteristic of the metal. 1.8. SUPER-CONDUCTIVITY As temperature of metallic conductor decreases, their resistivity decreases. In certain metallic conductors as temperature decreases, the resistivity falls to zero at a certain temperature called super-conducting temperature. It happens for mercury at 4 K and for tin at 3.72 K. This phenomenon is called super-conductivity. Resistivity of semiconductors decreases with increaso in temperature Pr = po Fe, skhere E, is band gap energy, pr = resisttvity at TK, & is Boltzman constant. 1.9. NON LINEAR DEVICES. The devices for which potential difference V Vs current) curve is not a straight line afe called non-linear devices. They don not obey Ohm's law and resistance of these devices is a function of V or / e.g. vacuum tubes, junction diodes, thermistors etc. The dynamic resistance of such devices is given as where AV is the change in pd. ELEGTING CURRENT AND OHMS LAW. ONJECTIVE TYPE QUEST J. Redistivity of w wire depends on ° bi (A) power 1) : (A) tength (B) material Giese, = ‘oan aa (C) cross section area (1) none of th i ss a he above, 10. ing is 2. When n tesistances each of value r ne eat Of the following is not the same as connected in parallel, the : then ; resistance is. When thesen mesistmesrye (AD dulesee (B) amperedvolt connected ia series totalresisance ig (C) amperes x volts (A) ne (B) mr (D) (amperes)? x ohm. wz (D) ns, IL. One kilowatt hour of electrical energy is the a same as 3. Resistance of a wire is r obms, The wire is (A) 36 x 10° watts (B) 36 x 10° ergs streched to double its length, then its (C36 x 10% joules (D)36 x 10" BTU. resistance in chnisis 12. Aneleetric current of 5 A is same as (A) 72 (B)4r (A) SUC (B) 5 VIC {Cin (Dy r74, (C) 5 Cisee (D) 5 wisec. %. Kirchhoff's second law is based on law of 13, An electron of mass m kp aod having a conservation of charge of © coulombs travels from rest (A) charge (B) energy through a potential difference of V volts. Its (C) momentum —— (D) mass. Kinetic energy will be 5. The diameter of the nucleus of an atom is of (A) eV Joules (BYine¥- Joules the order of (OVAF Joules wy x Joules. (A107 (B) 10% m n ot 14, ‘The value of the following is given by tQ0""m (D) 10m. 100 (kilo ampere ) x (micro ampere) 6, The mass of proton is soughly how many 100 milli ampere x 10 ampere fimes the mass of an electron ? aonta (BOA (A) 184, 000 (B) 184, 00 nevis (D)10A. (©) 1840 (Dy 184 15, A circuit contains «wo un-equal resistances 7. The charge on an electrotr is Ynawa to be in pavatlel 16 x 10°? coulomb. In a cicun she (A) current is same in both cafrent fowing:ts 1 A. How many.ciec (8) large current Rows im farger resistor wall be through the cimait s ei mn (C) potential difference across each is same cote x10 (By L616" (D) smalier resistance has smaller (A) 1.6 x ~ 6 > anti te: 2 eyo! / (0.625 x 107 (DIOS XIN". 16 Conductance is expressed in terms of B: Mwo bulb ‘i 4) obmi'm (B) mobm Flog wat250 vai are joined mn series to 250 ‘cage iano? ae an ni 17. Which of the following could be the value of (B) 67 wa fae , : oa Ly of copper ? (CT) 100 watt (D) 300 want. viel J he the unit of second Anipe! Whos 10 2 oman «ote» 10° ohm-an (yt s 10° oun A copper wire of lenpth 1 and diameter 4 bus polenttal difference 1 applied at ts wo 1s 7 ends. The drift velocity is vv. If the g Gitmeter of wire 18 made ¢/3, wea drift : Aelocity becomes (a9 ve op wo WwW) vs. 19, Too resistances ft) and Ay ive combined { rocistanice Of 4.5 ohune whet In series and 1 ohn whew lu parallel. The resistances are (A) 3 ohms and 6 ohms (B) 3 obms and 9 ohms {C) 1.5 ohms and 3 ohms (D) 1.5 ohms and 0.5 ohms. 20. We have three resistances of values 20, 30 and 62. Which of the following combiuatioa will give an effective resistance of 4 ohms? (A) All the three resistances ia paratlel (B) 20 resistance in series with parallel combination of 3 ohm and 6 ohm resistance 3 ohm resistance in series with parallel combination of 2 ob and 6 ohm resistance 6 olin resistance in series with parallel combination of 2 ohm and 3 ohm resistance. al «) 21, Three equal resistors connecied in series across a source of emf together diesipate 10 watts of power, What would be the power dissipated in the some resistors when they are connected in parallel across the same source of emf 7 (A) 10 watts (B) 30 watts (C) 0 wats (D) 270 wats, 22, Current "in the figure is ELECTRICAL ENGG. (WEG AYE TYPE) (AVIA (B05. (C350 (D) 25.4. \ ” we = » 4 1 1 ™ yd 23. Fout identical resistors are firet Conoected tn fparallel ond thea Wm series. The resultant resistance of the fitst combination to the sezoud will be (ay 4 umes (B) } Alans (C) 4 times (D) 16 mes. Twelve wires of same kengtb and same ‘cross-section are connected in the form of a ‘cube as shown io Fig. 5. If the resistance of cach wire is A, then the effective resistance between P and Q will be 24. e ‘a Fin. 5 (AYR (BER 3 (ZR (Dd) $R, 25. When P = Power, V = Voltage. Current, R = Resistance and G = Conductence, which of the following relation is incorrect ? (A) = YPR (yP=VG 28. The ratio of the resistarice of a 100 W, 220 V 27, Which of the following bu: ELecA RENT AND OHMS LAW 7 OG = oe The unit of electrical conductivny as (Ar nihotmetee (BY mhovsa. mw (CO) ohavimetne (D) ohavsg. m, bs will : least resistance ? A have the (A)220V,60W (By 220, 100 w : (USV.60W (Dy 115 Vv, 100W, Fig 6 34, How many different combinalions may be obtained with ihre resistors, each having the tesistance R? lamp to that of a 100 W, 110 V Lamp will be nearly (Ay (m2 (Ay3 (By wot Bid (os (Dre a Mt 35. A wire of O14 num dlanelet and specitic 29, The resistance of a 100 W, 200 V lamp is resistance 9,6 micro ohm-cny is 420 emt long, (A) 100.2 (B) 2000 ‘The resistance of the wire will be (C) 400.2. (D) 1609 2, (A) 9.62 (B) It (13.79. (027.40. 30. Two 1 ki ! esis mer ilo ohm, 7 W _fesistOrs F236, Ohm's law is not applicabie to connected in series. Their combined (Asc ciel, iB) high eureans restarice Valea wate wil be (Co small resistors © (D) semi-conductors. eA 2k. Pw BTL Ww 37. A metal resistor has resistanve of 102 at O°C and 11 ohms at 160 C, the temperature 1 {C)2kQ, 2W (D)TkQ, FW. coufficientis BI. Which method can be used for absolute (A) 0.006257 C (8) 0.0625C measurement of resistances ? «C) 0.000625" (D) 0.625"°C. (A) Ohm's law method Questions 38 to 40 refer to Fig.7. 5 ‘ Fixe resistances are connected as shown 2 (B) Wheatstone bridge method the combination is connected 10 2 40 V (© Releigh method supply. (D) Lorientz method. ANN — 32. Three 3 ohm resistors are connected to form ea, Hi P M8 R 3 tnangle, What is the resistance between any two of the comers ? (A) 2 ohms (B) 3 ohms (C} 2 ohms (D) Zohm. ices are connected as shown in Five 1s: ot Fig 6 The equivalent resistance between the en 9 sili he 38 Voltare betucen point P and O points and B will be 38, Voltage Petwcen Pol sey tay ov 1g)225 (A) 35 ohms (B) 25 ohms ” ——ELECTIIGAL ENG, (OWM/NOTIVE TYPE (cy 20¥ (D) 17.3 Vs 39, The current Ia 4ohm resistor will be (A2IA (B)2.7A (C)3.0A (D) 3.5. 40, Least curreat will flow through (A) 25 obm resistor (B) 18 ohm resistor (C)10 ohm resistor (D) 5 ohm resistor. 41. Total power loss ia the circuit is (Ay10W (8) 90.2W (c) 205 W (D) 410 Ww. 42. A resistance of 5 ohms 1s further drawn so that its length becomes double. Its resistance will now be (A) 5 ohms (B) 7.5 obms (C) 10 ohms (D) 20 obms. 43, Specific resistance of a substance is measured in {A) ohms (B) mbos (C) ohm-cm (D) covobm. 44. A wire of resistance R bas it length and cross-section both doubled. Its resistance wall become (A4R (B)2R & (OR my 45. Ohm's law is not applicable in all the following cases Except (A) Elecuolyies ——(B) Arc lamps (C) Insulators (D) Vacuum ratio values. 46, The clenveat of electric heater is made of Lh —— te = Fig. 8. (A) figure A (B) figure B (© Gigurec (D) igure D. 49, Three clements having conductance G; , Ga and Gy are connected in parallel. Their combined conductance will be 1 As, te dt GQ’ a’ G GAG +aG+ GG" OT Gat 1 GQatG MG+a+G. Questions $0 to 53 refer to Fig. 9. 50, The variation of resistance of iron and some alloys with temperature is shown i The variation of carbon ¥ (a) © (A) copper (8) steel by (L) carbon (D) aichrome. 57. 5. 10° electrons Pass across the section of «AY curve A @reuves a conductor in | minute 20 sec. The current (OQ cuveC (D) curve D owing is 51. Curves A and B represent the properties for (A) ma (3) 0.1 mA materials which have (C0101 ma (Shab aw, (A) low resistance “Which of the fcliowing figures represents oe conductance. effect of temperature d (C) negative resistance 0a resistance for FLUOT IMO CURRENT AND OFM LAW (D) cegative temperature coethelent. ce Te TeMPEnATUNE Fig. 0, 52 Which of the followi temperature coefficient ? (A) Brass (B) Mercury (C) Electrolytes «,-(D) Silver, 53. All of the following have negative temperature coefficient EXCEPT (A) Paper (B) Gold (©) Rubber (D) Gutta percha, $4, For-the circuit shown below the current / flowing through the circuit will be (ata (C)2A 48. A cube of material of side 1 cm has a Resistance of 0,002 ohm between its oppevile fees. Ifthe same volume of the mater . 228 3 leagih of 8 cm and a uniform cross-section, the msistance of this lengih will be (D) 4A. (A) 0.032 ohm (B} 0.064 ohm (00.096 obrm (D) 0.128 ohm. \ sandind 60 W bulb is in series vaith a beater and connected across the mains. has negative 38. 59, 61. 62. JE th 60 W hulb ts replaced by 106 (A) tho fiewter quiput will torres (D) the heater output val redioce (e) the heater output wall wearing THO alwnintiny entuctors Length, ‘The crocsseetional we conductor fy four tines that of th sar the conductor having simaiter er q area has a resistance of VOO ghia 1h resistance of other cuaductor will be (8) 109 oti (D) 25 obi ter coil has (A) 400 oh, (C) 50 ohms A nichrome wire used as I the resistance of 1 2/m. For 2 heater of 1000 W at 200 V. the length of wire required will be (A) 10m (8) 20m (©) 40m (D) 80m The hot resistance of 9 tungsten lump 1 about 10 times the cold resisiznce, 100. Accordingly, cold nce of a 200 V lamp will be (A) 4000 2 (Cc) 402 Variable resistors are (A) Wire wound resistors (B) Thin film resistors (C) Thick film resistors (D) All of the above. Low resistance can be accuratel by (A) Kelvin bri (B) Wheat stone bridge (B) 409 © (Dp) 4.9. -(C) Wein's bridge (D) None of the above. A heating clement of a tat plat coking range draws 12 Vo mains. How many BWP i: electric from onsumed in ope hour (Ay 12 (ays (C60 0) 72 oo om 10 63. Tempersture coefficient of mesistance is expressed in terms of (A)ohnisfohms'C — (B) mhoy/cim'C (Cymbos'c (D) okmmss"C, 64. ICR, is the resistance of 3 coil of copper at 1°C and Rr is the resistance at TC and also the resistance temperature coefficient of 70. copper per degme centigrade at O'C is 1 then 2 is piven by wr ir Lee z 1+ 234.451 wi Ty Baas T 2344541 234.45 + 2 OnssT! Ose r 65. Resisivit{ is usually expressed in terms of (Ar mho (B) ohm °C ™ (c)chms'cm-square (D) ohms/cm-cube. 2 65. Which nuterial is expected to have least resistivity ? (A) Copper (B) Lead (C) Mercury (D) Zine, 2B. 67. The shunt winding of 3 motor has a resistance of 85.0 at 22°C. When the moto, Funs at full load, its resistance increases to 100 ohms. The resistance temperature caxfficient of winding per O°C is 0.004. The rise in tsmperature ot the winging will be 74, early (ay20C 1B) 50°C (70'C (D) 100°C. 68. The resistance temperature coefficient is defined as (A) inctease in resistance per degree centigrade * (B) decrease in resistance per degree centigrade {C) the ratio of increase in resistance per degree centigrade to the resistance at orc t , {D) the ratio of increases in resistance per 75. degice centigrade t0 the rate of rise of resistance at OC. 69, Two coils connected in series have ELECTRICAL NGG, (OBJECTIVE TYPE) resistances of C1 ots and 300 ohms and lempereture coefficienis of 1 and 0.45 Fespectively, The resistance of the combination at 50°C will be {411050 ohms (B) 1001 ohne (C) 1600 ohms (1D) 999 obs, 4 300.W, 200 V filament lamp has operatiog femperatuie of 2000'C. The filameat material has resistance temperature coefficient of 0.095 at O'C per “C, The current taken by the Lamp at the instant of switching with 200 V supply with Miemeot temperature of 20°C will be (AVIA (B)3A (C)SA (D) 0A. A fuse Is always installed in a circuit is (A) Series (5) Parallel, ‘The rating of fuse wire is expressed in terms of (A) Ohms (B) Mos, (C) Amperes (D) Watts, Which of the following material is not used as fuse material ? (A) Silver (B) Copper (C) Aluminium (D) Carbon. Questions 74 to 78 refer to Fig. 11. ‘The voltage drop across the resistor 9 will be za 8 “et 2 Fig 11. (AI (By 12 (Q9V (D6 Vv. The voltage drop will be least in. which resistor? (Ay2a (B32 (6v (D)3.2 and 62. BLL Fee a 0; 82 The ai] 0: 83. Tot (ay 7 84 A 10 Foon 16. The ilibe We RA 6. The current through 6 ohm resistor will be the bub is replaced by v G2) wy (TA B)2A (3A it 3A a Heater op will 77. The ratio of power dissipated { yer clad mall dere ramen or nawes dispsted in creuit ADA (C) Heater output will remain unghaaged wt (ys (D) Bulb will not plow (©)0.67 wiz 85. An immersion rod heats a bucket of water t : ee 15 minutes, tn order dha the water stool) 78. raya asspated in the cre i boil in 10 minutes (A) 80.'W (B) 100 W *(A) length of heaung element of tbe red (cy 120 W (D) 150 w. — should be increased 79. ‘The current carrying capacity of the fuse , (8) length of heating clement of the rod material depends on should be reduced (A) cross-sectional area ._ (C) supply voltage should be reduced (B) length (D) heating clement of larger diameter (C) material should be used. (D) all of the above. 86. A lamp of 100 W at 200 V is supplied 80. According to the fuse law, the current current at 100 volts. It will be equivaleat to camying capacity varies as the lamp of . (A) dismeter (B) (diameter (A) 50 (8) OW 1 1 (C25 w (D) 10 w. (Q) Gometer ©) Gomer? 87. Two electric bulbs of 100 W, 200 V are put in series and the combination 1 supplied 100 Questions 81 to 83 refer to Fig. 12, V. The power consumption ofeach bulb will 81. For the circuit shown in Fig. 12. the ve'"e of be current {will be (a) 102.W (B) 1004. W bad 20 2a (C) 1008 W (D) 100/16 W. 1 ‘Questions 88 to 91 refer to Fig. 13. a 88. Taree lamps are in circuit as sbows in ‘0: Fig. 13. The lamp of 100 W will bave maximum brightness when (A): key kr is closed, kz is open and by is closed = Fig. 12. (A)10A (B)ISA (2A (D)25A. 82. The combined resistance of the circuit is (A) 10 ohms (B) 5 ohms (©) 4 ohms (D) 2 obms. y 83. Total power dissipated in the circuit is (A) 25 EW (B) S.0kW (C)7.5 kW (D)10kW, 84. A 100 W bulb is connecied in series with a room heater of 750 W. What will happen if Fig. 13 10 «o Wop. dy fs elased and ky Is open (C) 4) Ivopsn, As is closed an Ay bs ator clase wt open closed, da is open and ty As ako 89, When switches &) and ky are open aid ky fs closed (A) 160, Wo lamp vill glow brighter th 20W lamp (B) <0 Wo lop will glow brighter Uh 100 W lamp AC) Botte will glow at thetr full brightness {Dy Bott will glow at tess thaw their f ® nan their Fl gy oar beighmess. 90. Which of the Following statements necessarily correut ? is (A) <0 W bulbs will always glow at full brightness: {B) 100 W bully will ahvays glows at full brightness (C) Whatever be the position of keys, at least one 40 W bulb will always plow (D) 91. 40.W bulb A will be n least bright 1 (A) only keys ky and ke are open (B) only keys (C) only keys (Dall keys ane closed. 92. The power consumption of the circuit will be maximum when (A) key ki and 4 are closed and kz is open (B) key &; isclosed, kz and ky are open (C) key fr aud ky are closed and ks is open (D) all he keys are closed. 93. Which of the following Jamps will have least resistance af room temperature ? (A) 200, 2209 (C) 60 W, 220 (B) 100 W, 220V (D) 25 W. 220 V. lever current flows through the ‘circuit, 100 W bulb will always glow. _BLILOTANGAL ENGG, (OEIEOT! 94, Pilanwents of vleetle bulbs are qatally ride of CAD Nichirome: (8) Tungsten 1) Copper {01 Carbon, 45, The value of supply voltage for $00. % Sohn Hoi bs (Ay S00 (By 100 1c) 50 (D) 10. 96, Whicl resistor will be physically larger ia size? 1ar10, 50 Ww (B) 100.0, 10 W 11k, 1 DP 1OM2, £ conn resistances Ry Ra Mo and Re ‘J in series against 220 V. supply. tw. ‘The resistances are such that Ry > Ry > Ry > Re. The least power consumption in (Ay esistor Ri (B) resistor Re (C) resistor Rs (D) resistor Ra «will be 98. 100 resistors of 100 ohms each ar connected in parallel. Their equivalent resistances will be . (A) 10,000 ohms (B) 100 ohms (C)1 ohm (Dy 1 70.000 oh 99. For a fixed supply voltage the current Mowing through a conductor will when decrease (A) cross-sectional area ef the conductor is, increased (B) length of the conductor is increased (C) length of the conduetor is reduced (D) cross: fength is decreased. ctional area increased and 100, When current flows through heater coil it glows but supply wiring does because, not glow (A) supply wiring is covered with insulation layer (B) current through supply Tine flows st slower speed. (C) supply wires are made of superior 101. Thee eos, mete te ik Ore 102. Io tee Vales Rist the a Sure Weat circuit A © 103.5 | 105. RIG CURRENT Ante oy 0D) resistive hacsunpty O8. The resi ‘ lon. sh Fesistance of 1 Meter fener COPPER Wine ts | obm. The chs Meer lenvih of 24 fauge 6 pre OF heater eit Hi no, Mee OF ome PP Wine SiH he £ fAY> £ ebm 38 1 aim 106. THT hita NGI igs ian In corte The ices mess tie a D) more thant ohm ANA wattage Al ha on a ‘sou SHOWN, the resistance R bate XAv Qa . Bis 20 RPE Om the cure. Shectat ) 2 ohms wreath cure ie. IAN Want ae the amount of SC in tsi 107. The resin 100 aan sistance he resistance af 160) 8 Fe aly c2¥) 19 ones Be cumeak ANNO EE (By) 16 t © value of the current in the (O) 4000 Fog. 14 (A) 8.33 A (B) 10.04 (C)125A (D) 504, 103. If the length and diameter of a conductor is tripped, the resistance will increase approximatley by (A) 62% (B) 332% (Q- 62% (D)- 334%, 104. If the resistance of an incandescent light bulb changes as the voltage across the bulb is changed, which of tie following is wue ? (Ay Tbe intermal inductano: of the bulb causes this change (8) The bulb is said w have a tow fonization potential (C). The bub has cons curva! thryngh the bully is changed (DB) The bulb is a type af pow-linear resistance. 105. Which exxthod cam be used for absolute resistance of the 2108. A cylindrical i 109. Three resistance of 6 by 10%. The per resistance will be (A) 18% (C) 20% as shown io Fig 15 resistance between ¥, Fy. 13. (ay20 ‘Baa (8a re 110. The unit of conductance is (A) per obin (a) oda (Cy mba, (DY ade, VL, Ghin's Law ts Got apple following caver ewepe (A) Bles taty sts (8) Ave Laps (E) tasulaions (0) Vassar gailion valves TPQ. bia whiiety al the Gutkaning alhags: sauce pales Ov ant adie AD UD y actor a HY tn ah oe (8) 10 ¥ across two 10 2 resistance in seres ©) 10 V across Wo 10 2 resistances in paratiel (D) 1006 °F across MQ resistance, NBA pi of shiver wire has a resistance of 12. A manganin wire has specific resistance 30 times that of silver. The resistance of a mapganin wire of one fourth length and one third diameter will be (A); ohm (B) ohm (C) 67.5 ohms. (D) 86.75 ohm. 114. cube of material of side 1 am has a resistance of 0,002 ohm between its opposite faces, If the same solunw of the material has hoof S cm and 2 uarfonn cross-secuon, alen, the resistance of Uus length will be (4) 0.032 ohm (B) 0.064 ohm (©) 0.096 oam (D) 0.128 otun. 115, The unit of conductivity ts (A) mho/meure (B) mhorsg. Mm (© chnvmene (D) obm'sg. m. 116. For the circuit shown in Fig. 16. the meter will read oy 1ca Fig 18. (AVLA (B)SA (C) LOA (D) 25. 117, For ihe circus’ shown in Fig. 17. the reading 19) the ammeter 4 will be (A)2A (B) 0.54 (C)0.4A (D) 0.24, According to Joule law bat produced by a current / while in flowing through 2 material of resistance R for a length of time T, is proportional to (A) T only (B) (RT) (C) CRT) (0) (PAT). In the colour code for resistances black colour represents the number (Apo (BE (C2 In the colour code while the number (Ayo (88 (c)6 — (D)S. 121. In the colour code number 3 1s represented by (Ay blue (B) orange (O ery (D) violet. The condition for the validity under Ohm's law is (A) Temperature at positive end should be more than the temperature at negative cad . Current should be proportional to be size of resistance (C)_ Resistance must be wire wound type (D) Resistance must be uniform. 123, In which figure the relationship between 118, 119. (D) 3. 120. colour represents (By ' 1 ®) e ZESTRIC CURRENT ANO Ot 5 tay vollage V la vt (A) Figure 4 (C) Figure c 124, Production of heat du by which law (A) Ohm's taw (B) Joule’s taw (C) Relvin’s law , Wvin's La (D) Maxwell's taw, 1510 aconance (8) Fipure B (0) Figure b. Ye {9 CUFTENE js related between volta BC and resistance represented in which group? eeUY LO ZV (A) 8; Fig 19. (A) Group A .(B) Group B (©) Group C (D) Growp D. 126. The maximum power that can be distributed in the load in the circuit shown tn 30 10 tN % 60 2 “joao Fig 20 (A) 3 watts (B) 6 watts (C) 6.75 watts (D) 13.5 watts. tA Variable resistance R is connected across 4 source of voltage V. If the value of the 15 resisuince Ky ai the Felationsinjs ty nit be sented hy which ue 1\ Fig.21 (8) Figure B (D) Figure D. AU, 1 W resistor can safely pass a current of (A) 30 mA (B) 100 ma iCd SO. mA (D) SOO mA, 129, The resistance to the flow of current through a copper wire (A) Figure A, (C) Figure C FA) increases as the length of wire decrease (B) decreases as the diameter of wire deereases (C) increases as the length of wire creases (D) decreases as the increases. 130. For the same voltage, the ratio Resistance of 100 W lamp Resistance of 25 W lamp (B)4 (Dy. length of wire (A) (C) 16 131, The voltage drop across a resistor of 02 is 10 volts. The wattage of the resistor mi be (ayiw ew Ao ca ww volt buth tag a Reckoner of 00 The auaber ef hones th ean wart for Co FW opeonysy conenined wae eo rose «oy 69 133. A seani-condeeter is AA) one which e volure rystevion hase enauhactivity 16. sane is betecen that af a eenduetor anit an ts only ball of applied tasulste cat mode of alienate layers of recites ervebemad al inenttabor yo has comfvctrsaty jnchysty of tasulator R= a7 1 Wand are connected to parallel Lc oonhined value wai fe IW 1B) S7kQ, 2W SESW (DOLAIW, ayy ect tha! (2) rosop.at has targe number of turws ® laser aumber 1 offers of (C) ect fas lower wattage rating (0) rhrostat bas higher wattage cans The equivalent sesistanur at the outs Xp +3 on the cacull shaw belay ao tise 1 Aide ar ede 16) G9 ce Dy UNS ary stecerical resi cag ie vont as chunpaned: | ne 19 120, The ¢ vat tay is thy a ty devon Mee Wore ay i foe fone wa f coniBevent ate citi Reside 1B) Ae (CV Non. mera (1D) Teenie arcut as The iota! not Serwee t= av i oe (ay id = 2 comune (c) 292 5 Sauibentin Questions 142 20d 2 ether oo he em given bel A certns passive chars, acme Ly a wuby of ee Me The prnver Deng vasoopuiny « Notre wll - : arin BAe WINWIW rasa se Whe foniet BeiDg Gtnnttraiue eran tive Willig (Maw ve BY wesw WY, WN 1 Be AWME iy A AS gn he Pe We vee a ge Phen ita re 4B), HARRY, wry s ELECTRIC C1 17 144, fo the above pp ob a inust Ber hove problem, the tenmunal voltage (A) dielectrics, —o Tee (O15 my wisy (B) supar-coudveror (sy (ys0Y, (Ch semi conductors 14S. The charge of an electron jg noun t0 be 150, ye eestor: 150. We have three 1 istances each of 1 chm. How many different valves of resistance cau , PS obtained by different senes-parallel 16% 10°C. How mua Pot L make it C of charpe 7 (A) one BY electron docs (B) one mi f (62 x 19H ne million Combinations if all the three resistavces are we (D)16 x 19°, remain in the exrcutt ? "clement et, Cmtering the terminal of an -~ (A) Three (B) Four ‘nt is Riven by the equation (C) Five (D) Six. m FU) = 10°? ~ 10" ra, 151. A resistor has the value of 349 and the € total charge Nowing into Us current through it is measured to te 0.3' ma. ¥ © clement Tye conductance is : between? = 1's ands = ‘2s will be nearly (A) 30000 mb 1B) 30 mh 3 mho. (B) we (A)22X 10°C (By LE rs G06 410% ‘ 10" = (©)0.33 milli mho (Dy 30 micro mio (D)06 x 10°C. 152, Resistance between X and Xr is 147, An electron in a vacuum tube is observed to fase 1.6 x 107° 5 of energy in moving te from point A to point B. ‘Tae voltage of —— point B with respect of point A is * 8 (A)-1V (B)+1V (C)-O1V (D) +0.1-V. Fig24 148. In electronic micro-cireuits, a resistor may (ay 10a (B) greater than 102 (C10 (1) less than 10.2, be fabricated from a constant-thickness layer Of semi-conductor material with conductor 153, When checked with an ohm meter an open connections at the edges as shown in Fig, 23, resistor reads If the resistor shown has resistance R, then a (A) zero similar resistor 0.2 millimeter by 0.2 () nigh: vaca wzrance millimeter has a resistance of {Gilow buivetzer ea (D) infinite. F 154. current of 1 mA flows through a1 MQ, OF mm 2.W carbon wsistor. The power dissipated as heat in the resistor will be fT 2W (BIW Fig 2st (0.5 W (D)0.1 ¥ cons . i wing carbeo (se man % wir Sas sal 0 XQ with 20% (C)R ome. tolerance ? es and silver stripes 149. Certain substances lose their electrical (A) Red, red, green resistance completely at finite low stripes temperatures, Such substances are called “1C) Orange, orange, black and gold stripe (B) Yellow, violet, yellow and silver strips ELECTRICAL ENGG (OWEGTIVE TYPO, (D) Brown, black, orange and no tolerance (A) 10,000 2, 10 W isa — iste lk (8) 100,000.82, 1 . A carbon resistor has to meet the following y Fequirements e {C1501 100 W if copia (D) 10.9, s0.w Gurrent: 100A. 163. A resistor iy to be connected across a 35 V . hallery t provide 1 nA of current. The Safety factor for power dissipation : 2 Fequired resistance vata a stulable wattage Which of the following wsistors will be rating 1s, table ? Suitable ? (A) 45.2, 10. (BIAS Q. IW ican ow (B) 0.52, 100W (C) 450k, 2 W (D) 45 KO, LW. 10 W 0 i 37 Y — @)509,1 w, 164. In the circuit shown below, heat produced in - A 10 ohm resistor with a 10 W power rating 5.2 resistance is 10 eal’sce. Heat developed is expected to be a ingQis {A) carbon resistor TA) 1 ealisee (3) 2 eadlsce + (B) wire wound resistor (C) 2 calisen (Dd 3 case. +) either F Wire wi sistor (C) either carbon or wire wound re Aen We eu (D) neither carbon nor wire wound resistor. au 158. Two 10 KQ, 5 W resistors in parallel have oO is Jent resistances of 5k and power wen | rating of wine (Ay2sw (BSW Fig 25 (O10W (D) 25 W. 165. For a cabor composition reasiyr colour 159. Which of the following is typical resistance coded with yellow, stoke Soames and ster and power dissipation value for a wire stripes from left to myble the vale af wound resistor ? resistance aid tolerapcy are, @jimnaw (B) 50kQ, 1 W (A) $702 + 10% 11470 + WOR, 3 * (C) 74902 + 50% (Dy TED = 5g {€) 5002, 1 W (BD) 10.2, 50 W. 166. For a carbon-composition resistor cole 160. A 100 k @ resistor with a1 W power rating coded with green, black, gold and silver is likely to bea stripes from left to right the resistance and tolerance an: (A) carbon resistor (A)50Q2 410% BS O = Su (B) wire wound resistor (C) either carboa or wire wound resistor (C)SQ + 10% (DOS O + 6%, (D) neither carbon nor wire wound resistor. 167. A resistor with the colour coded value of 161. Two 5 kQ, 5 W resistors in series have 1000 ohms and + 10% tolerance can tave equivalent resistance of 10 kQ with power an actual resistance between (A) 990.Q and 1010 rating of (A)25W (B)SW (B) 9002 and 110 Q (O10 W (D) 25 W, (C) 10002 and 1100 2 62. Which of the following are typical resistance (D)900.Q and 1000 2. and power-dissipation values for a carbon- 16¢ For carbon resistors what 1s the colour for composition resistor ? 49 ohms £ 5% 10% 172 The tolerance for silver stnpe is (A) + 5% (B) + 10% (2 36 (D) * 10% 173. Which of the tollowing can have positive or Ocgative charge 7 (A) Electron (8) Iron (2 Hole (D) Neutron. cb of the following parallel resistances will have the highest value of equivalent Teststance ? (A) 10K and 2540 (B) 152, 242 and 34 (C) Tso S00 kL resistors (D) Four 401.2 and two 1040 resistors. 175. In series as well as parallel circuits the equivalent (tota!) value of certain parameter is given by NeXt Xe Ky + N+ ‘The parameter ¥ could be (A) resistance (B) current (C) voltage (D) power. "76, The resistance of 2 150-scale voltmeter is " (b) Salt solution (Germanmum yi (8) Ferronicket abloy iin iSeny-< (AVEO). botnet) ea Bia On, & On, Che Gan ha cong (Diatand, bday, ete), a 179 In the eercuat shoven tations the (ka (By (tA tia Fo 26 180.In a nickel-cadmiunr-aikal clectrolyts is (A) sulphur acid (B) potassium hydroxide (C) zine chloride (D) ammonium chloride. a cell the 20 181, Which value of resistance P shown in the Circuit will allow 1080 watts to be dissipated Fig. 27, (A) 19.5 ohms (B) 145 obms (C)9.75 ohms (D) 5.55 ohms, 2. There are 8.5 x 10" fie electrons ia one cubic metre of copper, Woea the copper conductor is worked at 155 Alcm* the velocity of the axial drin will be SA) 114 x 1078 m/s #8) 1.14 x 10° (C) 1.14 x 10° m/s .D) 1.14 x 107 183, Two batteries have 2a opeo-circuit voltage of 12.8 volts cach and an interaal resistance of 0.08 ohms. The short circuit curent of ‘two batteries conzected in parallel will be (A) 80 (B) 1204 (C)160A (D) 3204. Questions 184 and 185 refer to data given below: A radiator clement supplied at 240 V + dissipates 2.4 MJ in 20 minutes, 184. The power dissipated in the elements is (A) 2000 W (B) 1000 W (c) 500 W {D) 200 w. 185, The resistance of the element is (A) 68 ohms (B) 28.8 ohms (C)14.40bms —- (D) 7.2 ohms. Questions 186 to 188 refer to data given below: Two loads X and Y, are connected in parallel to a 115 V supply. Load X takes 35 wacs and the total current is 2.6 A. 186. The resistance of X is ELECTRICAL ENGO. (OWECTIVE TreFy (A) 379 ohms (B) 291 ohms (©) 233 ohms (D) 190 ohms, 187, The resistance of Y is (A) 200 obms (B) 100 ohms (©) 0 ohms (P) 20 obms. 188. The power absorbed by ¥ Is (A) 528 (B) 264 W counw (D)66W. *- {Questions 189 and 190 refer to data gives below : A source whose no-load voltage is 220 V delivers 20 watts to 2 load when the current isO.4 A, 189. The internal resistance of the source is (A) 10 obms (B) 20 ohms (C) 50 obms (D) 100 obms, * 190. The maximum power that con be delivered by the source is “(ASW (B) 102. W ()152W (D) 242 W, 191. All good conductors have nigh (A) resistance (B) electrical conductivity: (C) electrical and thermal conductivity (D) conductance. 192. A light dependent resistor is basically'a (A) power resistor (B) non-metallic resistor (C) carbon resistor (D) variable resistor, 193. Voltage dependent esisiors are usually made from (A) graphite (B) charcoal (C) silicon carbide (D) nichrome. 194, The power rating of 2 470 ohm resistor carrying a current of 40 mA should be (iw iw (Cw (D) 2 ¥. ELECTAIO CURRENT AND OMe LAW 195. Resistance stow belowin 4 (AR (B)3.K (4K (D) 5K, Frg 28, 196, Voltaze d-pendent resistors are used (A) as curreat stabilizers (B) as heating elements (C) for inductive circuits (D) to suppress surges. 197. Metals approach super-conductivity conditions (A) near absolute zero temperature (B) near critical temperature (©) at tripte point (D) uoder the conditions of high perature and pressurp, 198.1n which of the following the resistance with riso in temperature 7 (A) LDR . (B) NTC thermtistors (C) Nichrome conductors () ACSR conductors, 199. The equivalent resistance of 2’ branches in Parallel, cach having resistance of A will be ? (A) 4ohms (B) 2 ohms (©) Lohm (D) Lohm. 200. Equivateat Resistance between X and ¥ ig (A) 500 (8) 75.0 (22750 (D) none of the above, otms Fig. 29, STATE WHETHER THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F): 201. Kircboff's first law is based oa the principle of law of conservation of charge. 202. Ohm's law is applicable to’all conductors of electricity. 203. Electrons in a conductor bave 00 motion in the absence of a potential difference across it 204, A steady current passes through a cylindrical conductor. Then the electric field inside the conductor is zero. 205.3 voltx I watt= 1 HP. 206.4 volt x 1 Amp = 1 Joule-sec"', 207. 50 electric bulbs are connected scross supply of 220 volts. After ove bulb is fxd remaining 49 bulbs are agsin coonectst te same supply. The illumination si be coe with 50 bulbs than with 49 but 208. In two beating coils coe is B= otber is thicker. Both ci material and leagth. Thess == el and then wm seres eben wicker wie Res energy and in series combiaains * a 22 : ELECTRICAL BUCS (ORLLETVE YyHE liberates more energy. in cach is same. 209, Twa hulbs one of $0 watt and the other is of 210. EME of a cell as a function of is resioty 25 watts are connected in series, then current FILL IN THE BLANK WITH APPROPRIATE WORD : 211A. fuse wire should be of material that has 217. A wire of length 10 mand radivs 1 nun hag . resistivity and 3 resistance of 2 ohms. Length of wire of same material Having radius 2 mm has resistance of 2.0 bs voces 212. Illuminating power decreases by . .when current drops of 20%. 218, If two bulbs of itera powers are joined in 213.A pot. difference of V is applied across a Pi meee of watlages resistor of length Land diameter D. If . ; diameter D ishalved, vu. . 219. Iftwo bulbs of different powers are joined in paraltel, then bulb of glows brighter. wallages 214. A wire having resistance of 1 ohm is bent through 180° and twisted, the resistance is ohms. 220. An clectric bulb rated as 500 watt-100 volis is to be lighted on a 200 volt supply. Series reistance needed to deliver S00 watt is 215. 100 watt lamp has than a 40 watt lamp, 216. Resistivity of mercury at 4 K is ANSWERS 1.18) 2.00) 3.(B) 4. (1B) 5. (D) 6.(C) 7c)" 8. 0B) 9.(D) 10. (B) MC) 120C) BA) 14 By SC) 16.) 1.08) 8D) 19.) 20. (BYE) 2DWLAY.- BLA). -24. B) (C 26.4AY 2D) AY. 29.) 30.) B)-32.C) 33.(D) 34.1) 35. (D) 36. (D) 37.1) 38. B)—-39, 1D) 40, A) SEU) AD) BC) CY 45.1) 66D) 47. BY B.A) $8.00) 50.0) 51D) SRC). 53.18) 54.4) 55, (D) 56, tA) S7.(D) SRC) 58.1) GLKA ILA) 62.(8) 63 (A). co 65.(D) 664A) 67.10) BL). (D.C) 71, (A) 72.40) BAD) 788) 75.1) 16.10). (8) 89. (D) 80. (B) 51D) 82.(C) 83.14) BS. (BY 85. (B86, «C) 87.(D) 88. (B) 89. (B) 90. (D) SICA) 92.(AY 93, (Ay 94.(B) 95. (C) 96. (A) 57.(D) 98. (C) 99. (BY 100. (D) 101. (Dy 102. (B) 103. (C) 104. (D) (D) 106. (B)— 107.) 108. (B) 109.) 110. «DY 111, «C) 11, (C) (C) 114. (D) MS.(A) 116.4) 117, (C) 118. (D) 119. (A) 120. (A) 521.) 122. (D) 123. (B) 124, (By 125. (a) 126. (C) 127. (B) 128, (A) F2.1C) 130.(D) 131.13) 132.0) 133.48) 134, Dy 135, (D) 136. (B) F7. (Ey 138. (A) 139. (D) 140.) 141. (DY 44, (D) 143. (C) 144. (C) FEC) 146, (A) TAT. (CY 148. (C) 149. (BY 150, (By 151, (C) 192. (C) ELECTRIC CURRENT AND OHM'S LAW 23 ISD) 154.8) 155 «Dy 156. 1D) 157. (B) —158.(C) 159. (D) 160. 1A) 161. «Cy {BY 165.) 168, (BY 165. BY 166. (C) 167. (B) 168, (AD 169. (A) (Dy WY VTL (Dy 173, (B) 174. (C) 175. (D) 176, (D) 177. «Cy (De VIOAC) 180. 1By ASIA) 182, (C) 183. (D) 184, (A) ISS. (BY A BSAC 8. (By 189.4) 190, (DY 194. (0) 192, (D) 193. (C) AC) POX 196. (D) 197. A) 198. (BY 199, (D) 200, 1) 21. (T) iF UF) 204, (Fy 205. F) 206, CT) 207. F) 208, TY 209, (T) vy 211, Highilow Nd 30% 213, No change 214, 0.25 215. lesser 216, zero 217, 40m" 218, lower 219, higher 220, 204d, of enuf, is an arrangement WHICTH SUPPEes Aor A source trons in a conductor & particular direct movement of the free elec (a) Primary cells. An electrochemical cell which cannot b be replaced is called a primary cell. The first electrochemical cell was invented by Luigi Galva ‘Alessandro Volta in 1800 and is called simple Voltaic cell. Af Leclanche cell, Bunsen cell, Fuel cell etc. {b) Secondary cells. A sccondary cell is one in whict electrical energy but they do so only when they are charged by source. These are also called accumulators or storage cells. 1 cell) are commonly used secondary cells. NEGATIVE POST ERCAP 5 cru i; SEDIMENT SPACE Fig. 1. Battery (G 2. EMF, (Electromotive Force) of a ma is two electrodes of the cell when it is in open-circuit (i.e. Iniernal resistance of a cell ts defined as the res of the cell wheo current flows through the cell, Internal resistance *b* of a cell: (i) locreases with increase in distance between two electrodes, (ii) Decreases with coucentration of electrolyte, (ii) Decreases with increase in arva of the plates inside electrolyte, (iv) Decreases by increasing the size of electrodes, (v) Increases with age of cell. Terminal- voltage (Available p.d.) is defined as the potential difference between two electrodes of the cell when it is ia closed circuit (i.e, current passes through it). If (a) Curent 1 is drawn from it then terminal-voltage V is tess than exm.f. E by an amount equal to potential drop (/s) across the internal resistance of cell V=E-Iborb= Cu V= IR) where R is extemal resistance. (b) Curreat / is passed through cell from external source from + ve electrode to -ve electrode of cell, then V=E+lb In this case V > E (This happens when a cell is charged). - 2.1.2. Faraday's Laws of Electrolysts First Law, “The mass (Am) of ions liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of change ( Aq ) passing through the electrolyte”. Am = ZAq = ZI At. Zis called E.C.E. (Electro-chemical eauivalent) of the substance of the electrolyte. + Fogifme£k, . Faraday's constant {s equal to the charge required to liberate the mass of sub electrode equal to its chernical equivalent during electrolysis, 2.2. PRIMARY CELLS 2.2.1, Simple voltaic cell. It consists of a glass vessel containing dilute sulphuric acid as electrolyte, ‘Two rods one of copper and the other made of zine are placed in dilute sulphuric acid. Action, Zinc atoms in contact with dilute sulphuric acid give up electrons as belo Zo —— Zn + 2° The Zn** ions pass into the electrolyte and their Concentration is very ligh near the zine electrode. As a result of the above oxidajion reaction, zinc electrode is left negatively charged and hence it acts as cathode. Fig. 2. ‘The dilute sulphuric acid and water dissociate into hydronium ions (represented 2 more commonly as H)O*) as given below: - H2SOu + 2120 + 2H)O* + SOc” Due to high concentration of Zn” ions near tre cathode, the HyO° ions are repelle copper electrode and get discharged by removing electrons from the copper atoms, reaction takes place at the anode : 2HyO" + 2e7 —-+> 2H0 +H. As a result of the reduction reaction taking place at copper electrode, copper is charged and hence it acts as anode. Voltaic cell suffers from the following two defects : Local action, The zinc rod comains impurities like iron, carbon etc. These impuriti surface of ~inc, come in contact with the acid and form minute cells. Due to this, loc produced in zinc rod which result in the wastage of zine. This defect 1s called local actic This defect can be removed by amalgamating the zinc rod with mercury. Polarisation. The positive hydrogen ions travel towards copper rod and transfe charge to copper. The hydrogen gas, then, escapes through the solution in the form of bubbles. In doing so, a part of the hydrogen gas gets deposited on the copper rod in the form of 4 a neutral layer. It, uien, stops the inflow of charge and the e.m.f. of the cell falls. This defect can be removed by brushing off the hydrogen from time to time or by using a depolariser, which will convert hydrogen gas into water. 2.2.2, Denial cell. Denial cell consists of, a copper vessel containing copper sulphate solution. The copper vessel itself acts as the positive clectrode. A porus pot containing dilute sulphuric, acid is placed in the copper vessel (Fig. 3). omalgamated zioc rod Sippiog inside the sulphuric acid sures OF ee Acts as negatlve electrode, Action, When the ctreult is com ; : pleted, dilute sulpph eacls with ais liberate hydrogen gas, The reaction takes place as cee acta in porous pot reacts wath v1 20 + HS. —— znso. + Hy, Porous pot does nto affect the working of ie cell, until crystals of tr The formation of Z0SO. in ZaSO, are deposited. ‘The hydrogen gas passes through the porous pot and reacts with CuSOx solution as below Hz + CuSO. ——_, HrSO. + Cu Copper so formed gets deposited ou the copper vessel ‘The use of amalgamated zine rod axoids the local action, while coppet sulphate solution acts as depolariser. As the concentration of copper R per sulphate solution remains constant, ils eum constant, Denial cell possesses esm.f. equal to 1.12 volt, eee 2.2.3. Leclanche cell. Leclanche cell 2 enniects ROD Consists of glass vessel comaiving a strong solution of ammonium chloride, ihe amalgamated zine rod dipping i n Bin tbe zacRCD— aous ammonium chloride solution acts as the aaa. negative electrode, The positive electrode is saxrune or a carbon rod placed inside a porous pot and Moe ReS cussain the empty space in the porous pot is filled — wancanese with manganese dioxide and charcoal DIOXIDE AND. powder. (Fig. 4). CHARCOAL Action, When the circuit is completed, 7 Zn rod and NHACI solution react as below : ‘9 Zo + 2NHsCl —~ ZnCiz + 2NH3 + Hy ‘Ammonia gas is set free, while the hydrogen gas passes into MoO: contained in the porous pt and the following reaction takes place : 2MnO; + Hy ——> Mm; + 1:0. ‘M0203 gets oxidised to MnO; by acquiring oxygen from the air according to followings schem= : Ma,0) + O——> 2Mn02. HCA SOL — arass cP The emf. of a Leclanche cell is 1.45 volt. see sea 2.2.4, Dry cell. A dry cell is a portable form of a oe ep Leclanche cell (Fig. 5). It consists of a zinc container - which acts as the negative clectrode. It contains a paste of | me, saw dust saturated with a solution chloride and zinc chloride. Acarbon rod aie ceo ae 1 asin aa ectrode is ered with a brass cap. . as the positive electrode and is covered s sotto i: 1 osely packed mixture of charcoal Lae It is surrounded by a clo Cf and manganese dioxide in a muslin bag. , i SE Action. When the circuit is completed, zinc aloms falcons 4 got oxidized by giving up clecons as below ron Zn —— Zn + 26° ‘Thus, Zarrod becomes negatively charged. NACI disseciates tate NIG ant CL toon as piven below NEV n NH tous remove elcetroits front the Carbon ral teasing Mt pastively PrEREHM around INe EHO OA! the fallow ing reaction takes p WMnOy 4 INN 2e Since carbon text is poutiycly charged and rive container Is negatively charged, #n OMS. OF 1S V is set up in a dry cell, The Gry cells are manufactured in different sires pred voeds. 23. SECONDARY CELLS A secondary cell 1s one un which chemical enemy is converted into electrical energy bet they de soonly when they are charged by passing current through them by some source Secondary cells are also called eccumulators of storage cells, These are of two types: 1. Lead acid cell.” 2. Edison alkali cell 24.1. Lead acid cell. Ht consists of a hart rubber, glass or celluloid container which ACCOMPALIES plates, separators, electrolyte ete. The positive plate consists of o thin rectangular pri The paste of lead peroride is filled 1m the grids, The negative plate consists of similar pid frame work and a paste of spongy lead is filled in the ends. Plate connectors are made of pre lead, The electrolyte is dilute sulphune acid . Mts capacity is measured in ampere-hour, which is its ability to discharpe of a curent of ope ampere continuonsly for one hour, Thus, an 80 ampere hour cell can give a continuous supply of a curreat of § ampere for 10 hours or 4 ampere supply for 20 hours. (2) Discharging. When it is Cully charged, its em, is 2.2 volt, which falls to 20 voll, when used. The sulpbunc acid dissociates into bydrogen and sulphate ions. At the anode, hydropea ‘combives with the orygen of the POO; and sulphuric acid attacks lead to fon PRSO. ic. PhO; + H:+ H,SO. — PLSO4 + 2H:0 Al the cathode, SO, ions combine with lead to form PbSO4 . Lc. Pb + SOs —— PHSO.. cathode become PSO. Due to formation of water, specific pravity and abo 4 to suit particotar Thus, both anode a the em. of the cell falls (b) Recharging. When the cell is connected to a battery charger, the hydrogen ions move to cathode, sulphate ions go to anode and the following reactions take place + At cathode: PhSO. + Hi» Ph + HiSOx, At anode : PDSO« + SO« + 2H30 —> PbO? + 2H:SO. Due to consumption of water, specific gravity of HaSO4 increases ancl the vollage poes up again te 22 volt. Since this cell needs a tot of care, when it is to be used in laboratory, it is beug replaced by alkaline cells, Also, itis heavy as compared to alkali cell, 2.3.2. Edison alkali cell (NU~Fe cell), Ils positive plate consists of a mumber of tubes of Perforated steel ribbon, wound spirally and held together by stect rings. The thes are nickel plate. The active material cousisting of Ni (OW) and Makes of metallic nickel are packed into the nkckel plated steel tubes in alternate layers. The negative plate Is made from finely perforated nicketed stect strip, stamped tuto pockets! The SOURCES OF E ME, Pecketsare filled with powdered ing oxide, he pltes are separated from on another by hard rubber stnps. The chemical changes duriug charging and discharging can be tepneseutes by the followiug reversible equation : NiOH) + KOH + Fe = Non. The ee. of the fuly charg This cell is hight portable a; its intemal resistance is greater Charging rate. Wi capacity. It has t0 be cell voltage measures a; Sntiolled through appropriat Pproximately 2.7 y ed cell is 1.75 vottand it falls t nd does nol need special cane, {ha that ofthe fead accumulat Ith the normal rate of charging the and the specific nis approximately 10 times hi KOH + Fe(OH). 10 1.2 volt after it gets discharged, Itis more durable and robust. However, for and its efficiency is low charging current should be 1/1 of the rs. Charging should be contaved ull the Eravity of electrolyte is 1.258 gmn’eu cn. lc resistoi sher. But in doing this the ‘ged Ouly t9 about 30% of its ‘apscity. namely uptd a cell voltage of 2.4 V. EINE Fate should be reduced to the hormal charging current, Charging currentat Charging current at Charging current Primary charge (amps) recharging (amps) high-rate charging (amps) -3 45 | 45 35 5 50 4 6 60 45° , _7? 70 5 | 75 | 75 6 9 90 10S iF 65 9.5 I 95 State of charge Specific gravity (gmvcu. cm) | Freezing point ‘ully charged 1.285 | -65C falf way charg 908 ‘

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