Low-Cost Alternative For Signal Generators in The Physics Laboratory

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Low-Cost Alternative for Signal Generators in the Physics Laboratory

Shirish Rajan Pathare, M. K. Raghavendra, and Saurabhee Huli

Citation: The Physics Teacher 55, 301 (2017); doi: 10.1119/1.4981039

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1119/1.4981039
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Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers
Low-Cost Alternative for Signal
Generators in the Physics Laboratory
Shirish Rajan Pathare, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai
M. K. Raghavendra, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India
Saurabhee Huli, St. Xaviers College, Mumbai, India

ecently devices such as the optical mouse1,2 of a com- Description of the assembly
puter, webcams,3 Wii remote,4 and digital cameras5
The assembly consists of:
have been used to record and analyze different physical
phenomena quantitatively. Devices like tablets and smart- 1. An Android tablet with Signal Generator application
phones6-10 are also becoming popular. Different scientific installed on it and
applications available at Google Play (Android devices) or the 2. An amplifier circuit from a USB speaker.
App Store (iOS devices) make them versatile. One can find
many websites that provide information regarding various sci- Android tablet with Signal Generator application
entific applications compatible with these systems.11-14 A vari- The Android tablet used is a product from Swipe Telecom
ety of smartphones/tablets are available with different types of (Model name: 3D Life+HDMI). The advantage of using a tab-
sensors embedded. Some of them have sensors that are capable let is that the application interface is displayed over its wide
of measuring intensity of light, sound, and magnetic field.10 screen. It has various control buttons and ports.
The camera of these devices has been used to study projectile The Signal Generator app is available at the Google Play
motion, and the same device, along with a sensor, has been store, and it can produce sine, square, triangular, and saw
used to study the physical pendulum.6 Accelerometers have tooth signals. The icon and the application interface are
been used to study free and damped harmonic oscillations and shown in Fig. 1.
to measure acceleration due to gravity.7,8 Using accelerometers
and gyroscopes, angular velocity and centripetal acceleration Amplifier circuit from a USB speaker
have been measured.9 The coefficient of restitution for a ball The USB speakers have an inbuilt amplifier circuit, which
bouncing on the floor has been measured using the applica- also acts as an impedance matching interface between input
tion Oscilloscope on the iPhone.8 In this article, we present the audio source and the speaker (Fig. 2). We used the Logitech
use of an Android device as a low-cost alternative for a signal USB Z120 speakers for our assembly [Fig. 2(a)]. The ampli-
generator. We use the Signal Generator application installed fier circuit, inside the speaker, was removed and placed in a
on the Android device along with an amplifier circuit. plastic box as shown in Fig. 2(c). The output terminals of the
amplifier circuit [Fig. 2(b)] can be used to drive the external
The Signal Generator Assembly circuits for different applications. Since these amplifiers are
Signal generators (SG) are used in physics experiments that meant for signals coming from music players, its fidelity
require an alternating signal. SGs should drive circuits with (frequencies do not get altered) is of high quality. Further, the
high as well as low input impedance. Commonly available low- amplifiers are used for driving low impedance speakers and
cost SGs have output impedance from 50  to 600 . Any cir- hence the signal strength is good enough to drive low imped-
cuit with input impedance lower than 50  will load the gen- ance circuits [Fig. 2(c)].
erator. Moreover, the frequency knob adjusted on a particular The amplifier circuit gets its input signal from the audio
frequency mark does not guarantee an alternating signal with port of the tablet. The output of the amplifier circuit [Fig.
the same frequency. 2(b)] is connected to two banana sockets on the amplifier
To overcome some of these problems, we present a low-cost box, which will act as the output terminals of the SGA [Fig.
but efficient alternative. An SG can be built with an Android
tablet/smartphone along with a commonly available ampli-
fier circuit obtained from a USB speaker. We call it a “Signal
Generator Assembly” (SGA). We also describe the results of
various experiments performed using this new assembly. The
low cost and easy availability of both of these devices make
this assembly versatile. This assembly can also run on power
banks, thereby making it portable and usable in countries with
frequent power shutdowns.

Fig. 1. Signal Generator application.

DOI: 10.1119/1.4981039 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017 301
(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2. (a) USB speaker. (b) The amplifier circuit in the speaker. (c) The amplifier box used in our assembly.

2(c)]. The amplifier circuit needs 5 V DC biasing, which can

be obtained from a USB charger or a regulated power supply.
The schematic diagram of the SGA is shown in Fig. 3.

The application interface has a waveform selector that can
be used to choose the different types of signals that can be
supplied (Fig. 4). The amplitude and frequency of the wave-
form can be varied in different ways.

Amplitude variation Fig. 4. Amplitude and frequency variation.

The amplitude of the signal can be varied in three ways:
1. The amplitude slider on the application interface (Fig.
2. The volume up/down button of the tablet
3. The variable knob of the amplifier circuit [Figs. 2(c)
and 3]
The maximum voltage that a signal can have varies with
each Android device. The SGA (with our tablet) delivered up
to 5.0 Vp-p.
Fig. 5. Frequency changing field.

Signal Generator Assembly testing

In this section we show a comparison between the SG and
SGA in terms of the frequency of the signal and the imped-
ance matching capabilities.

Frequency of the signal

The signal generator application was tested for its accuracy
in terms of frequency delivered by it. A sinusoidal signal of
1 kHz was adjusted as “displayed” on the application interface
Fig. 3. The Signal Generator Assembly (SGA). of the SGA and on the front panel of a conventional SG. A
cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) was used to check the fre-
Frequency variation quency. It was found that the frequency of the signal from the
The frequency of the signal, in this application, can be SGA, as measured using the CRO, matches accurately with
varied from 1 Hz to 10 kHz. It can be done in two ways: the frequency “displayed’ on its application interface. The
1. The frequency slider on the application screen (Fig. 4) frequency of the signal from the SG on the CRO was differ-
2. By typing the desired value in the frequency field (Figs. ent from its value displayed on its front panel. The frequency
4 and 5) measurement using the CRO is shown in Fig. 6. Similar tests
were conducted at several other frequencies and found to be
matching with the displayed frequencies.
302 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017
Impedance matching capability 7
Sinusoidal signals (5.0 Vp-p, 1 kHz) from the SG and SGA 6
were observed on the CRO as shown in Figs. 7(a) and (c).

SGA Output Voltage / V

Two identical low-resistance (1.5 ) coils were connected to 5
each of these sources and the waveforms were observed on 4
the CRO. The signal from the SG reduced to 0.3 Vp-p [Fig.
7(b)], whereas the signal from the SGA remained practically
unaltered [Fig. 7(d)]. 2

Frequency response of SGA
The output voltage delivered by the SGA for various fre- 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
quencies is as shown in Fig. 8. Other than very low frequen-
cies, the output power is almost a constant. This is one of the f/Hz
highlights of the SGA. Fig. 8. Frequency response of the SGA.

We describe some laboratory experiments where the SGA
can be used in the following categories:

Fig. 6. (a) Actual frequency from SG. (b) Actual frequency from

Fig. 9. (a) Traditional resonance tube apparatus. (b) Modified

resonance tube apparatus. (c) Screenshot of Sound Meter app.
(d) Graph to determine the velocity of sound.
– Resonance tube experiment
In this experiment, the velocity of sound in air is deter-
mined using resonance phenomena. The conventional appara-
tus consists of tuning forks of fixed frequencies for generating
sound waves. It also consists of a long tube immersed in a cyl-
inder filled with water. The tuning fork is hit on a hard surface
Fig. 7. (a) Waveforms without any coil. (b) Waveforms with coil and is held at the open end of the movable tube [Fig. 9(a)]. The
connected. (c) Waveforms without any coil. (d) Waveforms with
length of the air column inside the tube can be varied by mov-
coil connected.
ing the tube up and down until we get maximum amplitude of
Experiments involving speakers sound. The length of this air column is measured. Using the
A USB speaker, which is usually used for entertainment equation v = 4fl, the velocity of sound in air is calculated. The
purposes, can be used for doing experiments in physics. The problem faced with a tuning fork is that, with time, its inherent
output of the SGA can be used to drive speakers. Some of frequency changes.
the experiments that can be performed using this assembly The modern resonance tube experiment involves the
include: replacement of the tuning fork by a speaker. The speaker
is driven by a specially designed function generator with a

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017 303



Voltage gain A
SGA C 0.8



(a) 0.5

Fig. 10. Schematic diagram of the IPhO 2015 apparatus. 0.4


built-in impedance matching facility. Instead, the SGA with 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

USB speaker can be used in place of the specially designed (b) Log f
function generator to generate sound waves of different fre- Fig. 12. (a) Low-pass filter circuit. (b) Frequency response of low-
quencies [Fig. 9(b)]. Generally the change in the amplitude is pass filter.
detected with our ears. In the experiment done by us, the fun-
damental harmonics were detected using the mobile phone
application Sound Level Meter (from the App Store). Another
smartphone was used for this purpose [Fig. 9(c)]. Figure 9(d)
shows the graph obtained using the modified resonance tube

Fig. 13. (a) Circuit diagram. (b) Waveforms of an integrator cir-


Fig. 11. The vibrator-speaker assembly. Fig. 14. (a) Schematic diagram of the apparatus. (b) Graph between
the secondary voltage and the distance between two coils.

– Using speaker in a vibrator assembly Experiments with filter circuits

In the International Physics Olympiad 2015 (IPhO 2015) Experiments involving RC and LR filter circuits are regu-
held in India, we developed an experiment on the determina- larly conducted in the undergraduate physics laboratory. SGs
tion of surface tension and viscosity of water using diffraction are used to study frequency response of these circuits. In a
due to surface tension waves (Fig. 10). The experiment need- low-pass filter circuit [Fig. 12 (a)], all the signals below cutoff
ed the generation of waves on the liquid (water) surface. Us- frequency are passed, whereas those above cutoff frequency
ing a vibrator-speaker assembly (Fig. 11), driven by the SGA, are blocked. The frequency response of a low-pass filter cir-
waves with very small wavelengths (called surface tension cuit for the frequency range offered by the SGA is shown in
waves) were produced.15 A red laser was incident at a glanc- Fig. 12(b). A low-pass filter circuit using a 4.7-k resistor
ing angle of 4° on the surface of the water. The surface tension and 10-nF capacitor was designed. The cutoff frequency was
waves acted as reflection grating. The laser upon reflection 3.39 kHz. The experimentally observed value was 3.40 kHz.
from this grating gives a diffraction pattern. This diffraction The experiments discussed in the above categories in-
pattern was analyzed using a light intensity meter. This dif- volve the frequency variation to study other parameters. In
fraction pattern was studied for various frequencies. The rela- this experiment it is essential to know the value of frequency
tion between the frequency of the applied signal and the wave accurately, and power of the supplied signal should remain
number of the surface tension waves is used to determine the constant with frequency. The SGA [as shown in Fig. 6(b)] has
surface tension of water. These waves get attenuated due to a clear advantage over the SG in both aspects.
the viscosity of water. The relation between the attenuation
coefficient and frequency applied is used to determine the Experiments with operational amplifier circuits
viscosity of water. The vibrator-speaker assembly is shown in The SGA can be used effectively to drive different op-
Fig. 11. erational amplifier circuits like the inverting amplifier,

304 THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017

non-inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, integrator, and 7. J. C. Castro-Palacio, M. H. Gimenez, J. A. Monsoriu, and
differentiator. Figure 13 shows the circuit diagram and the L.Velazquez-Abad, “Using a mobile phone acceleration sensor
waveforms of an integrator circuit using the SGA. in physics experiments on free and damped harmonic oscilla-
tions,” Am. J. Phys. 81, 472–75 (June 2013).
Experiments with magnetic circuits 8. J. Kuhn and P. Vogt, “Smartphones as experimental tools: Dif-
Solenoids with very low input resistance of 1.5  can be ferent methods to determine the gravitational acceleration in
classroom physics by using everyday devices,” Eur. J. Phys. Edu.
driven using the SGA. As an example we present an experi-
4(1), 16-27 (2013).
ment on studying mutual induction between two coils [Fig.
9. M. Monteiro, C. Cabeza, A. C. Marti, P. Vogt, and J. Kuhn, “An-
14(a)]. The graph in Fig. 14(b) represents the variation in the gular velocity and centripetal acceleration relationship,” Phys.
induced voltage in the secondary coil with change in distance Teach. 52, 312–313 (May 2014).
between the coils, for a constant alternating voltage given to 10. M. A. Gonzalez et al., “Doing physics experiments and learning
the primary coil. with smartphones,” Third International Conference on Techno-
The experiment from International Physics Olympiad logical Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality – TEEM (Oct.
1998 on magnetic shielding due to eddy currents was also 2015).
performed using the SGA.16 11. Lablet, Physics Experiments on Tablet, http://lablet.auckland.
ac.nz .
Conclusion 12. Physics Central, Physics Buzz Blog (Your Smartphones Can Do
The examples given in the article indicate the capability Physics), http://physicsbuzz.physicscentral.com/2015/01/
your-smartphone-can-do-physics.html .
of the SGA to work as a low-cost alternative for traditional
13. Android Apps for Experimenting with Measurement and
signal generators in the physics laboratory. They can be built
Physics, http://androinica.com/2012/01/android-apps-for-
easily even by students. Our objective is to introduce to the
readers the effectiveness of SGA in some applications, but this 14. iPhysicsLabs, http://www.aapt.org/Resources/iPhysics-Labs.
assembly can be used for several other physics experiments. cfm .
We urge the readers to explore many such applications. 15. Proceedings of the 46th International Physics Olympiad 2015
(Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of
Acknowledgments Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India); http://www.ipho2015.
We would like to thank the entire staff of Physics Olympiad in/downloads/IPhO-2015_Proceedings_web.pdf .
Cell in Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education for their 16. Experimental Question of the International Physics Olympiad
support. We would like to thank the Indian Physics Olympiad 1998 at Reykjavik, Iceland, http://ipho.org/problems-and-
Programme for funding this activity. solutions/1998/IPhO_1998_Experimental%20Question.pdf .

Shirish Pathare is a scientific officer and a research scholar at Homi

Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental
1. O. R. Ochoa and N. F. Kolp, “The computer mouse as a data
Research, Mumbai, India. His research topic is students’ alternative con-
acquisition interface: Application to harmonic oscillators,” Am. ceptions in heat and thermodynamics. He is in charge of the experimental
J. Phys. 65, 1115–1118 (Nov. 1997). development programme for the Physics Olympiad activity in India.
2. T. W. Ng and K. T. Ang, “The optical mouse for harmonic oscil- shirpat@gmail.com
lator experimentation,” Am. J. Phys. 73, 793–795 (Aug. 2005).
3. S. Shamim, W. Zia, and M. S. Anwar, “Investigating viscous M. K. Raghavendra is working as faculty of Undergraduate Programme,
damping using a webcam,” Am. J. Phys. 78, 433–436 (April Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Banglore, India. He is also involved in a
teacher training programme Of IISc for high school and college teachers.
He has been participating in the Indian Olympiad programme at different
4. S. L. Tomarken et al., “Motion tracking in undergraduate phys- stages—being coordinator for conducting the first selection test to being
ics laboratories with the Wii remote,” Am. J. Phys. 80, 351–354 team leader for the Indian team representing at the International Physics
(April 2012).
5. J. A. Monsoriu, M. H. Gimenez, J. Riera, and A. Vidaurre,
“Measuring coupled oscillations using an automated video Saurabhee Huli is an assistant professor in St. Xaviers College, Mumbai.
analysis technique based on image recognition,” Eur. J. Phys. She is involved in conducting physics laboratory sessions for undergradu-
26, 1149–1155 (Sept. 2005).
 ate students. She is also involved in physics olympiad related activities
and Physics Education Research.
6. Wing-Kwong Wong, Jia-Ming Xu and Tsung-Kai Chao, “Using
Android mobile devices for physics experiments and inquiry,”
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers
in Education (Dec. 2011).

THE PHYSICS TEACHER ◆ Vol. 55, May 2017 305

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