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 Rubric:  _____________________________  
  Level  1   Level  2   Level  3   Level  4  
Use  of  New   Needs  Better   Has  a  basic   Good   Has  an  
Tools  &   understanding   understanding   Understanding   advanced  &  
Techniques   of  software  &   of  software  &   of  software  &   knowledgeable  
25  %   tools  required   tools  required   tools  required   understanding  
for  assignment.   for  assignment.   for  assignment.   of  Current  
Tools  &  Can  
navigate  the  
Creativity   The  student  did   One  or  two   One  or  two  of   Several  of  the  
25  %   not  really  make   graphic   the  graphic   graphic  
or  customize   elements   elements   elements  
any  of  the   and/or  images   and/or  images   and/or  images  
items  in  the   used  in  the   used  in  the     used  in  the  
project.   project  were   project  reflect   project  reflect  
Elements  were   made  or   student   an  exceptional  
too  basic.   customized  by   creativity  in   degree  of  
the  student,   their   student  
but  the  ideas   assignment.   creativity  in  
were  typical   their  
rather  than   assignment.  
creative  (.e.g,  
apply  the  
emboss  filter  to  
a  drawing  in  
Skills  &   No  signs  of   Student  has   Student  has   Student  shows  
Improvement   Improvement   maintained   updated  their   extensive  
25  %   or  Not  applying   skills  in   skills  in   knowledge  of  
learned  skills   photoshop  and   photoshop   photoshop  
final  result   and/or  is   and/or  is  
lacks  precision.   showing  some   showing  
improvement   extreme  
from  previous   improvement  
assignments.   from  previous  
Use  of  time  &   No  signs  of   Student  shows   Student  shows   Student  shows  
Effort   effort  during   little  effort   some  effort   effort  and  
25  %   class   while  working   while  working   strive  for  their  
assignments.   on  their   on  their   best  while  
photoshop   photoshop   working  on  
assignments.   assignments.   their  

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