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GR 509 –Community Outreach Activity

By Julio Ramos

GR-509: Special Topics: Miami Seminar with HR focus

International College of the Cayman Islands (ICCI)

February 8, 2017

Instructor: Melisa Hamilton

GR 501 –Community Resource Session 2

Description - Day of Service- Taste of Cayman

What did you find was the most interesting part of the day of Service?

In 300 words please explain why. In your answer you must use one in-text citation from your
book or some of other academic material.

Community Outreach Activity

As part of the GR 509 Special Topic Course for the Miami Seminar with HR Focus the

students were tasked to participate in the Taste of Cayman Event as of a Community Outreach

Activity. The participation for this event was extended in the form of volunteering in the setup

and assisting with the coordinated activities. For the purpose of this paper, I wish to point out

that the Taste Of Cayman is one of the largest events that has been celebrated locally for thirty

years, and its success is attributed to the fact that this event attracts tourists and local to

celebrates the culinary arts with live band entertainment.

At first, I was a bit hesitant to the coordinated exercise as I thought it was a waste of time

and I did not find it relevant to my course of study. But after further consideration and further

research of this event, I understood the magnitude of the event and the relevance it had on our

local economy specifically to the tourist industry. My reluctance of the event and having a

further insight into its relevance is considered realization research that is defined as a switch

from a basic/applied nomenclature to a discovery that helps us to see an entire event in a new

way (Easton, 2016). This research speaks to the basics of having to see things in a fresh

perspective having to research in a holistic manner (Easton, 2016).

GR 501 –Community Resource Session 3

Ms. Elyse Gallacher the event coordinator from Tower Marketing pointed out that there

was approximately three hundred volunteer that was registered to participate with the setup and

assist with the coordinated activities (E. Gallacher, personal communication, January 27, 2018).

Ms. Gallacher further added that the assistance from volunteers helps with cost savings about

personnel. However, the effort in cross-training these individuals was key to making the event a

success. It was mind-boggling to understand how an event attracts so many volunteers? At first

I thought it was the benefits of the free entrance to the event along with ticket for the food and

beverage, however I later learned from some of the participants that many volunteers were

assisting to provide proof of community service that would assist with their Cayman Residency

application. While individuals were driven by many reasons to volunteer the atmosphere at the

set up of the event was impressive as every with varying background put their efforts with time

and sweat to hammer away, drill, drench, and muscle in with the equipment material set up for

the event.

The community outreach activity was very insightful and a learning experience for me, as

I managed to assist on one of the greatest events on the islands and also appreciate the efforts and

sacrifice that is made to make the Taste of Cayman a success. I am appreciative of Ms.

Gallacher’s marketing expertise in working with the volunteers and sponsors. Her energy was

impressive as she was professional and passionate driven by her line of work. The event opened

my eyes to the realities that the Taste of Cayman has been successful as it has been beneficial to

the business community, the people and also a marketing product that is used within the tourist

GR 501 –Community Resource Session 4


Easton, T. (2016). Taking sides: clashing views in science, technology, and society. Columbus,

OH: Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Gallacher, E (January 27, 2018) Marketing Exper, Tower Marketing.

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