Global Citizenship Essay

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Hafidz Arrazy

Global Citizenship Essay

We’re all a global citizen, but the Ambassador School of Global Leadership has
taught and pushed me more further as a global citizen. ASGL’s mission is to ensure us;
the students to be globally involved and aware of the occuring issues. The vision of
ASGL is to make students globally prepared and skilled as an individual to start their
next step in life after High School.

To be a global citizen means to be globally aware of what’s happening around

us. Who I think is a great example of a global citizen is Bill Gates. Not only aware of the
obstacles this world is facing, Bill Gates took his action beyond. William Henry Gates III
who is known as Bill Gates is the principle founder of Microsoft, according to Forbes, his
in 2018 is 91.6 Billion USD. Despite being one of the richest man in the world, Bill Gates
is considered one the greatest philanthropists that this world ever had. Together with his
wife, he established Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, according to Forbes, ​the
Foundation has made grants of over $26 billion, including $15 billion in global health
alone; making Bill with the highest amount given to charity (35$ Billion). The most
recent event, Bill Gates paid off Nigeria’s $76 Million debt to Japan which Nigeria used
to fund its fight against preventable diseases such as: Malaria, Polio, etc. His ability to
take action made him not only as a global citizen but an extravagant global citizen.

In my 3 years at ASGL, I’ve learned what I’ve never learned before as a global
citizen. This school has made me be globally minded and aware. ASGL has improved
my global awareness in various ways. One of them being ASGL’s yearly event called
ASGL Olympic where for each global seminar class we require to choose one country to
represent. This activity helps me improve my global awareness because I participated
by investigating a country’s background informations, I also discovered countries that
I’ve never heard before, especially in the continent of Africa. The classes that ASGL has
provided also have a big impact to my global awareness. For instance: World History, in
this particular class, most of the projects I did were required me to investigate the world
which is one of the Global Performance Outcomes. There are four GPO’s, they are;
Take Action, Investigate the World, Recognize Perspective, and Communicate Ideas.
By mastering in other word understanding these GPO’s will help students to grow as a
global citizen because I believe the GPO’s are the tools to help you grow as a global
learner & citizen.

My play in the future is to attend college and study business administration and
furthermore, I would like to become a real estate agent. Now that I’ve been familiar with
the GPO’s, they will help me to be a better contributor on the global level. Without
acknowledging the GPO’s, I wouldn’t have dealt and solved obstacles that I’ve faced in
the past the way I did.

I believe by becoming globally competent and aware are important because we

live in a modern era, where an issue that’s occurring in the different part of the world
can be known by minutes. Internet has made it possible for global citizens to interact
with each other. People must always be up to date of what’s happening in the
surroundings in order to be globally aware, we have to follow the way the society flows
and works.

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