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Introduction About Poverty:

Poverty is basically known as the form of state of condition as in which the person is
in lacing of the financial resources and essentials. Such category of the individuals is not able to
get into the enjoyment of the minimum standards of the life and they cannot accept the well being
of the society in a considerable way. In the United States, the status of the poverty is basically
assigned to the people who are not able to meet up with the certain threshold level set by the
Department of Health and Human Services. In simple terms we can say that the poverty is the
significant lack of the money or the poorness. Poverty can often be described as the condition
where you have little money for not paying to then basic necessities of food and shelter.

5 Facts about Education and Poverty in America:

According to the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau, it is a family of 4 including with the 2 adults,
2 children fewer than 18 that earn less than $23,021 are known as poverty.
In US there are 30 million children are growing up in poverty. In one low-income
community, there has been the capacity of just one book for every 300 children.
In the year 2011, there are around 46.2 million Americans who were living in poverty.
Children in US who are living in poverty there are having higher number of absenteeism
or leave school all together.
Dropout rates in US of 16 to 24-years-old students as coming all the way from low income
families are seven times more likely to drop out than those from families with the category
of the higher incomes.

Statistics about Poverty in State of Louisiana:

You might do not know the fact that Louisiana has third-highest rate of poverty in nation. Just
as according to the latest U.S. Census data it has been estimated around that there has been a little
change in Louisiana’s poverty rate from 2014 to 2015. Louisiana had the third-highest rate of
poverty in the country for 2015 that is about 19.6 percent, falling just as behind only Mississippi
and New Mexico. The Census Bureau has the estimation of about 890,000 of the place Louisiana’s
that is about 4.7 million residents lived below the federal poverty line last year. Mississippi’s
poverty rate was at 22 percent, and New Mexico’s was about at the rate of 20.4 percent.

5 Tools K 12 Students Need in Order to be Successful in the Classroom:

1. Adaptive Thinking: A better version of thinking has been coming around that is related with
the adaptive thinking concept. This would make you learn about the new things as on efficient
and on effective concepts.

2. Communication Skills: For adding any classroom with the successful results, the
communication ideal skills are very much important. Teacher should be communicating with
the students on individual and as a team.

3. Collaboration Skills: Some of the classrooms add the foster experience of the culture of the
competition and independence apart from being one of teamwork and collaboration. All by
means of using number of new technologies, collaboration skills should be given birth.

4. Problem Solving Skills: There has been an increase factor over putting the main attention on
top of the students in respect with solving problems. This will give the students with the
provision of the new ideas and helps to bring improvement in the classroom.

5. Personal Management: This is all about adding the classroom on the independent plan, as
well as organize, and so as to create and execute.

5 Challenges Low Income Students Face at School/Classrooms:

1. Low income student’s first challenge will be in respect with the lack of preparation. They
do not have the finest quality to access over the education and they will lack in recognition
and counting skills.
2. They are having limited stock of vocabulary as well. This would make it difficult for
them as to read and write as when children have never been exposed to the words.
3. Low income students will be having poor level of the nutrition as well. This would make
it difficult for them to concentrate. Some of the schools do solve this issue as they
combat in offering free breakfast and lunch.
4. Low income students will face the issue of low medical care as well. They will come
across eye problem, mental health problem and dental problem that is much common.
5. Children of poor families tend to move frequently that would at the end disrupts their
education. They do have less opportunities of mobility as well.

As being a student, I would advise the students that no matter whether they are in the low income
category, their active participation and communication in the classroom can bring huge positive
results. Such students need a support and a boosting motivation lap from someone one each single
step of their educational life.

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