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Class Observation Report

Class or Course Grade/Year Level Kindergarten

Observed of Class
Date of Class March 5, 2018 Inclusive Time of 9:30-10:30
Observation Observation
Name of Micah Camyla T. Gonzales Signature of
Observer Observer
State your purpose/s for observing a particular class. Specifically indicate the theme you
wish to observe. Your theme may focus on learning and motivation.

● Identify the significance of the study of the various learning principle

● Identify the importance of objectives in applying the teaching process
● Observe and reflect on the different approaches utilized by the teacher

Write down your observations with substantial details about the theme you observe. Just
describe everything you observe, without interpreting any aspect of it.

The class began with singing and acting some nursery rhymes. The teacher stated the
objectives to the class:
a. Name at least 5 fruits and 5 vegetables
b. Identify the benefits of each fruits and vegetables in our body
c. Perform a role play

Flow of the discussion:

● The teacher began her discussion with giving a motivational activity to introduce
the market.
● Each students were given a picture of fruits and vegetables, and then they were
asked to name each of it.
● The students were asked to sort out the given pictures according to its
classification on the board. (Fruit or Vegetable)
● After the motivational activity, the teacher began the role play activity, were each
student played the role of a fruit or vegetable, and then the teacher played the role
of the “Mamimili”.
● In the role play activity, the teacher acted-out of a “mamimili” were she must find
each fruits and vegetables that her mother asked her to buy.
● The students acted-out the role of a fruit or vegetable, and then they were asked if
it is healthy to eat and the benefits of each for the body.
● After the role play activity, the teacher summarized the lesson.
● Lastly, the teacher gave evaluation to the students.

Think about the benefits of the behaviors you observe in terms of what might be learned
from it that is/are useful in defining your own teaching philosophy and in rethinking the
way you should teach. Briefly discuss those prospects in this section.

The learning principle that was most applied is that learning is an active process. In this
the students were encouraged by the teacher to become active in class and they were all
involved in the learning process. In other words, the focus of the learning process is
student-centered which the students were given an opportunity to learn by their own.

I understand clearly that the application of this learning principle affects learning in a way
that it encourage students to actively participate in class discussions, work cooperatively
and collaboratively; and let students discover new learning and relate those learning to
the real life situation.

As the observer, I realized that if I will not apply this learning principle in my future
teaching career; it will affect students’ learning in a way that it increases my teaching
errors. But surely, it will guide me to identify what is right to do, which is: to utilize the
appropriate methods, strategies, and approaches in teaching to achieve the intended
learning outcome.

In conclusion, the use of this learning principle in the classroom promotes a meaningful
teaching and learning.

Discuss the issues you see in the class you observe, particularly those that are directly
associated with the theme of your observation.

The teacher sometimes begin from a high expectations. For instance in the first meeting,
students are already expected to meet the objectives that have been set on time. The
teacher should remember that learning takes time. Students, especially in early
childhood; need enough time to explore and discover a lot of things. Specifically,
objectives are guide for the teacher, it does not mean children can already meet the
objectives given right at the intended time.

Reflect on your observation experience and focus on the new understandings you have
drawn from it. Report your new understandings or new insights in this section. Your
insights may be focused on the prospects or issues you discuss above.
I understand that teaching-learning activities became more meaningful and more
relevant, if all students are active in class, if all are participating and cooperating among
their classmates, if teacher makes her teaching more exciting by having it in meaningful
activities. The best approach to use in teaching is the student-centered. In this, each
student is given the opportunity to be part of the class. Teaching became more relevant if
the teacher teaches in all domain -- which are the cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
But the most important and significant domain in the teaching process of the teacher is
that valuing students’ character and attitude in dealing with their classmates and as well
as the teacher.

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