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SAP2000 Version 16.0.0 Excel/Access Database Import

Imported File: C:\Users\vht\Desktop\New task\Sua File Gio\test.xls
Import Type and Options: New Model
Elements (Except Links) in the Same Location: Allow duplicates in the same
Link Elements in the Same Location: Allow duplicates in the same location
Items With Same Name in a DB Table: Overwrite previous item
Import Control for Errors: Abort import after 20 errors
Import Control for Warnings: Abort import after 200 warnings

Import started at 4:26:30 PM

Import completed at 4:26:36 PM
Number of errors: 5
Number of warnings: 0
Number of informational messages: 2

********** DATABASE IMPORT SUMMARY LOG **********

Program Control Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read

Preferences - Dimensional Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Active Degrees of Freedom Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Analysis Options Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Coordinate Systems Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Grid Lines Table: 5 of 5 records successfully read
Groups 1 - Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Joint Coordinates Table: 5 of 5 records successfully read
Connectivity - Frame Table: 4 of 4 records successfully read
Load Pattern Definitions Table: 15 of 15 records successfully read
Function - Power Spectral Density - User Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Function - Response Spectrum - User Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Function - Steady State - User Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Function - Time History - User Table: 5 of 5 records successfully read
Load Case Definitions Table: 17 of 17 records successfully read
Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments Table: 15 of 15 records successfully read
Combination Definitions Table: 119 of 119 records successfully read
Auto Combination Option Data 01 - General Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Mass Source Table: 3 of 3 records successfully read
Function - Plot Functions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Joint Pattern Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 01 - General Table: 9 of 9 records successfully read
Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties Table: 9 of 9 records
successfully read
Material Properties 03a - Steel Data Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03c - Aluminum Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03d - Cold Formed Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Material Properties 03f - Tendon Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03g - Other Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 04 - User Stress-Strain Curves Table: 1 of 1 records
successfully read
Material Properties 06 - Damping Parameters Table: 1 of 1 records successfully
Frame Section Properties 01 - General Table: 786 of 786 records successfully read
Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column Table: 1 of 1 records successfully
Frame Section Properties 05 - Nonprismatic Table: 158 of 162 records successfully
Cable Section Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Tendon Section Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Area Section Properties Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Area Section Property Design Parameters Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Link Property Definitions 01 - General Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Link Property Definitions 02 - Linear Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Joint Restraint Assignments Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Frame Section Assignments Table: 4 of 4 records successfully read
Frame Output Station Assignments Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Auto Mesh Assignments Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Load Transfer Options Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Loads - Distributed Table: 36 of 36 records successfully read
Project Information Table: 13 of 13 records successfully read
Database Format Types Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Design Procedures Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-ASD89 Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003 Table: 1 of 1 records
successfully read
Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000 Table: 1 of 1 records successfully
Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96 Table: 1 of 1 records successfully
Options - Colors - Display Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Options - Colors - Output Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read

********** DATABASE IMPORT DETAILED LOG **********

Program Control Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read

Preferences - Dimensional Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Active Degrees of Freedom Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Analysis Options Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Coordinate Systems Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Grid Lines Table: 5 of 5 records successfully read
Groups 1 - Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Joint Coordinates Table: 5 of 5 records successfully read
Connectivity - Frame Table: 4 of 4 records successfully read
Load Pattern Definitions Table: 15 of 15 records successfully read
Function - Power Spectral Density - User Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Function - Response Spectrum - User Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Function - Steady State - User Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Function - Time History - User Table: 5 of 5 records successfully read
Load Case Definitions Table: 17 of 17 records successfully read
Case - Static 1 - Load Assignments Table: 15 of 15 records successfully read
Combination Definitions Table: 119 of 119 records successfully read
Auto Combination Option Data 01 - General Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Mass Source Table: 3 of 3 records successfully read
Function - Plot Functions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Joint Pattern Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 01 - General Table: 9 of 9 records successfully read
Material Properties 02 - Basic Mechanical Properties Table: 9 of 9 records
successfully read
Material Properties 03a - Steel Data Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Material Properties 03b - Concrete Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03c - Aluminum Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03d - Cold Formed Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
*** Error Message 1 ***
Record: 1
The UseCTDef field was not found; default values will be used

Material Properties 03e - Rebar Data Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read

Material Properties 03f - Tendon Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 03g - Other Data Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Material Properties 04 - User Stress-Strain Curves Table: 1 of 1 records
successfully read
Material Properties 06 - Damping Parameters Table: 1 of 1 records successfully

*** Informational Message 1 ***

Record: 507
Section 500.5-200.8 already exists in database; earlier version has been

*** Informational Message 2 ***

Record: 508
Section 500.5-180.6 already exists in database; earlier version has been

Frame Section Properties 01 - General Table: 786 of 786 records successfully read
Frame Section Properties 02 - Concrete Column Table: 1 of 1 records successfully

*** Error Message 2 ***

Field name: ENDSECT
Record: 7
Section 750.630012 has not been defined; record skipped

*** Error Message 3 ***

Field name: ENDSECT
Record: 20
Section 100020068 has not been defined; record skipped

*** Error Message 4 ***

Field name: ENDSECT
Record: 30
Section 50051806 has not been defined; record skipped

*** Error Message 5 ***

Field name: ENDSECT
Record: 161
Section 750.630012 has not been defined; record skipped

Frame Section Properties 05 - Nonprismatic Table: 158 of 162 records successfully

Cable Section Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Tendon Section Definitions Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Area Section Properties Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Area Section Property Design Parameters Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Link Property Definitions 01 - General Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Link Property Definitions 02 - Linear Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Joint Restraint Assignments Table: 2 of 2 records successfully read
Frame Section Assignments Table: 4 of 4 records successfully read
Frame Output Station Assignments Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Auto Mesh Assignments Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Load Transfer Options Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Loads - Distributed Table: 36 of 36 records successfully read
Project Information Table: 13 of 13 records successfully read
Database Format Types Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Frame Design Procedures Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Preferences - Steel Design - AISC-ASD89 Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Preferences - Concrete Design - ACI 318-05/IBC2003 Table: 1 of 1 records
successfully read
Preferences - Aluminum Design - AA-ASD 2000 Table: 1 of 1 records successfully
Preferences - Cold Formed Design - AISI-ASD96 Table: 1 of 1 records successfully
Options - Colors - Display Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read
Options - Colors - Output Table: 1 of 1 records successfully read

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