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ANSI/ISA-S5.5-1985 Approved: February 3, 1986 American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Process Displays ® INSTRUMENT SOCIETY of AMERICA ‘Research Triangle Park, North Carolina ® Instrument Society of America SON 0-07654-935-5 1SA.S85 Graphic Symbals for Process Displays Copyright ® 1985 by te lstument Society of America ‘Arne reserved Prntdin he Uited States a Aer age pen ofthis publication may be reproduced, Siresinnretioaloysim crane ry oma Byeny means electron, mochanical, photocopy 2 ara ae abner) notte pir writen et tmsson of he pubtshe. INSTRUMENT SOCIETY OF AMERICA (67 Alexander Drive po. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 sss Graphic Symbols for Proves Dipl PREFACE “This prefaces included fr informational purposes andi ot apart of Standard $55. “This Standards been prepared as apart of the service of the Instrument Society of America (ISA) toward a goal of ‘Tefetaty i the eld of nsrumentaton, Tobe of el value this docement should not be sta, Dut shoul e sujet 10 manoaic review, Toward this end, te Society welcomes all comments an riisms and asks tha they be adresed to the Pertiiy. Standards and Proces Hoard, tsrument Society of America, 67 Alexander Dive, P.O. Box 1277, Research ‘range atk, North Carolina 270, Telephone (919) 59-611 “Tne ISA Standards ad Pracies Department is aware of the grossing need fr attention co the metre system of uns in Fetal andthe Teternaionl Sytem of Unis (SI) in particular, inthe preparation of instrumentation standards. The Bzpurenent further aware ofthe beets to U.S.A. users of ISA Standards of icorporating suitable references 1 the SL {andthe metre spon inthe Dasnes ad professional dealings wth other countres. Toward thisen ths Department wll (Miemort intsiace Stseeptabe metric nts mal ew and revised standards tothe greatest extent possible. The Merc ‘rotce Gude. which has boo published by te Ietite of Beta and Flecroncs Engineers as ANSI/IEEE Std ‘Feo, and fate revions wil be the reerence ude for defintions, symbol, abbreviations, abd conversion factors luisthe policy ofthe tnstrament Sosy of America to encourage and welcome the participation ofall concerned individuals tndimeessin the development of ISA Standards Partpation nite ISA Standads-makingprocesby an indus ina Airy consiutcsendorsement by theemployerof that indisdual ofthe Insrument Socety of Ameria or any ofthe stands Shieh ISA develops “The information contained inthis prefae,ia the footnotes and inthe appendices isincluded fo iformation ony ands nt pat of the standard. “The visi at of tis document ested from the comitee work ofthe International Pardue Workshop on Industria Corpute Systems the Man Machine Communication Commuter 10. “The use of graphic symbols representing eis and charters of process has evolved apy during the course ofthe last decade Teshnology has allowed the presentation ofa physical process o be represented and contraled bythe we of ‘ompotersand advanced electronic sjems, These systems we videodpay technologies such as CRTs, plasmascrens, and ‘ther media to preset tothe wer a graphic representation his process. is through hese devies andthe symbology se 0 Iepresent the proces in question that the user monitors and contol the particular operation Process displays convey information to the we in the form of bath ext and graphic symbols. Text information is based on {house of numeric data and the alphabet to construct be words necessary locontey the meaningof the information Thistext Informations stractured around the eof write language ands highly ordered and undestod by uses. On the other andthe use of graphic symbols for proses and information preentaton i highly dependent upon te manufacturer and the ‘ero the product. Thee graphic symbols are generally customize tothe particular application at hand Standard graphic symbols provide amore logical and nifrmly understandable mechanism for modern control process. For example a contolsytem may be constcted of several contol stems ands central contol ten Incase suchas ‘hs. the operator often find that het become amar wih the graphic synbology of several diferent systems, although ‘ey may represent commen elements ‘uisehe intent ofthis document tht both the mancfacturers and users of proces displays use these graphic symbols in thei ‘systems whenever applicable recognized thal chology api changingin the types of devils avalable or process a ie Bnerty Yate » Deserpton: For the purpose ofthis document tcl Circuit Beaker a heh Vake » tho various possible Connectors have been Manual Contcor 17 Reb Vale » ‘ded In tne monty of eases, pipe connections Date Connection 17 Sto nol roguired tobe detailed Aecommenced Pe 0 bracts Yo avon any cont fe u wy contusion on the ideo ds Ho seer " play i louse ine breaks tondicate that hens Sut Inds ts Se ot The most mga ines sob Tamorme ' Solid with th secondary hes boing broken see Wal ines area equal portance,» ust con- ites Lisi iter 19 The symbols are prone in Sesion 33, Strate of vention to break the verteal ine Yau Fiter {3 SpnbaThe symbole ae etre nthe especie loups and we pee nsipaetea ore, Each si Meat Tranter Devses Exchanger ay Bawden wih ee allowing norman Ford Ar Exchanger 20 Furnace Group ‘An soci clasifeion of wets ila » Sie mb HVAC Gieing Subaru Repro utr dvs within Ai Condtoning)—— Cooing Tower n oe Event Symbol Name The name the proses symbol sa Symbol Macmonic& foursharacer name given fo Mate Handing Gomeyor 2 dhesymbottone wu axtvetee ree 2 ‘home in scompte sstem Rotary Per a | ee sion rit dscrtion of wha the Scou Comesor 3 Sho epee’ Mixing aia B Symbol Drawing ‘Te ct aig ofthe nine Mi Bor tae Although no sete oe - tpt eto gen te shape Recmrocing Reiroating x thors dawn shoud be depicted m ne IS osey pombe Pros or Pap Sonnets a flow iets Rotming Esuipment lower fa eae —— FH Symbols for funcional clay Con 8 ‘Pose may be sang as ec Turbine 3s = Serato and toate % ey Preapiatos Pritt eae Serboer » Tower ded. liea. be Sphere, coma. or Mat heads Separntors Cyclone Separator 27 thn esate where appro- Roary Separator = 27 face to mat the sel €O Spray Dee z Faron othe deve Instrument Society of America sss Graphic Symbols or Process Displays ‘2 STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLS 139 STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLS 2.2 Group: Containers and Vessels {332 Group: Containers and Vessels (Contd) Subgroup: Process ‘Symbol Name: Oistilation Tower ‘Symbol Mnemonic: OTWR Deseription: A packed a rayeddstilation tower Used for separation. Packing or tays may be Shown to indicate type of distiltion tower ‘Subgroup: Process ‘Symbol Name Jacketed Vesso! ‘Symbol Mnemonic: JVSL Description: A vessel with a heating or cooling Jacket Jacket may be on straight shel, on bottom head, on top head, oF any combination, as fired to mateh the actual process vessel Subgroup: Storage Symbol Name: Atmosphere Tank ‘Symbol Mnemonic: ATNK Description: A tank for material stored under atmosphere pressure ‘Subgroup: Storage ‘Symbol Name 6) ‘Symbol Mnemonic: BINN Description: A container used to store sols or Granular material that is discharged trom the - Subgroup: Process ‘Symbol Name: Reactor ‘Symbol Mnemonic: RCTR Description: A chemical reactor. Intemal details ‘may be shown fo indicat Iype of reactor. ‘Subgroup: Process ‘Symbol Name: Vessol ‘Symbol Mnemonic: VSSL_ Description: A vessel or separator Internal details ‘may be shown to indicate type of vessel. Can also be used asa pressurized vessel in athe a vertical or horizontal arcangemont ‘Subgroup: Storage ‘Symbol Name: Floating Root Tank ‘Symbol Mnemonic: FINK Description: 4 tank for iquids with oot of vessel ‘ving up and down with a change in stored volume, Subgroup: Storage ‘Symbol Name: Gas Holder ‘Symbol Mnemonic: GHOR Description: tank with fr gases root of vessel ‘moving up and down with & change in stored volume, Ld Antcument Society of America Graphic Symbols for Proses Displays 13.9 STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLS 33 STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLS 13.2 Group: Containers and Vessels (Cont'd) 23.9 Group: Electrical Subgroup: Storage ‘Symbol Name: Pressure Storage Vessel ‘Symbol Mnemonic: PVSL Description: A pressurizes spherical vessel for storage of gases and liquids Subgroup: Storage ‘Symbol Name Weigh Hopper ‘Symbol Mnemonic: WHPR Description: A vessel used for weighing materia. Subgroup: N/A Symbol Name: Circuit Breaker ‘Symbol Mnemonic: CARK Description: Representation ofa circuit breaker {or electrical systems. Soo STATE INDICATOR symbol for alternative use. Subgroup: N/A Symbol Name Manual Contactor Symbol Mnemonic: MCTA Description: A power distribution switch used tor deviee isolation. ‘Symbol Name: Deita Connection ‘Symbol Mnemonie: DLTA Description: Representation of S-phase deta ‘connection. ‘Subgroup: N/A ‘Subgroup: N/A ‘Symbol Name: Fuse ‘Symbol Mnemonic: FUSE Description: Representation ofa fuse as an over- curtent protection device. Instrument Society of America sss Graphic Symbols for Proves Displays ‘83 STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLS 3 STRUCTURE OF SYMBOLS 3. Group: Electrical (Cont) 394 Group: Filters sone NA reeerTy more NA a ee See nn nda Se ous eer ee | Symbol Mnemonic: MOTR ‘Symbol Mnemonic: STAT ‘Symbol Mnemonic: LFLT Symbol Mnemonic: VELT | Description: Used to represent binary states. For example: Cireut ClosedsGrrcuit Open, etc Description: A liquid fier i Description: An ac or de motor. 1 on 1 | 1 | ' ' ae ie wine preted yo! Tis te peered yb! i | Tirproceo agra fase feels gran eee ae 1 ‘pee ic ‘Subgroup: N/A Subgroup: N/A ‘Symbol Name: Transformer ‘Symbol Name: WYE Connection ‘Symbol Maemonic: XFMR ‘Symbol Mnemonic: WYEC Description: Representation of a S-phase wye Description; A universal transformer. {olan connection. 3c

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