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Teaching Artist Evaluation Form _____________

Please fill out a copy of this form for each teaching artist that worked in your school during your Arts in
the Classroom or Whole Schools project over the past school year.

1. School: _____________________________________ 2. Grant number. _________________

3. Project Director: __________________________________________________

4. Teaching Artist Name: _________________________________________________

5. Is the artist a member of MAC’s Roster? Yes No

6. Has your school hired this artist in previous years? Yes No

7. Please rate the artist in the following areas (check one box per item):

Poor Superior
a. Communication Prior to Session 1 2 3 4

The artist displayed professionalism during contact prior to the work in the school, including
promptly answering phone calls or emails, sending adequate prep materials, and providing a clearly
written contractual agreement.

b. Preparation 1 2 3 4
The artist was punctual, came prepared with all necessary items and was ready to begin work at
the start of their allotted timeslot.

c. Artistic Quality & Knowledge 1 2 3 4

The artist displayed high artistic quality and mastery of the material they presented.

d. Communication with Students 1 2 3 4

The artist was able to communicate effectively with students.


Mississippi Arts Commission - Teaching Artist Evaluation Form, p. 1 of 2

e. Communication with Teachers 1 2 3 4
The artist communicated effectively with teachers and administrators.

f. Connecting to Curriculum 1 2 3 4
The artist connected their project to specific elements of curriculum.

g. Teaching Strategies 1 2 3 4
The artist used a variety of teaching strategies to communicate their subject material

h. Time Management & Control of Classroom 1 2 3 4

The artist effectively managed their time in the classroom or for a workshop. They utilized
appropriate strategies for dealing with poor behavior by students.

8. Was the artist’s work in your school beneficial for your students or faculty? Yes No
If no, please explain

9. Would you recommend this artist to another school? Yes No

Mississippi Arts Commission - Teaching Artist Evaluation Form, p. 2 of 2

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