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YMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada

3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, OC G1P 0B3
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

Gertifi cate num ber: 00 1 -20 17 0906-1 521 5429
Equipment: OMNI-MX2
Serial number: OMN12-1 03775

Equipment description: OmniScan basic main frame

Galibration date (YWY/MM/DD): 2017 l09l}o
Manufacturer facility: Quebec, Quebec City
Status after calibration: Within tolerances
Work Order: 1071907
Calibration tyrpe: New Unit

Calibrated by Verified by (E-signed):
Yannick Bouchard Nicolas Bouchard
q*'ab* (tD# 001-008) /\-rrb*^ (tD# 001-009)

This confirms the instrument mentioned above was tested according to the procedures of Olympus NDT Canada. All equipment used for
calibration is traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or other applicable and recognized regional standard. Olympus
NDT Canada suggests a calibration interval of 365 days from the date of commissioning. This certificate should not be reproduced in part or in
whole without written permission of Olympus NDT Canada.

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

OMNI-MX2 oMNl2-1 03775 001 -201 70906- 15215429
OT.YMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC GIP 083
Tel.: 41 8-872-1 1 55
Fax: 418-872-5431

Package Rev Test conflgratlon #

PkgOmniMx2 2.0R11

Temperature Humldlty
Tolerances Tolorancos
Results Results (%)
Min Max Mln Max
21.00 ('c) 20.50 26.50 42.00 20.00 80.00

6e.80 ("F) 68.90 79.70

Equipment used
Next Calibration
Description Manufacturer Model # Serial # (YYYY'MM/DD)
Multimetre Multimeter Agilent Technologies 344014 MY47048157 2018t02t10

Simulateur de batteries Keithley 2302 401 2665 2018t02t13

Simul. dech. electrostatique _ ESD Simulator Schaffner NSG431 0081 7 2018105131

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

OMNI-MX2 oMNl2-1 03775 001 -201 70906-15215429
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, OC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

Physical state and external aspect Test status I PASS

Physical state and external aspect: PASS

DigitallOs Test status I PASS

Digital lOs: PASS

Encoders Test status I PASS

Encoders: PASS

Analog input Test status I PASS

Analog input: PASS

Touchscreen Test status I PASS

Touchscreen: PASS

Keyboard Test status I PASS

Keyboard: PASS

Temperature sensors Test status I PASS

Temperature sensors: PASS

USB FS port (1.1) Test status I PASS

USB 1.1 port: PASS

USB HS port (2.0) Teststatus I PASS

USB 2.0 port: PASS

SD card Teststatus I PASS

SD card: PASS

Analog output #1 Test status I PASS

Analog output #1: PASS

Analog output #2 Test status I PASS

Analog output#2: PASS

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

Page 3
OMNI-MX2 oMNt2-103775 00 1 -20 1 70906- 1 521 5429
oLyMPUs" Olympus NDT Canada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, OC GI P 0B3
Tel.: 41 8-872-1 1 55
Fax: 418-872-5431

Mechanical ground Teetetatus I PASS

Mechanical ground: PASS

Electro-static discharge test (ESD) Teststatus I PASS


General information Test status I PASS

MAC address: 70 83 D5 3F 1 B DA
Windows CE license: 00039 470 626 315
Windows CE runtime key: C6FFC M78cB HRBFC 2MBVR WJCTD

Model # Serial # Gerfficate # Page 4

OMNI-MX2 oMNl2-1 03775 001-201 70906-15215429
oLYMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax'. 418-872-5431


Model # Serial # Gertificate #

Page 5
OMNI-MX2 oMNt2-103775 00 1 -20'1 70906- 1 521 5429
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431


Certificate number: 001 -2017 O9O1 -12305692

Equipment: OMNI-M2-P 416128

Serial number: QC-O1 0892

Equipment description: 16:128 Phased array acquisition module / 1UT HD channel

Galibration date (YYWMM/DD): 2017 logl01

Manufacturer facility: Quebec, Quebec City

Status after calibration: Within tolerances
Work Order: 1071883
Calibration type: New Unit

Galibrated by(E-signed): Verified by (E-signed):

Nicolas Bouchard Stephane J. Bilodeau
/\"-o/b^ (rD# 001-009) 6"r*)O-* (rD# 001-018)

This above product was designed in consideration of EN12668-1 for conventional UT instruments and 1SO18563-1 for phased array
instruments. This certificate confirms that the above product meets Olympus NDT specifications using group 2 test methods as described in
European standard EN 12668-1 :201 0* for conventional ultrasonic instrumentation and intemational standard ISO 18563-1 :201 5 for phased array
instrumentation. All equipment used for calibration is traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or other application
and recognized national standard(s). Olympus NDT operates in compliance with a quality system registered to 1SO9001. This certificate should
not be reproduced in part or in whole without written permission of Olympus NDT.

Model # Serial # Gertificate # Page 1

oMNt-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
oLyMPUs Olympus NDT Canada
341 5 RuePierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

Package Rev Test configration #
PkgOmniM2PA 2.0R10 3.1 .1.27

Temperature Humidity
Tolerances Tolerances
Results Results (%)
Min Max Min Max
21.00 ('c) 20 50 26.50 40 00 20.00 80.00

6e.80 ("F) 68 90 79.70

Equipment used
Next Calibration
Description Manufacturer Model # Serial # (YYYY/MM/DD)
Calibration Tool 2 - Control Box Olympus NDT Can ABIXO6TOB 830873-02 2018t02t03

Oscilloscope _ Oscilloscope Tektronix TDS3032 8021401 2018t02t10

Simulateur de batteries Keithley 2302 4012665 2018t02t13

Multimetre Multimeter Agilent Technologies 34401A MY47048157 2018t02t10

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

OMNI-M2-PA16128 oc-o10892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 0B3
Tel; 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

Physical aspect
9.2 Physicalstate and external aspect Test status I PASS

Physical state and external aspect: PASS

9.3.2 Stability after warm-up time Teststatus I PASS

Amplitude variation
Time (min) Results (%)
Min Max
10.00 0.39 000 200
20.00 024
30.00 020

Position variation

Results (ns) Tolerances

Time (min)
Min Max
10.00 000 000 50.00
20.00 000
30.00 000

9.3.3 Display jitter Test status I PASS

Amplitude variation

Results (%) Tolerances

Min Max
052 000 200

Position variation

Results (ns) Tolerances

Min Max
J.JJ 0.00 50.00

9.3.4 Stability against voltage variataons Test status I PASS

Amplitude variation
Voltage (V) Results (%)
Min Max
12.OO 0.15 000 200
11.00 0.73
10.00 000

Modef # Serial # Gertificate # p^no 3

oMNf-M2-PA16128 QC-010892 001-20170901-12305692
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.3.4 Stability against voltage variations

Position variation

Results (ns) Tolerances

Voltage (V)
Min Max
12.00 000 0.00 50.00
11 .00 000
10.00 000

9.4.2 Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration Test status I PASS

-EN12668-1 :2010 : Pulse duration measurements

taken at 50%

Duration: 1 ys
Voltage: 200 V
PRF: 100 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm

Min Max
Voltage (V) 201.65 180.00 220.O0

Duration (ns) 997.56 950.00 1050.00

Rise time (ns) 5.97 0.00 10.00

Reverberation (%) nRo 0.00 4.00

9.4.2 Transmifter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration Teststatus I PASS

-EN"12668-1:2010 : Pulse duration

measurements taken at 50%

Duration: 1 ys
Voltage: 200 V
PRF:1 kHz
Load: 50 Ohm

Min Max
Voltage (V) 203.18 180.00 220.OO

Duration (ns) 998.30 950.00 1050.00

Rise time (ns) 5.24 0.00 10.00

Reverberation (%) 1.02 0.00 4.00

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 4
OMNI-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 00 1 -20 17 090 1 -1 2305692
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431
Quebec City, QC G1P OB3

9'4'2 Transmitter vortage, rise time, reverberation and

duration Test status I PASS
: pulse duration measurements taken at 50%

Duration: 1 ps
Voltage: 50 V
PRF: 100 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm

Min Max
Voltage (V)
51.48 47.00 57.00
Duration (ns) 997.92 950.00 1050.00
Rise time (ns)
2.86 0.00 10.00
Reverberation (%)
1.32 0.00 4.00

9'4'2 Transmitter vortage, rise time, reverberation and

duration Teststatus I pnSS
"EN12668-1 :20'10 : pulse duration measurements taken
at 50%
Duration: I ps
Voltage: 50 V
PRF: 1 kHz
d: 50 Ohm

9'4.2 Transmitter vortage, rise time, reverberation and

duration Test status I pRSS
:2010 : pulse duration measurements taken at 50%

Duration: 100 ns
Voltage: 200 V
PRF: 100 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm

Reverberation (%)

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

oMN|-M2-PA1612S QC-o10892 Page 5
00 1 -20 1 7 090 1- 1 230 5692
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.2 Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration Test status I PASS

.EN12668-1 :2010 : Pulse duration measurements taken at 50%

Duration:100 ns
Voltage: 200 V
PRF: 10 kHz
Load: 50 Ohm

Min Max
Voltage (V) 203.79 '180.00 220.O0

Duration (ns) 102.O1 90.00 1 10.00

Rise time (ns) 534 0.00 10.00

Reverberation (%) 1.08 0.00 400

9.4.2 Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration Test status I PASS

.EN12668-1:2010 : Pulse duration measurements taken at 50%

Duration: 100 ns
Voltage: 50 V
PRF: 100 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm

Min Max
Voltage (V) 52.12 47.O0 57.00

Duration (ns) 98 47 90.00 1 10.00

Rise time (ns) JCJ 0.00 10.00

Reverberation (%) 1.26 0.00 4.00

9.4.2 Transmifter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration Test status I PASS

-EN1 2668-1 :2010 : Pulse duration measurements taken at 50%

Duration: 100 ns
Voltage: 50 V
PRF: 10 kHz
Load: 50 Ohm

Min Max
Voltage (V) ct-40 47.00 57.00

Duration (ns) 98 48 90.00 1 10.00

Rise time (ns) 3.44 0.00 10.00

Reverberation (%) 1.69 0.00 4.00

Model # Serial # Certificate # Page 6

oMN|-M2-PA16128 QC-o1 0892 001 -20'l 70901 -12305692
oLyMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431
wrvr,v. olym p u s-i ms. com

9.5.2 Amplifier frequency response Test status I PASS

Filter: No filter

Min Max
Lower frequency (fl) (ttlHz) 0.240 0.225 o.275

Upper frequency (fu) (Mtlz) 26.98 24.75 30.25

Genter frequency (fo) (MHz) z-cJ 2.49 2.75

Bandwidth (40 (MHz) zo-tI 24.53 29.98

9.5.3 Equivalent input noise Test status I PASS

Filter: No filter

Equivalent input noise

Results lnYlHz%l Tolerances
cHl Min Max
29.00 000 80 00

9.5.4 Accuracy of calib d aftenuator Teststatus I PASS

T' -

o 5 ro 15 2tl 25 30 3!i irD 45 gl
50 55 60 Af m
75 80 €€ Ht r00


Min Max
Gumulative error in any successive 20dB span (dB) R6ussi / Passed 1.00 1.00

Gumulative error in any successive 60dB span (dB) R6ussi / Passed -2 00 2.00

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 7
oMNt-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
oLyMPUs Olympus NDT Ganada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.5.5 Linearity of vertical display Test status I PASS

Channel amplitude
Attenuation Results (%) Tolerances
(dB) Min Max
0.00 99.26 98.00 102.00
1.00 89.68 88.00 92.00
2.OO 80.40 75 00 85.00
4.00 63.35 62.00 66 00
6.00 50.65 48.00 52 00
8.00 39.6'l 38 00 42.00
12.00 24 99 23.00 27.00
14.00 19 79 18 00 22.00
20.00 995 800 1200
26.00 4.92 300 700

9.6 Linearity of time-base Test status I PASS

Time range: 10 prs

Channel delay

Results (ps) Tolerances

Delay (ys)
Min Max
1.00 100 090 110
2.00 2.00 190 210
3.00 3.00 2.90 310
4.00 400 3.90 410
5.00 s00 4.90 6ln
6.00 600 5.90 610
7.00 700 6.90 710
8.00 8.00 790 810
9.00 9.00 8.90 910
10 00 '10 00 oon 10 10

Model #
Serial Certificate #
Pase 8
oMN|-M2-PA16128 Qc-0'10892 001-20170901- 123os6g2
Olympus NDT Canada Tel.: 418-872-1155
OT.YMPUS 341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 0B3
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.6 Linearity of time-base Test status I PASS

Time range: 80 ps

Channel delay
Delay (ps) Results (ps)
Min Max
8.00 799 7.20 880
16.00 16.00 15 20 16.80

24.OO 24.OO 23 20 24.4O

32.00 32.00 31 20 32.80

40.00 40.00 39.20 40.80
48.00 48.00 47.20 48 B0
56.00 55.99 55.20 56.80
64.00 64.00 63.20 64.80
72.O0 72.00 71.20 72.80
80.00 80.00 79.20 80.80

9.6 Linearity of time-base Test status I PASS

Time range: 5120 ps

Channel delay
Delay (ps) Results (ys)
Min Max
512.00 512.00 460 80 563.20
1024.00 1024.O0 972.80 1075.20
1536.00 1536.00 1484.80 1587.20
2048.00 2048.O0 1996.80 2099.20
2560.00 2560.00 2508.80 2611.20
3072.OO 3072.O0 3020.80 3123.20
3584.00 3584.00 3532.80 3635.20
4096.00 4096 00 4044.80 4147.20
4608.00 4608 08 4556.80 4659.20
5120.00 5120.00 5068.80 5',t7',\.20

Channels gain variation Test status I PASS

Mode: PP

Channel amplitude

Results (%) Tolerances

cH1 Min Max
78 51 75 00 85.00

Model #
Serial Gertificate # Page 9
oMNl-M2-pA16128 ec-010892 oo1-2oi7ogo1-'t23osxg2
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

Channels gain variation Test status I PASS

Mode: PR

Channel amplitude

Results (%) Tolerances

cHl Min Max
79.23 75.00 85 00

Phased Array
Minimum pulse duration Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Duration: 30 ns
Voltage: 60 V
PRF:20 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm


Results (ns) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 GH6 cH7 cH8
25 00 35.00
zv-25 30 04 29.28 29.77 29.52 29.97 28.88 29.3'l
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cHl4 cH15 cH16
29.25 29.74 29.86 29.67 30.01 30.00 29.93 29.83
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
29 48 30.12 29.28 29 87 29.74 29.69 29.23 30.1 1

cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32

29.97 29.54 29.47 28.74 28.55 30.0'l 29.81 29.91

All transmitter voltage variation Test status I PASS

Duration: 250 ns
PRF: 20 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm

Voltage variation

Results (V) Tolerances

Voltage (V)
Min Max
30.00 31.24 27.90 34.10
60.00 60.95 54.00 OO.UU

80.00 83.82 74.25 VU. /rb

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 10
oMNt-M2-PA16128 oc-o1 0892 00 1 -20 1 7 090 I - 1 230 5692
oLyMPUs Olympus NDT Ganada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Quebec City, QC G1P 0B3
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431
www.olympus-ims. com

9.3.2 Transmitter voltage, rise time and duration Test status I PASS

Duration: 250 ns
Voltage: 60 V
PRF:20 Hz
Load: 50 Ohm

Results (V)
Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
54 00 60.59 60.97 60.80 60 80 60.78 61.05 60.54
cH9 cH10 cHll cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
60.75 60 40 60.61 60 20 61.05 60.77 60.93 60.79
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cHz'l cH22 cH23 cH24
6'1.18 60 67 60.99 60 96 60 95 ot-z+ 60.94 60.65
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
60.67 60.51 60.92 60 93 61.39 60.80 60.58 60.29
cH33 cH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 cH38 cH39 cH40
61.00 60.57 60.71 60.84 60.95 60.38 60.67 60.29
cH41 cH42 cH43 cH4/ cH45 GH46 cH47 cH48
61.07 60.56 60.90 60.77 60.93 60.60 60.88 60.23
cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cH54 cH55 cH56
59.92 59.63 60.56 60.27 59.95 60.15 60.10 60.11
cH57 cH58 cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64
60.31 59.68 60.00 59.87 60.52 JY./Y 60.32
cH65 cH66 cH67 cH68 cH69 GHTO cH71 cH72
60.19 59.93 60.1 3 60.46 59 97 60.80 60.48 60 48
cH73 cH74 cH75 cH76 cH77 GH78 cH79 cH80
60.10 59.B0 59.95 60.19 60.1 I 60.1 7 60.00 59.95
cH81 cH82 cH83 cH84 cH85 cH86 cH87 cH88
61.01 60.75 60.99 60.08 60.82 60.86 60.86 60.71
cH89 cH90 cH91 cH92 cH93 cH94 cH95 cH96
60 84 60.32 60.82 60.44 60.69 60.40 60.51 60 06
cH97 cH98 cH99 cH100 cH101 cH102 cH103 cH104
60 88 60.32 59.95 60 36 ot.zz 60.67 60.35 60.42
cH105 cH106 cH107 cH108 cH109 cH110 cHlll cH112
61.17 60.54 60 80 60 83 60.54 60.75 60.85 59.99
cH113 cH114 cHl15 cH116 cH't't7 cH118 cH119 cH120
60.32 60.06 60.50 60 08 60 42 60.72 60.29 60.93
cH121 cH122 cH123 cH124 cH125 cH126 cH127 cH128
60.34 ou.zz 60.48 60.48 60 56 60.92 60.19 60.04

Model # Serial # Gertificate # Page 1 1

oMN|-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
OI.YMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Quebec City, QC G'1P 0B3
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.3.2 Transmitter voltage, rise time and duration


Results (ns) Tolerances

Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
225.OO 275.OO
249.12 249.91 249.25 249 59 249.33 249.80 248.75 249 14
cH9 cH10 cH1'l cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
249.18 249 54 249.84 249.61 249.76 249 78 249.92 249.80
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
249.31 249.88 249.12 249.69 249.54 249.48 249.O8 249.89
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
249.76 249.32 249.25 248.61 248.51 249.81 249.65 249 B0
cH33 cH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 cH38 cH39 cH40
249.O7 249.90 249.22 249.57 249.3',1 249.72 248.70 249.11
cH41 cH42 cH43 cH44 cH45 cH46 cH47 cH48
249.20 249.56 249.79 249.65 249.71 249.82 249.90 249.84
cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cH54 cH55 cH56
249.33 249 89 249.11 249.66 249.50 249.52 245.10 249.82
cH57 cH58 cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64
249.75 z+3 JO 249.30 248.62 248.53 249.91 249 67 249.82
cH65 cH66 cH67 cH68 cH69 cH70 cH71 cH?2
249.O7 249.92 249.22 249.56 249.29 249.73 248.69 249.19
cH73 cH74 cH75 cH76 cH77 cH78 cH79 cH80
249.21 249.54 249.81 249.66 249.71 249.76 249.90 249.85
cH81 cH82 cH83 cH84 GH85 cH86 cH87 cH88
249.35 249.89 249.11 249 65 249.55 249.55 249.14 249.87
cH89 cH90 cH91 GH92 cH93 cH94 cH95 cH96
249.77 249.30 249.27 248.64 248.52 249.83 249.63 249.79
cH97 cH98 cH99 cH100 cH10't cH102 cH103 cH104
249 09 249.92 249.21 249.61 249.28 249.70 248.73 249.14
cH10s cH106 cH107 cH108 cH109 cH110 cHl11 cH112
249.20 249.56 249.77 249.66 249.72 249.77 249.93 249.76
cH113 cH114 cH115 cHl 16 cH117 cHl't 8 cH119 cH't20
249.31 249.88 249.14 249.63 249 53 249.54 249.17 249.85
cH121 cH122 cH123 cH124 cH12s cH126 cH127 cH128
249.74 249.37 249.27 248.61 248.47 249.87 249.65 249.78

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 12
oMNt-M2-PA16128 oc-o10892 001 -20 1 7090 1- 1 2305692
OT.YMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-'1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.3.2 Transmitter voltage, rise time and duration

Rise time

Results (ns) Tolerances

Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 GH8
2.00 10.00
2.77 2.95 zoJ 2.89 2.82 2.77 2.95 2.97
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
285 290 3.04 2.97 2.89 3.10 314 2.96
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH2'l cH22 cH23 cH24
2.79 2.88 2.93 2.90 2.82 284 2.91 291
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
2.99 3.00 2.88 305 3.22 2.84 2.89 2.88
cH33 GH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 cH38 cH39 GH40
2.69 2.95 2.84 3.0'l 2.74 2.86 J tl 2.94
cH41 cH42 cH43 cH44 cH45 cH46 cH47 cH48
291 304 2.93 3.03 2.77 2.98 301 294
cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cH54 cH55 cH56
293 3.01 2.97 2.99 287 2.96 2.57 321
cH57 cH58 cH59 cH60 GH61 cH62 cH63 cH64
2.88 z-60 2.95 321 2.96 2.93 301
cH65 cH66 cH67 cH68 cH69 cH70 cH71 cH72
2.88 2.94 294 307 2.92 306 ? ?l 2.95
cH73 cH74 GH75 cH76 cH77 cH78 cH79 GHS()
2.97 5.UZ 3.13 304 2.97 J. to 3.14 3.10
cH81 cH82 cH83 cH84 cH85 GH86 cH87 cH88
302 2.86 260 2.70 2.79 2.86 3.O7
cH89 cH90 cH91 cH92 cH93 GH94 cH95 cH96
2.73 2.85 289 3.07 J.Z+ 298 2.92 2.92
cH97 cH98 cH99 cH100 cH101 cH102 cH103 cH104
2.80 2.82 z-Yz 2.81 2.79 2.91 2.93 291
cH105 cH106 cH107 cH108 cH109 cHl 10 cH111 cH112
2.91 2.99 305 3.05 2.90 2.93 3.02 3.14
cH1 13 cH114 cH115 cHl 16 cHt17 cHl't8 cH119 cH120
2.74 288 3.11 2.95 273 2.95 2.99 3.18
cH121 cH122 cH123 cH124 cH125 cHt26 cH127 cH128
281 2.79 3.20 3.29 a 44 2.9'l z.Jz 288

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 13
oMNt-tvl2-PA16128 QC-o1 0892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
oLyMPUs Olympus NDT Canada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Quebec City, QC Gl P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431
wrrrrw.olym pu s-i ms. com

9.3.3 Linearity of time delays Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Position variation

Results (ns) Tolerances

Delay (ps)
Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
1.00 -'10.00 10.00
-0.06 n lF -0.28 020 -0.10 003 o.17 0.28
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cHls cH16
1.00 -10.00 10.00
0.09 0.09 0.'t4 o.22 -o.23 0.27 o.23 001
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
1.00 -10.00 10.00
-u-zz o.12 008 -0.12 0.23 0.04 0.11 -U.UC

cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 GH3O cH31 cH32

1.00 -10.00 10.00
-0.28 036 0.'l 3 0.17 0.13 0.06 -0.07 0.o2
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
2.OO -20 00 20 00
-0 07 -0.06 0.06 -0.04 0.07 0.35 0.19
cH9 GHlO cHtl cH12 cH13 cH14 GH15 cH16
2.OO -20.00 20.00
030 o.44 0.11 o.25 -0.06 -0.09 0.33 0.11
cH17 cH18 cHt9 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
2.OO -20 00 20.00
0.09 o.28 -0.32 -0.05 0.31 -0.25 0.14 -0.05
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
2.00 -20.00 20.00
-0 09 -o.20 -0.07 001 0.03 0.23 -0.30 -0.16
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 GH6 cH7 cH8
3.00 -30.00 30.00
0.15 0.5'1 -0.36 o.32 -0.30 -0.21 0.35 0.00
cH9 cH10 GHII GH12 cH13 GH14 cHls cH16
3.00 -30.00 30 00
0.43 0.33 0.13 0.20 -0 04 009 0.16 -0.06
cH17 GH18 GHl9 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
3.00 -30.00 30.00
o.29 o.52 0.15 o.12 o29 021 0.39 -0.07
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
3.00 -30.00 30 00
-0.06 -0.04 0.38 000 -0 38 -0 03 0.21 -0.06
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
4.00 40.00 40 00
0.17 o.71 -0.25 003 0.22 0.19 0.34 003
cH9 cH10 cHlt cHl2 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
4.00 -40.00 40 00
0.27 0.40 -0.17 n?? -0 05 0.27 0.16 0.17
cHl7 cHl8 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
n40 40.00 40.00
0.17 -0.54 -0 09 045 004 n?q 043
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
4.00 -40.00 40.00
-0 60 -0.06 0.42 -0.15 -0.13 0.31 -0 36 -0.17
cH1 GH2 cH3 cH4 cHs cH6 cH7 cH8
5.00 -50.00 50.00
0.07 0.44 -0.13 0.36 -0.01 o.22 0.51 -0 05
GH9 cH10 cHtl cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
s.00 -50.00 50.00
U.JO 038 039 o.22 039 0.42 0.33 -0.01
cH17 cH18 GHI9 cH20 cH2',l cH22 cH23 cH24
5.00 -50.00 50.00
-o 24 0.16 -0.10 0.09 0.06 0.14 0.07 0.21
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
5.00 -50 00 50 00
-o 24 003 0.65 0.03 -o.29 U.JJ -0.'19 -0 06

Model # Serial # Certificate # Page 14

oMNt-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
OT.YMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
341 5 Rue
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.3.3 Linearity of time delays

Position variation
Delay (ps) Results (ns)
Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 GH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
6.00 -60.00 60.00
020 o.77 -0 07 0.44 -0 01 020 009 0.24
cH9 cHt0 cHtl cH12 cH13 cHt4 cHt5 cH16
6.O0 -60.00 60.00
0.14 0.71 -0.01 0.42 0.19 0.23 021 0.02
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
6.00 -60.00 60.00
o.12 045 -0 09 0.00 0.51 -0.01 o.22 0.54
cH25 GH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
6.00 -60.00 60.00
-0.05 0.38 0.35 0.07 0.10 0.29 -0.14 -0 23
cHr cH2 cH3 GH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
7.00 -70.00 70.00
0.37 0.18 -0.10 u.zz 0.48 -0.o2 0.45 0.49
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 GH13 GH14 cHls cH16
7.00 -70.00 70.00
063 0.28 o.28 0.30 0.03 0.51 0.11 0.33
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
7.00 -70 00 70 00
0.07 n?o -0.15 -o.14 o.52 0.07 -0.01
cH25 GH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH3r cH32
7.00 -70 00 70.00
-0 30 0.39 0.53 0.30 0.50 -0.06 o.12 0.13
GHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 GH6 GH7 cH8
8.00 -80.00 80 00
0.15 0.76 -0.11 0.10 0.06 0.23 u.c / -0.16
cH9 cH10 cHl1 cH12 GH13 cH14 cHls cH16
8.O0 -80.00 80 00
0.65 u-oz 0.37 0.19 0.08 0.53 nAo 0.10
cH17 cH't8 GH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
8.00 -80.00 80.00
0.03 0.33 -0.07 o.17 o.37 0.24 0.48 0.25
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 GH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
8.00 -80.00 80.00
-0.01 -0 08 o.23 -0.10 020 042 0.18 -0.15
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
9.00 -90.00 90.00
o23 0.34 0.21 o.32 039 0.41 0.13 -0 06
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
9.00 -90.00 90.00
u-zz 0.23 0.25 035 -0.06 A AE 046 0.39
cH17 GH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
9.00 -90.00 90.00
0.24 0.51 0.24 048 040 0.51 0.23 0.31
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH3t cH32
9.00 -90.00 90.00
-0 01 o20 0.69 n 4E o.17 0.24 -0.11 0.05

Ghannels position variation Teststatus I PASS

Delay variation

Results (ns) Tolerances

Min Max
1.56 0.00 5.00

Model # Serial # Certificate # Page 15

oMN|-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -20 1 7090 1 -1 2305692
_-€' -rj:
Olympus NDT Canada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
euebec City, eC Gi p oB3
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.2 Frequency response Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to'16P-'16R, the report introduces calibration data for32 physical receivers (channel).

Filter: No filter (high)

Lower frequency (fl)

Results (MHz) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 CHE
0.792 0.968
0.855 0.852 0 856 0.867 0.847 0.880 0.875 0.862
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
0 860 0.868 0.871 0 865 0.864 0.862 0.865 0.860
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH2'l cH22 cH23 cH24
0.863 0.873 0.878 0.855 0.865 0.860 0.866 0.861
cH25 cH26 cH27 GH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
0.867 0.874 0.866 0.868 0.865 0.860 0.866 0.863

Upper frequency (fu)

Results (MHz) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
15.75 19 25
17.05 t/.Jo 17.40 17.40 17.00 17.27 17.20 17.57
cH9 cH10 cHl'l cH12 cH13 GH14 cH15 cH16
17.12 17.34 17.50 17.45 17.O2 17.54 17.54 17.37
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
17.40 17.38 17.06 17.49 17.28 17.28 17.28 IT.Jq

cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32

17.17 '17.68 17.28 | /.JO 17.38 17.34 17.39 17.25

Center frequency (fo)

Results (MHz) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 GH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
8.28 10.12
8.95 911 9.13 o 1? 8.92 an7 904 9.21
cH9 cH10 cH11 cHl2 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
8.99 9.10 9.19 9.16 894 9.20 9.20 9.12
cH17 cH18 cHt9 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
Y. lc 9.'13 8.97 9.17 907 9.07 9.O7 9.'10
cH25 GH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
9.02 9.28 9.O7 9.11 9.12 9.10 9.13 9.06

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 16
oMNt-M2-P416128 oc-o1 0892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
34 1 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC GI P 083
re|.. 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431
wvvw.olympus-ims. com

9.4.2 Frequency response

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Filter: No filter (low)

Lower frequency (fl)

Results (MHz) Tolerances

Min Max
cH1 cH2 cHs cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
0 603 o.737
0 663 0.672 0 668 0.681 0.661 0.688 0.677 0.674
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 GH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
0.666 0.682 0.669 0.669 0.681 0.676 0.678
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
0.668 u-oo / 0.683 0.665 0 672 0.669 0.675 0 671
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
0.671 0.682 0.671 0.676 0.680 0.670 0.666 0.671

Upper frequency (fu)

Results (MHz) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 GH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
8.73 10.67
9.70 9.71 9.71 o7n 9.71 968 968 9.71
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH't2 GH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
9.70 9.69 9.70 972 967 9.71 9.71 9.69
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
oAq 9.70 9.66 9.72 9.68 9.69 966 968
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 GH3O cH31 cH32
9.68 9.71 969 9.70 9.69 9.68 9.70 968

Center frequency (fo)

Results (MHz) Tolerances

Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 GH8
4.64 5.66
5.1 8 5.19 610 F 10 5.18 5.19 5.18 5.19
cH9 cH10 cHtl cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH'16
5.1 8 5.18 5.18 tr 40 5.18 5.19 5.19 5.18
cH17 cH18 cH19 GH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
5.18 5.18 5.17 5.1 9 518 5.18 5.17 5.18
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
5.17 520 5.18 5.19 5.'t I 5.18 5.18 5.'18

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 17
oMNt-M2-PA'16128 QC-o10892 o01 -20 17 090 1 - 12305692
Tel; 418-872-1155
OT.YMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
Rue Pierre-Ardouin
341 5
Quebec City, QC GI P 083
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.3 Ghannels gain variation Test status I PASS

Ghannel amplitude

Results (%) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
75.00 85 00
80.15 79.86 80.59 79.77 80.59 79.96 80.1't 79.86
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 GH15 cH16
79.91 79.77 79.91 79.91 79.82 79 82 79.77 79.91
cH17 cH18 cHt9 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
79.91 80 01 79.81 79.72 79.81 80.45 79 91 7O RA

cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32

79.81 79.77 79.91 80.01 80.06 79.82 79.91 79.91
cH33 cH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 GH38 cH39 cH40
80.01 80.74 79.91 79.81 80.49 79 86 79.82 80 64
cH41 cH42 cH43 cH4d cH45 cH46 cH47 cH48
80.06 79.86 79.96 79.9'l 80.06 79.86 79 82 79.86
cH49 cHso GH51 cH52 cH53 GH54 cH55 cH56
79.72 79.91 80.69 79.77 79 38 79.96 79.81 79 86
cH57 cH58 cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64
79.91 79.96 79.96 79 86 79.96 79.82 80.54 80.45
cH65 cH66 cH67 cH68 cH69 cH70 cH71 cH72
79.67 80.11 80.01 79.86 79 91 80.40 80.49 79.96
cH73 cH74 cH75 cH76 cH77 cH78 cH79 cH80
80.01 79.81 79.86 79.86 79.86 79.82 79 82 79.86
cH81 cH82 cH83 cH84 cHSs cH86 cH87 cH88
79.81 79.28 80.59 79.91 79 86 79.86 79.14 79.77
cH89 cH90 cH91 cH92 cH93 cH94 cH95 cH96
79.81 80.01 79.77 80.01 80.01 79.91 79.82 79.86
cH97 cH98 cH99 cH100 cH101 cH102 cH103 cH104
80.01 80 01 79 82 79.96 80.59 80.45 79.96 79 33
cH105 cH106 cH107 cH108 cH109 cH110 cH111 cH112
79.96 80 01 79.96 79.91 79.91 79.86 79.91 79.96
cH113 cH114 cH115 cH116 cH't't7 cH118 cH119 cH120
80 54 80.45 80.01 79.33 79.81 80.49 79.28 79.91
cH't21 cH122 cHt23 cH124 cHl2s cH126 cH127 cH128
79.91 79.86 79.91 79.86 80.01 79.82 79.91 80.06


Results (dB) Tolerances

Min Max
o.17 000 1.00

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

Page 18
oMN|-M2-PA16128 QC-010892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
OT.YMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431
wrrw.olympus-ims. com

9.4.4 Equivalent input noise Teststatus I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Filter: No filter (high)

Equivalent input noise

Results (nYlHz%l Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
000 70 00
20.47 19.27 18 63 17.65 26 94 19.20 16.44 20.33
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
21.21 17.97 20 89 22.75 19.92 22.06 24.12 22.96
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
22.73 18.50 to-zI 2't.20 21.98 10 n6 20.34 18.06
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
20.55 16 62 21.82 20.23 18.89 21.32 17.75 23.06

9.4.4 Equivalent input noise Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Filter: No filter (low)

Equivalent input noise

Results (nYIHz%l Tolerances

Min lllax
cHl cH2 cH3 GH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
10 P?
000 70 00
16.09 I3.VJ 17.49 22.34 20.53 16 71 23.09
cH9 cH10 cH'tl cH12 cH13 cH14 cHt5 cH16
to-zJ 16 27 I o.oJ 23.99 18.52 14.87 24.65 26.42
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
33.57 17.67 14.41 15.24 ZJ.IO 19.52 19.03 20.87
cH25 GH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 GH31 GH32
17.34 18.03 't 5.16 16.94 18.65 16.55 14.78 21.51

Model # Serial # Gertificate # Page 19

oMNt-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -2017 090 1 -1 2305692
OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.5 Gain linearity Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (c hannel).

!t -
L channel2
E -
o ChannelS
o -
E Channel!+
=Ef ChannelS
0_oo - channelc
-* Chann€J?


O 5 10 l$ m E 30 35 ito 45 f,t 55 60 65 7D Iil

Gah (dBI

200. . "
T' r.751=-.i----:'---:=---;---i----:----;-'--+---j----:=---'.---i----:----:---:
o f-ooi-""+"..":"""-'.."-i""-i"""-:.""":-""-;-""":" ""-i."" "i"."i""-i."".1""-i
3 0.00

:oE @ GhEnnelau

=f s Ghennel2l
(J * GhennElS?
€ GhannElzl


Gah (dEl

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

Page 20
oMNt-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 00 1 -20 17 090 1 - 1 230 5692

OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada

3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 0B3
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.5 Gain linearity

- Ch3nml2f
- Chenn€Iz?
o - Shen|rel2t
5 -n Ghann€|I*
(J rdim
- r{€I3t
- ChinnElfrl


tin Max
Cumulative error in any successive ldB span (dB) R6ussi / Passed -0 50 050
Cumulative error in any successive 20dB span (dB) R6ussi / Passed 1.00 1.00

Cumulative error in full span (dB) R6ussi / Passed -2.00 2.OO

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 21
oMNt-M2-P416128 QC-o10892 00 1 -20 1 70901 -12305692
OI.YMPUS Olympus NDT Canada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC GI P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.6 Linearity of vertical display Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Ghannel amplitude

Attenuation Results (%) Tolerances

Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
6.00 196.00 200.00
198.87 198.91 1 99.1 6 199.52 199.52 't99.52 199.52 199.43
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
-6.00 196.00 200.00
199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 '199.46 199.52 199.52
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
-6.00 196.00 200.00
199.52 199.32 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
-6.00 196.00 200.00
199.52 199.52 199 52 199.52 199.52 199 52 199.52 199.52
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cHs cH6 cH7 cH8
-4.00 155.60 163.60
160.37 159.62 159.49 159.49 159.61 159.99 160.19 159.85
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 GH15 cH16
-4.00 155.60 163.60
159.44 159.57 159.48 159.65 1s9.88 159.45 159.60 158.92
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
-4.00 155.60 163.60
1 59.1 3 159.53 160.59 160.41 't 60.1 1 159.80 160.09 159.31
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
-4.00 155.60 163.60
159.76 159.46 159.64 159.77 159.56 159.99 159.1'1 159.34
cHt cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
-2.00 122.80 130.80
126.88 127.00 't27.16 126.83 126.91 126.73 126.89 127.14
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 GH14 cH15 cH16
-2.00 122.80 130.80
't26.80 127.02 126.68 126.95 127.88 126.76 126.95 126.84
cH17 cH18 GH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 GH23 cH24
-2.00 122.80 130.80
126.67 127.56 127.27 126.77 tzo.oo 126.94 127.50 127.18
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 GH31 cH32
-2.00 122.80 130.80
127.04 126.36 127.00 126.97 127.30 127.24 127.21 126.70
cHt cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
-1.00 109.00 117.00
I 13.09 112.73 112.97 112.98 1't3.O2 113.02 113.17 1 13.03
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH't2 cH13 cH't4 cH15 cH16
-1.00 109.00 117.00
1 13.00 113.07 113.22 1't3.1 1 113.34 1 13.03 1 13.09 113.10
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
-1.00 109.00 117.00
113.10 1't2.96 113.04 113.46 113.02 113.O7 112.89 112.89
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
-1.00 109.00 117.00
113.22 113.02 113 14 113.32 113.10 113.37 113.17 112.98
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
0.00 98.70 102.70
't 00.95 101 .06 101.19 100.57 100.78 100.77 100.90 100 36
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
0.00 98.70 102.70
100.35 100.87 100.83 101 .01 101.O2 100.37 1nn 40 100.91
cH17 cHlS cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
0.00 98.70 102.70
100.87 101.46 100.94 100.83 100.94 100.56 100.80 101.20
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
0.00 oe 7n 102.70
100.72 100.82 100.94 100.84 100.83 100.73 100.68 100.91

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 22
oMN|-M2-PA16128 oc-o10892 001 -201 70901 -12305692
OT.YMPUS Olympus NDT Ganada
3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.6 Linearity of vertical display

Ghannel amplitude

Attenuation Results (%) Tolerances

Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
1.00 8B 00 92.00
90 30 89.68 90 04 90 27 89.53 90 04 co 47 89.38
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
1.00 BB OO 92.00
89.66 89.57 89 54 90.22 89 58 89.58 89.53
cH17 GH18 cHr9 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
1.00 88.00 92 00
89.76 89.86 90.17 89.80 89.58 89.64 90.13 90.06
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
1.00 88.00 92.00
89.73 89.79 89.65 89.66 89.77 89.71 89.68 89.56
cH1 cH2 GH3 cH4 cH5 GH6 cH7 cH8
2.00 78 00 82.00
79.90 79.72 79.73 79.83 80.'14 79.98 80.08 80.05
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
2.OO 78.00 82.00
79.85 80.02 80.03 79.99 79.96 79.75 79.84 79.90
cH17 GH18 cHl9 cH20 GH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
2.00 78.00 82.00
80.00 79.89 80.07 80.03 79.79 80.08 79.82 79.99
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 GH32
2-00 78.00 82.00
80.22 80.22 80.21 80.01 79.95 79.84 79.95 79.85
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 GH6 cH7 cH8
4.00 62.OO 66.00
63.49 63.57 63.50 63.90 63.58 63.47
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cHt3 cH14 cH15 cH16
4.00 62.OO bb.UU
63.50 o5.ou 63.52 63.61 63.64 63 48 63.62 63.51
cH17 GH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 CH22 cH23 cH24
4.00 62.OO 66.00
63.72 63.43 A? qo 63.92 63.48 bJ.OJ 63.75 63.74
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
4.00 62.00 OO.UU
63.71 OJ.JZ 63.63 63.60 A" AA 63.64 63 59
cHt cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
6.00 48.00 52 00
50.71 50.43 50.78 50.77 50.63 50.53 50.70 50.66
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
6.00 48.00 52 00
50.70 50.47 50.61 50.51 50.80 50.66 50.68 50.60
cH17 GH18 cH19 cH20 cH2',l cH22 cH23 cH24
6.00 48.00 52.00
50.34 4n 7a 50.61 50.80 50.38 50.71 50.49 50.51
cH2s cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
6.00 48.00 52.00
50.61 50.60 50.81 50.61 50 80 50.63 50.60
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
8.00 38 00 42.00
40.24 40.15 40 20 40.25 40.35 40.07 40.22 40.16
cH9 GHlO cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
8.00 38 00 42.00
40.31 40 25 40 29 40.13 40.37 40.26 40.35 40.38
cH17 GH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
8.00 38 00 42.O0
40.13 40.14 40.32 40.29 40.37 40.28 40.20 40.23
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH3t cH32
8.00 38.00 42.00
40 29 40.19 40.28 40.23 40.31 40.35 40.31 40 21

Model # Serial # Certificate #

Page 23
oMN|-M2-PA16128 QC-o10892 001 -20 17 0901 -1 2305692

OLYMPUS Olympus NDT Canada

341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.6 Linearity of vertical display

Channel amplitude
Aftenuation Results (%) Tolerances
(dB) Min Max
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 GH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
12.OO 23.00 27.00
25.35 25.07 25.29 25.28 25.26 25.17 25.20 25.33
cH9 GHlO cHl1 cH12 cH13 cHt4 GHl5 cH16
12.OO 23.00 27.O0
25 40 25.',t9 25.25 25.44 25 30 zJ.z4 25.28 25.25
cH17 cH18 cHt9 cH20 GH21 cH22 GH23 cH24
12.00 23.00 27.00
25.12 25 21 25.26 25 25 z3-35 25 30 25.15 25.20
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
12.00 23.00 27.00
25.25 25.55 25.37 25.25 25.30 25.25 25.36 25.29
cH1 cH2 GH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
14.00 18 00 22.00
20.09 20 00 19.87 20.07 20.00 20.13 20.08 20.05
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
14.00 18.00 22.00
'19 64 20.15 20.o7 20.14 20.04 19.99 20.19 20.06
cH17 GH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
14.00 '18.00 22 00
19.88 20.11 19.95 20.00 19.96 20.09 20.12 19.85
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 GH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
14.00 '18.00 22.00
19.97 20.05 20.19 20.15 20.12 20.13 20.02 20.12
cHl cH2 cH3 GH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
20.00 8.00 12 00
10.04 9.B5 994 9.90 oqa 9.90 9.84 9.87
cH9 cH10 cHtl GH'2 cH13 cH14 cHts cH16
20-00 800 12 00
9.94 9.90 10 08 986 9.79 aa5 9.90 9.88
cH17 cH18 GH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 GH23 cH24
20.00 800 12 00
9.87 10.07 9.87 9.76 9.83 9.89 oeq 9.84
cH25 GH26 cH27 GH28 cH29 GH3O cH31 cH32
20.00 800 12 00
9.85 9.98 9.87 10.08 9.84 9.81 9.86 9.86
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
26.00 3.00 7.00
487 4.76 4.87 4.89 488 4.91 4.91 4.79
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cHt4 cH15 cH16
26.00 300 7.O0
4.88 4.90 4.69 4.88 4.80 4.89 4.79 4.78
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
26.00 300 7.O0
4.88 4.88 4.72 4.79 4.72 4.90 4.92 482
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
26.00 3.00 7.00
4.78 4.79 4.80 4.88 4.88 4.81 4.88 4.98

Model # Serial # Gertificate #

oMN|-M2-PA16128 QC-o1 0892 00 1 -201 7090 1- I 2305692

oLyMPus Olympus NDT Canada

341 5 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 083
Tel.: 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431

9.4.7 Linearity of time delays Test status I PASS

Since this <Phased-Array> module allows configurations up to 16P-16R, the report introduces calibration data for 32 physical receivers (channel).

Position variation

Results (ns) Tolerances

Delay (ps)
Min Max
cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 GH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
1.2a -12.80 12.80
000 -1.25 000 000 -1.25 0.00 0.00 000
cH9 GHlO cH11 cHl2 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
L2A -12.80 12.80
000 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
1.28 -12.80 12.80
000 0.00 0.00 0.00 t -zJ 0.00 -1.25 0.00
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 GH31 cH32
1.28 -12.80 12.80
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 000 0.00
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 GH7 cH8
2.56 -25.60 25.60
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 t -zc 1.25 0.00 0.00
cH9 GHlO cH11 cH12 GH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
2.56 -25.60 25.60
0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
cH17 cHrS cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
2.56 -25.60 25.60
0.00 0.00 000 0.00 -1.25 0.00 -1.25 1.25
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
2.56 -25.60 25.60
0.00 0.00 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00
cH1 cH2 GH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8
3.84 -38 40 38 40
0.00 1.25 0.00 000 -1.25 000 0.00 0.00
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 GHI5 cH16
3.84 -38 40 38 40
000 000 000 000 000 000 0.00 0.00
GH17 cH18 cHt9 cH20 GH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
3.84 -38.40 38.40
0.00 0.00 000 000 -t-23 000 -1.25 0.00
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
3.84 -38.40 38 40
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cHs cH6 cH7 cH8
5.12 -51.20 51.20
000 -1.25 0.00 000 -1.25 000 0.00 000
cH9 cHl0 cH11 cH12 cH13 cH14 cH15 cH16
5.12 -51.20 51.20
0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
cH17 cH18 cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
5.12 -51.20 51.20
000 000 0.00 0.00 -1.25 0.00 1.25 0.00
cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
5.12 -51.20 51.20
000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Probe detection Teststatus I PASS

Probe detect: PASS

Probe lD Teststatus I PASS

Probe identifi cation: PASS

Model # Serial # Certificate #

oMN|-M2-PA16'128 QC-o10892 00 1 -20 1 7090 1 -1 2305692

oLyMPUS Olympus NDT Canada

3415 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC G1P 0B3
Tel.t 418-872-1155
Fax: 418-872-5431


ftlodel #
Serial Certificate #
Page 26
oMNI-M2-PA16128 Qc-010892 001-20170901- 123os6g2
ctronics Limited

uS taltnn r.olympus Ahmedabad 380 015, India


Nts -P 1664p

Numdro de certificat / Certificate number: 3382E1 71 127

Equipement / Equipment: OMNISX-PA.I664PR
Num1ro de sdrie / Serial number: QC-000599

Descilption de l'appareil / Equipment description: 16:64PR Phased array acquisition unit /

UT HD channd.l
Date d'1talonnage / Calibration date: 0210312017
Prochain 6talonnage / Next calibration: 02t03t2018
Etat aprds 1talonnage / Status after calibration: Dans les to16rances / Within toleranqes
Etat A la rdception / Status upon reception: Dans les to16rances / Within tolerances

Leproduitmentionn6ci-dessusa6t6conguenconsid6rationdelarformeENl266s-1 pourlesappareilsdultrasonsconventionnt
eiAlanormelSOl3563-1 pourlesappareilsdullrasonsmulti6l6ments.Cecertificatattestequel'appareil menlionn6ci-dessus
rencontre les sp6cifications d'Olympus NDT, selon les m6thodes du groupe 2 d6criies de la norme europeenne EN12668-'l :201
pour les appareils d ultrasons conventionnels, et selon la norme internationale ISO 18563-1 :2015 pour les appareils d ultrasor
, multi6l6ments. Tout 6quipement utilis6 pour l'6talonnage fait l'objet d'un processus de tragabilite au NIST (National Institute of
Standards and Technoloqy) qu suprds de tout autre organisme de normalisation reconnu. Olympus NDT poss6de un systdme d

gestion de la qualii6 certifi6 1SO9001. Ce certificat ne doit pas 6tre reproduit, en tout ou en partie, sans I'autorisation ecrite
d'Olympus NDT.

This above product was designed in consideration of EN12668-1 for conventional UT instruments and 1SO18563-1 for phased arr
instrurnents This certificatb confirms that the above product meets Olympus NDT specifications using group 2 test methods as
described in European standard EN12668-1 :2010. for conventional ultrasonic instrumentation and international standard ISO 1t
1:2015lor phased array instrumentation. All equipment used for calibration is traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards
Technology) or other application and recognized national standard(s). Olympus NDT operates in compliance with a quality systel
registered to lSOgOOj. This certificate should not be reproduced in part or in whole without written permission of Olympus NDT

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certiticat / Certificate # Page I / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127

Registered Office: Kasturi Buildings, Mohan T Advani Chowk, JamshedjiTata Road,

Mumbai 400 020, India. T : +91 22 6665 4000 F :+91 22 6665 4152.
CIN: U 70200MH201 }PLC 204612
(}TYMIilUS U/\r1/t/1/.Olym pUS-i mS.

Equipemenfs utilrsds / Equipment used

Description Fabricanl Nq mod6le Nq s6rie Prochain 6talonnage
Description Manulactu rer Model # Serial # Next calibration l


Calibration Tool Control Box Olympus NDT ABIXO6TOB 826022-02 2017-11 -O2

MCR Olympus NDT EWIX929A 850864-02 CAL NOT REO

Oscilloscope Tektronir TDS2O22B c057490 201 7-08-30

Power Mini Pro 300V NIajor Science MtNt-300 61 01 0-1 -04 CAL NOT REQ

DC Power Supply Agilent E3644A 85671 I CAL NOT REQ

MICT Olympus NDT EWlX0824 8841 50-02 CAL NOT REO

Moddle / Model # sdrie / Serial # # certificat / Certiticate # Page 2 / 24

OMNISX.PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
{}LYMPUS lfif11/1fi/.Olym pUS-i mS. ErtcItl0Nrcs

9.4 : Paramdtres de I'impulsion d'6mission / Transmitters pulse parameters

-ENl2668-1 :2010 La mesure de la dur6e de !'impulsion esf prise ) 50% / Pulse duration ,neasurements taken at 507o

9.4.2: Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verb6ration et dur6e /

Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Duree:'l00ns, Tension :50V, PRF: 100H2, avec une charge de 50Q/
Duration : 100ns, Voltage:50V, PRF:100H2, with a 50O load

Mesures /

Tension (V) i Voltage {V) 52 17

Temps de mont6e (ns) i Rise time (ns) 37
Reverbdration (%) i Overshoot (%)
Dur6e (ns) / Duration (ns)

9.4.2: Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verb6ration et dur6e /

Transmilter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Dur6e ; 'l00ns, Tension : 50V, PRF : 1OKHz, avec une charge de 50O /
Duration : 100ns, Voltage:50V, PRF: 1OKHz, with a 50O load

Mesures / Tol6rances / Tolerances

Min Max

Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 51 .40 47.00 57.00

Temps de mont6e (ns) / Rise time (ns) 36 0.0 10 0

R6verb6ration (%) / Overshoot (%) u. t) 0.0 40

Dur6e (ns) / Duration (ns) 1 00.1 900 1 10.0

9.4.2 : Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verb6ration et dur6e /

Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Duree : 100ns, Tension :200V, PRF :'l00Hz, avec uns charge de 50O I
Duration : f 00ns, Voltage :200V, PRF: 100H2, with a 50Q load

Mesures i Tokirances / Tolerances

Min Max

Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 205.71 180.00 220.00

Temps de mont6e (ns) / Rise lime (ns) 71 00 10 0

F6verb6ration (%) / Overshoot (%) 00 00 40

Dur6e (ns) / Duration (ns) '1
01.3 900 110.0

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 3 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}LYM}'US U/\ n4/.Olym pUS-imS. EtEITtl0iltIS

9.4.11 :Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verberation et dur6e /

Transmilter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Dur6e: 100ns, Tension:200V, PRF:1OKHz, avec une charge de 50O/
Duralion : 100ns, Voltage :200V, PRF : 10KHz, with a 50O load

M;;;;;;/ T
Tol6rances 1 Tolerances
Min i

Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 202 91

Temps de mont6e (ns) / Rise time (ns) 66 l 00

R6verbdration (%) i Overshoot (%) 0.0 l 0.0

Duree (ns) / Duration (ns) 101 I 90.0

9.4.2 : Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verb6ration et dur6e /

Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Dur6e : 1gs, Tension :50V, PRF : 100H2, avec une charge de 50O /
Duration : 1ps, Voltage :50V, PRF : 'l00Hz, with a 50O load

Mesures / Tol6rances / Tolerances

Min Max
Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 50.79 47.00 57.00

Temps de montde (ns) i Rise time (ns) 00 10.0

Ft6verb6ration (%) / Overshool (%) 00 00 40

Dur6e (ns) / Duration (ns) 999 0 950.0 1050.0

9.4.2; Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verberation et dur6e /

Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Duree : 'lps, Tension : 50V, PRF : 1KHz, avec une charge de 50O /
Duration : 1gs, Voltage : 50V, PRF : 1KHz, with a 50Q load

Mesures i Told'rances / Tolerances

Measures Max
Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 50.79 47.00 57.00

Temps de mont6e (ns) i Rise time (ns) J+ 00 10.0

H6verb6ration (%) / Overshoot (%) 00 00 40

Dur6e (ns) i Duration (ns) 998 8 950.0 1050.0

Modile / Model # sdrie / Serial # # certiticat / Certificate # Page 4 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR QC-000s99 3382E171127
{}tYMf[,JS t/Vt/W.Olym pUS-i mS. il. EITrl 0 tlt CS

9.4.2: Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, r6verb6ration et dur6e /

Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Dur6e : 1Fs, Tension : 200V, PRF : 100H2, avec une charge de 50O /
Duration : 1ps, Voltage : 200V, PRF :'l00Hz, with a 50O load

Mesures / Tol6rances / Tolerances

Min Max
190.00 .t80.00
Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 220.00

Temps de montee (ns) / Rise time (ns) 0.0 00 10.0

R6verb6ration (%) I Overshoot (%) 00 00 40

Durrie (ns) / Duration (ns) 980.0 950 0 1050.0

9.4.2: Tension de l'6metteur, temps de mont6, rdverbdration et dur6e /

Transmitter voltage, rise time, reverberation and duration
Duree : 1gs, Tension : 200V, PFF : 1KHz, avec une charge de 50Q /
Duration :1ps, Voltage :200V, PRF: 1KHz, with a 50Q load

Mesures / Tol6rances / Tolerances

Min Max
Tension (V) / Voltage (V) 190.00 180.00 220.00

Temps de montrie (ns) / Rise time (ns) 00 00 10.0

R6verb6ration (%) i Overshoot (o/.) 00 00 40

Dur6e (ns) / Duration (ns) 970.0 950 0 1050.0

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certiticat / Certificate # Page 5 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR QC-000599 3382E171127
OLYMPUS lfifiJ\/tll|.olympus-ims. il.ECTR0iltIS

9.5 : R6cepteur / Receiver

fle _q-ge.-nce*de-l'a_mqui_c*11eyr ( 4Up"tit'Sfllgq_yg"l"_c,_y"Ig:p:l:"9*___
Sans liltre / No filter

Mesures (MHz) / Measures Tol6rances / Tolerances

Frrlquence inferieure (fl) i 0.268
Lower lrequency (fl)

Frequence sup6rieure (fu) / 31 .24

Upper frequency (fu)

Fr6quence centrale (fo) /

Center frequency (fo)

Bande passante (At) /

Bandwidth (Af)

9.5.3 : Bruit 6quivalent rapport6 i I'entr6e / Equivalent input noise

Sans filtre / No filter

Mesure (nVlHzVz) / Measure (nVlHzl/zl Tol6rance / Tolerance

000 80.00

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 6 / 24

OMNISX.PA1664PR QC-000599 3382E171127
{}TYMPIIS u/vl/vv.olym pus-i msi
9.5.4 : Pr6cision de I'att6nuateur calibr6 / Accurav ol calibrated atlenuator



o,l 9 0.5
E o0.o
3 E-ou


15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 85 90 95 'r00

Gain (dB)

Voie / Channel

9.5.4 ; Pr6cision de I'att6nuateur calibr6 / Accuray of calibrated altenuator

Statut / Status To16rances (dB) / Tolerances (dB)
Mn Max

Erreur cumul6e sur chaque plage succesive de 20dB i R6ussi / Passed 100 100
Cumulative error in any succesive 20dB span

Erreur cumul6e sur chaque plage succesive de 60dB i R6ussi / Passed -2.00 2.00
Cumulative error in any succesive 60dB span

Moddle / Model # sirie / Serial # / Certificate #

# certiticat Page 7 / 24
OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382Et71127
T}LYMFI,'"S" t1/1/1/Ir1/. O I y m p US-im 5 ttIItl0i{tIs

Attenuations Mesures (%) / Measures (%) Tolerances / Tolerances
Min Max
0dB 99.37 98 00 102.00
1dB 89.03 88.00 92.00
2dB 79.48 75.00 85.00
4dts 63 57 62.00 66 00
6dB 50.63 4B 00 52.00
8dB 39.78 38.00 42.00
't 2dB z+ ol 23.00 27.00
1 4d8 19.60 18 00 22.00
20dB 980 800 12.00

26dB 487 3.00 700

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certilicate # Page I / 24

OMNISX.PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
{}LyMptU.S r/UV\n V.Olym pUS-i mS. ELECT|iOIIICS

9.6 : Lin6arit6 de la base de temps / Linearity of time-base

Plage de temps : 1Ops / Time range : 10;rs Plage de temps : 80ps / Time range : 80pts
D6lais / Mesures (gs) / Tol6rances Tolerances
Delays Measures (ps)
Min Max
BFs 80 72 8.8
16ps 16.0 15.2 16.8

30 24Vs 24.0 zJ.z 24.8

40 32Fs 32.0 5t-z 328

3U 40ps 40.0 39.2 408
48ps 480 47.2 48.8

56ps 56.0 55.2 56.8

64ps 640 63.2 648

721,ts 72.0 71.2 728
80ps 80.0 79.2 80.8

Plage de temps : 51209s / Time range : 5120ps

Delais / Mesures (gs) / Tol6rances / Tolerances
Delays Measures (Fs)
Min Max
51 2ps 512.0 460.8 563.2

1 024ps 1024.0 972.8 1075 2

1 536ps 1536.0 1484.8 1587.2

2048ps 2048.0 1996.8 2099.2

2560prs 2560.0 2508.8 zot t.z

3072ps 3072.0 3020.8 3123.2

3584gs 3584.0 3532.8 3635.2

4095gs 4096.0 4044.8 4147.2

46089s 4608 0 4556.8 4659 2

51 20gs 5120.0 5068.8 5171.2

Modile / Model # serie / Serial # # certificat / Certiticate # Page 9 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR QC-000599 3382E171127
$tYfttF[t,s l/tfl/vl/v. o I ym p u s - i m s. il.E[]R 0 il tIs

Mode PP / PP mode

Mesure (%) / Measure (%) Tolirance / Tolerance

Variation de gain des voies / Channel gain variation

Mode PR / PR mode

Mesure (%) i Measure (%) Tolerance i Tolerance
Min Max
79.18 75 00 85.00

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial I # certificat / Certificate # Page l0 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}LvnfrIttt.S U/\An f.Olym pUS-i mS.
Section multi-6l6ments / Phased array section
9.3 : Parametres de I'impulsion d'emission / Transmitters P_{i_q.Pel"gmeters
D_u.r6e d'impulsion minimale / ilIinimum pulse duraiion
Duree : 30ns, Tension : 56V, PRF : 20H2, avec une charge de 50Q i
Duration : 30ns, Voltage : 56V, FfiF : 20H2, with a 50Q load

lvtesures i ft/l"*u*- Tolerance


Dur6e (ns) i cH1 cH2 CH3 CH4 CHs Cfl6 i CH7 CHg JJ.U
Duration (ns) 29.7 30.3 303 30.3 29.8 30.2
30.5 29.9
cH9 cHl0 cHl 1 cH1 2 cH1 3 cH14 cH1 5 cH1 6

30.4 30 1 305 30.2 30.8 30.6 304

Variation de toutes les tensions de l'6metteur / All transmitter voltage variation

Dur6e : 250ns, PRF : 20H2, avec une charge de 50O /
Duration : 250ns, PRF : 20H2, with a 50Cl load

Mesures / Measures Tol6rances i Tolerances

Tensions (V) / Voltages (V) cHl Min Max

28.7V 27.10 25.83 31 .57

56.0V 54 22 50.40 61.60

74 Av Il. IJ oo.ou 81 ,40


Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certiticat / Certificate # Page 1) / 24

OMNISX.PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E|-71127
OI-YMFI.|S lJUt,6fW.Olym pUS-i mS.
9.3.2 : Tension, temps de mont6e et dur6e de l'6mission /
Transmitter voltage, rise time and duration
Durrie : 250ns, Tension : 56V, PRF :2OHz, avec une charge de 50Q, canaux 1 ,t32 |
Duration : 250ns, Voltage : 56V, PRF : 20H2, with a 50O load, channels .l to 32

Mesures i Measures Tol6rance Tolerance

Min Max
Tension (V) / cH1 CH2 cH3 CH4 CHs CH6 cH8 50.40 61 60
Voltage (V)
54.22 54.22 54.22 54.22 54 64 54-22', 54 64 54.22
cH9 cH10 cHl r cH12 CH13 l CH14 CHl5 cH1 6

54 22 54.22 54.22 5422 5464 5464 54.22 54 64

-...-:,.---1.- |
cH17 CH1 B cH19 CH20 CH21 CH22 CH23 CH24
54.22 54.64 54.64 54.22 54.64 54 22 54 64 54 22

cH25 cH26 cH27 CH2B cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32

54.22 54 64 54.22 54.64 54 22 54.64 54.22 54.64

Mesures / Measures To16rance / Tolerance

Min Max
Temps de montee (ns) / cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8 20 10.0
Rise time (ns) 39 44
36 44 4.2 J.O 39
cH9 cH1 0 cH11 cH1 2 cH1 3 cH14 cH15 cH1 6

34 35 JY 38 34 37 aa 40
cH17 CHlB cH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 cH24
?o 38 38 36 JO 36 1-Z 43
cH25 cH26 cH27 CH2B cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32
38 35 37 37 35 44 35 36

Mesures / Measures Tol6rance / Tolerance

Min Max

fCH2TcHt cH4 CHs cH6
Dur6e (ns) / CH7 CHS 225.0 275.0
Duration (ns)
250.2 249.7 249.7 250.2 250.1 250.0 249.6 250.0

cH9 cHt0 cH11 cH1 2 cf{13 cH14 cH15 cH1 6

250.2 250 0 250.1 250 1 250 0 250.3 250 4 250.2

cH17 CH'IB cH19 cH20 CHz1 cH22 cH23 cH24

250.2 249.7 249.6 250.1 250.0 250.0 249.8 249.8

cH25 cH26 cH27 cH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 cH32

250.2 250.0 250.0 250.2 250.0 250.2 250.3 250.2

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 12 / 24

OMNISX-P41664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
{}tYMSilUS lfi/\rlf\rt/.Olym pUS-i mS. tLtIIR0|\ltIs

9.3.2 : Tension, temps de mont6e et dur6e de l'6mission i

Transmitter voltage, rise time and duration
Dur6e : 250ns, Tension : 56V, PRF : 20H2, avec une charge de 50Ct, canaux 33 e 64 /
Duration : 250ns, Voltage : 56V, PRF : 20H2, with a 50o load, channels 33 to 64

Mesures I Measures Tol6rance i Tolerance

Min Max

Tension cH33 cH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 cH3B crrc0 | cnao 50 40 6.1 .60
54.64 54.22 54.615t 64 u aitiiEit2liiz
[la I
i CH41 CH42 cH43 I CH44 CH45 I CH46 I CH47 CH4B

55 05 55.05 54.64 55 05 54 64 55.05 54 22 54.64

cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cl-154 cH55 cH56

54.22 54.22 54.22 54.22 54 64 54 64 54.64 54 64

cH57 cHss cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64

54.22 54.22 54.22 54.22 54.64 54.64 54.22 54.22

i Mesures i Measures Tol6rance / Tolerance

Min Max

Temps de mont6e (ns) / cl"r33 cH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 CH3B cH39 cH40 20 10.0
Rise lime (ns) 40 36 36 A1 39
36 37 36
cH41 cH42 cH4s cH44 cH45 cH46 cH47 cH48
32 JJ 36 38 32 J+

cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cH54 cH55 cH56

37 36 40 41 34 38 40 41
cH57 cH58 cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64
39 37 JO 36 37 3.6 42

Mesures I Measures Tol6rance / Tolerance

Min Max

Dur6e (ns) / cH33 cH34 cH35 cH36 cH37 cH38 cl-139 cH40 225.0 275.0
Duration (ns) 249.7 249 6 250.2 250 249-9 249.7 249.9
250.2 1

cH41 cH42 cH43 cH44 cH45 cH46 CH47 CH4B

lzsot 250.0 249.9 250.1 250.0 250.2 250 3 250.3

cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cH54 cH55 cH56

250.3 249.6 249 6 250.2 250.1 250.0 249.7 249.9

cH57 CH58 cHs9 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64

250.1 250.0 250.0 250.2 250.0 250.2 250.4 250.4

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # ceriificat / Certiticate # Page 13 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}tyfdfrH$ lfifififlr1/. Olym pUS-i mS. il.E[1|l0iltCS

9.3.3 : Lin6arit6 des retards / Linearity of time delays

Variati on de position / Position riation

Mesur( rs (ns) 'Measr , Tol6rances /Tolerances
D6lais / Delays cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH8 Min Max
1ps 044 023 0.34 t o.6t i -oii..qi -0.50 -10 00 10.00

2us 053 v.zJ 051 003 058 0.65 -20 00 20.00

3ps 0 16 o.23 051 0.33

| -0.35 003 -023 o.20 -30.00 30.00
t 4!rs 0 60 086 097 1.15 -0.35 0.78 0 40 1.00 -40.00 40 00
5$rs 0 84 1.08 119 073 -0.04 049 062 083 -50.00 50.00

6us 1 19 154 079 0.67 0.79 0.78 0.22 043 -60 00 60.00
7Us 0.59 078 097 0.95 005 051 038 095 -70.00 70.00

Strs 0 91 080 1 1A 070 0.20 0.40 0.06 043 -80.00 80.00

9Fs 089 108 131 0.30 0.28 0.57 0.97 140 -90.00 90.00

Variation de la position / Position variation

Mesures (ns) / Measures (ns) Tol6rances Tolerances
D6lais / Delays cH9 cH10 cH11 cH1 2 cH't3 cH14 cH15 cH't6 Min Max
1us 093 -0.57 -0 40 046 006 -0.1 6 006 -0.30 - 1 0.00 10.00

2ps 0.59 010 0.07 034 006 -0.10 0.35 -0.17 -20.00 20.00

3ils 0.50 000 001 v.oz 051 0.35 007 -0.08 -30 00 30.00

4Fs 090 0.65 0.32 0.97 o.67 o41 0s3 0.30 -40 00 40.00

5Fs no? 125 0.52 o.74 0.67 0.30 107 0.32 -50 00 50.00

6Fs 0.25 010 064 046 112 0.75 1.12 017 -60 00 60.00

7ps 0.90 0.50 0.47 120 0.57 030 0.92 070 -70.00 70 00

8us 070 000 -o 27 0.23 0.07 o07 087 o.57 -80.00 80.00

9Fs 144 045 007 102 -0.1 3 087 024 102 -90.00 90.00

Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # cedificat / Certificate # Page 14 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR QC-000599 3382E171127
OHTMFT,'S lfifiJvlrt/.olympus-ims. EtECtR0t'|rIS

Variation de la position des voies / Channel position varia!_io,1.

[Iesure (ns) / Tol6rance / Tolerance

Measure (ns) Max
2.41 0.00 5.00

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # ceftificat / Certificate # Page l5 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 33A2E17',!127

,9,1-' F-egpg!-e lt 1I9 ggiler

-e,a,?-iIgJ-o.t."-9lJ*9.u"1."*e-i"f t-"*q.g-e"lgY"r."g:p-g19g.
Sans filtre (haute) / No filter (high)

Sans filtre i cHl l

No filter

Frequence superieure (!u) / Upper frequency (fu)

Mesures (MHz) / Measures (MHz) Tolerance / Tolerance
I sans filtre / cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8 Min Max
I No filter 17.83 17.90 17.82 17.69 17.53 17.84 17.94 17.75 16.20 19.80

cH9 cH10 cH11 cH12 cH1 3 cH14 cH15 cHl6

17.72 17.82 17.98 17.74 t/.bY 17.74 '1
7.86 17.64

Fr6quence centrale (fo) / Center frequency (fo)

M )sures (MHz) Measu res (MHz) Tol6rance / Tolerance
Sans liltre / cHl cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cxelcHz I cHe Min Max
No filter
9.36 939 935 929 921 e41 s.32 851 10.39
c1*9 cH10 cH11 cH'!2 cH1 3 cHr4 i cH15 cH1 6

9.30 9.35 943 931 9.29 932 i 9.37 9.26

Moddle / Model # sirie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 16 / 24

OMNISX-PA1564PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}ttrMf,US lflfi/t/trl;.Olym pUS-i mS.
9.4.2: R6ponse en fr6quence / Frequency response
Sans filtre (basse) / No filter (low)

Fr6quence inf6rieure (fl) / Lower trequency (fl)

Mesures (MHz) i Measures (MHz) Tol6rance Tolerance
Sans filtre / cHl I CH2 cH3 cH4 cHs cH6 cH7 cH8 Min Max
No filter 0.621 0.759
0.699 0.696 0.686 0.701 0 699 0.704 0.686 0.693
cH9 cH10 cH11 cH1 2 cHl 3 cH14 cH15 cHl 6
I 0 704 0.704 0 696 0 681 0 694 0 694 c.695 0.690

Fr6quence supdrieure (lu) i Upper frequency (fu)

i Mesures (MHz) / Measures (MHz) Tol6rance / Tolerance
Sans filtre / cH1 cHz cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8 Min Max
No filter s.71 915
916 940 918 976 9.74 i e.76 8.51 10 39

cH9 cH10 cH11 cHl 2 cH13 cH14 | CHls cH1 5

916 9.38 917 918 9.74 e.76 I e.75 916

Fr6quence centrale (fo) / Center frequency (fo)

Mesures (MHz) / Measures (MHz) Tol6rance / Tolerance
Sans filtre / cH'l cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8 Min Max
No filter 492 457
4.93 505 493 5.23 5.22 5.20 5.22 5.57

cH9 cH10 cHl1 cH1 2 cH13 cH't 4 cH15 cH1 6

4.93 504 494 493 5.22 5.23 a-zz 492

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certilicat / Certificate # Page 17 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171'127
OI-YMFUS lfifr /t/t/. O lym p U S -i m S. II-EIIIlONICS

9.4.3 : Variation de gain des voies / Channel gain variation

Mode PR / PR mode

Measures (7") Tolerance / Tolerance i
Mesure (dB) / Measure (dB)
I cxr cnz cH3 cH4 Min tuax I
-r I

lzs.o+ zsfi zeez ?5.oo- T I

8tou;- To16rance / Tolerance

cH9 CH10 CH11 CH12 I

-ab t_

I' r r 79 33 79.g6 Bo or Bo 01 I 79 38 7g 7g Bz
cnrz-cnra- cnig cnzo cH22 CH23 CH24
79.57 79.5s 7s.1s 7s.48 80 01 79.09 79.53 79.24

cHzs cnio bnzz CHie cH29 CH30 CH31 CH32

80.30 79.38 79.77 80 40 79 33 79.24 80.25 79.24

cH33 cH34 CH35 cH36 cH37 cH38 cH39 cH40

79.86 79.29 79.72 79.96 79.96 78,95 80.06 80.06
cH41 cH42 cH43 cH44 cH45 cH46 cH47 CH4B
79.48 80.25'79.29 79.86 80.1 1 79.77 80.15 79.38
cH49 cH50 cH51 cH52 cH53 cH54 cH55 cH56
80.35 79.43 79.33 80.30 80.01 79.77 80.11 79.38
cH57 cH58 cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64
80.1 1 79 48 79.33 / v.410 79.43 79.29 79.67 79.77

Modile / Model # s6rie / Serial # # cerlificat / Certiticate # Page 18 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR QC-000599 3382E171127
(}HfMPIJS Ufifi/trl/.Olym pUS-i mS. EticI|l0tltIs

9.4.3 : Variation de gain des voies / Channel gain variation

Mode PP / PP mode


Mesures (%) Meas res (%) ibt"run". r"J"ii.-"" l

olerance /, | olerance Mesure (dB) / Measure (dB)
cH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 cH5 cno , cnz cH8 Min I
i ..^--
79.0479 91 79 33 79 82 79 38 79.47 :79.91 79.67 75 00 85.00

cHg cH10 CH11 CH12 cH13 cH14, CH15 CH16

, -l--]_-
f 80 1 79.33 79 86 80.01 79.38 79.48 79.82
80 01

cH1 7 cH18 CH19 cH20 cH21 cH22 cH23 CH24

79.57 79 53 79 19 79 48 80 01 79.09 79 53 ,79 24

cH25 cH26 C4127 )CH28 cH29 cH30 cH31 CH32

80.30 75.38 79.77 80.40 79.33 79.24 80.25 79 24

cH33 cH34 cH35 GH36 cH37 CH3B cH39 cH40
79.86 79.29: 79.72 /Y.vb 79.96 78.95 80.06 80.06
cH41 cH42 cH43 cH44 cH45 cH46 CH47 cH48
79 48 80 25 '79.29 79.86 80.11 79.77 80.15 79.38

cH49 cH50'cH51 cH52 GH53 cH54 cH55 cH56

80.35 79 43 79.33 80.30 80.01 79.77 80.11 79 38

cH57 cHss cH59 cH60 cH61 cH62 cH63 cH64

80.11 79.48 79.33 79.86 79.43 79.29 79 67 79.77


Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certiticate # Page 19 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}LYM}ilUS l/\fy\nff.Olym pUS-i mS. il-EITtl0iltES

9.4.4 : Bruit 6quivalent rapport6 d l'entr6e / Equivalent input noise

Sans filtre (haute) / No filter (high)

M"sure" lniiuzul l rvreiiures Tokirance i Tolerance
cH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cHB
cHs i cHo cnz luj, rc.a2 12.80 tz..7o tr..s'i' t+.tilr.+t es.ob

cH9 CH10 CH11 CH12 CH13 CH14 CH15 CH16

tsqi tl.09 ir.60 16.41 ro.eo'to.s+ I
,tt.,, tr.u,

9.4.4 : Bruit 6quivalent rapportr! ir I'entr6e / Equivalent inpul noise

Sans, filtre 1Oa.ss9) /, No.lilt"t-,(lo*)
--.- _

Mesures (nVlllzVzl / Measures (nYlH.zl/z) Tol6rance i Tolerance

cH1 cH2 CH3 . CH4 CH5 cH6 cH7 cH8 Mar
I J.ZZ 12.21 14.54 11 .57 1 0.54 14.53 I t.Jo I I.JJ 35.00

cH9 cH10 cH1 1 CH1z cH13 cHl 4 cH15 cH1 6

1/ eo 13.97 10.60 10.37 1 1.97 9.45 12.17 11.76

Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 20 / 24

OMNISX.PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
t}tYilflFU"S U/Vt/t /.Olym pUS-imS. EtEITRONIIS

9.4.5 : Lin6arit6 du gain / Gain linearity



qr 9 0.5
E oo.o
7! 'F
f €-o.s
( 9E5-1.0

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Gain (dB)

Voies / Channels



o 90.5
E o0.0
3 E.o.u
E 5-1.0

10 30 35 40

Gain (dB)

( --''11 ---12 --- 13

-9 -10 -14 -15 -16

Voies / Channels

Moddle / Model f s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 21 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
OtYMpl,tS lffV\fir1/.Olym pUS-i mS. EtEITROllIIS

9.4.5 : Linearit6 du gain / Gain linearity

Statut / Status Tol6rances (dB) / Tolerances (dB)
Min Max
Erreur cumulee sur chaque plage succesive de 1dB / R6ussi / Passed -0.5 0.5
Cumulative error in any succesive 1dB span
Erreur cumul6e sur chaque plage succesive de 20dB / R6ussi / Passed -1.0 0
Cumulative error in any succesive 20dB span

*l Erreur cumul6e sur la plage lotale / R6ussi / Passed _20 20

Cumulative error in lull span


Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certiticat / Certificate # Page 22 / 24

OMNISX.PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}LYI\flpUS IJV\rl/t /.Olym pUS-i mS. EtEITRONIIS

9.4.6 : Lin6arit6 verticale de I'affichage / Linearity of vertical display

Mesures (%) / Measures (%) Tolerances / Tolerances
Attenuations i CH1 cH2 cH3 cH4 cH5 cH6 cH7 cH8 Min Max
-6dB i199.52 99.52 99 52 199 52 199.52 99.52 995 199.52 197.00
-4dB i159 69 59 37 59 46 160 85 160.27 159 63 159.2 160.85 156.60 162.60

"2dB 12671 27.0C 27 00 127.87 127.38 126 32 127.0 127.67 123.80 129.80
-tdB 112.78 113.07 113 17 113.75 11346 t12 59 | 13.0; 13.65 11000 1 16.00

I 0dB 100.21 100.50 100.50 101 0B 10079 99 92 t00.1 1 00 88 98.70 102.70

ldB 89 28 89 81 89 81 90.05 89 41 89.08 89.72 89.51 88.00 92.00

2dB 79.91 80.01 80 01 80 49 80 20 79.31 79 70 80.30 78.00 82.00

4dB 63.50 63.50 63.45 63 99 63.69 62.97 63 50 63.99 62.00 66 00

6dB i 50.30 49.71 50.39 50 BB 50.49 50.01 50.30 50.49 48.00 52.00

8dB 40.10 39.48 s9.99 40.1 B 40.20 39.70 39.48 JY.O/ 38.00 42 00

12dB 24.86 24.86 25.05 25.15 25.05 24-86 z4-to 25.15 23.00 27.00

14dB 19.69 19.85 19.79 20.04 19.88 19.75 19.75 19.94 18.00 22 00

20dB 9.75 986 9.78 9.88 9.75 9.67 9.76 9.86 8.00 12.00

26dB 4.69 4.69 4.79 4.78 4.79 4.69 4.Od 4.79 3.00 7.00

Mesures (%) / Measures (%) Tol6rances / Tolerances

Altenuations cH9 cH10 cH1 I cH12 cH1 3 cH14 cH1 5 cH1 6 Min Max

-6dB 199.52 199.5i 199.5' 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 199.52 197.00
-4dB .1
59.8r 160.6t 161 05 1 60.1 B 159.79 159.98 160.85 '1
56.60 162.60

-2dB 128.51 127.49 127.7t 127.97 127.29 126.90 I zI -zJ 127.7 I 123.80 129.80

-ldB 112.97 1 13.7t 114.04 113.27 13.07 IJ.ZO 113.75 1 10.00 1 16.00

0dB 101 .75 100.5c 101 .0t 101 .27 100.59 00 40 00.40 101 .08 98.70 102.70

1dB 90 54 89.22 90.30 90.40 89.37 89.66 89.61 88.00 92.00

2dB 80.88 79.91 80.09 80.59 80.01 79.70 80.01 80.30 78.00 82.00

4dB 64.38 OJ.3U 63.89 64.08 63.70 63.36 63.70 63.89 62.00 66.00

6dB 50.97 50.39 50.68 5O.BB 50.49 50.30 50.39 50.68 48 00 52.00

8dB 40 37 39.58 5Y.T I 40.1 I 39.58 39.89 39.98 40 39 38.00 42.00

12dB 25 34 25 05 24.95 25.15 24.95 24.86 24.95 25.15 23 00 27.00

14d8 1A On 19.63 19.88 20.06 '|
9.94 19.69 19.79 20.02 18.00 22.00

20dB 9.86 9.96 9.75 986 9.96 9.78 9.88 Y.t6 8.00 12.00
! 26dB 4.78 4.79 4.79 4.78 4.78 4.79 5.09 4.78 3.00 7.00

Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # cedificat / Certificate # Page 23 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR oc-000599 3382E171127
(}TYMFUS rfifi/\fyt/.Olym pUS-i mS. ILECIrlOtlICS

9.4.7 : Lin6arit6 des retards / Linearity of time delays

Variation de la posilion / Position variation

Mesures (ns) / Measuros (ns) Tolerances Tolerances
Delays CHl
D6lais / c},l'z cH3 cH4 cHs CHO i CH7 CHB Min Max
1.28ps : 0.00 -1 .25 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 : 0.00 0.00 -12 B0 12.80

2.56ps 000 -1 .25 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.60 25.60
3.84ps 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.40 38.40
{ 5.129s i 0.00 -t z3 0.00 0.00 000 000 -1 25 000 -51.20 51.20

Variation de la position / Position varialion

JMesures (ns) 1 Measures (ns) Tol6rances / Tolerances
D€lais / Delays cHg I CH10 CH11 CH12 I CH13 CH14 cH1 5 cHl 6 Min Max
'l 000
.289s 0.00 000 000 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 12 80

2.56ps 000 0.00 000 000 0.00 0.00 000 000 -25.60 25.60

3.B4ps 000 tzJ 000 000 000 000 000 000 -38.40 38.40
5.1 2gs 000 1.25 000 000 000 0.00 000 000 -51.20 51.20


Moddle / Model # s6rie / Serial # # certificat / Certificate # Page 24 / 24

OMNISX-PA1664PR QC-000599 3382E171127

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