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First, unistall the Windows Security Update (KB2918614) using the Microsoft® Windows Add or Remove

Programs function. Then, open the Microsoft Updates window in Internet Explorer to effectively hide
the security update. This prevents the update from downloading and installing again.

Note: This security update could have been installed at any time after its release on August 12.

1. On your Windows desktop, click Start, choose Control Panel, and double-click Add or Remove

2. In the Add or Remove Programs window, make sure the Show Updates option is checked.

3. The update to remove appears in the grouping under Windows Server 2003 – Software Updates. Click
the Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB2918614) option in the list and click Remove.

4. When the update is removed and no longer displays in the list, close the Add or Remove Programs

5. Next, hide the security update so it does not download and install again. To do so, open an Internet
Explorer window.

6. Click the Tools menu and select Windows Update. (If the Tools menu is hidden or unavailable, type Alt
+ T. When the Tools menu opens, select Windows Update.)

7. In the Microsoft Update window, click Custom, as shown below.

8. A new window opens, displaying a list of options. Search and locate the Security Update for Windows
Server 2003 (KB2918614) option.

9. When you locate the update, un-check it.

10. The Don’t Show This Update Again check box becomes enabled. Click the check box, as shown below

11. This completes the procedure. Close the Microsoft Update window.

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