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Government New Law College

{D. A. V. V.}

Research work on topic: Relevance of U.N.O. in

Present scenario.

Subject: Political Science

Prepared by: Under Guidance of:

Shubham Verma & Hukumchand Verma Prof. Feroze Ahmed Mir

B.A.LL.B. 3rd semester Govt. New Law College

Govt. New Law College


We sincerely thank to all our teachers, friends and family for being with us. We specially
thank to our principle Shrimati Shobha Surdas ma’am for encouraging us and promoting a
spirit of sincere work among all the students of the institute. We are also thankful to our
guide Mr. Feroze Ahmed Mir for his kind and polite attitude towards our mistakes during
this work. He has given a great contribution in completion of this work. This work can’t be
completed without his support.

We also thank to our friends, family and to all those who added an
extreme determination to go on.

Thanks to all once again.

Shubham Verma & Hukumchand Verma

B.A.LL.B. 3rd semester

Govt. New Law College


 Research Methodology
 Introduction
 Need, Main Concern & Formation of UN
 Main organs UN and their functions.
 Role of U.N.O. in peacekeeping and some illustrative cases.
 UN and the Kashmir issue.
 Failure of UN in Kashmir
 Achievements of UN
 Failures of UN
 Suggestions
 Conclusion
Research Methodology
Doctrinal Research:
A doctrinal research means a research that has been carried out on a legal proposition or
propositions by way of analysing the existing statutory provisions and cases by applying the
reasoning power. According to S.N. Jain, doctrinal research involves analysis of case law,
arranging, ordering and systematising legal propositions and study of legal institutions
through legal reasoning or rational deduction. This type of research is also known as pure
theoretical research.

It mainly focuses on the nature of law and legal authority; the theories behind particular
substantive areas of law, such as torts or contracts; and the nature of rights, justice and
political authority.

Thus, it involves:

(a) Systematic analysis of statutory provisions and of legal principles involves therein, or
derived there from, and

(b) Logical and rational ordering of the legal propositions and principles.

Doctrinal research looks at the following issues:-

1. The aim of preferred values;

2. The problems posed by the gap between the policy goal and the present state of

3. Availability of alternative choice for the implementation of goals;

4. The predictions and consequences that were made.

and also because of its focus on established sources, doctrinal research is more manageable
and its outcomes are more predictable.
“Every war is its own excuse. That’s why they’re all surrounded with ideals. That’s why
they’re all CRUSADES”

- Karl Shapiro, American Poet

The United Nations an international organization established to bring all the wars to an
end and to establish peace and international security. For this establishment the UN itself has
fought some wars which should not be termed as wars but should be termed as Crusades.
Many times we see it as a negative aspect of UN that it wars but many religions inspire its
followers to fight for the establishment of peace these wars are nothing but are Crusades or
Dharmayudha. There are some failures of UN but at the same time it is also necessary for
international security and peace the two main objectives of UN at the time of its

The UN occupies the centre-stage of international society today. More than fifty years of
its eventful existence makes an interesting track record. Despite some weaknesses, it has
proved itself indispensable. Given the necessary will of its members, it has every potential to
make the world a better place to live in.

In this we have tried give an overview about the achievements as well as failures of United
Nation Organizations.
Need, Main Concern & Formation of UN

Human the most unstable creature of nature is developing day by day. To trace the
complete path of human development one knocks the doors of history or political history of
the world. Political history is not a subject to just entertain but its main objective is to teach.
To teach the lesson of what is to be done and what should not be done? As we go through the
history it became a known fact that humans have fought so many wars to achieve their goal
and after all those wars human race has fought the “war to end all the wars” twice in the
history of mankind. But these wars have damaged all and all have suffered the consequences
of these wars. However from the wars human race understand that no human can survive as
an individual. Developing mutual contacts, handling crisis situation, ensuring peaceful
coexistence, resolving common problems and working for global prosperity these and many
other needs call for organized efforts across national boundaries. Hence arose the necessity of
international organizations. Thus, the United Nations was officially formed in October 1945
to promote cooperation among different countries. It had its roots in the former League of
Nations, which was formed after 1st World War but disbanded after failing to prevent the 2nd
World War. The United Nations was created to ensure that governments of major countries
around the world would continue to actively fight against the axis powers in World War Two.

Apart from all the other objectives the main concern of UN was to establish peace
and harmony in the world. The foremost objective is “to maintain international peace and
security and, to that end, to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal
of threats of peace… and to bring about by peaceful means… adjustments or settlement of
international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace. 1 The U. N.
charter consists of 111 articles and its primary objective is the establishment of peace and
security in the world besides carrying on friendly relations between the states of the world
and the safeguarding of the people’s right of self determination. 2

In this manner peacekeeping was the founding stone of U.N.O. and the UN, world most
comprehensive and modern organization for preservation of world peace, grew from a

Chakrabarti, Radharaman, “UNO: A study in essential”, 1998, K P Bagchi & Co., Calcutta, p. 35.
Srivastava, L. N., “International Politics”, 1985, Surjeet Book Depot, Delhi, p. 365.
wartime alliance. 3 The major initiative was taken at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference of
foreign officials where the first blue print of UN emerged. The largest conference for the
Charter of the new organization was held at San Francisco from April 25 to June 26, 1945.
Attended by about 280 delegates from 50 invitee nations, the conference looked like a world
constitutional convention. 4

The San Francisco conference was ended with the signing of the charter on
June 26, 1945 and after a four months long process of ratification the UN of today was
officially launched on the October 24, 1945. The UN Charter was a great diktat first
negotiated among the great powers and then handed over to the lesser power at San Francisco
to take it or leave it. They took it, and they were allowed slight modifications and additions. 5
Thus in this way the poetic dream of English poet Lord Tennyson came to be true as he once
talked about “Parliament of man and a Federation of Nations.” The UN occupies the centre
stage of international society today. More than fifty years of its eventful existence makes an
interesting track record. Despite some weaknesses, it has proved itself indispensable. Given
the necessary will of its member, it has every potential to make the world a better place to
live in.

Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 28.
ibid, p. 29
Gareau, Frederick, H., “The United Nation and Other International Institutions: A Critical Analysis”, 2002,
Burnham Inc., Publishers, Chicago, p. 33.
Main organs UN and their functions.
These are established as the principal organs of the united nations : A General Assembly, a
Security Council, an Economic and Social Council, a Trusteeship Council, an International
Court of Justice, and a Secretariat. 6

The General Assembly

The general assembly of the UN has been called the ‘town meeting of the world’ because all
the members of the United Nations are members of this body. 7 The General Assembly
performs what may be called as international policy making functions. It has the authority to
discuss any political, social or economic matters of global concern. 8

Security Council

The Security Council is composed of 5 members designated in the Charter as

permanent and 10 members elected by the General Assembly for 2–year terms
ending December 31 of the year given in the heading:

Permanent Members: China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom,

United States

2001: Bangladesh, Jamaica, Mali, Tunisia, and Ukraine

2002: Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway, and Singapore

On October 8 the Assembly elected Bulgaria, Cameroon, Guinea, Mexico, and

the Syrian Arab Republic as members of the Security Council for 2–year terms of
office beginning January 1, 2002.

The Charter Of The United Nations, Article 7(1).
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 390.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 42.
Each member of the Security Council shall have one representative. 9 The Security Council is
a special place. Over several centuries of international evolution, it is closest approximation
to global governance in the peace and security realm yet achieved. 10

Trusteeship Council

The Trusteeship Council was established by the Charter in 1945 to provide international
supervision for 11 Trust Territories placed under the administration of 7 member states, and
ensure that adequate steps were taken to prepare the Territories for self government or
independence. 11 Its work completed, the Trusteeship Council its membership reduced now to
the five Permanent Members of the Security Council (China, France, Russian Federation,
United Kingdom, United States) - has amended its rule of procedure to meet as and where
occasion may require. 12

International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It was
set up by the statute all members of the UN are ipso facto 13 members of the court. 14
Consequence of this was that a good number of conflicts which divided nations and often led
to coercive settlement came to be regarded as ‘disputes’ involving legal rights and
obligations. In other words they admitted of legal settlement. 15 The court is open to all the
states that are parties to its statute, which includes all members on the United Nations. The
court is not open to private persons and entities or international organizations. 16

The Charter Of The United Nations, Article 23(3).
Luck Edward C., “UN Security Council : Practice and Promise”, 2006, Routledge, New York, p. 3.
Dept. of Public Information, “The United Nations Today”, 2008, United Nations Dept. of Public Information,
New York, p. 12.
Ibid, p. 12.
Latin phrase which means “by the fact itself”
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 399.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 57.
Dept. of Public Information, N 11 pp. 12-13.
The Economic and Social Council

The economic and social council shall consist of fifty four members of the United Nations
elected by the General Assembly. 17 The founding fathers of the UN had a notion of peace
much broader than mere absence of war and control of conflicts. Peace according to them,
will be more enduring if nations develop friendly relations in non-security matters. 18

The Secretariat and the Secretary General

The Secretariat shall comprise a Secretary-General and such staff as the Organization may
require. The Secretary General shall be appointed by the General Assembly upon the
recommendation of the Security Council. He shall be the chief administrative officer of the
Organization. 19

The Secretary General shall act in that capacity in all meetings of the General Assembly, of
the Security Council, of the Economic and Social Council, and of the trusteeship council, and
shall perform such other functions as are entrusted to him by these organs. The Secretary
General shall make an annual report to the General Assembly on the work of organization. 20

The Charter Of The United Nations, Article 61(1).
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 51.
The Charter Of The United Nations, Article 97.
Ibid, Article 98.
Role of U.N.O. in peacekeeping and some
illustrative cases.

During the existence of over fifty years the United Nations has done a commendable job
maintaining international peace & security. The United Nations has contributed directly or
indirectly to the settlements of numerous controversies which could have posed a serious
threat to the world peace. Some of these disputes are enlisted below just to highlight the
achievements as well as the failures of U.N.O. in various matters worldwide.

Suez Canal crisis

In 1854, Ferdinand de lesseps, the former French consul to cairo, secured an agreement with
the ottoman governor of Egypt to build a canal 100 miles across the isthmus of Suez. An
international team of engineers drew up a construction plan, and in 1856 the Suez Canal
Company was formed and granted the right to operate the canal for 99 years after completion
of the work. Britain, which had regarded France's increased influence in this region with
suspicion, declined the offer of shares and even organised a boycott resulting in a shortage of
investors. Egypt therefore acquired 44% of the shares. Construction began on 25 April 1859
and the canal was opened in November 1869 complete with a statue of de Lesseps
dominating the harbour. Said, who died in 1867, was succeeded by his nephew Ismail. In the
first year of the canal's existence, some three-quarters of the vessels using it were British. 21
The Suez question was one of the most explosive questions which threatened the peace of
world. In July, 1956, president Nasser of Egypt announced the nationalization of Suez Canal
and freezed the Suez Canal Company funds in Egypt. 22 On October 29, 1956 two permanent
members of the Security Council, (Britain and France) and Israel combined to forcefully oust
Egypt from the Suez canal area over which the latter had asserted its sovereignty but the
aggressors wanted to get back the control over the canal. 23 A secret agreement was made that
Israel should attack Egypt as a pretext for an Anglo-French invasion of Suez. 24 In response to
Egypt’s petition, the General Assembly in its emergency special session of November 1956
sent out an appeal for ceasefire and created UNEF (United Nation Emergency Force) to

Milner, Laurie. “The Suez Crisis” Bbc, 03 Mar. 2011, web. 19 Jan. 2017
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 376.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 95.
Milner, Laurie. N 21.
resolve the crisis in the Middle East. It was a unique peace effort in which the secretary
general Mr. Dag Hammaeskjoeld played the central role. 25 Thus, after the call of general
assembly the British, French and Israeli forces were withdrawn from Egypt and the area was
cleared by April 1957. Then the Egyptian government and also the other three forces agreed
on some negotiations. In June 1958 final agreements was reached regarding the settlement of
the compensation of the Suez stock-holders. The final agreement was signed only on July 13,
1958 at Geneva. 26

Israel Palestine conflict

Disputes of land can even destroy the blood relations therefore it can be easily
believed that land can destroy any relation. The same land issue has generated one among the
greatest conflict of the world as well as of the mankind. Nothing else but the conflict is
known to the whole world as Israel Palestine conflict.

To understand the aspirations and behaviour of Jews and Arabs, including the Arabs of
Palestine, it is thus essential to examine the historical experiences that have shaped the
character of each people and forged its identity and outlook, and to trace this evolution across
the centuries and even millennia that preceded the emergence of the Israel Palestinian
conflict. 27 Tracing the history of the conflict is although a tough task but here it is also
beyond the scope of this work but a major myth about is Israeli and Arabs is that they are
presented as historical enemies which is not so true. The British Hope-Simpson report of
1930 similarly noted that Jewish resident of non-Zionist communities in Palestine enjoyed
friendship with their Arab neighbours. “It is quite a common sight to see an Arab sitting in
the veranda of a Jewish house”, the report noted. “The position is entirely different in the
Zionist colonies.” 28 Though both Jews and Arab Muslims date their claims to the land back a
couple thousand years, the current political conflict began in the early 20th century. The
question of Palestine was first brought before U.N. by Great Britain in April, 1947 when it

Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 95.
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 377.
Tessler, Mark. “The History of the Israeli Palestinian Conflict” 1994, Indiana University Press, Bloomington,
p. 2
Hammond, Jeremy R. “The Israel Palestine Conflict: A Collection of Eassys”, 2016, Worldview Publications,
p. 6
wanted the General Assembly to take up the future set up of Palestine. 29 On November 29,
1947, the UN General Assembly voted to partition plan into two states, one Jewish and the
other Arab. 30 Publicly, the Zionist leadership accepted the UN partition plan, although they
hoped somehow to expand the borders assigned to a Jewish state. 31 Accordingly in April
1948 the Security Council requested all groups in Palestine to desist from acts of violence
and established a Truce Commission. In spite of all this the situation did not improved. 32
Thus the circumstances of Israel and Palestine are degrading day by day indicates the failure
of UN in Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Iraq Kuwait conflict

The need and greed of resources gave the birth to the one biggest conflict of the world. In
1990 the Iraq invaded Kuwait because of the inner conflict between both of them. Iraqi
invasion and occupation of Kuwait on 2 august 90 attracted immediate UN attention. The
Security Council condemned the invasion and demanded unconditional withdrawal. 33 The
two countries were on good terms during the war between Iraq and Iran (1980-1988).
However, Iraq’s need to recover quickly after the war and its request to Kuwait to forgive its
debt became one of the roots of the conflict leading to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. 34 After the
invasion the UN warned Iraq to withdraw the Iraqi troops within the given time limit but Iraqi
troops were not withdrawn by Saddam Hussein the president of Iraq. Also the UN imposed
economic sanctions against Iraq. Member states cooperating with the government of Kuwait
were authorized to use “all necessary means” to uphold the Council’s resolution and restore
international peace and security in the area. 35 The authorization which was given by UN the
resolution 678 led to another war which generally justified as the “war for peace” that is the
Gulf War took place. Thus, in the name of restoration of peace a new war was registered in
the mankind history.

Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 370.
Beinin Joel and Hajjar Lisa. “Palestine, Israel and the Arab Israeli conflict: A Primer”, 2014, Middle East
Report, p. 4.
Ibid, p. 5.
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 370.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 98.
Milisic, Alma. “iraq’s invation of Kuwait, 25 years on”, war and conflict, Aljazeera 02/ aug/ 2015 web. 19/
jan 2017.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, pp. 98-99.
Estimate of deaths in the Gulf war 36 are given the following table:-
Kuwaiti citizens and residents killed by Iraqis 500-700
in their invasion and occupation.

American battle deaths 148*

Non-American coalition battle deaths 63

Iraqi battle deaths in gulf war Probably a few thousand

Iraqi civilians killed by bombing of Iraq Some 3000

Kuwaiti citizens and residents killed or executed by Several hundred

Kuwaitis in vengeance in the aftermath of the war

Iraqis killed in Kurdish and Shiite uprisings Tens of thousands,

triggered by the war or dead as the result of perhaps over 100000
breakdown in sanitation and health facilities in
the aftermath of the war.

Thus, the above estimate is the mirror image of failure of UN and UNIKOM in maintaining
peace in the world. Militarily, the chief lesson of the Gulf war may be, in John Heidenrich’s
words that “military effectiveness is not synonymous with Human Slaughter”. 37

Mueller, John E., “Policy and Opinion in the Gulf War”, 1994, The University of Chicago, Chicago, p. 158.
*Of these, 35 were killed by friendly fire, 11 by unexploded allied munitions, 18 by
unexploded Iraqi munitions, 28 by a Seud strike an barracks in Dhahran, leaving a maximum of 56 killed
directly by the Iraqi defenders.
Ibid p. 157.
UN and the Kashmir issue.

The paradise of the earth is changing its colour day by day from white to red. The
changing of white into blood red has been started since 1947 the black day of Indian history,
the day of partition. But UN involved in this matter in January 1948 the Indian plea that the
situation of Kashmir posed a threat and danger to the international peace and security. As the
rebel forces has been undoubtedly joined by volunteers from Pakistan, India charged Pakistan
with having sent “armed raiders” into the State and urged that the United Nations call upon
Pakistan to withdraw them. This was coupled with the assurance that, once the “raiders” were
withdrawn, India would enable a plebiscite being held under impartial auspices to decide
Kashmir’s future status. In reply, Pakistan charged India with having maneuvered the
Maharaja’s accession through “fraud and violence” and with collusion with a “discredited”
ruler in the repression of his people. Pakistan’s counter complaint was also with the proposal
of a plebiscite under the supervision and control of the United Nations to settle the dispute. 38
After hearing both the parties, the Security Council passed a resolution calling upon them to
improve the situation. A united nation commission for India and Pakistan was formed for the
investigation of the situation on the spot. 39 Without specifically branding Pakistan an
aggressor, the council sent the UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) to
investigate and report on the situation as well as assist mediation efforts. By mutual consent,
a ceasefire was effected to assist truce supervision. 40 As the commission was able to achieve
only limited success (it was able to secure cease fire but could not succeed in paying the way
for plebiscite), it was replaced by one individual who was to make effort to bring the two
governments together on the unresolved issues. Sir Owen Dixon of Australia was entrusted
with this responsibility. After about six months he reported his inability to secure
demilitarization or arrangements of plebiscite and requested that he should be relieved of his
assignment. In March 1950 Dr. Frank Graham of U.S.A. replaced him. He also made
numerous proposals for demilitarization but could not achieve any success. 41 Thus, from
1965, the violation of ceasefire taking place continuously till now. The continuous of the state
gave emergence to a new problem that the internal aggression and protest. It is a known fact

Nabi, Dr. Ghulam. “Kashmir and the United Nations”, 2003, Kashmiri American Council, Manhatten, pp. 2-
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 368.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 96.
Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 369.
that after 80s the Indian government failed to solve the problem of internal aggression by
peaceful means. Thus, the Kashmir problem has remained unresolved over all these years.
Failure of UN in Kashmir

No doubt the efforts of the United Nation did not lead to any happy solution of the
problem. The international community’s involvement in the Kashmir dispute is a history of
repeated frustration and failure. The main reason for the failure of UN is Kashmir is that,
aside from the ceasefire the UNIPC resolutions were never implemented. 42

US Military Aid To Pakistan is also made a ground for the continuous dispute
between India and Pakistan and also created a wide gap between both the countries.
Subsequent developments were sharply retrograde and differences between the two countries
widened into a chasm. The publication of the long correspondence between Pandit Nehru and
Mohammed Ali between august 1953 and September 1954 showed Pakistan’s decision to
accept U S military aid as the fateful development which obliterated all hopes of a settlement
in Kashmir. 43

Rigidity of India and Pakistan before every suggestion of peaceful

Both India as well as Pakistan are either not in mood to get a permanent solution or both are
willing to continue this problem for years for there their political benefit or to create political
sympathy and agenda among their population. This is because of their rigidity before every
peaceful suggestion suggested by either UN or by the resolution passed by the UN. None of
them is ready to negotiate. Dixon once stated that “there is no longer existed any possibility
of my bringing the parties to any composition of the dispute”. 44 After observing this kind of
attitude of both the parties UN Security Council also started taking the matter very lightly.

Schaffer, Howard B., “The International Community and Kashmir”
“UN’s Failure in Kashmir: A Factual Survey”, 2 october 1965, The Economic Weekly, p. 1508.
Ibid p. 1507.
As Prof. Palmer and Prof. Perkins say:-

“The Security Council gave very little attention to the problem after 1953. Occasional efforts
to resolve the dispute by direct negotiations between the Prime Ministers of the two countries
failed and in 1956, Pakistan apparently convinces that their discussion with India lead
nowhere asked the Security Council to renew its consideration of the issue”. 45

Ideal state for plebiscite was not specified

A declaration that plebiscite will be held was done but the question regarding the plebiscite
such as when, where and in what conditions the plebiscite was remained unanswered. This
has created a lot of confusion among the population and the conflicting state along with the
UN. Even Pandit Nehru was not sure about when the plebiscite should be held. Prime
Minister Nehru in a letter to Sheikh Abdullah proclaimed the obituary of the plebiscite. “It
became clear to me,” he wrote, “that we would never get the conditions which were
necessary for a plebiscite. Neither side would give in on this vital issue, and so I ruled out the
plebiscite for all practical purposes.” 46

Today the condition of Kashmir is so bad it has became a piece of bread between the two
hungry cats and the so called leaders are doing nothing for the improvement of the state at
any level. The Kashmiri people are facing a drastic phase and they even have no idea when it
will end. Thousands of them are lost many were killed and now “curfew” seems to be a
permanent resident of Kashmir. A curfew in most parts of Indian administered Kashmir is
lifted but Schools, Shops and most Banks remain shut and mobile and internet services
remain suspended. At least 68 civilians and two security officials have died and more than
9,000 people injured in over 50 days of violence according to official tallies. 47 The rest of
the Indian state is unaware about conditions of Kashmir they even don’t know how their
Kashmiri brothers and sisters are residing in a Paradise which has now became a synonym
for Hell.

Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 369.
Chandhoke Neera, “Is the United Nation Still Relevant for Kashmir”, Journal of Modern Hellenism, p.99
“Kashmir Profile”, South Asia, BBC News, 29/ sep/ 2016.
According to Prof. Robert Strausez Hupe and Possony “In any case, the Kashmir issue can
be scored as a failure as far as United Nation intervention is concerned.” 48

Thus, it is no wrong in saying that the UN has failed completely or partially in its
peacekeeping mission at Kashmir may be due to its own loopholes or due to the politician of
both the conflicting nations. Whatsoever may be the reason but the truth is UN has not taken
any fruitful step for the welfare of Kashmiri people and restoring peace and security at

Srivastava, L. N., N 2, p. 370.
Achievements of UN

After the analysis of all the disputes and conflict one can say that UN failed to settle the
disputes completely but at the same time the fact cannot be denied that the UN is
indispensable. In the words of ex-American president Obama “the UN is imperfect, but it is
also indispensable”.
In its journey of 70 years UN has so many achievements some of them are enlisted below,

End of Colonial order

Decolonization refers to the process which made the major practitioners of colonialism viz
Britain, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Portugal, and the US withdraw from the colonies over
which they had been exercising sovereign authority. 49 International organizations,
particularly the League and the UN, played a substantial role in supervising the dismantling
of the colonial rule. 50

Peaceful settlements

Since 1945, the UN has been credited with negotiating 172 peaceful settlements that have
ended regional conflicts.
It played a significant role in disarming the world & making it Nuclear Free various treaty
negotiations like “Partial Test Ban Treaty” & “Nuclear non-proliferation treaty” have been
signed under UN. 51
Even the UN charter says that “to settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such
a manner that peace and security and justice are not endangered”. 52
Be that as it may, peaceful settlement as a method of dealing with disputes has come to stay
and is going to be used as frequently and as fervently as states prefer conciliation to
confrontation. 53

Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 123.
Ibid, p. 124.
Chandra, Dilip. “Successes and Failures of The UN”,
The Charter Of The United Nations, Article 2 para 3.
Chakrabarti, Radharaman, N. 1, p. 79.
End of famine

The world is unequal place, with large parts beset by poverty and hunger and thousands still
die of malnourishment every year. But as with war the numbers have fallen from the 20th
century, when more than 70 million died from famine. Again, intervention by the UN’s world
food programme, Food and Agriculture Organization & UN sponsored emergency did
management can take some of the credit. 54

Spences, Richard. “UN at 70: Five greatest successes and Failures” The Telegraph, 15/sep/ 2015, web,
Failures of UN

The list of achievements of UN is good enough until one goes through the list of failures of
UN. When the failures of UN are counted they are much more than the achievements. The
US Ambassador Nikki Haley recently said that “UN is doing more harm than good” she also
added in her speech “More Americans are becoming convinced that the united nation does
more than good. Nowhere has the UN failures been more consistent and more outrageous
than in its bias against our close ally Israel.” 55
UN High Commission for Human Rights says that “Israel was deliberately defying
international laws in its military offensive in Gaza and that world powers should hold it
accountable for possible war crimes”. The UN Security Council has failed as the United
States vetoes any action against Israel. 56

Rape and Child Sex Abuse in Congo

UN peacekeepers were accused of paying women and young girls they were supposed to be
protecting for sex, and sometimes rapeing them, in the Democratic Republic of Congo in
early 2005 subsequent reports found there had been similar allegations in countries ranging
from Cambodia to Bosnia to Somalia to Haiti. 57

Thus, UN has failed in peacekeeping and the reason for its failure is the UN itself.

“UN doing more harm than good says Nikki Haley”, The Hindu, 19 Jan 2017.
Wijayadasa, Somar. “The UN at 70: impressive successes and monumental failures”. Inter Press service, 1
may 2015, web, 18 Jan 2017.
Spences, Richard. N. 54.

It is a known fact that UN’s Security Council is itself surrounded by internal conflict. Thus,
the first suggestion UN is should firstly resolve its internal conflicts between USA and Russia
and also the conflicts between other permanent members of the UN’s Security Council.

The permanent members of UN are exempted from the rules they create for its objective of
peace keeping and security. Once Lord Winster commented that “This organization will be
one for keeping small boys in order by perfects who are themselves exempted from the rules
they administer”.

The instability in the African continent is becoming a threat for international peace and
security. Thus, UN should pay special attention on the countries of African continent to
establish peace and harmony at international level.

One of the permanent members of the UN Security Council China is trying to create its
military monopoly in the Asian continent which is developing a threat for the nations of
southern Asia regarding their security.

The veto power available to the permanent members of Security Council have sometimes
played a negative role in some cases like Israel thus, UN should do some amendments for the
use of veto power by the permanent members. As sometimes it is necessary to intervene but
due to the veto power it becomes impossible to take any action.

To conclude, it may be said that although UN has failed in so many cases in establishing
peace but at the same time the fact cannot be underestimate that UN has played significant
role in establishing peace in the world. Various regional organisation of UN have also played
great role in various field for the development of human race. It is also necessary here to state
that whatever proposals there are for reform of the UN, the main thrust should be to
acknowledge the systematic changes that have surfaced in the course of the last five decades
of international relations to which UN has been an important witness, sometimes active
sometimes passive but never looked upon as reluctant.

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