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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom: Every student has own iPad and is familiar with the apps being used in the following lessons.

EYLF Outcomes:

OUTCOME 1: Children have a OUTCOME 2: Children are connected OUTCOME 3: Children have a OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and OUTCOME 5: Children are effective
strong sense of identity with and contribute to their world strong sense of well being involved learners communicators

Children feel safe, secure, and Children develop a sense of belonging to Children become strong in their social Children develop dispositions for learning such Children interact verbally and non-verbally
supported groups and communities and an and emotional wellbeing as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, with others for a range of purposes
understanding of the commitment, enthusiasm, persistence,
reciprocal rights and responsibilities imagination and reflexivity
necessary for active community

Children develop their emerging Children respond to diversity with respect Children take increasing responsibility Children develop a range of skills and Children engage with a range of texts and
autonomy, inter-dependence, for their own health and physical processes such as problem solving, enquiry, gain meaning from these texts
resilience and sense of agency wellbeing experimentation, hypothesising, researching
and investigating

Children develop knowledgeable and Children become aware of fairness Children transfer and adapt what they have Children express ideas and make meaning
confident self identities learned from one context to another using a range of media

Children learn to interact in relation to Children become socially responsible and Children resource their own learning through Children begin to understand how symbols
others with care, empathy and show respect for the environment connecting with people, place, technologies and and pattern systems work.
respect natural and processed materials
Children use information and
communication technologies to access
information, investigate ideas and represent
their thinking

1. Secure, respectful & reciprocal relationships 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective practice


Holistic approaches Responsiveness to children Learning through play Intentional teaching

Continuity of learning & transitions Cultural competence Assessment for learning Learning environments

LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Living things have 1. Label a minimum of three 1. View Explain Introduction

5/1 a variety of features and their purpose on a Everything and Students are seated on mat. Explain that today’s lesson will iPads
external features photographed animal using checklist Y/N: continue their work on animals and their external features.
(ACSSU017) Explain Everything App. Photograph of Review word ‘feature’.
living thing Take the class outside with iPads and as a group look for a
observations with 2. Compare observations orally  Minimum Three living thing to photograph. Remind students to be respectful
those of others about living creatures during features labelled of nature. Using the photograph on iPad, have a class
(ACSIS213) class discussion.  Three purposes discussion about creature’s features.
Represent and (Appendix 1) Body
communicate  Students to photograph three living things using iPads. Instructions on board
observations and 2. Student  Import image to Explain Everything and label three features with symbols for
ideas in a variety contribution to and their purpose (wings for flying, eyes for seeing) students to follow if
of ways
class discussion.  Create new page for each living thing (three pages total) they forget how app
Record whether and export as video to photos. works
they were iPads with Explain
prompted by Conclusion Everything app
teacher or offered Class discussion on the similarities and differences observed
information by the students.
independently. Teacher to draw a living creature that was found on the Whiteboard and
(Appendix 2) board. Select students to label it based off their observations. Marker
Ask students to pick a partner and together come up with an
animal they wish to write a report on for the following
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

5/2 Living things have 1. Record physical features, one 1. View animal Students seated on mat. Inform students on special guest SmartBoard/
a variety of interesting fact and habitat of report and check talk and remind them of appropriate behaviour and to raise Skype
external features chosen animal onto Google Y/N: their hands with questions. Brief Skype with Wildlife expert
Docs document.  Habitat about the similarities and differences between mammals,
Living things live  Physical birds, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and reptiles.
in different places 2. Discuss information recorded features
where their needs on Google Docs document in (Appendix 3) Explain it is time to start animal reports in their pairs they
are met small groups. chose last lesson. 4 QR research codes
(ACSSU211) 2. Observe One student will be the recorder and must scan the QR for Britannica printed
students in small code titled ‘Recorder code’ which will take them to Google
Use a range of groups and Docs.
methods to sort assess The other student will be the researcher and must scan the
contribution using code titled ‘Researcher which will take them to Britannica
drawings and rubric. Online School Edition 4 QR recorder codes
provided tables (Appendix 4)  Students the scan Pixabay QR code to find suitable for Google docs
through images. printed
discussion,  Students will work together to complete Google Docs page
compare then later in groups they will discuss their findings.
observations with Remind students you will be looking at individual levels of
predictions participation and to not write over anybody’s work on the
(ACSIS027) document.
4 QR codes for
Body Pixabay printed
Students scan QR code to begin reports.
 Students complete animal report page (features, habitat, Rubric for group
diet and interesting facts) including an image from pixabay. discussion
 Share findings in small groups of 4-6. Teacher to group
students based on like animal classifications (mammals
together, birds together etc.) by viewing Google docs.

Bring students back to the mat. Class discussion on
similarities and differences between classification of animals.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Introduction Kahoot revision Quiz

5/4 Living things have 1. Label the physical features of View Book Review previous lessons with Kahoot quiz. Kahoot Quiz will
a variety of a chosen animal in Book Creator and have questions regarding features of animals.
external features Creator. assess
Minimum of two Explain that student pairs will create their own digital book to Whiteboard and
Living things live 2. Identify orally or by text the pictures (photos display their animal findings. marker
in different places habitat of chosen animal in Book or drawings) Write on board what book pages are to contain:
where their needs Creator. Minimum of two Cover page, at least two images, two sound recordings, the iPads with Book
are met sound recordings habitat of their animal, animal physical features labelled and Creator App
(ACSSU211) 3. List one interesting fact about  Physical at least one interesting fact about their animal.
chosen animal in Book Creator. features of animal iPads with student
Represent and labelled Body research from previous
communicate Has identified  Using previous research students create a book on chosen lesson
observations and
ideas in a variety
habitat of animal animal in Book Creator.
of ways One interesting  Book must feature photos or drawings (minimum of two)
(ACSIS029) fact about animal and sound recordings (minimum of two).
(Appendix 5)  Book to have title and authors written on cover page
 Teacher to go around to students checking for who needs

Choose students to read their books to class. Reflect with
students what they liked/ didn’t like about making a digital
Appendix 1

Explain Everything
Student Name Photograph Features labelled Purpose of feature
Y / N 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 0 / 1 / 2 / 3
Y / N 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 0 / 1 / 2 / 3

Appendix 2

Class Discussion Check

Student Name Teacher directly prompted Unprompted response

Appendix 3

Google Docs

Student Names Physical Features Habitat Interesting Fact

Y / N Y / N Y / N
Y / N Y / N Y / N
Appendix 4

Rubric for Group Discussions

Name: Developing Competent Very Good Excellent

Made relevant comments

Responded to criticisms as
well as compliments
Demonstrated consideration
and respect of others
Built on the ideas and
contributions of others

Appendix 5

Book Creator Report

Student Names Images Sound Recordings Habitat Physical Features Interesting Facts
0 / 1 / 2 0 / 1 / 2


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