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TERM/WEEKS: Term 2, Week 2 YEAR LEVEL: 1 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Mathematics: Statistics & Probability: Data

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

 All students have access to an iPad in the classroom with access to certain websites on the internet.
 Smartboard located in the room.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 2/ Mathematics: Formative Introduction:

Lesson 1 Choose simple Predict Possum Magic story Assessment:  Teacher will explain to students that data collection
questions and from analysing the front Can students use the is important because it allows someone to gather
gather cover and express ideas into prediction strategy information using surveys and questionnaires which
responses and answer garden. and guess what
will help them in the future. For example, the
make simple Possum Magic will be
inferences - Examine simple survey type about? Answer teacher can explain Mr Whippy might like to find out
ACMSP262 questions and answer garden will be used which flavour ice cream is his most popular, so he
independently. to check children’s knows what ice cream he should buy more of. To
English: predictions. collect this information Mr Whippy might hand out a
Engage in Construct simple survey type paper survey which will ask each of his customers
conversations questions using google forms Formative what their favourite ice cream is. The customers will
and discussions, appropriately. Assessment:
then write what their favourite ice cream is and Mr
using active Can students answer
listening Interpret data collected from a basic survey type Whippy will collect them all and analyse them.
behaviours, survey questions, such as questions using  Teacher will explain to students that over the next
showing determining the most google forms? few lessons they are all going to collect data and
interest, and popular result. Students pick one become data detectives.
contributing answer from the  Teacher will get students to make a Chibi Studio Chibi Studio app on
ideas, multiple-choice
Character using iPads which will be put in a badge, iPad – create personal
information and section.
so the students can be data detectives. ~ 5minutes. character which will
questions - Results from the
 Before reading Possum Magic to the students, be used as data
ACELY1656 google form will
detective badge
determine students students will be asked to open on their iPads and go
(learning tool).
Digital understanding. to the maths Weebly page and answer the question
Technologies: Teacher observation  Book –
posed (answer garden question will be embedded
Recognise and will also determine Possum Magic
into Weebly page). The classroom smart board will
explore digital students
systems understanding. show the students responses. Answer garden on
(hardware and Question will read: iPad (located on
software Summative o What do you predict will happen from maths Weebly page) –
components) assessment: answer question on
looking at the front cover of Possum Magic?
prediction of Possum
for a purpose - Can students, in Magic book (learning
ACTDIK001 groups, create a  Teacher will then read ‘Possum Magic’ to students. tool).
basic survey using
google form?
Surveys will be Body:
submitted onto a  Teacher will have open on the smart board google
google doc for the forms.
teacher to analyse.
 Teacher will explain to students that they are going
Rubric – can students
write basic survey to answer a survey which the teacher has made
questions? Can prior to the lesson.
students make clear  Students will be instructed to go to their maths Google form –
multiple-choice Weebly page and click on the google form icon students are to go to
statements? Can (teacher will demonstrate on smart board). their maths Weebly
students analyse page and click on the
Questions will include:
results and explain google form icon and
results in a group What was your favourite type of food in possum magic? complete a survey
discussion. E.g more  Vegemite sandwich. (learning tool).
people like cats than
 Lamington.
 Pavlova.
 Anzac biscuit.

What was your favourite place Hush and Grandma Poss

 Melbourne.
 Adelaide.
 Perth.
 Brisbane.
 Darwin.

What was your favourite animal in Possum Magic?

 Possum.
 Wombat.
 Dingo.
 Emu.
 Snake.
Grandma Poss could make Hush invisible. If you had one
super power what would it be?
 Super speed.
 Able to fly.
 Mind reader.
 Breath under water.

 Teacher will then look at results as a class and see

what were the most popular and the least popular

 Students will then be sent off into their maths

groups (6 groups of 5). Students will be instructed to Google form – using
make a survey of their own choice using google iPads students will
forms with a question and multiply choice questions create simple survey
to follow. Teacher will give students ideas such as: in google form
o Favourite foods? (learning tool).
o Favourite movie?
o How many siblings?
o Favourite colour?
o Favourite sport?
 Students will submit their link onto a google doc
which the teacher had prior created and they will
answer each other’s surveys.
 Students will have the opportunity to look at the

*Teacher will go around to the groups and take pictures of

the students which she will make into a pic collage. *

 Students will return to the mat and using the smart
board the teacher will look at some students results,
and they will discuss this as a class.
 Teacher will ask some of the students what some of
their results told them. For example, what was the
most popular flavoured ice cream etc.
 Teacher will explain to students that next lesson
students will be going to different classrooms and
conducting their surveys. They will be told that they
will have to wear their data detective badges which
will be ready next lesson.

TERM/WEEKS: Term 2, Week 3 YEAR LEVEL: 1 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Mathematics: Statistics & Probability: Data

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

 All students have access to an iPad in the classroom with access to certain websites on the internet.
 Smartboard located in the room.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3/ Mathematics: Conduct and collect successful Formative Introduction: Pic collage – teacher
Lesson Choose simple survey results with a class at the Assessment:  Teacher will review with students what they did last prior to the lesson
2 questions and school using google forms. Can students lesson. Teacher would have made a pic collage of would have made a
gather reflect on survey the students conducting their surveys to their peers. pic collage on students
responses and Interpret data collected from responses and last lesson making
 While looking at the pic collage the teacher will ask
make simple survey questions, such as contribute to surveys which will also
inferences - determining the most popular class discussion? questions such as: be uploaded to the
ACMSP262 result. This will be o What was a question you asked in your parent and teacher
observed be survey? communication board
Represent data Show a basic understanding of teacher in mat o What was your favourite question? (teacher tool).
with objects and converting survey results into a session. o Who remembers what a popular answer
drawings where bar graph using Keynote by
was to one of their questions?
one object or participating in class discussion. Teacher
drawing observation:  Teacher prior to the lesson would have made data
represents one Describe survey responses Can students detective badges which she will hand to the
data value. within a class setting. actively students.
Describe the participate and  Students will be put into their maths groups and
displays - collect survey with the parent helpers, teacher assistant or teacher
ACMSP263 data from other
be instructed what classroom they will be going to
conduct their survey.
Technologies: Can student
Create and analyse results
*An email would have been sent to each classroom
organise ideas from survey and
regarding the year ones conducting their surveys. In this
and information explain in class
email a google doc would have been attached whereby the
using discussion?
classroom teacher can get her class on iPads and have
access the google forms survey. *
independently Google form –
and with others,  Students will have their iPads with their google students will have
and share these forms survey and a data detective badge. their iPads with their
with known google form survey
people in safe (learning tool).
online  In their groups students will be told that they will be
environments - going to another class in the school (E.g year 4) and
ACTDIP006 they will conduct their survey. The year four
students will have the survey up on their iPads and
you will just go around the room and help read out
the questions.
 Once students have conducted their surveys
students will return to the classroom.
 In their designated maths groups, the students will
look at their results and discuss it in their groups.
Google form –
 Parent helpers, teacher assistant or teacher will students will analyse
have some questions which they will ask the the responses from
students regarding their survey question results. the survey (learning
These could include: tool).
o What flavoured ice cream was the most
o What flavoured ice cream wad the least
o What was year fours favourite colour
 Students will return to the mat and the teacher will
have on the smart board an example survey of her
own questions with results.
 The teacher will explain to the students that when
you collect data it is sometimes hard to analyse and
that you can instead represent it in a bar graph.
 Teacher will explain that she is going to pick one
question she asked in her survey. E.g:
What was your favourite type of food in possum
 Vegemite sandwich.
 Lamington.
 Pavlova.
 Anzac biscuit.
 Teacher will connect the iPad to the smart screen
and open the app Keynote. Using Keynote, the
Keynote – teacher
teacher will demonstrate making a bar graph of her
results. On the x axis the teacher will put the types
of food and on the y axis she will put the number of
students. The teacher will also include a title
(teacher will explain this to students). The teacher
will then ask the students, using the results from her
data, to represent it in a bar graph. The teacher will
help the students along the way.

 Students in their groups will be asked to pick their
favourite question posed in the survey and share the
results with the class.
 The teacher will inform the students that next
lesson they are going to have a go at making their
own bar graphs from their favourite survey

TERM/WEEKS: Term 2, Week 4 YEAR LEVEL: 1 LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Mathematics: Statistics & Probability: Data

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Notes about device access in the classroom:

 All students have access to an iPad in the classroom with access to certain websites on the internet.
 Smartboard located in the room.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 4/ Mathematics: Interpret data collected from Summative Introduction: Teacher made
Lesson 3 Represent survey questions, such as assessment:  Students will be sitting on the mat. PowerPoint.
data with determining the most popular Do students meet  The teacher would have taken screen shots of the
objects and result. the lesson student’s favourite questions from the google form
drawings objectives?
responses and placed them on a PowerPoint
where one Convert survey responses into a
object or simple bar graph using Keynote Rubric – 3 key document. E.g:
drawing including sound knowledge of x points
represents one and y axis as well as a
data value. contextual title. Interpret simple
Describe the data collected.
displays - Create a poster using Canva and
ACMSP263 insert bar graph and a title Turn survey
describing the most popular responses into a
Digital data result. simple bar graph
Technologies: using Keynote
Recognise and with correct x and
explore digital y axis and a title.
systems  The teacher will ask the students some questions
(hardware and Can create a
relating to each picture. For example:
software poster using
components) canva with a title o What was the favourite food?
for a purpose - describing most o What foods did people not like?
ACTDIK001 popular result  The teacher will then remind students how to make Keynote – teacher
and inserted bar their bar graphs which was demonstrated in the demonstration.
graph. previous lesson. She will do this using Keynote.

 Teacher will give each student an iPad and put Keynote – using
students into their maths groups. Teacher will Keynote students will
make a bar graph from
remind students that they are only picking one
the results from one
survey question to make into a bar graph. of their survey
 Using the iPads, the students will use their survey questions (learning
question responses to make a bar graph in Keynote. tool).

*Teacher and teacher assistant will be going around to each

desk and supporting the students along the way. *

 Once students have made their bar graphs they will Canva – students will
take a screen shot of the bar graph and insert it into screenshot their bar
graphs and insert it in
to a poster on canva.
 Using canva students will make a poster and state as Students will be asked
the title what the most popular result was. For to title the poster with
example: the most popular
response from the
survey (learning tool).

 Once students have finished their canva poster they

will save it as a pdf document, so the teacher can
access it and print it off which can be displayed
around the classroom.

 Students will be asked to sit on the mat.
 Using their iPads, the students will display their
canva poster to their peers and say what was the
most popular result.
 Teacher will explain to students that she is going to
make an area where she will display their bar graph
posters and what fantastic data detectives they all

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