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Criterion D: Responding to a piece of live theatre

During the beginning of the lesson, following the performance of Missing in

Me, you will work in small groups to engage in a reflective discussion about
this piece of live theatre.

The questions detailed below will form the basis of this discussion.

 What themes were included in Missing in Me?

 Discuss a moment from this piece of theatre that included a moment of

high tension or emotion. What physical and/or vocal skills were used by
the actors during this moment to achieve this?

 Sound and music were an important part of this performance. How were
they used during this piece of theatre? What atmosphere did this
create? Refer to specific moments from the play during your discussion.

 What did you enjoy most about this performance? Explain your answer.

 Do you think there are any areas for development? If so, what do you
think could be changed or developed further to improve this

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