Case-1, Answer-1 Basis Allahabad Bank Andhra Bank Bank of Baroda Dena Bank Bank of India Symbols

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Case-1, Answer-1

Basis Allahabad Bank Andhra Bank Bank of Baroda Dena Bank Bank of India


Symbol Meaning It means Triveni Symbol of infinity Symbol is a unique Symbol of Dena Symbol is Goddess
Sangam of denotes a Bank representation of a Bank depicts Lakshmi, inside the
Ganga,Yamuna and that is prepared to universal symbol. It Goddess Lakshmi, star.It means your
Saraswati at do anything and comprises dual ”B”letter the money will increase
Allahabad. to go to any forms that hold the rays goddess of wealth by the blessings of
lengths for the of the rising sun,namely according to Hindu Maa(mother) Lakshmi
customer. The ”Baroda Sun.” Mythology. and safe inside the
blue pointer on The sun is the excellent star.Stars represent
the top represents representation of what branches spread all
the philosophy of the Bank stands for.It is over the world, like
a Bank that is the single most powerful stars everywhere in
always looking source of light and the
for growth and energy; its far reaching sky and that all
newer directions. rays dispel customers are like
The key hole darkness to illuminate family members.
represents safety everything they touch.
and security. The The single
chain indicates colour,compelling
togetherness. The vermillion palette has
colour blue and been chosen for its
red denote distinctiveness as it
dynamism and stands for hope and
solidity. energy.
Slogan A tradition of trust. Much more to India’s international Trusted Family Relationship beyond
do with ”U” in Bank. Bank. banking.
Simplicity/ Logo is simple and can Logo is simple Logo is both simple and Logo is less Logo is least versatile
Versatile be used accross variety and versatile can versatile can be put to versatile as as compared to others
of media. be used from many uses. compared to others because picture of
large banners and because picture of Goddess Lakshmi is
billboards to small Goddess Lakshmi unrecognizable inside
like business is tiny in size and a star and is
cards and may be inappropriate for
websites. inappropriate for small media.
small media.
Relevance Logo is relevant as it is Logo is relevant Logo is more relevant as Logo is relevant Logo is least relevant
identifying 3 as it shows all sun is the excellent but trust of and trust of customers
traditional rivers of intentions that representation of what customers may not could not be obtained
India. justifies there the Bank stands for. be obtained as it as it have tiny picture
slogan. have small picture of Goddess Lakshmi
of Goddess and is unable to
Lakshmi and is convey true idea
unable to convey behind its design.
true idea behind its
Tradition/timeless Logo can last for the Logo can last Logo can last for the Logo needs Logo needs urgent
duration of business, for the duration duration of business, it certain changes changes like size of
it dont needs an of business, it dont needs an update like size of picture of Goddess
update or any dont needs an or any change. picture of Lakshmi to convey
change. update or any Goddess its meaning to its
change. Lakshmi customers.
Original/Distinction This logo is original This logo is also This logo is also unique This logo is This logo is
and distinct as it original in its own as It comprises dual imitative as it imitative as it
comprises of 3 way.It shows ”B”letter forms that hold contains picture contains picture of
traditional indian infinity sign that the rays of the rising of Goddess Goddess Lakshmi
says- Bank that is sun,namely ”Baroda
rivers which are not Lakshmi which which is also there
prepared to do Sun.”, a unique
present in any other anything and to representation of a is also there in in logo of Dena
bank logos. go to any lengths universal symbol. logo of Bank of Bank.
for the customer India.

Case-1, Answer-2

This Logo of Bank of India is versatile as picture of Goddess Lakshmi is recognizable and is appropriate
for small media and can be used from large banners and billboards to small like business cards and
websites. Logo is relevant and trust of customers can be obtained as it have recogonizable picture of
Goddess Lakshmi and is able to convey true idea behind its design.

Himachal Pradesh
With magnificent Himalayan peaks,lush valleys, gushing water streams and score of adventure activities, Himachal Pradesh is one of the best destination to
visit in India for trekking, adventure, honeymoon and family holidays.

Picturesque l andscape , r ough e dged hil l s, m eadow s and vall eys m ake Him achal Pradesh an un rival ed tourist destinati on in
North I ndia. T he stunning beauty of this state brings both domestic and gl obal vacationers every y ear. T he Hill stations of
Him achal Pra desh are al so the m ost sought aft er des tinations f o r honey m ooners..

Originally call ed Dev Bhoom i or the Abo de of th e G ods , Him achal Pradesh is dot ted w ith anc ie nt te mple s that gree t y ou as
y ou w al k past. T his north I ndian state is b orde red by T ibet, Punj ab, Ha ry ana and U ttar Prad esh , m aking it easily accessibl e.
Choose y our desir ed ga tew ay to Him achal Pradesh w ith travel inform ation from I ndian Hol iday .

Tourist Attractions I n Himachal Pr adesh

Him achal is know n all around the w orl d for his natural beauty and adventure sp ot .T hese are th e m ain reason that peopl e
from across th e w orl d com e to visit him achal pradesh Him achal Pradesh ideal destinatio n t o enjoy honey m oon w ith y our
l oved one w ith som e m ost po pul ar pl aces of him achal pradesh l ike Dalho usie , Dharamshala , Kinnaur , Manali, Ro h tang
Pass and Lahaul Spiti Valley. Dalhousie is a hill station an d nam ed on british gene ral gove rnor . Manal i l ies at a distance of
around 40 km from Kull u tow n. The m eandering Beas River a nd g reen c a rpet of m eadow s best d efine Manal i. Nestl ed by th e
Dhaul adhar range, sn ow capped Dharam shal a is a treat for the ey es. I t is al so the abode of th e Buddhist spiritual l eader, the
Dal ai Lam a. T his vibrant state of fers ente rtainm ent activities , ran ging from y ak rides, paragl iding to tr ekking . T here is a w ell
l aid trekking rout e from Shiml a to Leh .
Top Things to Do in Himachal Pradesh(For Indians)

Rohtang Pass
A very popul ar tourist destinatio n near Manal i, Rohtang Pass is al so know n as Rohtang La. Loca ted at an al titude of around
4000 m eters from sea l evel , Rohtang is fam ous am ongst tourists as a pl ace to see snow round the y ear. I t is one of the m ost
visited d estinations in Him achal Pradesh by fam ilies during summers as there is snow in abundance w here one can indul ge in
snow sports . Rohtan g pass al so connects t he Kull u vall ey w ith Lahaul and Spiti. More over , i t is al so used to by the tourist o f
Leh w ho travel by bike and cars.

As one drives al ong this high mountain pass , beau tiful sights of gl aciers, pea ks and s tream s ar e bound to w el com e him .
Sonepani gl acier, Dashahr Lake and Chandra River are som e of the prim e attractio ns that one c an adore fr om the peak of
Rohtang . Besides enj oy ing the panoram ic view s, the snow covered pass provides an excell ent opportuni ty for skiing and
snow scooter riding .

Solang Valley
Set at a distance of 13 km fro m Manal i city , Sol ang V all ey l ies betw een Sol ang vill age and B eas Kund . Offe ring s tunning
view s of the snow capped m ountain peaks and all uring gl aciers. T he Sol ang vall ey is popul ar for his fine ski sl opes w hich
m akes it’s a p erfec t skiin g des tination of Him achal Pradesh. During sum m ers, Sol ang V all ey turns int o bes t para gl iding ,
Zorbing , and h orse riding d estin ation of Him achal Pradesh. I n w inters , th e vall ey becom es a skiing paradise f or al l as it off ers
every one to s ki over f resh w hite snow .

Golfing in Shimla
With vast expans es of open l and and serene atm osphere , Shimla opens arm s to all gol f l overs. Gol f has em erged as one of
the m ost popul ar sports in the hill station. Shim l a houses beautiful gol f courses w hich are set a t breathtakin g backdr ops . T he
all uring beauty of the surroundin gs adds to th e grea t experienc e of gol fing in Shiml a. T here are a num ber of gol f courses in
Shiml a and here is about the bes t one am ong al l .
Skiing in Shimla
Shiml a is a beautiful hill sta tion in Him achal Pradesh that is famous for s om e adventure activitie s and skiing is one of them .
T here is m uch option to enj oy skiing in and ar ound Shiml a. We have l isted som e best pl aces for skiing in Shiml a w here y ou
can take full happiness by enjoy ing s kiing .

Top Things to Do in Himachal Pradesh(For Foriegners)

Christ Church Shimla

Second ol dest Churc h in No rth I ndia, Ch rist Church is the s tar a ttracti on of Shiml a. I t w as buil t back in 1884 by Col onel J.T .
Boil eau. Earl ier, the church serv ed the l ar ge An gl ican British comm unity w hen Shimla w as a British tow n. T he church has
w itnessed a num ber of changes w hich Shiml a faced through the y ears.

T he architecture of the church t akes an inspiration from the Ne o -Gothic sty l e. T he w indow s of the church fo rm i ts key feature.
T he church has five gl ass w indow s w hich allure peopl e from different c omm unities to visit here and have a gl im pse of their
beauty . Every w indow of the church is know n to pr esent dif ferent vir tues of C hristianity incl uding faith, hope , cha ri ty ,
fortitud e , patience and hum il ity. T he church is open for all visitors from Monday to Saturday , b etw een 10:30am to 5:30pm .
Whil e y ou get to enjoy sil ence inside the church, the re is a com pl ete different w orl d outside it, at the ridge w hich is a m aj or
tourist sp ot . T his is w hy the Christ Church is call ed a gift from another era .

Manikaran Gurudwara
One of the m ost renow ned Sikh pil grim age site near Manal i, Ma nikaran Gurudw ara is a s ecred s hrine of Si khs is l ocated right
al ong the bank s of the Parva ti r iver. I t is bel ieved that the l oca tion of Manikaran Gurudw ara S ahib is the exact m editative
spot of Guru Nanak Dev Ji . T he divinity of the Gurudw ara is so m uch that pil grim s actually bel ieve that ther e l ies no need to
visit the o ther rel igious cente rs of I ndia, post visiting this pl ace. Not just a n hon oured pl ace for the Sikhs , Manikaran h ol ds
m uch significance even for the Hindus. I n the vicinity of the fa m ed Gurudw ara, erupts three h ot w ater sprin gs , w hich are
prim arily used as scared bathing ghats . One o f them is l ocated under the Gu rudw ara and the res t tw o, jus t adjacent to it .
Manu Temple in Manali
Nam ed after the hol y Sage Man u, th e Manu tem pl e in Manal i is one of the prim e attrac tions am ong r el igious sites of Manal i.
As per Hindu my thol ogy , Sage Manu , the divine creat or of t he hum an race, dw el t and m editated in Manal i. Considerin g a
bel ief like this, Manu t em pl e w as buil t right at his m editative spot . Ow ing to such tal es, the tem pl e hol ds a great am ount of
significan ce for the pil grim s.

Sankat Mochan Temple Shimla

An ini tiative by Baba Neeb Kar o ri Ji Maharaj , the Sanka t Mocha n tem pl e is one of the m ost p o pul ar rel igious attractions in
Shiml a that not onl y brings pil grim s in abundance, but al so to urists of al l age g roups . Near a bout 5 km from Shiml a, the
Sankat Mochan tem pl e has m ade its pl acem ent am idst the l ush green for ests of a tranquil top o graphy . Nam ed afte r on e of
the sy nonym s of Lord Hanum an, the charm ing tem pl e com pl ex houses various sm all tem pl es of Lord R am a, Hanum an, Shiva
and the crea tor Baba Neeb Kar o ri Ji him sel f.

Hadimba Devi Temple in Manali

Hadim ba Devi is an ancient te m pl e in Manal i, w hich w as buil t in 1553 by Raja Bahadur Singh . Legends has i t tha t Hidim bi
Devi, t he w ife of one of the Pan davas , Bhim a, m editated at the very spot of the tem pl e and ow ing to such a my thol ogy , the
tem pl e w as nam ed after he r . L o cated in the cedar for ests of Ma nal i, T he m ost rel igious site of Manal i, Hidim ba Devi T em pl e is
buil t around a cave, the sanc tu m of w hich is covered by four tiered Pag oda r oofs . I t is because of the m y thol ogical bel ief
and architectu ral uniqueness.
Jakhu Temple Shimla

Jakhu tem pl e is l ocated at the h ighest peak of Shiml a, at the hei ght of 8000 f eet abov e sea l evel. T he tem pl e is infused w ith
purity , peace and tranquil ity . T his tem pl e is dedicated to Lo rd Hanum an and my thol ogy behind Jakhu tem pl e is Lord
Hanum an stopped over fo r a w hil e, on his w ay to search for Sanj i vani Boot i for Lord Lakshm an. T he tem pl e is al so houses the
w orl d’s l argest statue of L ord Ha num an; this gigantic s tatue has a height of 108 f eet .

Submitted by

Rishu Tayal


MBA 3rd Sem

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