Scale File For Column Analysis and Design

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Rectangular column interaction diagrams for uniaxial bending

Location at base

The calculation produces a column interaction diagram and tabular

results for axial load and uniaxial bending on a rectangular section.
The analysis is in accordance with Departmental Standard BD 44/95
" Assessment of Concrete Highway Bridges and Structures ". The method
is that described in Clause with the stresses in the concrete
in compression derived from the stress-strain curve in Figure 1.
The axial force is assumed to act at the centroid of the gross
concrete section.
Clauses are referenced to Appendix A of BD 44/95 unless otherwise noted.

�������Ŀ � Rectangular column section
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x � � � � x h Bending about the x-x axis
� � �
� � �
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Breadth of concrete section b=1700 mm

Depth of concrete section h=2200 mm
Characteristic strength or worst credible strength of concrete
Strength of concrete fcu=70 N/mm2
Number of layers of reinforcemnt n=21
Characteristic strength or worst credible strength of
reinforcement is constant for whole section
Strength of reinforcement fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement is constant for whole section
Youngs modulus for reinforcement Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 1
Area of reinforcement A(1)=16479 mm2
Depth from compression face d(1)=106 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(1)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(1)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 2
Area of reinforcement A(2)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(2)=205.4 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(2)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(2)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 3
Area of reinforcement A(3)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(3)=304.8 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(3)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(3)=Em=200000 N/mm2
Layer 4

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Area of reinforcement A(4)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(4)=404.2 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(4)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(4)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 5
Area of reinforcement A(5)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(5)=503.6 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(5)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(5)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 6
Area of reinforcement A(6)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(6)=603 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(6)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(6)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 7
Area of reinforcement A(7)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(7)=702.4 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(7)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(7)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 8
Area of reinforcement A(8)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(8)=801.8 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(8)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(8)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 9
Area of reinforcement A(9)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(9)=901.2 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(9)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(9)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 10
Area of reinforcement A(10)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(10)=1000.6 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(10)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(10)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 11
Area of reinforcement A(11)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(11)=1100 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(11)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(11)=Em=200000 N/mm2
Layer 12
Area of reinforcement A(12)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(12)=1199.4 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(12)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(12)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 13

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Date: 04.07.17
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Office: 1514
Area of reinforcement A(13)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(13)=1298.8 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(13)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(13)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 14
Area of reinforcement A(14)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(14)=1398.2 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(14)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(14)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 15
Area of reinforcement A(15)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(15)=1497.6 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(15)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(15)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 16
Area of reinforcement A(16)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(16)=1597 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(16)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(16)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 17
Area of reinforcement A(17)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(17)=1696.4 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(17)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(17)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 18
Area of reinforcement A(18)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(18)=1795.8 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(18)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(18)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 19
Area of reinforcement A(19)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(19)=1895.2 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(19)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(19)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 20
Area of reinforcement A(20)=982 mm2
Depth from compression face d(20)=1994.6 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(20)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(20)=Em=200000 N/mm2

Layer 21
Area of reinforcement A(21)=16479 mm2
Depth from compression face d(21)=2094 mm
Strength of reinforcement fy(21)=fym=500 N/mm2
Youngs modulus for reinforcement E(21)=Em=200000 N/mm2
Partial safety factors for material strengths gamma m. Clauses 2.10
of BD 44/95 and Clause 4.3.3.

Partial safety factors

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Factor for reinforcement gms=1.15
Factor for concrete gmc=1.5
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Tabular Results

� � � �
� Depth to Neutral � Moment Capacity � Axial Load Capacity �
� Axis ( mm ) � ( kNm ) � ( Kn ) �
� � � -0.22737E-12 � 133758 �
� 4950 � 90.949E-12 � 133758 �
� 4840 � 8.3399 � 133749 �
� 4730 � 28.941 � 133729 �
� 4620 � 50.87 � 133707 �
� 4510 � 74.661 � 133682 �
� 4400 � 99.853 � 133657 �
� 4290 � 127.19 � 133629 �
� 4180 � 156.06 � 133600 �
� 4070 � 296.11 � 133458 �
� 3960 � 472.56 � 133280 �
� 3850 � 680.14 � 133070 �
� 3740 � 922.19 � 132825 �
� 3630 � 1214 � 132528 �
� 3520 � 1566 � 132167 �
� 3410 � 1994.8 � 131723 �
� 3300 � 2519 � 131173 �
� 3190 � 3159.3 � 130492 �
� 3080 � 3944.7 � 129643 �
� 2970 � 4904.1 � 128590 �
� 2860 � 6079.7 � 127275 �
� 2750 � 7516.3 � 125640 �
� 2640 � 9274.8 � 123600 �
� 2530 � 11427 � 121057 �
� 2420 � 14064 � 117879 �
� 2310 � 17303 � 113898 �
� 2200 � 21289 � 108902 �
� 2090 � 25503 � 103270 �
� 1980 � 29426 � 97446 �
� 1870 � 32978 � 91497 �
� 1760 � 36176 � 85407 �
� 1650 � 39041 � 79144 �
� 1540 � 41597 � 72673 �
� 1430 � 43883 � 65946 �
� 1320 � 45091 � 59750 �
� 1210 � 45530 � 53780 �
� 1100 � 45497 � 47709 �
� 990 � 45029 � 41514 �
� 880 � 43753 � 35533 �
� 770 � 41748 � 29711 �
� 660 � 39151 � 23878 �
� 550 � 35968 � 18051 �
� 440 � 32207 � 12237 �
� 330 � 27836 � 6387.8 �
� 220 � 22823 � 493.85 �
� 214.81 � 22344 � 0 �

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Date: 04.07.17
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Graphical Results

� Depth to
Axial Load � Neutral Axis
( kN ) � ( mm )
133758 � M=-0.22737E-12 �

133758 �* 90.949E-12 4950
133749 �* 8.3399 4840
133729 �* 28.941 4730
133707 �* 50.87 4620
133682 �* 74.661 4510
133657 �* 99.853 4400
133629 �* 127.19 4290
133600 �* 156.06 4180
133458 �* 296.11 4070
133280 �* 472.56 3960
133070 �* 680.14 3850
132825 �* 922.19 3740
132528 � * 1214 3630
132167 � * 1566 3520
131723 � * 1994.8 3410
131173 � * 2519 3300
130492 � * 3159.3 3190
129643 � * 3944.7 3080
128590 � * 4904.1 2970
127275 � * 6079.7 2860
125640 � * 7516.3 2750
123600 � * 9274.8 2640
121057 � * 11427 2530
117879 � * 14064 2420
113898 � * 17303 2310
108902 � * 21289 2200
103270 � * 25503 2090
97446 � * 29426 1980
91497 � * 32978 1870
85407 � * 36176 1760
79144 � * 39041 1650
72673 � * 41597 1540
65946 � * 43883 1430
59750 � * 45091 1320
53780 � * 45530 1210
47709 � * 45497 1100
41514 � * 45029 990
35533 � * 43753 880
29711 � * 41748 770
23878 � * 39151 660
18051 � * 35968 550
12237 � * 32207 440
6387.8 � * 27836 330
493.85 � * 22823 220

0 � * 22344 214.81


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Date: 04.07.17
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Office: 1514
Moment ( kNm )

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