Page 11 in AWS D1.1 2006

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‘AWS D1.1701.1M:2008, start or terminate not less than four times nor more than six times the thickness of the web from the web toe of the ‘web-to-flange welds. 2.8.35 Opposite Sides of a Common Plane. Fillet welds on the opposite sides of a common plane shall be interrupted at the comer common to both welds (see Figure 28). 2.8.4 Fillet Welds in Holes or Slots. Fillet welds in holes or slots in lap joints may be used to transfer shear ‘or to prevent buckling or separation of lapped parts. Min- imum spacing and dimensions of holes or slots for fillet, ‘welds shall conform to the requirements of 23.4.1, 23.42, 281, 282, and 29. These fillet welds may overlap subject 10 the limitation provisions of 23.4.4, Fillet welds in holes or slots are not considered tobe plug or slot welds 2.8.5 Intermittent Fillet Welds. ntermitent fillet welds ‘may be used to transfer stress between connected pats. 2.9 Joint Configuration and Details— Plug and Slot Welds 29.1 Minimum Spacing (Plug Welds). The minimum ‘center-to-center spacing of plug welds shall be four times, the diameter ofthe hole. 29.2 Minimum Spacing (Slot Welds). The minimum center-to-center spacing of lines of slot welds in a direc tion transverse to their length shall be four times the width of the slot. The minimum center-to-center spacing, in a longitudinal direction shall be two times the length, ofthe slot 29.3 Prequalified Dimensions. Dimensions for pre (qualified plug and slot welds ate described in 2.3.5 and 3.10, 2.9.4 Prohibition in Quenched and Tempered Steels. Pug and slot welds shall be prohibited in quenched and {tempered steels with specified minimum F, greater than 70 ksi [490 MPa} 2.10 Filler Plates Wherever itis necessary to use filler plates in joints required to transfer applied force, the filler plates and the ‘connecting welds shall conform to the requirements of 2.10.1 or 2.10.2, as applicable. 2.10.1 Thin Filler Plates. Filler plates less than 1/4 in, [6 mm] thick shall not be used to transfer stress, When the thickness of the filler plate is less than 1/4 in, (6 mm, for when the thickness of the filler plate is greater than, 1/4 in. (6 mm} but not adequate to transfer the applied mare n ‘SECTION 2. DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS force between the connected pars, the filler plate shall be kept flush with the edge of the outside connected part, and the size of the weld shall be increased over the required size by an amount equal to the thickness of the filler plate (see Figure 2.9). 2.10.2 Thick Filler Plates, When the thickness of the filler plate is adequate to wansfer the applied force between the connected parts the filler plate shall extend beyond the edges of the outside connected base meal ‘The welds joining the outside connected base metal {0 the filler plate shall be sufficient to transmit the force to the filler plate, and the area subject to applied force in the filler plate shall be adequate to avoid overstress- ing the filler plate. The welds joining filler plate to the ‘inside connected base metal shall be sufficient to trans- ‘mit the applied force (see Figure 2.10). 2.10.3 Shop Drawing Requirement. Joints requiring filler plates shall be completely detailed on shop and erection drawings. 2.11 Built-Up Members 211.1 Minimum Required Welding. If wo or more plates or rolled shapes are used to build up a member, sufficient welding (ile, plug, or slot type) shall be pro- vided to make the parts act in unison but not less than that which may be required to transmit the calculated stress between the parts joined. 2.11.2 Maximum Spacing of Intermittent Welds 2AL2A General, Except as may be provided by 2.11.22 oF, the maximum longitudinal spacing of intermittent welds connecting a plate component 10 other components shall not exceed 24 times the thickness ‘of the thinner plate nor exceed 12 in, (300 mm. The lon- gitudinal spacing between intermitent fillet welds con- necting two or mote rolled shapes shall not exceed 24 in {600 mm, 2.11.22 Compression Members. In built-up com- prestion members, except as provided in 2.11.23. the Jongitudnal spacing of intermittent fillet weld segments along the edges of an ouside plate component to other components shall not exceed 12 in. (300 mm) nor the plate thickness times 0.730 /E/F, (F = specified mini- tum yield sength and E is Young's modulus of elastic- iy for the type of stel being used.) When intrmitent fillet weld segments ae staggered slong opposite edges of ouside plate components narrower than the width pro- ‘ied by the next sentence, the spacing shall not excced 18 inches (460 mim] nor the plate thickness times 1.10 _JEF,. The unsupported width of web, cover plate. or diaphcagm plates, between adjacent lines of wel, shall tot exceed the plate thickness times 1.46 EIR, When

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