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Which Grip is ‘Write’ For Me?

The Crossover Grip The Pinch Grip The Pencil Grip

Added “wings” Balances structure Relieves tension
prevent the with freedom. and fatigue while
common problem of Provides gentle reinforcing proper
fingers crossing over support to guide positioning. Use this
each other. Provides fingers into proper grip for a lifetime of
maximum position. Allows for comfort and
reinforcement some flexibility control.
making it a great making it the
training tool for perfect transitional
beginners. tool.
Which Grip is ‘Write’ For Me?

The Bumpy Grip The JUMBO Grip The Writing Claw

A slimmer design The same design as Provides the most
than The Pencil The Pencil Grip but control over the
Grip, with the 40% larger for even fingers and hand.
added texture of more support. It’s Flexible enough to
small bumps. the only grip to fit on pencils,
Increases textile provide support up utensils, crayons
feedback, and helps to the second and markers. Ideal
to stabilize fingers. knuckle. for the earliest
stages of grip

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