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Models of epithelial histogenesis

A. Casasco, M. Casasco, A. Icaro Cornaglia, F. Riva, A. Calligaro
Department of Experimental Medicine, Histology and Embryology Unit, University of Pavia, Pavia Italy

©2007, European Journal of Histochemistry

Epithelial histogenesis: a chance to unveil the
face of human stem cells
Epithelial tissues emerge from coordinated sequences of cell Although epithelial cells are characterized by
renewal, specialization and assembly. Like corresponding imma- common structural features, especially their
ture tissues, adult epithelial tissues are provided by stem cells
which are responsible for tissue homeostasis. Advances in arrangement into cohesive sheets or thee-dimen-
epithelial histogenesis has permitted to clarify several aspects sional aggregates, they provide an enormous variety
related to stem cell identification and dynamics and to under- of biological functions, including protection, absorp-
stand how stem cells interact with their environment, the so-
called stem cell niche. The development and maintenance of tion, secretion, gametogenesis and special senses.
epithelial tissues involves epithelial-mesenchymal signalling A major difference between developing and
pathways and cell-matrix interactions which control target nuclear mature epithelial tissues is that differentiated
factors and genes. The tooth germ is a prototype for such induc- epithelial cells that are not prone to locomotion. On
tive tissue interactions and provides a powerful experimental sys-
tem for the study of genetic pathways during development. the other hand, the migration of immature epithelial
Clonogenic epithelial cells isolated from developing as well cells is essential for the development of many
mature epithelial tissues has been used to engineer epithelial tis- organs, including most of exocrine and endocrine
sue-equivalents, e.g. epidermal constructs, that are used in clin-
ical practise and biomedical research. Information on molecular glands, skin appendages and teeth. However, most of
mechanisms which regulate epithelial histogenesis, including the adult epithelial tissues are dynamic as to cell renew-
role of specific growth/differentiation factors and cognate recep- al and cell cycle activity. In fact, many processes
tors, is essential to improve epithelial tissue engineering.
that are observed during development are operating
Key words: epithelial histogenesis – developmental biology – also in mature state, thus ensuring tissue homeosta-
stem cell – differentiation – epithelial-mesenchymal interac- sis. Accordingly, most – if not all - of adult epithe-
tions – tissue engineering. lial tissues are provided by specific stem cells and
Correspondence: Casasco Andrea, may be regarded to as useful models to study tissue
Department of Experimental Medicine formation and repair.The occurrence of stem cells in
Histology and Embryology Unit adult epithelial tissues has permitted the generation
Via Forlanini, 10 27100 PAVIA, Italy
Tel: +39.0382.987272. of bioengineered epithelial constructs that can be
Fax: +39.0382.528330. applied in cell and tissue therapy.
E-mail: Epithelial stem cells, like other adult stem cells,
European Journal of Histochemistry are thought to be slow- or rarely-cycling cells,
2007; vol. 51 supplement 1:93-100 which retain clonogenicity and proliferative capac-
ity for a long time. According to current models of
tissue homeostasis, the division of a stem cell gives
rise to another stem cell and one transient amplify-
ing cell. Such a cell, after exhausting its prolifera-
tive potential, undergoes terminal differentiation,
thus generating functional cells which are not fur-
ther capable of proliferation (Leblond, 1981;
Potten, 1983; Fuchs, 1990; Potten and Loeffler,
1990; Jones et al., 1995). Since stem cells are slow
cycling, they minimise DNA replication-related
errors. Stemness properties are greatly conditioned
by the microenvironment and positional creden-

A. Casasco et al.

Figure 1. Aspects of histogenesis and cell differentiation in models of epidermis engineered in vitro. Tissue architecture of human nat-
ural skin (A), bilayered human skin equivalent (B), and simple epidermal construct (C). Cytokeratins are immunodetected thoroughout
the cytoplasm of keratinocytes in natural skin (D), bioengineered skin (E), and epidermal construct (F), whereas connective tissue
cells in the dermis (D) and dermal equivalent (E) are negative. In human skin equivalent, it is possible to observe a thin basement
membrane at the dermo-epidermal junction (G), well-developed desmosomes between cells of the suprabasal layer (H) and irregular
keratohyalin granules comparable to those observed in natural skin (I). Magn. x 300 (A,B,D,E), x 400 (C,F), x 20000 (G), x 26000
(H), x 18000 (I).

tials, thus suggesting the existence of a specific cation of molecular markers which allow the
niche for each stem cells (Fuchs et al., 2004). A recognition of immature cell populations in tissues.
major advantage of studying epithelial histogene- Candidate markers for epithelial stem cells have
sis is that stem cells are confined in discrete posi- been proposed which, correlated with cytokinetic
tions, e.g. the basal layer of stratified epithelia, parameters, have permitted the isolation and
thus making easier the identification of their niche cloning of epithelial stem cells (Jones and Watt,
compared to other tissues. 1993; Li et al., 2004; Blanpain et al., 2004).
A challenge in stem cell research is the identifi-


Enamel epithelium: the histogenesis of the secretory stage, the cells of the inner enamel
hardest tissue epithelium proliferate and acquire terminal cytod-
The tooth germ represents a powerful model to ifferentiation; during the secretory stage, differen-
understand molecular mechanisms of organogen- tiated cells, which can be properly called
esis which are mediated by epithelial-mesenchy- ameloblasts, become functional and secrete spe-
mal interactions. In fact, during odontogenesis, it cific enamel matrix components; in the matura-
is possible to monitor continuously cell differenti- tion stage, ameloblasts are involved in the pro-
ation in relative spatial positions, the production cessing of enamel matrix which will result in the
and secretion of specific molecules, and corre- formation of the hardest tissue of human body. As
sponding modifications of the extracellular in a romantic drama, ameloblasts, which are
matrix. located at the surface of the tooth crown and have
Mammalian teeth develop from two types of fulfilled their task, will die as soon as tooth erupts,
cells: stomodeal ectoderm cells, which form after which time the enamel cannot be replaced by
ameloblasts, and cranial neural-crest derived new synthesis.
ectomesenchyme cells, which form pulp cells, The interaction of a cell with the surrounding
odontoblasts and cementoblasts (reviewed by extracellular matrix influences cell proliferation
Sharpe, 2001; Cobourne and Sharpe, 2003). and differentiation gene expression via specific
These two cells types interact to control the entire membrane receptors which activate downstream
process of tooth initiation, morphogenesis and target genes. Much interest has been given to the
cytodifferentiation. phases of odontoblast and ameloblast differentia-
Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that regu- tion which immediately precede the secretion of
late the initiation of tooth formation, the differen- specific dentine and enamel matrices (Slavkin et
tiation of odontoblasts and ameloblasts and the al., 1976; Bronckers et al., 1993; Couwenhoven
acquisition of shape have been characterized by and Snead, 1994). It has been shown that expres-
studies on tissue recombination (Kollar and Baird, sion of enamel specific genes is restricted to deter-
1968; Lumsden, 1988). mined enamel epithelium cells that have with-
Furthermore, cell-to-cell and cell-matrix sig- drawn from the cell cycle and have undergone ter-
nalling pathways and related target nuclear fac- minal differentiation to the ameloblast phenotype
tors have been identified as mediators of recipro- (Inai et al., 1991; Casasco et al., 1992, 1996).
cal communication between dental epithelial and Dentine and enamel specific proteins have been
mesenchymal cells (reviewed by Ruch, 1985; proposed as candidate regulatory molecules in
Slavkin, 1990; Jernval and Thesleff, 2000; dental epithelial-mesenchymal interactions.
Thesleff and Mikkola, 2002; Thesleff, 2003). Indeed, it is possible to show that the secretion of
Tooth morphogenesis proceeds through charac- enamel specific proteins immediately precedes
teristic stages, i.e. initiation, bud, cap and bell dentine mineralization and that enamel proteins
stages. As in many organs, the earliest evidence of cross the basement membrane in the epithelial-
tooth development is an epithelial thickening of mesenchymal interface (i.e. the future dentine-
the stomodeal lining epithelium. Under the enamel junction) and reach the odontoblasts layer
instructive influence of the odontogenic mes- (Figure 2). A simplified scheme describing spatial
enchyme, the inner enamel epithelium undergoes a and temporal aspects of odontoblast and
precise developmental program, ultimately differ- ameloblast differentiation is shown in Figure 3.
entiates to the ameloblast phenotype and initiate The extension downward of cells of the enamel
the expression of tissue-specific enamel gene prod- epithelium forms the so-called Hertwig root sheath
ucts which direct enamel biomineralization (Ruch, which defines the final size of the tooth root, being
1985; Jernval and Thesleff, 2000;Thesleff, 2003). later replaced by the cementum. Although it is gen-
The differentiation programme of the cells of the erally believed that cementoblasts differentiate from
inner enamel epithelium can be summarized in dental follicle, which derive from cranial ectomes-
three main phases, including pre-secretory, secre- enchyme, it has also been suggested that cells of the
tory and maturation phases (Warshawsky and Hertwig sheath may undergo epithelial-mesenchy-
Smith, 1974; Smith and Warshawsky, 1975; mal transformation and give rise to cementoblasts
Nanci et al., 1985; 1987; 1998). During pre- (reviewed by Bosshardt and Schroeder, 1996).

A. Casasco et al.

Skin histogenesis: the story of the first

bioengineered organ
In developing embryo, skin develops from the
interaction of surface ectoderm and underlying
mesenchyme. The primordium of the epidermis is a
single layer of surface ectodermal cells. These cells
proliferate and differentiate to form a layer of squa-
mous epithelium, called periderm, and a basal ger-
minative layer. Replacement of peridermal cells,
which are part of the vernix caseosa, continues until
about the 21st week; thereafter the periderm disap-
pears and the stratum corneum forms.
In the adult, epidermis is a dynamic tissue in
which terminally differentiated keratinocytes are
replaced by the proliferation of new epithelial cells
that undergo differentiation. Terminal differentia-
tion of epidermal keratinocytes leads to the forma-
tion of the stratum corneum, which is not cellular
but composed of intracytoplasmic remnants bound
to the skin surface after the death of keratinocytes.
Recent data support the view that keratinisation
may be regarded to as a specialized form of apop-
tosis that produces the stratum corneum concomi-
tant with keratinocyte cell death (Hathaway and
Kuechle, 2002).
According to the spiral model of stemness pro-
posed by Potten (1990), stem cell properties are lost
Figure 2. Aspects of histogenesis and cell differentiation in rat
gradually through successive rounds of division,
inner enamel epithelium. Intracytoplasmic localization of enam- whereas more committed progeny of epidermal stem
el matrix proteins (A) and 28 Kda-calciun binding protein (B)
during early stage of ameloblast differentiation. C: Cell prolif-
cells undergoes an irreversible commitment to differ-
eration in tooth germ as observed by immudetection of brome- entiation. Specific microenvironmental factors that
deoxyuridine: the number of positive cells in the inner enamel
epithelium decreases from the cervical loop (CL) toward the regulate the growth and differentiation of ker-
forming cusp (FC). D: immunogold detection of brome-deoxyur- atinocyte progenitors remain poorly defined as well
dine within the nucleus of an immature cell of the inner enam-
el epithelium which is traversing the S phase of the cell cycle. as unequivocal criteria for the identification of epi-
E, F: immunogold detection of enamel matrix proteins within dermal stem cells (Blanpain et al., 2004; Fuchs et
the cytoplasm of a secretory amelobast as well as the forming
enamel. IEE, inner enamel epithelium; OBL, odontoblast layer; al., 2004;Tumbar et al., 2004). Keratinocyte exhibit
DP, dental pulp; GA, Golgi apparatus; TP, Tomes process. Magn. characteristic cytokeratin expression. In the epider-
x 500 (A), x 400 (B), x 150 (C), x 25000 (D), x 40000 (E,F).
mis, keratins 5 and 14 are expressed in the basal
layer, while keratins 1 and 10 are found in the
suprabasal layer. The transcription factor p63 has
Enamel-related proteins secreted by epithelial cells been proposed as a marker for keratinocyte stem
of the Hertwig sheath are supposed to have an cells (Pellegrini et al., 2001; Koster and Roop, 2004;
important role in cementogenesis during tooth McKeon, 2004). Nevertheless, p63 is not restricted
development (discussed in Bosshardt and Nanci, to stem cells, since it is expressed in all basal cells as
1998). Recently, clinical studies have demonstrated well as a significant number of suprabasal cells.
that the application of enamel proteins in bone Interestingly, a combined identification of specific
defects around human teeth stimulates cementogen- markers (e.g. transferrin receptor CD71 and α-6
esis and new bone deposition, suggesting that regu- integrin) has permitted the isolation of subpopula-
latory molecules of odontogenesis may find a role in tions of epidermal cells showing stemness properties
regenerative periodontal therapy (Gestrelius et al., (Jones and Watt, 1993; Li et al., 2004).
2000). Keratinocytes express several integrins, including


Figure 3. The microscopical

picture shows the stages of
the cells of the odontoblast
layer (OBL) and of the inner
enamel epithelium (IEE) which
precede and go along with ini-
tial deposition of dentine and
enamel. The scheme summa-
rizes corresponding stages of
cell differentiation and extra-
cellular matrix maturation.
Interestingly, the secretion of
enamel specific proteins imme-
diately precedes dentine min-
eralization and enamel pro-
teins cross the basement
membrane in the epithelial-
mesenchymal interface (i.e.
the future dentine-enamel junc-
tion) and reach the odonto-
blast layer. Ameloblasts with-
draw from the cell cycle later
that odontoblasts, as well as
enamel formation is delayed
compared to dentine forma-
tion. Magn. x 1000.

collagen-, laminin-, fibronectin- and vitronectin- sional models. Recent advances in tissue engineer-
receptors. It has been shown that integrins not only ing have permitted the generation of skin and epi-
mediate adhesion to the underlying extracellular dermal substitutes in vitro. Different strategies have
matrix, but also regulate keratinocyte differentiation been conceived to engineer such substitutes and to
(Watt et al., 1993; Marchisio et al., 1997); indeed date skin can be regarded to as the first bioengi-
detachment from the basement membrane seems to neered organ. Epidermal and dermal stem cells can
be a prerequisite to undergo terminal differentiation be isolated from different sources, including devel-
(Adams and Watt, 1990; Li et al., 2004). oping and adult tissues. Long-term subcultivation of
A major aim for tissue engineers is to develop new keratinocytes in vitro permitted the formation of
culture systems to change the way to conduct bio- epithelial layers similar to natural epidermis
logical experiments and eliminate the flat biology of (Rheinwald and Green, 1975). Subsequently, epi-
Petri dishes in favour of organotypic three-dimen- dermal constructs have been combined with dermal

A. Casasco et al.

equivalents to reconstruct the entire skin architec- Acknowledgements

ture (Bell et al., 1981; Parenteau et al., 1991; We are grateful to Mrs. Aurora Farina (Department
Stark et al., 1999; Zacchi et al., 1998). Indeed, of Experimental Medicine, University of Pavia) for
organotypic co-culture made of keratinocytes and valuable technical assistance. This research was sup-
dermal cells have been shown to have many in vivo- ported by grants from the University of Pavia
like features, such as complete morphologic differ- (F.A.R.), Banca del Monte di Lombardia Foundation
entiation, assembly of a basement membrane, pres- (AC, AC 2004-2006) and COFIN (AC, AC 2003)
ence of cells with stem-like features, and epithelial- from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and
mesenchymal interactions (Casasco et al., 2001a,b; Research. The Authors apologizes to all contributors
2004). Further experiments permitted the introduc- in skin and tooth research for inability to acknowledge
tion of melanocytes, Langerhans cells, blood vessels all pertinent works. This paper is dedicated to our
master Prof. Emilio Casasco and our friend Prof.
and hairs in advanced models of artificial skin.
Riccardo Rizzoli.
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