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for All
To create a scientifically literate
populace, curriculum developers
must downplay the conceptual
structures understood by the
scientific elite and instead emphasize
exciting examples and everyday

Aaob sc a-c uhan nrced a g be 196o and 70s bae soiad iheproblem of an inadequate su,ly of sen c pesonnel, de
price of t.bacbieveme in science ducation bas been at the great majority of students bave leaned that they ae unabl tat
to do science
scence is notr tiem.

fter a decade of stagnation, sci- for science education was quite un- The sciences, particularly the physi-
ence education in many coun- precedented in any other field of the cal sciences in many societies, are
tries is seeing renewed interest curriculum. gateway subjects that filter through the
and nationally supported curriculum Historians of curriculum can take us relatively few students who are al-
efforts. further back to the 1860s in Great lowed to move into professions of
In 1983 new funds in the U.S. initiat- Britain and to the 1880s in the U.S. status, social experience, and econom-
ed a number of projects. In Britain, the when a very promising approach to a ic security. Because of the social pow-
first major project since the '60s, the science education for all was quite er associated with these positions, we
Secondary Science Curriculum Re- deliberately and ruthlessly obliterated can call this function a political func-
view, was established in 1982. Even because of the threat it held for a tion of schooling.
earlier, New Zealand set up a Learning number of sectors of society. If we are
in Science Project in 1979 and, in 1982, Again, a limited but definite number
to achieve anything in the present
a corresponding elementary school of persons with scientific skills and
move for Science for All, we must see
project. This new activity extends be- what we can learn from these earlier expertise are needed in any society to
yond developed or industrialized maintain and expand a variety of as-
failures and from the ways in which
countries. In 1984 the Asia region of they, in fact, succeeded in providing pects of its economy. This limited pop-
UNESCO, which ranges from Iran to ulation performs an economic
an education in science, not for all, but
Japan, endorsed a science education function.
for a few.
program as one its few priorities for Scientists, particularly in research
the rest of the '80s. Society's Demands on institutions and universities, are now a
In both rhetoric and rationale, these Functions of the Curriculum powerful faction with a major interest
programs share in common a strong Schools are established by society to in maintaining their subject as an elite
emphasis on Science for All. This slo- fulfill a number of educational func- and important field They are keenly
gan is a compelling and attractive one tions. The curriculum, in its parts and interested in having the schools begin
in societies where applied science and in its totality, is the instrument to serve the process of reproduction of the
technology are evident in new prod- these functions as well as the field sciences as those in higher education
ucts and new forms of communica- where competing societal demands define them. This is the function of
tions. New jobs emerge and old, famil- are resolved (see fig. 1). subject maintenance.
iar ones disappear. There is a cry for
new skills and expertise and a chronic I
toll of unemployed persons who lack
technical skills.
The Science for All slogan has a
democratic ring about it that implies
there's something in it for everyone. It
also acknowledges that science educa-
tion in the past has not been science
for all, that large numbers of persons
have indeed been failed or passed
over by the science curriculum. How-
ever, it should not be interpreted as a
new educational intention or goal. The
early 1960s are too recent and too well
documented to be forgotten so easily.
There was much in the writing and
hopes of that massive wave of science
curriculum endeavor around the
world that spoke, in the language of
those years, of science education that
was to enrich the minds of all students.
Although the activity of that decade
initially focused on education in the
more specialized disciplinary sciences
of chemistry, physics, and biology,
many projects then and in the early
'70s aimed at mass education in ele-
mentary and junior high schools.
Simultaneously, this wave of curric-
ulum development had affected coun-
tries all over the world, and the activity Fig. 1. Competing societal demands on schooling and science education
and exchange of ideas and materials
In addition, there are clearly a num- other. Indeed, there seems little doubt guished figures in physics and biology.
ber of ways in which all cubures and which will win since one has the back- To consider the nature of the reform
socdal life are now influenced by ing of national imperatives like the these project teams brought about, it is
knowledge from the sciences and its economy and spheres of political in- important to have a measure of what
application. Human inventions in the fluence, and the other, in comparison, actually resulted in classrooms, rather
sciences offer much potential for ful- may be seen as an essentially indul- than what the rhetoric said was sup-
filling the function of individual gent desire of the masses to improve posed to happen.
growth and satisfaction. their quality of life rather than fulfill Descriptions of these courses and
The first three of these social de- specific, urgent needs. their guiding papers emphasize the
mands will be met, provided that only structure of the knowledge of these
a relatively small number of students Science Education sciences and the role of laboratory or
are successful in learning the sciences for the Elite Few empirical studies in its development.
at school. Indeed, if a large number Let me now turn to an analysis of the The courses were also designed with
were successful, these social needs science curriculum movement of the the very clear intention that both these
would be threatened by oversupply. 1960s-70s, and hence of much of our features of natural science should be
Oversupply is an undesirable situation present science curriculums, to identi- very explicit in the teaching and learn-
that has existed in many countries fy some elements that were quite con- ing of science.
since the 1970s, when high school trary to our Science for All slogan and As a result, the direct uptake of
graduates' demand for places in high- in the interests of educating an elite these new courses and materials in
er education succeeded their availabil- few in science. Great Britain and the U.S. was not
ity and when persons with specialized 1. The first curriculums to be rede- nearly as widespread among local
training in science were unable to find signed in the U.S., Great Britain, Aus- school systems as was hoped. Further-
appropriate employment. tralia, Thailand, and Canada were more, in practice in these countries
those for the upper levels of second- and in many others where evaluative
The other three functions, on the ary school where disciplinary sciences reports are available, there has been a
other hand, are ones that relate to the were taught, where only some of the selective emphasis on parts of these
whole population and will be met only school cohort studied them, and courses to the detriment of the new
if the majority of students successfully where they clearly existed as a prelude curriculum's intentions as a whole.
master the science curriculum. to further possible study in science. The role of the laboratory, as part of
Hence, these two demands are not 2. This curriculum reform was very the nature of science or as means of
simply competing but, in fact, are con- much in the hands or patronage of learning factual and conceptual knowl-
flicting. Unless this is recognized and well-meaning academic and research- edge, has been a major area of neglect.
allowed for in the curriculum design oriented disciplinary scientists, such as Most teachers and most examination
for science education and in its imple- Pimentel at Berkeley for CHEM study systems seem also to have been un-
mentation, there is no doubt one de- and Nyholm at University College for able to adopt the grand structural
mand will win at the expense of the Nuffield Chemistry, and similarly distin- views of these science curriculums.
Instead, they have turned them into
conceptual statements, rules, and for-
mulas to be learned without an ade-
quate balance of the facts or realities
of the natural phenomena to which
they relate.
3. The teaching approach to this
now heavily conceptual knowledge
has too often followed a logical se-
quence determined by the signifi-
cance of the knowledge in the disci-
pline, and not by considerations of
how it could be best learned. A con-
cept is introduced, defined, quantified,
refined, and then applied to more
differentiated examples of the original
concepts, and so on. This sequence of
teaching is shown in Figure 2, in
which each step is essential for the
next but makes no sense of itself with-
out a grasp of the steps that come
Such a teaching sequence turns out
Fig. 2. The teaching/learning sequence for conceptual knowledge in many science curriculums to be well suited to the tasks of sieving
and sorting science students into an
elite few, who become regarded as ability to learn not only the mathemat-
successful, and a majority, who are ics that secondary teachers want to
seen as failures and who reject science teach, but also the learning of other
as being full of abstractions having subjects in the high school years. Fur-
little to do with phenomena in which
they may indeed have an interest.
thermore, secondary teachers are not
trained for, nor do they want to teach,
"It is incredible that
4. SCience curriculums for the jun- these elementary operations. Parents a report written In
ior high and elementary levels were
designed in a derivative way from this
recognize these number operations as
familiar and important for their chil-
1983 ['Educaing
new thinking about the nature of sci- dren, both now and in the future. Americans for the
ence and its content for learning at the
high school level.
Society and employers add their en- 21st Century'] on
dorsements to this sort of elementary
Thus a number of projects around school mathematics, perhaps more the need for and
the world emphasized (a) the learning than they should in these days of ready role of science
of science concepts at even very young accessibility to other forms of
ages (i.e., Concepts in Science, the calculation.
education could
Science Curriculum Improvement No such external recognition and refer not once to the
Study), and (b) the learning ofprocess- support systems existed for the sci-
es of science-intellectual operations ence curriculums that were intro-
state of the world
that scientists certainly use in their duced in the 1960s and '70s. Hence, environment. It
work but which in real life are never those curriculums can be faulted for: was as if acid
disembodied from the content of actu- *encouraging the rote recall of a
al scientific phenomena in the way large number of facts, concepts, and rain, dioxin, and
they were by these student projects.
Numerous projects-ESS and AAAS
algorithms that are not obviously so- continued nuclear
cially useful;
Science (a process approach in the 0 providing too little familiarity with testing did
US.) and their derivatives around the
world, Nuffield Primary Science and its
many of the concepts to enable their not exist."
scientific usefulness to be
derivatives, Science 5-13 Britain, and experienced;
many other international projects- * including concepts that scientists
sought to provide meaningful learning have defined at high levels of abstrac-
for all through a curriculum that was tion that are inadequately acknowl-
based on these intellectual processes, edged in the school context and hence
which were then largely ignored by prevent appropriate explanation of
secondary school science teachers, their consequential limitations in real
who did not see them as useful tools situations;
for transmitting large amounts of fac- * involving an essentially abstract inadequate supply of scientific and
tual and conceptual knowledge. They system of scientific knowledge, using technical person-power has been
were also quite misunderstood by par- examples of objects and events to il- solved. This is true in developing
ents and elementary school teachers, lustrate this system, rather than those countries as well as in more industrial-
who generally perceived science to be aspects of the science of actual phe- ized and developing ones. A number
a body of scientific information they nomena and applications that facilitate of fields are oversupplied.
had failed to master during their own some use or control of them; The main price of this achievement
education. * using life experiences and social in science education has, however, not
applications only as examples or mo- been just neutral for the great majority
tivation rather than as the essence of of students who are not, in the end,
Consequences of the 1960s the science learning; involved in this elite group. It has
and 70s Curriculums * regarding practical scientific activ- been that the majoritv of students have
The inadequacy of the earlier attempts itv (if it is substantial at all) as a wav to learned that they are unable to learn
to find a meaningful science for all enhance conceptual learning rather science-that science is not for them.
levels of students is highlighted by than as a resource for learning essen- There are other prices also, such as
comparing them with the situation in tial skills; and the degree to which the elite have to
mathematics. 0 giving high priority, even in biolo- concentrate their later school vears on
In mathematics, there is universal gy; to the quantitative aspects of the the studv of mathematics and the sci-
agreement that facility and under- sciences. ences to the exclusion of a broader
standing of elementary number opera- These curriculums are quite suc- curriculum. I would contend also that
tions are appropriate and highly desir- cessful in meeting the societal needs I the elite, despite their concentrated
able goals of the elementary school have associated with elite science. In learning of science. are also deprived
curriculum. Secondary school teach- country after country where reformed of many aspects of learning science
ers want their students to have these curriculums have been implemented that have been excluded from their
facilities. They enhance the students' since the 1960s, the problem of an school science courses.
The Science Curriculum stand back from it, and look at it. I can rich corpus and their students in soci-
of the Puture even cut through it and look inside. I ety. As students move through school,
This son of analysis of the curriculum can see it is about products and raw their experiences in society (school,
movement of the '60s and early '70 and materials, rich colors and material home, community) will change, and
hence of the present state of science in structures, and involving people at they will encounter new situations to
our schools can be used to begin to many levels and over time. It affects which science can contribute. Their
define characteristics that may be es- jobs and careers and materials that teachers should dip into the relevant
sential if science education is to be clothe and shelter and feed and heal. It parts of the corpus and, from it, bring
effective as Science for All and other involves ideas and concepts and num- to their classrooms the science educa-
characteristics that are at least worth bers and symbols. tion that will enable their students to
trying. What have we made of this rich understand their world better and to
First, elite or traditional science complexion of chemistry for school- believe increasingly that science and
education must be confined to and ing? By and large we have reduced technology are great human inven-
contained within an upper level of chemistry to one of its least exciting tions in which they can participate for
schooling. It needs to be identified for two-dimensional transects. School their own and society's well-being.
what it is: a form of vocational prepara- chemistry, apart from occasional visits Third, some clear criteria must be
tion. Containment is not achieved by to the laboratory, is the conceptual established for selecting the science
offering alternatives at the levels of transect of this pulsating human ad- that is to be the learning of worth.
schooling where Science for All is to venture with colorful material sub- These also will need to be defined
be achieved. It is no good having a stances. It is presented black and white from outside rather than inside and
proper science for the few and a sci- on two-dimensional pages of text- then be ruthlessly applied so that the
ence for the rest. books or on chalkboards. Its learning pressure from the traditional views of
Second, science must be reexam- is checked by students' two-dimen- conceptual, scientific knowledge can
ined and recognized as a variegated sional responses to questions that are be resisted.
source of human knowledge and en- presented on two-dimensional test Such criteria should include, for
deavor. A wider range of appropriate papers. example, (1) aspects of science that
aspects of science needs to be selected I have argued that present science students will very likely use in a rela-
for converting into the pedagogicial curriculums are really an induction tively short time in their daily lives
forms of a science curriculum that will into science. The ones that might pro- outside of school; and (2) aspects of
have a chance of contributing to effec- vide Science for All must involve much natural phenomena that exemplify
tive learning for the great majority of more learning about and from easily and well to the students the
students. This is an epistemological science. excitement, novelty, and power of sci-
task of a major order. It is, I suspect, a These curriculum processes are entific knowledge and explanation.
very radical undertaking that is quite quite fundamentally different. For in- At a recent international curriculum
beyond the science professionals to stance, in the first we use teachers who workshop in Cyprus these two criteria
whom we have traditionally entrusted have themselves been inducted into were used to spell out a skeletal con-
it. It is almost impossible to step aside an acquaintance with some of the ba- tent for a quite new sort of science
from the intense socialization into sci- sic conceptual knowledge of an area of curriculum. They were found to be
ence that any of us who are science science to repeat the first steps of this logically applicable in a range of broad
professionals have experienced. Our process with their students. Since the topic areas such as senses and mea-
ensnarement into science and scien- teachers usually have little experience surement; the human body; health,
tific ways of thinking about the world of the exciting practical applications of nutrition, and sanitation; food; ecolo-
is too great. For one thing, we have their knowledge or of Mhe process of gy; resources; population; pollution;
been specialized into only one or two trying to extend the knowledge of a and use of energy.
of science's many forms. In addition, science, the induction they offer into In like manner we shall need to
our success has transformed us into the corpus of science is through the explore in the curriculum of Science
persons who think about the world same abstract route they followed as for All what sorts of pedagogy are
and natural phenomena in ways that part of a former elite who could toler- appropriate for the sorts of learning
are quite different from the child at ate it and cope with its learning. Few these much more variegated aspects of
school or the nonscientific adult who of their students are interested science require. Again we must start
may or may not be very successful in enough to follow. from outside science for these peda-
our highly technological society. In the alternative that I envisage for gogies and consider much more the
In order to try to think afresh about Science for All, students would stay learners themselves and the construc-
chemistry, the area in which I was firmly rooted outside the corpus in tions they already possess about the
socialized, I have made a three-dimen- their society with its myriad examples natural phenomena we want to teach.
sional model of the rich corpus of of technology and its possibilities for Fortunately, this is now a strong field
chemistry. science education. Science teachers, as of research in science education, and
The facets of the model are all as- persons with some familiarity and con- many of its findings are available.
pects of chemistry that chemists recog- fidence with the corpus of science, Again there will be an intense and
nize as clearly within the confines of will need to be helped to be not interesting competition if the support
their subject. I can walk around it, inductors but couriers between the teachers need for this type of pedago-
gy is to get its share of the new science very effectively in school science cur- come depressed with what they and
projects' resources. riculums? To the Netherlands because others are achieving with current ways
they are in the forefront of relating of doing things. In the 1930s, Lancelot
Learning in Science physics learning to society? To Nepal
Let us consider briefly what we already Hogben's book, Science fbr he Mil-
know of the shape of the new era of
and Sri Lanka, where elementary lion,2 offered a vision to educators
school science is being used as an who began what has been called "the
science curriculum development, and effective instrument to enhance the
apply to some of its projects the crite- general science movement" In the
lives of entire families? late 1950s the vision came again and
ria I have developed for Science for No. The comparison that the NSF science educators tried again-as part
report contains has a strong sense of of the science curriculum movement
New Zealand science educators in
denj vu about it. It is 1957 revisited, but of the '60s and 70s. In the 1980s the
recent years have contributed greatly
the comparison now is not with the vision is clearly before us once more.
to our understanding of how children Soviet Union but with Japan, because The shape of the responses to it in the
learn science. Unfortunately, in using
of the technological and economic next decade are now being formed
this as a base for reforming their sci-
threats theJapanese are posing for the Their adequacy will depend very con-
ence curriculum, the New Zealanders U.S. So much for Science for All.
seem to have confused science con- siderably on how clearly we can read
tent that was useful to elucidate these I have not examined in detail all the the realities of the earlier attempts and
new curriculum projects that have realities of the very different social and
learning processes with content that is
been sponsored by the National Sci- educational situations of the current
worth learning as Science for All.
ence Foundation. One entitled Project day.
Their emphasis on preconceptual 2061 does have a strong emphasis in
knowledge as the learning of worth in A fundamental difference between
its rhetoric on Science for All. Alas, its the sort of science education (and
the compulsory lower levels of mechanism and procedures seem to
schools will, I am afraid, take its place hence curriculums) that we have had
alongside the conceptual processes of be yet one more attempt to use the hitherto, and what may be needed for
processes that failed in the 1960s. a genuine Science for All is the fact
science from the '60s that have been Teams of scientists (excluding science
such failures. that the "All" must be thought of as
teachers!) are being brought together existing outside of science. In other
In the U.S., the new reform got off to to try to answer from their blinkered
a somewhat disastrous start from the words, science is an institutionalized
perspectives, "What science do stu- part of all our societies in very definite
viewpoint of Science for All. The Na- dents need to learn?" No nonscientists
tional Science Foundation report on and varied ways. On the other hand,
are included; there is no voice from even in the most highly technical, sci-
science educationI that followed A Na-
the many successful people in the U.S. entifically advanced societies no more
tion at Risk contained some rhetoric who, in scientific terms, are scientifi-
of Science for All, but its substance was than 20 percent of the population
cally illiterate. There is no voice of the could be even remotely identified
about the improvement of elite techni- dispossessed. It appears again to be a with the institutionalized part The re-
cal education. well-intentioned look outward, from
It is incredible that a report written maining 80 percent are, and for their
well within the corpus of science. lives will be, outside of science in this
in 1983 on the need for and role of The Secondary Curriculum Review
science education could refer not sense. Furthermore, the 20 percent
in Great Britain has used as its basic who may, or do, belong within the
once to the state of the world environ- source of ideas and pedagogy the ex-
ment. It was as if acid rain, dioxane, institutionalized aspects of science
emplary work of innovative science also spend much of their lives in
and continued nuclear testing did not teachers who have been successful spheres of society that are outside of
exist. It had, internationally, a some- with broader groups of students. This
what offensive but perhaps nationally science.
approach seems to have a better pros- It is this sense of "outside of sci-
necessary subtitle about making Amer-
pect of tapping into those outside-of- ence" that I think we must understand
ican students' achievements in science science views that I see as essential for
education the best in the world by and translate into curriculum terms if
Science for All. The greater problem Science for All is to succeed from our
1995. for that country, with its propensity for
This, of course, implies that Ameri- present opportunities.-
social stratification, is likely to be how
can science education is not the best to provide recognition that this sort of 1. The National Science Board Com-
in the world now, and that is a refresh- mission on Precollege Education in Mathe-
science is important for all and not just
ingly humble note on which to start. an alternative for those who cannot matics, Science and Technology, Educat-
However, to which countries does the cope with the "real" sciences of tradi- ing Americans for the 21st Centwur
report look for its comparisons and tional school chemistry, physics, and (Washington, D.C.: National Science Foun-
targets? To Thailand, which seems to dation, 1983)
biology. 2. Lancelot Hogben, Science for the
have solved the structural problems of
science curriculums better than most Mi/ions, 4th ed. (New York: W.W Norton
Reading the Realities from
and where girls do as well as or better &Co.. Inc., 1968).
Past and Present
than boys in chemistry and physics? To Science for All is a vision splendid. Peter J. Fensham is Dean. Faculty of
Tanzania and Kenya, where the idea of Like any worthwhile vision, it recurs to Education, Monash Universit', Clayton, Vic-
personal technology is being used lift the spirits of those who have be- toria 3168. Australia.
E ---.- . . .I ..-1.2
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Copyright © 1986 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. All rights reserved.

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