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Nama : Ni Putu Ade Intan Sesi

Nim : 1607521055

Absen :
topics to be discussed are about the business of batik in Indonesia

On October 2, 2013, the wealth of the archipelago batik Indonesian entered the age of 4 years for
official recognition of UNESCO as part of the Intagible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. For four
years it was also batik becomes more global and widely used by the people of Indonesian in its
various activities.

We have people to wear batik on various occasions. During that time also the production of batik
in Indonesian began to increase and develop. "It would be better to enter its fourth year should
rise to another stage," said Era Soekamto.
Director of Business Development and Marketing Iwan Tirta's batik Tempo at Gallery Iwan
Tirta, Jl. Wijaya 13 Kebayoran Baru, on Saturday, September 28, 2013.
Other Stage is a woman who is usually called this era is the other side of the batik itself.
According to him, during the stunned look batik on technical matters
"Why we can claim by another party? Since many countries do have batik, Japan has batik,
India, Malaysia, "said Era. He highlighted the issue of techniques of batik in several countries
which he thought to be similar.
"There are disposable gebok bananas, wood, iron, indeed ancient batik techniques like that. But
the canting native to Indonesia. "
Era explains, batik itself has two eyes side, the first question that the second technical meaning
behind the motif.
The meaning and history behind batik motif is underlined Era highly disseminated. So people
when wearing batik understand and know the reason why he wears the patterned batik.
Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesian,
especially in Java. In ancient times women - Javanese women make batik as livelihood,
therefore, batik is a job exclusively for women.
Now batik has a variety of shades and colors. The style and color of batik is now heavily
influenced by foreign cultures, initially had only batik patterns and colors are limited and some
kind of pattern and color batik should only be used by certain circles. But in Retain traditional
batik coraknya, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, because usually each style has a
representation of each.
The type and style of traditional batik classified as very much, but the pattern and its variations
in accordance with the philosophy and culture of each region are very diverse. Indonesian
cultural treasures such a rich nation has spawned a variety of styles and kinds of traditional batik
with characteristic own specialty. Javanese women in the past made their skills
in batik for a living so in the past, batik work is exclusively women's work. Since the
industrialization and globalization, which introduce automation techniques, new types emerged
batik known as batik or batik prints while traditional batik produced by hand using canting and
night is called batik.
So according to the technique: • Batik is decorated with fabric textures and patterns by hand.
Batik making this type takes approximately 2-3 months. • Batik cap is decorated with fabric
textures and patterns created by the cap (usually made of copper). Batik-making process of this
type takes approximately 2-3 days. In the development of this batik art gradually imitated by the
people nearest and subsequently expanded into women's work in the household of the household
to fill his spare time.

batik business venture seems to have become one of the business idea is quite attractive.
Obviously there are many reasons why businesses glanced batik fashion business for the
cultivated. One of them is the increasing encroachment of batik uniform for a formal event, non-
formal, even to the office. batik fashion trends seems to be worn by all circles.
If you are in need of business ideas of fashion, it does no harm to his business started batik
fashion. Moreover, batik market currently dominated the domestic business and has not been
equaled by textile companies from China and Bangkok. Vast segments and the competition is
still a bit to be one reason why it's a good batik business occupied.

Here are four batik business that can be started:

1. Doing Business Modern Batik

Trends batik which increasingly familiar in young people make the market share in this
segment so tempting. Especially because there are many other batik traders who market
the old-fashioned patterned batik, which is usually preferred by the elderly. Design and
modern batik motif is likely to play in a colorful bold and changing times. For example,
the world cup fever some time ago to make many manufacturers incorporate batik motifs
and symbols ball football club on their clothing. The uniqueness and modern feel of this
course can not be seen in batik fashion in general. On the other hand, the young people
who follow the trend will hunt for the modern patterned batik.

2. Introduce Regional Corak

Alternatively, you can do business batik that still includes specific regional
characteristics. Currently popular batik is still of Yogyakarta and Solo. However, some
other areas such as batik batik and batik Papua Banten also has a special attraction.
Optimizing batik from areas not known to be a plus for you as an entrepreneur batik.
Opportunities batik is also increasingly lucrative area, because it has a growing number
of batik lovers and collectors are willing to spend in order to get the unique patterned
3. Not Just Clothing

Nowadays batik has become a lifestyle. Not only in the form of traditional fabrics, but
also in the form of anything in all areas of life. For example, at home you can find batik
on pillowcases, sheets, tablecloths, up tableware can also use the motif. Opportunity in
this business is also wide open because not many players. If you succeed, it could be your
efforts will be the pioneer batik business that covers all people's lifestyles.

We all know that batik is ONE "Indonesia's cultural heritage", it is a pride for the nation of
Indonesia. Batik Indonesia has received recognition as a UNESCO intangible cultural eyes of
Indonesian human heritage and become a cultural phenomenon in itself. Indonesian batik
ultimately strengthens this phenomenon by setting the National Batik Day which falls on
October 2. Batik Day's determination to follow the settlement date of batik as Humanity's
Cultural Heritage Oral and non-material (Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of
Humanity) yang dilakukan oleh United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural.

On October 2, 2009 that the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization,
or UNESCO announced Indonesian batik as an intangible world cultural heritage (intangible
cultural heritage/ICH).
Batik Indonesian including those registered to receive the status of ICH through the UNESCO
office in Jakarta by the office of the Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, representing the
government and the community of Indonesian batik, on September 4, 2008.

When a request is received and Indonesian are likely to be accepted, the third Indonesian batik
heritage listed in Intangible Heritage of Humanity UNESCO, after wayang and keris. Batik as
engineering merintang color instead of the typical Indonesian. Maestro Iwan Tirta batik in his
book, Batik, A Play of Light and Shades (Gaya Favorit Press, 1996).

mention, batik may be evolved simultaneously in several places in the world. Batik in Java
became very delicate because coraknya widespread, highly developed staining methods, and
there is improvement techniques. Canting which allows the creation of motifs, for example, very
finely developed in Java. Including coloring techniques.

However, in keeping with the times and the development of batik in Indonesian, batik was
already a lot of variety and its variations. One of them is to combine the culture of Indonesia and
lamabang big a football club abroad. This is very possible combination could popularize batik in
all countries around the world. The following examples adalha modern batik.
On October 2, 2009, the United Nations agency that is UNESCO (United Nations of Educational
Scientific and Cultural Organization) said that "Batik is a world intangible cultural heritage from
Indonesian". The statement was confirmed after the UNESCO conduct research to batik in
Indonesia and neighboring countries. According to the results obtained, batik from neighboring
countries already batik since 9 years ago, while the batik of Indonesian is already 3 years.
However, batik from neighboring countries claimed that he could learn from the batik because of
Java, which is nothing but Java is one of the islands in Indonesian and Indonesian batik from
batik said that he learned from his parents. Then her parents turned out to learn from their parents
again, her grandmother, even to his great-grandmother. It confirmed that it indeed originated
original batik from Indonesian. However, if there is no longer batik in Indonesian during the next
3 years starting from the year 2009, then the revelation will be revoked by the UNESCO. Thank
God there are still Batik batik in Indonesian that really belongs to Indonesian. Therefore,
UNESCO confirmed the statement so each of October 2 is celebrated as the Day of National

Various events held by the institution and the people of Indonesia is one form of participation to
commemorate and enliven the moment the National Batik Day every year. We can participate
enliven National Batik Day by using a batik shirt on October 2. By wearing a batik shirt,
meaning we are able to love batik, which is Indonesian's cultural identity Beloved. As well as Mr
Katura quote, "Love the Batik with How to Get Started to use it." Starting from wear and can
love and even participate preserve the culture of Indonesian.

Do not Let Your love Batik, Fade! HAPPY DAY NATIONAL BATIK 2014,
Aphorisms National Batik Day is celebrated annually on October 2 and added an important day
in our country. As a society which certainly should also support the government's performance in
developing domestic products, especially batik, required the participation of the whole of society
in order to remain sustainable batik and not eroded by age.

One possible solution is to modify Aphorisms National Batik Day corresponding trend of the
times today. Not only forward the classical values that exist in their own batik masterpiece. But
with modernized batik with combined style or the latest designs today that batik is not obsolete
and can still be enjoyed from both young and old.

Since it is very unlikely that young people today can love Aphorisms National Batik when
design and pattern still antiquity or the term 'old'. So there needs to be improvement to further
provide a modern touch and modified with a style that is being young people now gandrungi. It
is not impossible batik into trand setter young boy with his style of each.

Indeed, batik not work haphazardly. It took a tremendous effort to produce a piece of batik cloth.
Even a batik should be in a state of calm, relaxed, happy to be able to channel his energy into his
work. He should not initiate batik if he was in a state of unstable emotions. For example'm angry,
restless, troubled, and so forth. Because if he was in a state of relaxed-quiet-happy, he could
produce such a work preformance incredible batik cloth. And a batik sometimes had to fast in
advance to have the tranquility of the soul, before he made a masterpiece. Batik and batik write
is a unity of soul that can not be released.

Batik Indonesia became one of the icons are very favored and wealth that we must be grateful.
Since not all countries have such cultural property owned by our nation and every country has a
hidden treasure that is different of course. So should appreciate each property owned and not
vilify others.

1. Because batik is very able to rejuvenate the younger

See now many modern batik clothes, then it is clear that batik is perfect for everyday
wear, and you can still have fun with any lifestyle, carefree. And that is important, you
are an old face can look younger if you wear batik.

2. Because you will not lose the great designers from Indonesia

In Indonesia tuh many great designers who produce beautiful batik. As Carmanita,
Choosy Latu, Danar Hadi, Poppy Dharsono, Edwart Hutabarat, or Iwan Tirta. Batik
designs they have all been introduced abroad.
So with them, you will always find a lot of interesting batik designs that make you look
always fashionable and trendy.

3. Surely you'll take pride in the eyes of the international

Although it took three years for Indonesia to gain recognition of the culture of batik as an
Indonesian cultural belonging, but in the end, UNESCO managed to set one up.
Moreover, the word "batik" can also be found in the Oxford Dictionary.

4. Is an opportunity for you to do business

Lots of news that show turnover rose two kalilipat batik. So mumpung you were young,
what's wrong to try from now? Yes, right? like Dea Valencia tuh successful batik


Batik is one of the traditional cultural heritage belongs to Indonesia and as part of
Indonesia we have to play an active role to preserve batik. now the look of batik into a
more modern look and the result is not only parents who wears batik but young people
also started wearing batik. Batik has been some progress both in terms of motive, method
of manufacture or zoom. If the first batik cloth is only used as a basic ingredient in
making garments, gloves and hats blankon but now the motif has been used in a wide
variety of goods such as bags, headbands, masks and each much more.
that batik has been a lot of progress and now batik has become a fashion in Indonesia
making young people do not shy when wearing batik, but unfortunately the knowledge
minimal about batik making people less appreciate batik and the result is a lot of people
wearing batik is not batik Indonesia.
still many people who are not informed about the history of batik Indonesia so that the
public assume that the batik cloth in the market all come from Indonesia when it is of
course wrong because batik that sold not only batik from Indonesia, but also there are
batik originated from China.
Batik is no longer needed a campaign to urge people to wear batik Indonesia more
frequently now that batik has become fashion's most needed today is how to make people
know about the historical origins of Indonesian batik.
not only in Indonesia alone, even globally. not only the color of Indonesia like batik,
tourists from abroad was much to like. not a few tourists find and buy batik. even batik
can be booked in advance. to reserve in advance, we can choose their own batik motif
with suit our tastes
Batik is also a hallmark of the Indonesian state.
Batik is also a legacy of our ancestors, who long ago already there, and has been loved by
citizens of Indonesia. the city is its workforce mayoris penggajin namely batik
yogyakarta, solo and semarang.selain it pekalongan well as a batik artisans. quality
problems, batik in Indonesia can no doubt, his complexion diverse, beautiful texture.
Indonesian batik is also diverse, there are batik and batik. but it also could batik can
improve the economy of Indonesia. in the presence of Indonesian batik art is, has to be
said that the Indonesian state memilii creative human resources by creating even the
creation of forms of batik. I myself was very proud of the Indonesian batik art, because
the result is nice-nice, pretty, funny and beautiful. and I appeal to the people to keep and
preserve the Indonesian art of batik and batik which is owned by our country Indonesia,
so that is not claimed by another country.
Before I ever heard of any other State claim to ownership of Indonesian culture. The most
active countries claim as their own culture Indonesia is Malaysia. There have been many
examples of Indonesian culture which claimed Malaysia one batik. Claims made
Malaysia always gets hard REACT dar Indonesian society.
Lack of public awareness Indonesia, especially the younger generation of cultural
heritage. If seen, much more unique Indonesian culture and are from another country but
due to lack of interest of young people to preserve their own culture. Indonesian society
should preserve their culture by claiming that no other State. For example, by means of
holding cultural festivals. With the cultural festival more and more young people are
familiar with the culture itself.
I also have heard about the history of batik in batik indonesiaKesenian is an art picture on
cloth for clothing that became one of the family culture Indonesian kings of old. Batik
initially worked confined in the palace and the result for the king's clothes and family and
his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace,
the art of batik was brought by the palace and carried them out in place of each.
In the development of this batik art gradually imitated by the people nearest and
subsequently expanded into women's work in the household to fill his spare time.
Furthermore, batik clothes that used only the royal family, then became a popular folk
clothes, both women and men.
White fabric that is used when it is the result of homespun. Medium coloring materials
used consist of plants native to Indonesia made themselves among others: noni tree, soga,
indigo, and materials made from soda ash soda, as well as salts made from mud.
So this batik in Indonesia has been known since the days of the Majapahit empire and
continue to grow until the next kingdom. As for starting the spread of this batik art
belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the
eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Batik produced batik is all until the early
twentieth century and printed batik is known only after the war world of unity, or about
And now there are models of modern batik, Entering the era of globalization, it turns
batik has also been following the progress of technology, one that is in terms of the
method of making batik. The method of making batik previous formed directly by the
hand of a designer using canting and pencil. Now in the days of the all powerful, method
of making batik can easily be found, some method of making batik is by using a stamp
and printing such as screen printing, and printing. Batik production is increasing but do
not rule out the possibility that the selling price of batik increase as well. This is in line
with the company that pioneered by the wife of the head of the President of Indonesia,
Mrs. Any Yudhoyono the Indonesian Batik Foundation organizes. Starting many traders
or designers who compete to sell batik, the impact of globalization also change their
mindset to develop their creativity in the use of batik. The use of batik was transformed
as the needs of everyday life and is informal, for example, batik used as bags, slippers, a
mobile phone, trousers, underwear until any batik and other accessories. Now, people can
have the stuff batik at a price that is affordable for all walks of life and ages. In fact,
nothing is impossible for a car can be made with batik motifs, but the price is quite
expensive because according to the method of manufacture is difficult. Efforts to keep
preserve culture in Indonesia can be done in various ways, one of them is the use of batik
to appreciate the culture of Indonesia. The influence of globalization, it does not reduce
the quality of the use of batik itself. Instead, the development of the times also increasing
one's creativity to cultivate and harness the culture of Indonesia. It would be nice, if we
participate in maintaining the culture in Indonesia, because we are also part of the state
Indonesia.Dan batik now has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing.
On that basis also, the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (Consulate) LA
with Indonesian Women's Alliance (IWA) in LA include five designers Indonesia in
LAFW, as well as introducing the Indonesian fashion there.
"We offer batik to LAFW, it turns out they're interested and happen in spring summer
time," said Fabiola. These five designers selected among others Rinda Salmun, Ivan
Gunawan, Oscar Lawalata, Aurelia Santoso and Nonita Respati. All five curated directly
by the committee LAFW. In addition in the event LAFW, batik will also be introduced
through Indonesia Explore program in 2016 in Santa Monica Promenade and the Fowler
Museum of the University of California Los Angeles, on 24-25 September.
Besides batik, appears logical coffee products will also be presented. This effort is
claimed to support perekonimian Indonesia as a whole. In the end, this activity is also
expected to strive to increase the opportunities for cooperation in trade and investment
between Indonesia and the United States.
Indonesia's efforts to preserve batik and batik making a genuine culture was not in vain.
On September 30, 2009 in Assembly ABU Dhabi, UNESCO has announced that batik
has been included in the list of 76 cultural art world.
In addition to these efforts, Indonesia is also still trying to increase love for batik
Indonesian people, because there is no point anyway if batik has been listed in UNESCO,
but the Indonesian people only a few are wearing batik.
Even now, have appeared Indoneisa effort to make batik as fabric archipelago, with the
opening of a special school a model for good clothes, etc. Then by from it all, let us as the
people of Indonesia continue to keep the tradition and culture of Indonesia who have
been there and increase your love for the culture of Indonesia.

there are things that until now I still regret about batik and this being a criticism, particularly
with regard to after-sales service is the manual procedure of batik good care. Batik products are
worldwide should already have to include conditions such as batik and instigation care products
other clothing. Batik products are produced only labeling the company name (brand), which
produces, almost never include the label instructions on the type of fabric used. As to whether
the batik made from cotton, polyester or silk. Making use of batik motif stamp, printing or
writing. Besides batik never include a label how to wash and care for the good batik. As the use
of the maximum temperature of water for washing, whether or not to use the washing machine or
to be manual. Prompts detergent should be used if it can be with a detergent on the market or
have to use a special detergent. How do I tidied batik and storage. This may be trivial, but will
have a big impact when we buy a new batik, wash once before I know it "mbladus" colors and
fabrics so broken because we do not know how to wash and care for the right. If this happens the
user might be cured to buy batik batik batik again because it considers a product that is not
qualified. I am very confident that the batik should be treated more carefully, especially the use
of materials and motifs silk hair. Keeping the authenticity of batik
Adding new variant and create products - innovative batik products
Increase promotion activities. We recommend wearing batik needs to be improved in order
hallmark kiya as an Indonesian citizen is not lost. Because several other countries already
recognize Indonesian batik. For that we should be proud to be the children of Indonesia.

Cultural heritage is owned by

Indonesian nation, making it mandatory for
we as the people of Indonesia to help preserve and salvage assets
this nation to the field and expertise that we have. For us community
conscious design and visual communications expertise as an area that is able
give high appreciation that can be enjoyed by the public to have
understanding of the culture . In the design, it should conduct a study and observation on the
design will be done. By conducting studies and observations
depth and detail will get something unique and distinctive from the fields of design
designed. Batik Banyuwagi has its own uniqueness and potential
should have been excavated and preserved. Unique things that has to be much dank
assist in the process of designing a book primarily for the community,
so it can be more easily accepted.
There are still many cultural and local fields that can be explored by us as individuals
visual communications. As a reference and material pe
Research has at the time of the lecture, because
in real life, local culture less noticed by the public. Let
take advantage of our expertise to help preserve the culture as a manifestation
our appreciation of our culture.
Hopefully batik continue to demand the young people, so that the suggestions which may be
suitable in this context is for the desaigner batik in order to continuously improve superior
products batik produce superior quality products.
For convection batik entrepreneurs, in order to keep and produce batik quality and not just
beautiful in terms of the model but also beautiful in terms of the materials used, the color of the
paint, and cetakannya.Agar developers feel that the current batik batik deserves to be proud .
so what I said about the batik business

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