Freedom To Read, Inc. Public Relations Campaign

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Freedom to Read, Inc. 
Public Relations Campaign 
Adrian Baker, Julia Cohen, Kyle Dandrea, Tori King, Samantha Owney, Kathryn 
Shaffer, and Jaylen Young,  
December 2016 
For additional information please contact: Kathryn Shaffer 

Table of Contents

Abstract Page 2

Expansion PR Team Pages 3-5

Situational Analysis Page 6

SWOT Analysis Page 7-8

Audience Analysis Page 9

Research Page 10

Goals and Objectives Page 11

Key Messages Page 12

Communication Vehicles Page 13-14

Strategies Page 15-18

Strategy Timeline Page 19

Evaluation Page 20

Fees Page 21

References Page 22-23

Appendix Page 24-27


Expansion PR is a team of seven Ithaca College students currently studying public relations.
Over the course of the 2016 fall semester we have been been working to revamp and add to the
social media use of the not for profit organization, Freedom to Read, Inc. Freedom to Read, Inc.
is run out of Kenosha, Wisconsin, but works mainly in Eleuthera, Bahamas building libraries and
striving to improve literacy in places of need. Our team has developed a social media plan to
begin and stimulate Freedom to Read, Inc.’s social media.

Freedom to Read, Inc. has brought itself up to be a small nonprofit with hopes of improving low
literacy-rates in areas of poverty. There is need and desire for nonprofits such as these, but
Freedom to Read, Inc. does not have very much recognition for what they do and what they are
about. Currently Freedom to Read, Inc. has popularity with the people in Eleuthera, and a small
base of followers internal and external to the organization.

The intention of our proposal is to revitalize and progress toward more social media use in
hopes of better recognition and attention on social media platforms. This plan provides detailed
information on which platforms we intend to utilize, and how we plan to maximize social media
use. In the current time with social media being so popular, it is vital to the emergence of
Freedom to Read, Inc. Through the increased use in social media, Freedom to Read, Inc. will
be able to reach out to their multiple audience’s whether that be potential donors, established
followers, people with connections to Eleuthera, and to help their primary focus, the people of

Expansion PR Team 
Adrian Baker​ is an Integrated Marketing Communications
major at Ithaca College. He is the Vice President for the
Ithaca College Billiards club and a member of the Ithaca
College Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team. Adrian hopes to pursue
a summer 2017 internship with Ben and Jerry’s in Burlington,
VT. He is also looking forward to studying abroad in London
during the fall of his junior year. Adrian loves graphic design
and meeting new people. He also hopes to go into the
corporate world working for a public relations or advertising

Julia Cohen​ is an Integrated Marketing and Communications

major concentrated in Advertising with a minor in Nutrition at Ithaca
College. She is involved with the Ithaca College Student Alliance
for Israel, PRSSA, and IC Nutrition Club. Julia has a passion for
health and wellness, traveling, and being outdoors. She hopes to
study abroad in Europe in the next coming year, and further her
education and knowledge at a new level. In the future she hopes to
have a career that gives her the opportunity to travel and explore
new opportunities. 

Kyle Dandrea​ is an Integrated Marketing Communications

major with a minor in International Business at Ithaca College.
She is on the women’s varsity volleyball team at IC and is a
member of the PRSSA, the Park Design House, and the
Women in Communications club. She has a passion for nature,
traveling, and loves art and graphic design. Kyle will be studying
abroad in New Zealand in the spring. She hopes
that the future will bring her opportunities to travel and to live
outside of the U.S.  

Victoria King​ is a sophomore Integrated Marketing

Communications major with a minor in Still Photography at Ithaca
College. She participates in various activities and clubs across
campus. She is a photographer for Hi Fashion studios and a
member of PRSSA. Victoria is aiming to gain experience in media,
marketing, and advertising. She has professional experience
working as an intern in the research department of Capital
Cardiology Associates, where she was able to organize and plan
patient studies for new medicines. Victoria hopes to someday work
in a field that lets her combine public relations or advertising with
international relations and also allows her to travel.

Samantha Owney​ is a sophomore Integrated Marketing

Communications major at Ithaca College. She is an active
member of the American Advertising Federation and the Public
Relations Student Society of America, while also volunteering
with organizations like Circle K. She will be studying abroad in
London in the spring and hopes to spend a semester interning in
Los Angeles her senior year of college. In the future, Samantha
would like to work for an entertainment public relations firm,
preferably one that allows her to pursue her love for traveling.

Kathryn Shaffer​ is a Communication Management and Design

major with a concentration in Corporate Communication; and is
minoring in Integrated Marketing in Communication at Ithaca
College. She is the treasure of the American Advertising
Federation at Ithaca College, plays on the women’s varsity tennis
team, and is a Student Athlete Advisory Committee representative.
She has gained professional experience as a Digital Media Intern
at VELCRO® Companies where she managed all company social
media channels, ran promotions, and planned events. Kathryn is
excited to study abroad this spring in London and travel during the
semester. In the future she hopes to have an exciting career that
permits her to travel.

Jaylen Young​ is an Integrated Marketing Communications Major and

Writing minor at Ithaca College. He is also a spoken word performer at
IC’s Spit That Club, a poetry club on campus. He has the ability to
perform in front of large crowds and keep composure in situations
where he must provide a desired response. In addition, he is also the
CEO of his own upcoming brand, “Cozy Culture.” Cozy Culture in an
New York City based fashion brand that integrates urban casual wear
with hip hop music. From corporate executives to college students, his
clothing evokes a sense of self-pride to all that represent the brand.
The company primarily targets students on large college campuses; he
hopes to expand his brand all over New York State.


Situational Analysis 
Freedom to Read, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization that aims to change the lives of residents
in the Bahamas through free access to literacy. The mission of Freedom to Read, Inc. is to give
and expand free access to literacy. Through this mission, Susan Siel, the founder of Freedom to
Read, Inc., has started eleven libraries on the island of Eleuthera, located in the Bahamas, for
an area that is often devastated by natural disasters and is not well known in its marketplace.

Susy has 28 years of experience working as a teacher and librarian, in addition to the many
trips that she has taken to the Bahamas growing up as a child and into adulthood. This gives
her a strong personal connection to the island and motivates her to make a change in the
environment. These changes include things such as upgrades in technology, improving literacy
rates, and free available access to libraries.

Freedom to Read, Inc. works with the Bahamas Library Services to train and teach library
attendants and supervisors, provide print and electronic materials for use in the libraries, and
sponsor literary services in the out island settlements of the Bahamas. While currently only
based on the island of Eleuthera, and with limited access to shipping, Freedom to Read, Inc. is
looking to expand within the near future. With the goal of the organization in mind, Expansion
PR has created a plan to best improve the social media presence of Freedom to Read, Inc.

Expansion PR hopes to provide Freedom to Read, Inc. with a strategic plan that will best bring
awareness and increase donations to the organization through social media. Freedom to Read,
Inc. currently has a website that contains general information about the organization; Susy also
uses her Facebook account and occasionally Twitter to spread awareness too. Due to the lack
of social media channels used by Freedom to Read, Inc., and the prevalence and important that
social media has in the world today, Expansion PR created a plan to seamlessly incorporate
social media into the company’s repertoire.

SWOT Analysis 
❖ Receiving large amounts of books in great condition
❖ Eleven well established libraries
❖ Executive Director has passion and motivation for the goals of the organization
❖ Not for profit company: many people will want to donate and help the organization
❖ Libraries create community centers and are great places to get books
❖ Susy has over 15 years of experience being a librarian and school teacher
❖ Susy is familiar with and knows many people in Eleuthera
❖ PayPal, Amazon Smile, and Good Shop accounts setup to accept donations
❖ Eleuthera has a small population which allows a strong and tight-knit community feel
❖ Eleuthera is a poverced area. This means libraries will have government support
because more people can be educated which opens up job opportunities
❖ Susy is recognized in her own community, people of Eleuthera are aware of her work
and what she is trying to achieve
❖ Susy is familiar with the Bahamas and engaged in the community

❖ No use of social media
➢ Susy is not familiar with how to use social media
❖ Susy is often not in Eleuthera
❖ Freedom to Read, Inc. has a very small staff
❖ Freedom to Read, Inc. is not well known
❖ There are little funds for shipping
❖ Eleuthera provides little ability to branch out of just print sources because technology is
hard to acquire and maintain

❖ Partnership with other NGO’s
❖ Potential to gain sponsors (with corporations or celebrities)
❖ Social media is easy to operate anywhere in the world
❖ Ability to integrate technology into the library
❖ Social media can help bring awareness to Freedom to Read, Inc.
➢ Especially in Miami and other southern cities where people often vacation in

❖ Competitors
➢ Room to Read
➢ Libraries without Borders
➢ Litworld
➢ BOOKS for the BARRIOS, Inc
➢ Building with Books

❖ Natural disasters (destroy libraries and communities)
❖ Often loss of electricity for an unpredictable amount of time
❖ Low literacy rate

Audience Analysis 

Freedom to Read, Inc.’s current audience is primarily based on the island of Eleuthera in the
Bahamas. Freedom to Read, Inc. has become popular in the Eleuthera area because of the
organization’s eleven locations there. This has been and will continue to be the primary target
audience for this organization as they attempt to improve literacy rates in the Bahamas. In
addition to this, Expansion PR believes that in order to further the amount of lives impacted by
their cause, Freedom to Read, Inc. must begin to focus more closely on a secondary audience
of sponsors and donors. By expanding their audience, Freedom to Read, Inc. will become more
well-known and attract a larger audience within the Bahamas and into the United States,
especially in southern states and in Susy’s home state of Wisconsin. This expansion of
audience, which reaches beyond their core demographic, will help the organization gain the
funds needed to ship supplies from Wisconsin to Florida, from Florida to the Bahamas, and
contribute to the travel funds for top executives to travel to and from Eleuthera.

In order to expand the boundaries of Freedom to Read, Inc., Expansion PR plans to reach a
secondary audience of people that are outside of the Bahamas. This audience includes vacation
goers and people who would be willing to donate and help the effort of Freedom to Read, Inc.
Expansion PR believes that by using social media to reach out to families that frequently visit
the Bahamas, Freedom to Read, Inc. will gain exposure that will make them a popular charity
for those with a personal connection to the islands. It would additionally be beneficial to target
vacationers that are visitors of luxury resorts based specifically in Eleuthera, such as The Cove -
Eleuthera. Based on search results done by the secondary audience - for things such as flights
to the Bahamas and hotel reservations on the islands - Expansion PR hopes to target certain
vacationers and promote Freedom to Read, Inc.’s social media pages. In doing so, not only with
the organization gain a larger audience, but it will also allow Freedom to Read, Inc. to potentially
receive more donations that will go toward shipping costs and travel costs of executives.


Expansion PR began its research on Freedom to Read, Inc., the company itself, and its
competitors. In addition to this primary research, we did further research into not for profit
companies, literacy rates, social media output, and demographics. With all of this research we
were able to put together a broad overview of elements that are essential in creating our social
media campaign for Freedom to Read, Inc. In our research we found that the main competitors
of Freedom to Read, Inc. are Libraries without Borders and Room to Read. We went directly to
the sources to read their mission and vision statements to see their purposes and how similar
they are to our client.

By looking at the competitors, we were able to determine that social media would be a great
outlet to make Freedom to Read, Inc. a leading competitor among nonprofit literary
organizations. Additionally, from our research about social media, we found that the best and
most popular channels to use are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Currently our client does
not utilize social media nearly enough. With a plain view of the social media sites, our client
posts a few times a month or every couple of weeks. According to Social Media Week,
information needs to be conveyed consistently, and Freedom to Read, Inc. is not currently doing
that. Also, the content is not tailored to the audience of Freedom to Read, Inc.; a customized
social media page, a unique hashtag, or the use of quality visuals are three simple ways to
assist in popularity on these platforms.

The social media channels mentioned will reach a wider audience that includes people of
Eleuthera, other areas of the Bahamas, and the United States as a whole. These audiences will
provide additional funding, awareness, and support for the organization. Our client uses funding
such as Amazon Smile, but would benefit from consistent donors. Social media is a great way to
gain loyal followers and encourage consistent donations. Lastly, social media is a great platform
to reach public figures that will help to promote and fund Freedom to Read, Inc. For example,
Lenny Kravitz is a member of the Eleuthera community and would be a great face for an
organization such as Freedom to Read, Inc. From the research Expansion PR has conducted
so far, we believe, as an organization, that we will be able to improve the future of Freedom to
Read, Inc.


Goals and Objectives 

Expansion PR plans to help Freedom to Read, Inc. increase its social media presence. Along
with the increase in social media use, we plan to expand the demographics that Freedom to
Read, Inc. reaches. The current use of social media is lacking and we have set strong attainable
goals for Freedom to Read, Inc. to reach. As far as social media, Freedom to Read, Inc. has a
Facebook and Twitter page, but there is little activity. We hope to add an Instagram account to
its arsenal. A large focus of social media is to reach out to external audiences to bring Freedom
to Read, Inc. into the more a well known, public light. The increase of social media use will
emphasize Freedom to Read, Inc.’s vision of increasing literacy rates in place of low literacy,
such as the organization’s main focus, Eleuthera, Bahamas. We plan to boost these platforms
to keep up with and separate Freedom to Read, Inc. from its competitors.

With this campaign we will keep a close eye on the activity of Freedom to Read, Inc.’s social
media use and its frequency of posts. Freedom to Read, Inc. also needs to increase the quality
of content that is posted with a cohesive and consistent theme. Posts with pictures need to be of
high quality and have a better aesthetic. The founder/Executive Director, Suzanne Siel, has her
own Twitter handle that she uses to promote Freedom to Read, Inc. As a part of our plan,
Freedom to Read, Inc. needs to create official Twitter and Instagram accounts to promote
themselves to their audiences. Through these platforms we will see that Freedom to Read, Inc.
executes the promotion of things like events, fundraising, or the opening of new libraries.
Additionally, we hope to implement the use of a unique hashtag to help differentiate Freedom to
Read, Inc. and give audiences a hashtag to utilize in their posts. Expansion PR hopes to
establish Freedom to Read, Inc.’s social media identity and promote their key messages on all


Key Messages 
1. Freedom to Read, Inc. provides free access to literacy for all community members.
2. Freedom to Read, Inc. hopes to improve the lives of the people it serves and improve
literacy rates.
3. Freedom to Read, Inc. provides community members with a place to enjoy literature as
well as a community space.
4. Freedom to Read, Inc. works with Bahamas Library Services to train and teach library
attendants/supervisors how best to provide library services
5. Freedom to Read, Inc. is working toward developing a social media presence to help
improve the awareness of the organization.


Communication Vehicles 
Having an online presence is important for nonprofit organizations since they rely so heavily on
donors. Since budget and time for nonprofits are both limited, social media is a cheap and easy
way to reach audiences of all demographics. It can be used to interact with the audience, inform
them, and influence them to act and support an organization. Having a strong social media
presence will not only attract audiences, but may also help make connections that may strongly
benefit the organization.

1.) Facebook

Facebook is the leading competitor in social media. With demographics reaching from early
teens to adults ages 50 and up, Facebook allows organizations to connect with a broad, diverse
audience. Facebook has become a platform where people not only stay connected with friends
and family, but on current news as well. For this reason, it is important for organizations to
create an image for themselves that draws the public in. Susy’s current Facebook page lacks a
cohesive image and she updates sporadically which inhibits her ability to reach a larger
audience. Hiring a social media intern to take the burden of maintaining an image across social
media platforms off her shoulders may be the best way for Susy to utilize the opportunities
Facebook has to offer.

2.) Twitter

Twitter is a free social networking microblogging service that allows registered members to
broadcast short posts called “tweets.” ​As a very popular and engaging platform for celebrities
and companies, Twitter is a bridge to communicate directly with target audiences. ​Twitter
members can simply broadcast tweets and follow other users’ to keep up with the latest
broadcasts. ​Many of the most effective international organizations on Twitter are nonprofits.
Utilizing this type of social media outlet as a way to communicate with consumers is very
significant for increasing brand awareness. Most companies utilize Twitter to also increase the
reach and impact of their PR initiatives and monitor their brand reputation. Overall, Twitter’s
online engagement keeps consumers active and on the edge about all the latest updates,
hashtags, and trending topics. This maintains a level of common ground for the brand and for
Susy to reach an ever larger demographic for Freedom to Read, Inc.

3.) Instagram

Instagram, although it may not be among the most-used social media platforms, has proven to
be so powerful that many businesses and nonprofit organizations have implemented it in their
communications and marketing strategies. Instagram is a great branding tool because pictures
and videos appeal to emotions, engages the audience, and allows the opportunity for a variety
of demographics to be reached. Susy does not currently have an Instagram account for herself
nor her organization. ​Instagram is a highly engaged community, and if Freedom to Read, Inc.
had an account, followers may easily be converted into donors. A nonprofit will likely receive
more Instagram likes than Facebook likes and Twitter retweets combined. Instagram is a
community that is very responsive to nonprofits and images and videos that foster social good.

4.) Website

The website should showcase all the work Freedom to Read, Inc. has accomplished through
videos, pictures, and information about the cause. Through the use of search engine
optimization we will work to get Freedom to Read, Inc.’s website at the top of the search in order
to gain more recognition and create an easier way to find the site. It is very important for
websites to be easily navigated and aesthetically pleasing in order to gain followers and
recognition. Currently, the website is difficult to locate and disorganized, it is important to fix
these aspects so the website is informative for readers and easily conveys the messages of
Freedom to Read, Inc.


Part One: Social Media Outlets 
Goal: Use social media as a free way to gain exposure for Freedom to Read, Inc.
1. Instagram
a. Posting
i. Include links. ​Adding links into captions of photos and videos that are
posted on the page will help drive interest and invite people to press them
if they are used with engaging content. The app could then become a
powerhouse for mobile and online fundraising. If Susy visits Eleuthera,
she could provide the audience with on-site pictures and videos to
increase audience engagement and give viewers a feel for what the
nonprofit is working for. Additionally, if Susy is not in Eleuthera, social
media posting allows multiple people to use the account, so people who
permanently reside in Eleuthera can also post.
ii. Use hashtags. ​Nonprofits that consistently use hashtags on Instagram
have twice as many followers as those that do not. Instagram users
regularly monitor hashtags, thus enabling the nonprofit to gain more
exposure to potential new followers. #nonprofit #organization #bahamas
#freedomtoreadinc #books - the use any of these hashtags (and more)
will give Freedom to Read, Inc. a chance to be seen by many more
iii. Be active.​ Instagram is a very active site, and in order to gain followers
you must be active. If possible, at least one post a day will allow the
organization’s presence on the channel to grow. Instagram posts peak
during the first four hours of sharing, so to be even more active, two posts
a day would be even better.
iv. Excite followers. ​A picture is worth a thousand words, and since
followers are obviously interested in the organization, that interest must
be maintained.
b. Ads
i. Customization.​ Paying for Instagram advertisements is smart. Instagram
customizes the audience who sees their promoted advertisements in
order to reach the necessary demographics. As users scroll through their
feed, they come across promoted products or organizations that may be
of interest to them based off of their past likes, clicks, or who they follow.
If Freedom to Read, Inc. takes advantage of advertising on this platform,
many new donors could begin endorsing the nonprofit by just one click.
2. Twitter
a. Posting
i. Post other articles​. Posting content from sources in addition to your own
will validate your organization as a trusted source. When you add variety
to your content, it not only builds trust with consumers and fellow
nonprofits, but also shows your understanding of how your organization
fits into a broader spectrum.
ii. Retweet.​ Similarly, retweeting other nonprofit organizations, supporters,
or anything that relates to the content you want to be seen on your page
is important. This will strengthen the connection between Freedom to
Read, Inc. and other people and/or nonprofits. The more people that see
@FreedomtoReadInc, the more awareness it will have - and gain
iii. Updates! ​Twitter updates are important, whether you have a big
announcement or a small detail, keep your audience in-the-know so that
they stay interested.
iv. Use Twitter polls.​ Engage your audience with Twitter’s new feature that
allows you to ask a question and get responses from your followers. Ask
for ideas, get feedback, or just get to know the people who are supporting
your organization. Polls are the perfect way to quickly and easily interact
with your audience and gain the information you need.
b. Ads
i. Twitter Ads​ - With Twitter ads, it becomes much easier for a company to
create engagement and drive performance. If the goal is to create
engagement, organizations can use Twitter ads to to gain followers and
increase brand awareness. With driving performance, Twitter helps ad
users increase website traffic and conversions through their tweets.
ii. Targeting the Audience​ - Expansion PR believes that it would be
beneficial for Freedom to Read, Inc. to start using Twitter ads. Twitter
makes it easy for organizations to target very specific audiences in certain
regions of the world. Narrowing it down even further, businesses also
have the option of defining their audience by gender, interests, and even
behaviors. For Freedom to Read, Inc., this would mean zoning in on
people who live in the Bahamas, Florida, and Wisconsin. It also means
defining the target audience as people who are talking about vacationing
in the Bahamas, taking business trips there, or living there. Lastly, in
narrowing down the interests of the audience to those who work for
nonprofits already, have an interest in charities and literacy for all,
Freedom to Read, Inc. should be able to gain a rapid following of
individuals who truly care about their cause.
iii. Brand Awareness​ - The initial focus for the organization should be
creating engagements in order to build brand awareness. In this case,
Freedom to Read, Inc. would only be paying Twitter for the number of
impressions that they receive, also known as cost for impressions (CPM).
In the long run, this will be helpful in ensuring the business becomes
extremely well know - in turn this should hopefully lead to an income in
iv. Website Traffic and Conversions.​ In using Twitter ads to promote
tweets that will not only drive traffic to their website, but also increase the
amount of times someone donates while visiting the page, Freedom to
Read, Inc. can greatly increase profit.
3. Facebook
a. Posting
i. Layout.​ Create a page that is recognizable. Currently the Freedom to
Read, Inc. Facebook page looks more like a personal page than a
business page. The overall image of the organization needs to be more
cohesive. The logo should be heavily featured on the site, as well as links
to their website and other social media platforms. She could also work
harder to connect her page to companies she works with like Amazon
Smile, who already reach larger audiences using the site.
ii. Consistency​. Similar to any social media outlet, it is vital that you are
posting constantly in order to bring activity to your page. The public wants
to be updated regularly on the projects the organization is working on and
the opportunities they have to help aid the cause. The page should be
updated once a day at the very least in order to keep the audience
iii. Find other Non-Profits.​ Connect with similar causes. Facebook not only
provides the opportunity to connect with the public, but other
organizations and celebrities as well. If Susy were to tag prominent
organizations in her posts to try and inform them of the work she is doing,
she could have the opportunity to work with them and in turn get her
name out to a larger audience.
iv. Share Videos.​ Facebook has become a popular site for video sharing,
surpassing Youtube. Video content is viewed 1 billion times daily with
50% of people in the US, who visit the website, watching at least one
video a day. This provides the opportunity to share their message with a
large audience. These videos catch the eye of the public and if Susy were
to release a video campaign on Facebook she would likely increase her
b. Ads
i. Facebook Ads ​- There are currently more than 1.7 billion people using
facebook to connect with family and friends, as well as staying informed
on current news and important causes. Taking advantage of facebook
ads can not only bring in new support for Susy’s cause, but help build
lasting connections with these people. Facebook ads will help direct traffic
towards the organization's page, establishing a place on the site, and
allowing the public to find out more about the cause.

Part Two - Maintaining Social Media 
Goal: Maintain social media accounts in order to keep Freedom to Read, Inc. relevant as a not
for profit.  
1. Social Media Intern
a. Expansion PR believes that Freedom to Read, Inc. should consider hiring a
Social Media Intern in order to keep up with their social media outlets. In
exchange for the work, the organization would be able to offer the intern crucial
experience and class credit. The ideal applicant should possess strong
knowledge of today’s most popular digital media landscapes and include the
various platforms that can help establish Freedom to Read, Inc.’s social media
presence. It would be prefered for the applicant to have a background in the field
of communications.
2. Social Media Takeover
a. Since Freedom to Read, Inc. is an up and coming organization with only a limited
amount of employees, Expansion PR understands that it is difficult to maintain all
the social media outlets associated with the brand. One of the things that would
make this much easier for the organization, is having all employees take turns
running the accounts. This will ensure that no one has to dedicate too time to
posting about the company on their own when their efforts could be devoted to
something else. Expansion PR also believes that this will help personify Freedom
to Read, Inc. since voices from every one of the employees will be heard. This
should make the brand much more relatable to prospective donors.
Part Three - Training 
1. Social Media 101 - Social Media Quickstarter
a. (
i. Expansion PR believes that in order for this campaign to be completely
effective, knowledge of the basic forms of social media needs to be
acquired. Constant Contact Marketing has put together a blog post that
includes a breakdown of different social media outlets to make it easy for
beginners to understand. Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are all
included. Under each of the ‘101’ courses for the outlets, are simple steps
to completing certain tasks on social media. This includes how to use
hashtags on Twitter as well as how to increase your Instagram
engagements. With this knowledge of the principles of social media,
Freedom to Read, Inc. should be able to increase brand awareness.

Strategy Timeline 
January 2017
❖ Social Media:
➢ Teaching Freedom to Read, Inc. executives how to use, maintain, and create
content for social media
➢ Learning when to post content throughout the day

February 2017
❖ Social Media:
➢ Create or revamp social media accounts for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
➢ Begin development of content that is consistent across channels
➢ Plan February posting schedule for all social media channels

March 2017 - May 2017

❖ Social Media:
➢ Content is posted daily on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
➢ Trial month for content to see if audience is engaged in posts
❖ Evaluation:
➢ Review likes, followers, comments, favorites, retweets, and shares across
channels to see how engaged the audience is

June 2017
❖ Social Media:
➢ Continue posting content across channels
❖ Website:
➢ Website revamp using content that has been also featured on social media
❖ Evaluation:
➢ What are audiences responding to?
➢ Are we gaining followers?
➢ Are people sharing and commenting on our content?
➢ Has there been an increase in donations/donors?

July 2017
❖ Evaluation:
➢ Analyzing growth in followers and engagement across all social media channels


The social media campaign will be determined successful if the implementation of social media
increases the overall awareness and donations that Freedom to Read, Inc. receives. To
determine if the campaign is successful or not, Expansion PR will look to see if people begin
following Freedom to Read,Inc. on social media. In more depth, things such as likes, favorites,
shares, and retweets will be ways of measuring if the social media campaign is successful. In
addition, a more structured form of evaluation is using Google Analytics to track activity on the
social media channels and the organization’s website.

The first time that the social media campaign will be evaluated is two months following the
creation and improvements of the accounts. Following the initial two month phase of evaluation,
the channels should be continuously monitored and evaluated at the end of every month to
ensure that there is steady growth. After a year of use, the board of Freedom to Read, Inc.
should convene to discuss the impact that social media has in gaining awareness and receiving
donations, how to continue using it, or improve the ways of using it.


Expansion PR hourly rate: $155/hr
Estimated 60 hours: $9,300

Social Media Strategies hourly rate: $165/ hr

Estimated 100 hours: $16,500

Logo Treatment
Estimated Logo: $3,500

Research and Marketing Plan hourly rate: $120

Estimated 70 Hours: $14,000

TOTAL: $43,300


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A-1: Press Release 


A-2: Social Media 



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