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Preventive Maintenance Specifications

Preventive Maintenance Specifications........................................................................... 1

Qualified Personnel ......................................................................................................... 3
Qualifications:........................................................................................................... 3
Selling Policy................................................................................................................... 4
General Policy:.................................................................................................. 4
Hours of Work: .................................................................................................. 4
Out of Scope Request:...................................................................................... 4
Customer Deducts Training and Qualification:.................................................. 4
Scheduling: ....................................................................................................... 5
Cancellation: .............................................................................................. 5
Invoicing:.................................................................................................... 5
Recommended Intervals ................................................................................................. 6
Note: ........................................................................................................................ 6
Example: ........................................................................................................... 6
Intervals: ........................................................................................................... 7
Inspection Guide ............................................................................................................. 8
Paralleling Switchgear.............................................................................................. 8
Visual Inspection Only: ......................................................................................... 8
1.1 Switchgear Enclosure ................................................................................. 8
1.2 Layout ......................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Controls....................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Circuit Breakers ........................................................................................ 10
1.5 Protective Relays ...................................................................................... 10
Annual Preventive Maintenance Guide ......................................................................... 11
Paralleling Switchgear............................................................................................ 11
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance: ............................................................... 11
2.1 Switchgear Enclosure ............................................................................... 11
2.2 Layout ....................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Controls..................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Circuit Breakers ........................................................................................ 13
2.5 Protective Relays ...................................................................................... 13
2.6 Grounds .................................................................................................... 14
2.7 Batteries.................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Modbus Network ....................................................................................... 14
2.9 Remote PC’s and Touchscreen Panels .................................................... 14
2.10 Mode Testing .......................................................................................... 15
Semi-Annual Preventive Maintenance Guide................................................................ 16
Paralleling Switchgear............................................................................................ 16
Inspection; Testing and Maintenance: ................................................................ 16
3.1 Switchgear Enclosure ............................................................................... 16

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
3.2 Layout ....................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Circuit Breakers ........................................................................................ 16
3.4 Controls..................................................................................................... 17
3.5 Protective Relays ...................................................................................... 18
3.6 Grounds .................................................................................................... 18
3.7 Batteries.................................................................................................... 18
3.8 Remote PC’s and Touchscreen Panels .................................................... 18
Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Guide...................................................................... 19
Paralleling Switchgear............................................................................................ 19
Inspection; Testing and Maintenance: ................................................................ 19
4.1 Switchgear Enclosure ............................................................................... 19
4.2 Controls..................................................................................................... 19
4.3 Circuit Breakers ........................................................................................ 19
4.4 Protective Relays ...................................................................................... 20
4.5 Grounds .................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Batteries.................................................................................................... 20
4.7 Remote PC’s and Touchscreen Panels .................................................... 20
4.8 Mode Testing ............................................................................................ 21
Report Out..................................................................................................................... 22
5.0 Documentation and Report Out ................................................................ 22

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Qualified Personnel

For the purpose of maintaining your Caterpillar Switchgear assembly, a qualified
Caterpillar Technician should be contacted for maintenance work. Qualified Dealer
Technicians are those who have participated in all the required training and qualification
programs through Cat Electric Power.

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Selling Policy
General Policy:
All quotes and purchase orders are subject to Intelligent Switchgear Organization’s
(ISO) standard terms and conditions. In addition quotes may carry project specific
terms and conditions that are necessary for successful completion of work. These
specific terms will be identified on each proposal as needed.

Hours of Work:

Unless otherwise stated all work will be performed between the hours of 7:30 AM and
5:00PM EST. Should employees from ISO be required to work outside of normal
business hours, the customer will be invoiced according to our published rates for the
function that the employee is providing at the time of service. Upon request, customer
may receive a copy of our standard rates.

Out of Scope Request:

Should the customer request any ISO employee to perform work that is outside the
responsibility of ISO, that request will be taken into consideration and will be subject to
the progress of the ongoing project. If the work in question does not impact the project
schedule, then the employee is able to complete those request as they see fit. However
should the work affect the project schedule not to be met or additional time on site, then
a Request for Quote (RFQ) shall be sent to ISO for completion.

Customer Deducts Training and Qualification:

Should the customer wish to participate in any CSA event with the exception of:
• Circuit Breaker Testing
• IR Scans
• Protective Relay Testing
• HI Pot

The customer will be offered deducts according to their qualification level. The
customer must have participated and qualified in the Caterpillar Electric Power Training
and Qualification program as either Level 1 or Level 2 for Caterpillar Switchgear and
ATS products. Once the customer has applied the deduct to the price of the contract,
that customer is responsible for performing all the responsibilities associated with that
deduct. However should the customer require training and qualification for CSA’s; the
customer is able to apply the deduct and schedule ISO to be onsite with their
Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC
A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
technician. The customer’s technician will be required to complete all the work, while he
is supervised by a factory qualified field engineer or field technician. Once the customer
is trained and qualified, a certificate will be issued to them according to their level of
qualification. Upon receipt of the qualification certificate the customer will be
responsible to complete all task related to their qualification level with out assistance
from ISO. Should the customer request additional training, the deduct, in full or partial,
will not be available to the customer. Should additional cost be incurred by ISO for
additional training, they will be passed on to the customer at our published rates.


All CSA products must be scheduled with in 30 business days prior to being performed.
A longer lead time will be required for large projects or non Cat Switchgear product.
These lead times are to ensure the safety personnel and equipment. In addition to
reduce the customers risk associated with working on live equipment.

One week prior to the scheduled work, a conference call shall be held between the
customer, end user and ISO, LLC field technicians to ensure project scope
conformance. If it is discovered that the scope or schedule does not conform to either
parties’ contract, the appropriate measures will be taken for corrective action. If this
cannot be completed prior to site work, the schedule will be postponed until all action
items are resolved.


A minimum of 15 business days will be required prior to cancelling any related work.
Any cost incurred due to cancellation not at the fault of ISO is subject to additional
charges to cover travel fees or rental fees. Cancellations and re-scheduling will be
handled by next availability.


Please reference ISO, LLC Terms and Conditions for invoicing requirements. All long
term (2 years or more) contacts will be invoiced annually upon the completion of work;
until the contract has completed its term. Upon completion of the term, and if mutually
agreed upon, the customer will have the option of renewing the contract.

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Recommended Intervals
Your Caterpillar Switchgear should be maintenance free for up to 12 months from start
up. This takes into consideration that the project was properly handled, installed,
started up and commissioned in accordance with the factory recommendations.

In the event there were any variances in the process Dealer’s discretion is advised:
1. The environment is:
a. Not clean
b. Not temperature controlled
2. Site has 24X7 critical application

In the event the installation or start up was executed under a rigid schedule, the
customer should perform maintenance performed with in the first year from start up to
ensure everything was performed properly.

Reliability Poor Average Good

Low .5 1 2
Medium .5 1 1.5
High .25 .5 1


1. Project is in poor environment and low reliability requirement:

a. Multiply .5 x 24 Months = 12 Months between maintenance intervals
2. Project is in good condition/environment and high reliability:
a. Multiply 1 X 24 Months = 24 Months

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302

Equipment Visual Visual and Mechanical Visual, Mechanical, and

Switchgear 12 24 After 24; annually
Circuit 12 24 After 24; annually
Protective 12 24 After 24; annually
PLC’s 12 N/A N/A

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Inspection Guide
Paralleling Switchgear

Visual Inspection Only:

1.1 Switchgear Enclosure

Verify enclosures are properly anchored to the floor or switchgear pad

Verify enclosures are free from all moisture
Verify enclosures are properly coated and free from all rust or other corrosion
Verify enclosures are clean and free from all dust or other foreign debris
Verify enclosures are free from all signs of flash over or tracing
If supplied verify filters are in place and vents are not obstructed to air flow

1.2 Layout

Verify system layout corresponds with system one line located in the "G" drawings
Verify breaker cells are properly identified and match system one line
Verify breaker Amp frame and Amp trip match breaker schedule located in the "G" drawings

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
1.3 Controls

For PowerLynx 3000 controls download all alarm logs for further review
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus lights on the PLC's are flashing
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify PLC "RUN" light is on
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus cables are secured properly
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study (If availible)
Log all settings for the following items
• System
• Utility
• Generators
• Load Shed
• Gen Demand Priority

Verify system metering is accurate

Verify generator metering is accurate
Verify utility metering is accurate (If availible)
Verify Tie metering is accurate (If availible)
Verify Distribution metering is accurate (If availible)

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
1.4 Circuit Breakers

For Digi Trip 1100 and 520 check for any logged faults (record as needed)
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study

1.5 Protective Relays

Record the following

• Model Number
• Serial Number
• Firmware Revision
• Software Revision
• Control Voltage
Download all logged events (filtered and unfiltered)
Inspect relay and cases for physical damage
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Annual Preventive Maintenance Guide
Paralleling Switchgear
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance:
2.1 Switchgear Enclosure

Verify system is level; doors are align and open and close properly
Verify enclosures are properly anchored to the floor or switchgear pad
Verify enclosures are free from all moisture
Verify heaters are operational
Verify enclosures are properly coated and free from all rust or other corrosion
• Use touch up paint to cover any blatant scratches or bare metal as agreed to by
site personnel
Verify enclosures are clean and free from all dust or other foreign debris
• Clean as needed
Verify enclosures are free from all signs of flash over or tracing
If supplied verify filters are in place and vents are not obstructed to air flow
Verify bus connections; splice bolts and mounting insulator bolts
• Tighten where necessary
o If allowed by customer

2.2 Layout

Verify system layout corresponds with system one line located in the "G" drawings
Verify breaker cells are properly identified and match system one line
Verify breaker Amp frame and Amp trip match breaker schedule located in the "G" drawings

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
2.3 Controls

For PowerLynx 3000 controls download all alarm logs for further review
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus lights on the PLC's are flashing
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify PLC "RUN" light is on
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus cables are secured properly
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study
Log all settings for the following items
• System Settings
• Utility Settings
• Generators
• Generator Demand Priority
• Load Shed

Verify system metering is accurate

Verify generator metering is accurate
Verify utility metering is accurate (If available)
Verify Tie metering is accurate (If available)
Verify Distribution metering is accurate (If available)
Verfiy control wire connections
• Terminal blocks
• All Components
• Circuit breaker terminal blocks
• CT’s, VT’s, PT’s
Inspect metering PT's and control power transformers
Verify manual switches for free movement and contact continuity
V if l i h f f d i i
Perform visual inspection of all wiring and connections for the following:

• Tracking
• Overheating
• Insulation deterioration
• Arcing
• Corona

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
2.4 Circuit Breakers
Discuss Circuit Breaker Testing with customer. At this time we will be performing the
maintenance of the breakers only.

For Digi Trip 1100 and 520 check for any logged faults (record as needed)
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study
Remove breakers (If allowed by customer)
• Reference manufacturers maintenance guide prior to testing
o Perform their recommendations for maintenance
Perform the following:
• Pre-cleaning inspection
• Using a DLRO test each breaker for contact resistance
o Record reading on each breaker
• Using a meggar; test each breaker for di-electric insulation resistance
o Record readings on each breaker
• Clean and lubricate each breaker
• Return breaker to service
Replace breakers and check electrical and manual close and trip operations

2.5 Protective Relays

Discuss testing the protective relays with the customer. At this point we are not testing
the relays; we are performing maintenance on them.

Record the following

• Model Number
• Serial Number
• Firmware Revision
• Software Revision
• Control Voltage
Download all logged events (filtered and unfiltered)
Inspect relay and cases for physical damage
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study
Using the test button on the relay; test the relay

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
2.6 Grounds
Verify all commons and grounds
Tighten as needed
Verify 24VDC negative is grounded to earth ground

2.7 Batteries
Discuss with the customer battery testing; at this time we will be performing
maintenance only.

Inspect station batteries

Inspect and load test 24VDC best source
Replace PLC batteries annually

2.8 Modbus Network

Using software such as MB Stat; Modscan 32; or Kepware monitor the network for error packets

• Document finding for field report

2.9 Remote PC’s and Touchscreen Panels

Verify all screens match what is displayed at the remote

Verify the system does not lock up and update times are acceptable
• Note that PowerLynx 2000 and 1000 controls have an expected delay update

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
2.10 Mode Testing

Reference Sequence of Operations Page in the “G” Drawing Package

Using the Master Mode selector switch; test each mode that is applicable to the project
Advise the customer that the utility must be removed from service to test the E-Mode
and Load Shed

• Testing the emergency response mode (E-Mode) can be done by one of the
o Test with load switch (If supplied)
o Individual ATS’s
ƒ Test with load
o Pulling the line jacks
ƒ Use extreme caution
o Opening the utility breaker or switch
ƒ If the utility breaker is controlled by PowerLynx the system will re-
close the utility breaker soon after opening. This should be
o Removing the Secondary VT fuses

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Semi-Annual Preventive Maintenance Guide
Paralleling Switchgear
Inspection; Testing and Maintenance:
3.1 Switchgear Enclosure

Verify system is level; doors are align and open and close properly
Verify enclosures are free from all moisture
Verify heaters are operational
Verify enclosures are properly coated and free from all rust or other corrosion
Verify enclosures are clean and free from all dust or other foreign debris
Verify enclosures are free from all signs of flash over or tracing
If supplied verify filters are in place and vents are not obstructed to air flow

3.2 Layout

Verify system layout corresponds with system one line located in the "G" drawings
Verify breaker cells are properly identified and match system one line
Verify breaker Amp frame and Amp trip match breaker schedule located in the "G" drawings

3.3 Circuit Breakers

For Digi Trip 1100 and 520 check for any logged faults (record as needed)
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
3.4 Controls

For PowerLynx 3000 controls download all alarm logs for further review
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus lights on the PLC's are flashing
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify PLC "RUN" light is on
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus cables are secured properly
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study
Log all settings for the following items
• System Settings
• Utility Settings
• Generators
• Generator Demand Priority
• Load Shed

Verify system metering is accurate

Verify generator metering is accurate
Verify utility metering is accurate (If availible)
Verify Tie metering is accurate (If availible)
Verify Distribution metering is accurate (If availible)
Verfiy control wires are torqued properly
• Terminal blocks
• All Components
• Circuit breaker terminal blocks
• CT’s, VT’s, PT’s
Inspect metering PT's and control power transformers
Verify manual switches for free movement and contact continuity
V• ifPerform lvisual
i hinspection
f f of all wiringd and connections
i i for signs of tracking,
overheating, and insulation deterioration.
Perform visual inspection of all wiring and connections for the following:

• Tracking
• Overheating
• Insulation deterioration

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
3.5 Protective Relays

Record the following

• Model Number
• Serial Number
• Firmware Revision
• Software Revision
• Control Voltage
Download all logged events (filtered and unfiltered)
Inspect relay and cases for physical damage
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study

3.6 Grounds
Verify all commons and ground
Verify 24VDC negative is grounded to earth ground
Tighten as needed

3.7 Batteries

Inspect station batteries

Inspect and load test 24VDC best source
Replace PLC batteries annually

3.8 Remote PC’s and Touchscreen Panels

Verify remotes operate properly

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive • Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Quarterly Preventive Maintenance Guide
Paralleling Switchgear
Inspection; Testing and Maintenance:
4.1 Switchgear Enclosure

Verify system is level; doors are properly aligned and open and close as they should
Verify enclosures are properly anchored to the floor or switchgear pad
Verify enclosures are free from all moisture
Verify heaters are operational
Verify enclosures are properly coated and free from all rust or other corrosion
Verify enclosures are clean and free from all dust or other foreign debris
Verify enclosures are free from all signs of flash over or tracing

4.2 Controls

For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify Modbus Plus lights on the PLC's are flashing
For Powerlynx PLC based controls verify PLC "RUN" light is on
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study
Verify all metering screens
Perform visual inspection of all wiring and connections for the following:

4.3 Circuit Breakers

For Digi Trip 1100 and 520 check for any logged faults (record as needed)
Verify protective settings are in accordance with coordination study

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
4.4 Protective Relays

Inspect relay and case for physical damage and cleanliness

4.5 Grounds
Verify all commons and grounds

4.6 Batteries

Inspect station batteries

4.7 Remote PC’s and Touchscreen Panels

Verify remotes operate properly

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
4.8 Mode Testing

Reference Sequence of Operations Page in the “G” Drawing Package.

Using the Master Mode selector switch; test each mode that is applicable to the project.
Advise the customer that the utility must be removed from service to test the E-Mode
and Load Shed.

• Testing the emergency response mode (E-Mode) can be done by one of the
o Test with load switch (If supplied)
o Individual ATS’s
ƒ Test with load
o Pulling the line jacks
ƒ Use extreme caution
o Opening the utility breaker or switch
ƒ If the utility breaker is controlled by PowerLynx the system will re-
close the utility breaker soon after opening. This should be
o Removing the Secondary VT fuses

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302
Report Out

5.0 Documentation and Report Out

In order to validate the extended warranty annually our organization requires that all
CSA reports and supporting documentation are sent to our attention upon completion of
the agreement:

• Maintenance reports
o Including all testing data
• Drawing mark ups
• PLC changes
• HMI changes

The information should be sent to the following:


Caterpillar Switchgear Organization

Attention: Product Support
Reference: Project Number
4955 Marconi Drive
Alpharetta, GA 30005

Report any unsafe conditions to the customer immediately. Note any corrective action

Intelligent Switchgear Organization LLC

A Caterpillar Electric Power Business 4955 Marconi Drive Alpharetta, GA 30005
(770) 442-9442 • Fax: (770) 664-6302

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