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CED1121 R12
B.Tech. III Year II Semester Regular Examinations, May, 2015
Time: 3Hours Max. Marks: 70M
(Answer ALL Questions)
1. Answer in one sentence 5X1=5M

a) What is meant by sludge

b) Define palatable Water
c) What is meant by Flocculation
d) Define Infiltration Wells
e) What are the different types of Aerobic treatment methods

2. Answer the following very briefly. 5x2=10M

a) Objectives of protected water supply system

b) What are the cycles of decomposition of waste water
c) Flow chart of public water supply system
d) Sedimentation with Coagulation
e) Sources of water

3. Answer the following briefly. 5x3=15M

a) Factors affecting Per Capita Demand

b) What are the Permissible limits of Acidity, Alkalinity, and Hardness
c) Write a short note on Dewatering
d) Write a short note on Pipe joints
e) Flowchart of water treatment plant

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Answer any FOUR questions 4X10=40M

4. a) Discuss about Water borne Diseases 5M

b) For a city of a population 1, 20,000 find the following in connection with the water. 5M
distribution system

i) Daily water demand ii) Daily Variation in Water demand

iii) Fire Demand iv) Hourly variation

5. a) Discuss in detail about Pipe Materials 5M

b) Briefly explain about Reservoir intake and Canal intake structures 5M

6. a) Design a rectangular sedimentation tank to treat 4120 m3/day of coagulated water. Make
necessary assumptions. Sketch the inlet, outlet and sludge removal arrangements. 5M
b) Derive an equation for settling velocity 5M

7. a) Differentiate between Rapid sand and Slow sand filters 5M

b) Design a set of rapid filters for treating water required for a population of 45000, the rate of
supply being 165 liters per day. The filters are rated to work 6, 240 square meters. 5M

8. Explain the process of primary treatment of sludge

9. Explain the following with the help of neat sketch

a) Trickling filters b) Septic tank


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