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Emily Singer

High and Low/ Melody

Dates: 2/6/18-2/12/18

Grade: 1st Grade (9:25-10:05)

Goal: Students will be able to distinguish between high and low pitches and perform solfege
syllables “sol, mi, la” on pitch.

Essential Question: How can you distinguish between high and low sounds through listening,
singing, moving and playing? How can we show a melodic pattern?

Snail Puppet


9:25 Warm-up: Snail Snail

• Sing Snail Snail to students

• Students sing Snail Snail

• Wind-up Activity: Class grabs hands and forms a circle. Teacher leads the line at the
other end and move in a wide circle, slowly winding the line up tight around the
stationary person. After all around wound up tight, the outer coil wheels sharply in a
contrary direction and all follow.

• Teacher leads wind up while class sings “Snail Snail”

9:35 Introduce Solfege Syllables: *have step visual of sol-mi-la on board*

• Repeat after me with hand signs:

• Sol-mi

• Mi-sol

• Sol-sol-mi

• Mi-mi-sol

• Sol-mi-sol-mi

• Sol-sol-la

• La-la-sol

• Think-Pair:“Which note is the highest?” La, sol or mi?

• Think-Pair:“Which note is the lowest?” La, sol or mi?

• Think-Pair:“Which note is in the middle?” La, sol, or mi

• Share: class discuss high, middle, low

• Discuss up and down: sing pitches and point to step visual on the board

• Think-Pair-Share:
• When we go from mi-sol are we going up or down?

• When we go from sol-la are we going up or down?

• When we go from la-sol are we going up or down?

• When we go from sol-mi are we doing up or down?

9:45 Teach “Snail Snail” with solfege syllables by continuation of repeat after me.

*Use stop and go sign*

• Sol-mi

• Sol-mi

• Sol-sol-la-la

• Sol-sol-mi

• Sol-mi-sol-mi

• Sol-sol-la-la-sol-sol-mi

• Sol-mi-sol-mi-sol-sol-la-la-sol-sol-mi

• Visual on board with snails (sol,mi,la)

• Sing the snail melody while teacher points to the visual

9:50 “Bow wow wow”

• Teach Song by rote

• Students stand in circle

• Teach game: Students stand in circle and face a partner

• “Bow-wow-wow” Stomp-stomp-stomp

• “Whose dog-art thou?” Point-point-point

• “Little Tommy Tuckers dog” Right arm swing with partner and switch places with
your partner

• “Bow-wow-wow” Stomp-stomp-stomp (Jump and flip to face a new partner)

10:03 Line up

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