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PLlW \Biomedical Science

Project 3.3.4: Physical and Occupational Therapy Careers

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Patient Name:
Plan includes specific evidence that clearly addresses all components listed
D Assisting the patient with adjustments from physical changes and
disabilities /4
D Restoring the patient's independence
D Helping the patient master daily activities

D A description of the overall goals of the rehabilitation plan. What is it that

the patient wants to get out of his or her rehabilitation? /4

D A description of the unique physical needs of this patient /2

D A description of what the patient should expect in terms of his or her pain
and progress in the next six months /2

D A detailed outline of the physical rehabilitation plan for the next six
months. /8
D Include the responsibilities of the physical therapist and the occupational
therapist as well as the major rehabilitation milestones that need to be
met along the way.

D A detailed description of what will happen during a typical physical

therapy session . Include a sample exercise or task that will be done as
well as the rationale of the task and the specific muscles that will be /4

D A detailed description of what will happen during a typical occupational

therapy session . Include a sample exercise or task that will be done as /4
well as the rationale of the task and the specific muscles that will be
targeted .

D A description of any other biomedical science professionals who will be

involved in the patient's rehabilitation /2
4 =mastery
3 =proficient
2 =developing
1 =emerging /30
PLlWI Biomedical Science
Biomedical Sciences Presentation Rubric t

Mastery Proficient Developing Emerging

Clearly Organized into a Mostly organized Little or no logical
organized into logical into a logical organization; /2
a logical sequence; sequence, presentation is
Organization of sequence; adequately presents most of unclear and/or
Presentation engaging; very presents the required confusing; does not
effectively information . information. adequately present
presents information.
Font easily Font easily read. Font is readable. Font is not easy to
read. Effective Effective text. Most of text is read. Too much /4
text. Visuals of Visuals of all effective. Visuals text or text lacks
all required required of all required effectiveness.
elements elements elements Visuals of all
Quality of Visual
present and of present and of present and required elements
excellent good quality. most are good are not present
quality. Proper Proper quality. Few and/or of poor
vocabulary, no vocabulary, no vocabulary or quality. Multiple
spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors. vocabulary and
spelling errors.
Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation is /4
shows a high shows good shows some seriously lacking in
Preparation level of preparation . preparation but preparation.
detailed needs more.


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