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Policy Paper


Family, as the basic unit of the society, needs a house that can call their home. A sturdy,

secured, spacious house that could accommodate the whole family and that is accessible to basic

necessities and socio-economic opportunities like schools, hospitals, grocery stores, and any

other establishments that could improve their way of living; and not along danger areas such as

waterways, esteros, under the bridge and railroad tracks that could otherwise, menace their way

of living.

With this, the government has tasked the National Housing Authority (NHA) in order to

supplement the current condition of the country’s housing institution. The creation of

Presidential Decree 757 (P.D. 757) – is a step in solving the country’s housing problems and

alleviating poverty. The implementation of different housing programs is a way to help those

unprivileged to own a house. These housing programs include 1) resettlement, 2) permanent

housing assistance for calamity victims, 3) settlements upgrading, 4) completed housing, 5)

multi-level housing, 6) community-based housing, and 7) technical assistance. The NHA,

through these programs, shall solve the country’s housing problems and shall help the people’s

housing concerns.

In accordance to this, the researchers focused with the Resettlement Program as one of

the most efficient housing program of the NHA in order to distinguish the reasons on why Illegal

Settler Families (ISF’s) are still present and prevalent despite the existence of the National

Housing Authority (NHA) and the creation of its housing programs. With the data gathered,

resettlement sites in Naic Cavite and San Juan shows that the NHA have effectively implemented
its resettlement program for ISFs in terms of the quality of housing units, power supply, drainage

and sewerage facilities, garbage collection, access to primary roads and transportation, markets,

security and unit costs. However, perceptions varied when it comes to potable water, health

centers, educational institutions, and access to job employments. Whereas, resettlement site in

San Juan experienced an effective implementation with the latter aspects, and the resettlement

site in Naic, Cavite faced the contrary.

This policy paper presents an outline of new mechanisms and policies that will help in

addressing the aforementioned inadequacies of the NHA in implementing their resettlement

program. This is structured according to the basic services which are not implemented effectively

in Naic resettlement site. Those are; potable water, health centers, educational institutions, and access

to job employments. While in San Juan resettlement site their problem is the repeatedly malfunctioning of

their Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP). This policy paper would help the resettled families address their

main issues regarding the implementation of the said program.


The objectives of this policy paper are the following:

 Encourage the residents to have direct partnership with NGO’s and LGU

 Encourage the residents to have an initiative on addressing their problems and coming up with

their own solutions

Recommended Policy: Promote Voluntary Partnership with Private Sector, NGO’s and

LGU with the residents and the National Housing Authority (NHA)

Given the challenges mentioned above, it can be associated with what the Southville 7,

another resettlement site located in Calauan, Laguna have experienced. The Southville 7 initially

lacked potable water and accessibility to common facilities such as schools, and hospitals nor

livelihood programs. However, with the combined efforts of the NHA with private association like

ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation, NGOs, as well as the residents, the Southville 7 now

has access to potable water and the residents were given the opportunity to put up small scale

businesses like “sari-sari” stores.

With the same challenges stated by the residents of Naic, the researchers would

recommend a solution parallel with the actions done by the authorities from Southville 7. The

NHA can coordinate with other private associations, NGO’s and LGU in helping them on

managing the resettlement site of Dorothea Homes 2 Naic, Cavite. With this, a more effective

and sustainable resettlement is possible.

When it comes to their problem with water, upon the occupancy of the ISF’s the NHA

can task the LGU of Naic, Cavite to allow private sector in supplying potable water like the

NAWASA and Maynilad. Once they are transferred, they will already have potable water and

will no longer fetch from the rice fields. With this, the residents will no longer get water from the

deep well that can cause harmful effects such as diarrhea. If possible, their water supply will not

be rusty and will be advisable for drinking.

For full health care services, they can seek aid and have partnership with NGO’s as well

as foundations that could help on providing full medical assistance to the residents. Also, the
HOA can request from the LGU to help them on having volunteered nurses within the

community. By this means, the residents will acquire full health care service and not just a mere


With the educational institutions, collaborating with various NGO and LGU of Naic,

Cavite to sponsor additional classrooms can help to lessen the problem with crowded classrooms.

Lastly, for job employments the HOA together with the residents of Dorothea Homes 2

can think of different ways that can be their source of income such as making of bags and purse

from scraps. They can cooperate with the LGU and the NHA to conduct trainings that can

enhance their skills (e.g. baking, housekeeping, retailing, etc.) In addition, the LGU can also

lend small capital to those residents that have the capacity on earning and putting a business.

With this, the residents would have the opportunity to start their own business within the

community wherein they will no longer need to go to the metro in order for them to acquire a


Recommended Policy:

In the instance with the problem of the STP, the HOA should address their issue by

informing the NHA regarding the repeated malfunctioning of the STP.


These insufficiencies must be addressed in order for the NHA to take immediate actions.

Also, these recommended policies will not only help the NHA to fill up their lapses in

implementing the Resettlement Program but also, ensuring that the ISF’s are living in a livable

house. This would help in achieving a more effective and sustainable implementation of the said


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