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E A R M A B R O W N 1
E A R M A B R O W N 2

40+ Article Writing Templates

© Copyright 2009 3rd Edition

Butterfly Press.
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written
permission from Earma Brown.

The information in this e-book is intended for educational purposes only.

Published by Butterfly Press, Dallas, TX

Division of Arrow Productions

Legal Terms: This publication is designed to provide competent and reliable information
regarding the subject matters covered. The author and publisher of this book and the
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40 Article Mini Templates

Sponsor: Traffic Magnet Article Writing eKit.

Discover how to get more FREE traffic the easy way. The “Article
Speedway: Put Your Articles in the Fast Lane to Success” will show you
step by step how to write short articles that sizzle and have everyone
publishing them faster than cars racing in the Indy 500!”

hat a wonderful resource this is going to be for you! These templates
have worked for me over and over again. There are so many
different "angles" represented in this list (the fastest way to do
something, ways to improve, shortcuts, schedules, questions, exercises,
lessons, mistakes, etc.) that you could mix-n-match and never stop coming
up with ideas to write about in your next article.

Special Note: If you have used some of my other article writing templates
before, you'll notice a combination of some of the templates. Please know
you can mix and match with just about any of the templates. Also, I write in
targeted categories so my samples are usually in 1-3 categories. You may
apply any of them to your specific category in your field or topic. Try it; you
will gain even more variety in your article writing.

Template Instructions: How to Use the Templates …………………………….. 5

1. How to Survive ________................................................... 6

2. How to _______ Your Way to Financial Success……………………… 6
3. How I Overcame __________............................................. 6
4. The Blueprint to ____________.......................................... 7
5. _________Things to You Need to Know _________............... 7
6. Things You Get to Do After__________………………………………….. 7
7. The Magic of ____________............................................... 7
8. _______ Professional Checklist………………………………………………… 8
9. _______Question/Answer…………………………………………………………. 8
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10. _______Problems/Solutions………………………………………………………. 8
11. _______Lies/Truth……………………………………………………………………… 9
12. _______Tips/Advice…………………………………………………………………… 9
13. Top Ten List………………………………………………………………………………… 9
14. How To………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
15. Ways/Secrets/Habits………………………………………………………………….. 10
16. ______ Reasons ………………………………………………………………………… 10
17. Short, Short Article…………………………………………………………………….. 11
18. Action Article………………………………………………………………………………. 11
19. Command Tip Article………………………………………………………………….. 11
20. ______Mistake Tip……………………………………………………………………… 12
21. Interview Article………………………………………………………………………….. 12
22. _____________Review Article………………………………………………….. 13
23. Favorite Resource Article…………………………………………………………….. 13
24. _____________Success Story Article………………………………………. 13
25. Convert Tips Article to Resource Article…………………………………….. 14
26. Repurpose Your Favorite Articles……………………………………………….. 14
27. Classic & Clichés Word Play Article ……………………………………………. 14
28. ________________ Audience Article……………………………………….. 15
29. Reverse Your Article Slant…………………………………………………………… 15
30. Parts _____________Article………………………………………………………. 15
31. Transform Your FAQ Section into an Article………….…………………… 16
32. A Mini Tutorial _______________ Article………………………………….. 16
33. Top Secrets ________________ Article…………………………………….. 16
34. _____ Mini Templates Article………………………………………………………. 17
35. _____ Pros & Cons of __________....................................... 17
36. Stop Killing Your _________ Dream with ____________.......... 17
37. Make Your ____________ Pass the Profit Test………………………….. 18
38. Give Your ____________ a Makeover………………………………………… 18
39. A Roadmap to ________________ Success………………………………. 18
40. ___ Highly Practical Ways to __________............................... 18
41.Article Template & Sample – Mistakes to avoid ………………………………. 20
42.Article Template & Sample – Myths to Bust …………………………………… 23
43.Article Template & Sample – Things to Do Before ………………………… 26
44.Article Template & Sample – Top Things, Ways, Reasons, etc………. 28
45.Article Template & Sample – Create curiosity with unique twist…… 30
46.Article Template & Sample – How to ……………………………………………… 33
47.Article Template & Sample – Mistakes that Stamp Loser………………. 36
48.Article Template & Sample – Jumpstart…………………………………..……… 39
49.Article Template & Sample – Pay Back……………………………….…………. 42
50.Article Template & Sample –Top Questions …………………………..………. 44
51.Article Template & Sample – Secrets………………………………………………. 47
52.Article Template & Sample – Negative Slant………………………………….. 50
53.Article Template & Sample – Word Play ………………………………….…….. 52
54.Article Template & Sample – Competitive Edge ……………………………… 55
55.Article Template & Sample – Acronym ……………………………………………. 57
56.Article Template & Sample – Word Pictures ……………………………………. 60
57.Article Template & Sample – Analogies …………………………………………… 62
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58.Article Template & Sample – Story …………………………………………………. 65

59.Article Template & Sample – News & Entertainment ……………………… 67
60.Article Template & Sample – Magic Pill …………………………………………… 69
61.Article Template & Sample – Case Studies …………………………………….. 72
• 80+ Article Title & Content Prompters ………………………………………. 76
• Resources including Top 100 Article Directory List …………………… 80

How to Use the Templates

Now, just to make sure you understand how to use the templates, let’s go
through developing at least 3 of them together...

Example 1: "Top Mistakes & How to Avoid Them" If you were writing an
article on starting a retail business, you might use this template as "Top 10
Mistakes In Starting a Retail Business." You would then go on to explain the
10 Top mistakes and how to avoid them.

Example 2: "The one question you must ask before _____ is _____." If you
were writing an article on hiring a ghostwriter, you might use this template
as “the one question you must ask before hiring a ghostwriter is ‘do you have
references’?” You would then write as many paragraphs as needed to explain
why references are important, address what the reader should look for in a
ghostwriter’s references, and so forth.

Example 3: "How to Help Your ____________ Pass the Profit Test." If you
were writing an article on "setting up a profitable web site", you might use
this template as "How to Help Your Website Pass the Profit Test". You would
then explain ways to build profit into your website.

You begin with one of the template sentences and, then, you simply take as
many paragraphs as you need to thoroughly explain each step.

It’s a writer’s secret weapon, a cure for writer’s block, and an excellent way
to brainstorm ideas anytime you get ready to write an article.

FINISH by polishing document.

Once you've written the content for your article, you'll want to fine-tune it.
Generally speaking, there are three things that I recommend you do in
putting on the finishing touches for your article. They all start with P...

.. PLUG IN. Meaning; look for areas of your lesson that need further
explanation. Are there any areas that are not clearly explained? Are there
areas that are noticeably weaker than others? Make sure your points are
understandable. Try to add in as many examples as possible to better
illustrate the points. Toss in a few more tips here and there where needed.
You can add quotes, statistics and other bits of information to get the points
across better and add a bit more meat to the article.
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.. POLISH. Use different fonts to distinguish areas of your content. Change

colors. Use alternative styles such as bold face, italics and underline. Indent
text where appropriate. Use bullet points. (There are some places where you
aren't allowed to use html. You may be only able to submit in text format.)
Where permissible, insert bold fonts, numbered bullets, italicize all to make
your article easier to read. (Just don't overdo it!)

.. PROOFREAD. The final "finishing touch" you need to make certain you do is
to proofread your entire article for typographic and grammatical errors.
Better yet, allow someone else who is qualified to do it for you. While this
isn't a deal breaker by any means (quality of content is MUCH more
important than quality of grammar in information based articles.) Even so, it
certainly is a good idea to put your best foot forward.

40 Article Templates:
1. How to Survive ________. Did you survive a major sickness, car
accident or tragedy? Your advice could help a lot of people who are right
where you were. Write your suggestions in an easy tips format.

Sample Titles:

• How to Survive Cancer,

• How to Survive a Death in the Family

• How to Survive a Car Accident

2. How to _______ Your Way to Financial Success. Are there some key
factors in how you gained financial or general success? Distill them to 10
or less principles that your article readers can use.

Sample Titles:

• How to Sell a Home in 2008,

• How to Market Your Way to Success

• How to Love Your Way to a Happy Marriage

3. How I Overcame __________. Did you overcome a huge problem in

your life? For example, I overcame an eating disorder. Are you willing to
share just how you did it? Write it in your next article. Try to summarize
everything into 7 or less easy steps.

Sample Titles:
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• How I Overcame Anorexia,

• How I Overcame a Prescription Drug Habit

• How I Overcame Depression

4. Blueprint to ____________. Do you possess the blueprint for getting

started in your field or hobby? Compile the components of this blueprint
into easy tips in your next article.

Sample Titles:

• Blueprint to Selling Successfully Online,

• Blueprint to Woodwork

• Blueprint to Building Your Own House

5. _________Things to You Need to Know _________. Sometimes

certain fields are shrouded in mystery, lack of knowledge and even
mistrust by the public. You can write an article that pulls the shroud away.
For example, for many they don't know what to ask lawyers, doctors and
even realtors when hiring their services.

Sample Titles:

• 10 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Tax Accountant,

• Top 10 Things to Know About Reverse Mortgages

• 7 Things to Know About Starting an Internet Business

6. Things You Get to Do After. You can entice your readers into taking the
action you want them to take. Tell them about the rewards or benefits of
accomplishing a certain task. For example, a community college might list
the benefits of having a college education.

Sample Titles:

• 7 Thrilling Things You Get to Do After You Get Your College Degree,

• 7 Exciting Things You Get to Do After Writing Your Book

• 7 Wonderful Things You Get to Do After You Start Your New Job

7. The Magic of ____________. Everyone wants the magic pill. You know
the one that makes the problem go away. Write the solution for a
pressing problem in your field. Outline the solution into easy steps. Your
readers will love you for it and make your article go viral by sending it to
all their friends.
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Sample Titles:

• The Magic of Buying a House,

• The Magic of Fly Fishing

• The Magic of Owning a Franchise

8. ___ Professional Checklist. Do you have a professional checklist of

things you do over and over again in your business? If you don't mind
sharing it, you can write that checklist into a helpful article. For example, I
wrote a website checklist for newbie website owners that wanted to profit
from their sites.

Sample Titles:

• Help Your New Business Pass the Profit Test,

• 10 Point House Buying Analysis

• 7 Ways to Still Sell Houses During an Economic Downturn

9. Question/Answer. This is a popular format for everyone wants their

questions answered in a 123 fashion. If only all questions could be
answered in a numbered method. Discover your audience’s burning
questions that you have the answers for. List the questions; write a short
paragraph that answers each question. Write a short introduction and
even shorter summary. There you have it. An easy to read and easy to
digest short article answering your audience’s most pressing questions.

Sample Titles:

• 10 Questions Most Medical Interns Need to Ask But Don't,

• 5 Questions You Need to Ask Before You Hire a Tree Specialist

• 3 Important Questions to Ask Your Doctor During Your Annual


10.Problem/Solution. I absolutely love this format. I myself have gotten

tons of problems solved with this format, after reading someone’s
problem/solution article. Therefore, many of my business problems that I
solve become guess what kind of article? Yes. You are right; they become
problem/solution articles. Simply describe the problem in one short
paragraph and offer the solution in a one sentence paragraph below it. Or
vice versa, describe the problem in a one sentence paragraph and give
the solution in the longer paragraph.
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Sample Titles:

• 7 Worst Website Problems and the Solutions to Them All,

• 5 Answers to Your Frizzy Hair Problems

• 3 Ways to Quiet a Crying Baby in the Middle of the Night

11.Lies/Truth. The myth/truth format is another format that I use often in

my writing. I guess because there are plenty of myths to destroy in any
field. No, really I don’t see it used as much as the other formats. So it
becomes one of my attempts to be different. Also, you can easily convert
other formats of yours or your favorite writer. For example, if you are
inspired by another writer’s topic instead of plagiarizing their work simply
turn their list of mistakes into secrets or solutions. Simply present the
facts in your own voice and viewpoint.

Sample Titles:

• 5 Myths that Block You From Getting Into College ,

• 7 Myths that Keep You From Writing Your Book

• 5 Myths that Stop You From Going to the Dentist When You Should

12.Tips/Advice. I think you know by now. I love writing short articles that
help people. I mention that because I felt myself wanting to write, the
same words at the beginning of this tip. You know," I love the tip format."
This article is a great example of the tips format. I listed eight tips and
short advice on how to accomplish the tip. So, list out your tips and write
a short paragraph of advice to explain the tip.

Sample Titles:

• 7 Simple Tips to Start Your Home Business This Year,

• 7 Tips to Magnetize Your Home Page with Benefits

• A Roadmap to Financial Security

13.Top Ten List. A variation of the tips format is the top tips list. Your top
tips list may consist of the Top Five, Top Ten, Top Seven or practically any
number of ten or less. I have even written the single most important tip
to …Sometimes, that one gets more attention than the other numbers,
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because it answers a desire in all of us that want it as easy as possible.

It’s great if I can achieve it in a single step or even the 3 most important
ways sound better than four or seven.

Sample Titles:

• Top 10 Reasons to End Cold Calling Forever,

• Top 10 Habits of Frequently Published Writers

• Top 5 Ways to Stop Your Pet Dog From Howling

14.How To. In general, we like to be shown how to do anything and

everything. My clients have often said to me, "Just give me 5 easy steps
or 3 easy steps and I know I can do it. I’m the same way, aren’t you?
Format your article to teach something and offer easy steps to accomplish
it. Again, list them and write a short paragraph explaining each step.

Sample Titles:

• How to Bath Your New Preemie Baby,

• How to Potty Train Your Toddler

• How to Bake Apple Pie

15.Ways/Secrets/Habits. Another variation of the How-to article can be

written in ways, secrets, habits, or things. I have even formatted one of
my articles into weapons called "7 Weapons to Conquer the Giant
Procrastination." The weapons became how-to tools to overcome
procrastination keeping you from writing your best book now.

Sample Titles:

• 7 Highly Practical Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage,

• 5 Secrets to Being a Top Seller on a Sales Team

• 7 Ways to Write Your Book to Outsell Its Competition

16.Reasons. Most people can understand any given topic better if they can
know the whys or reasons that support it. Websites are becoming more
and more popular across the globe. As a website developer, I wanted to
help my clients understand strong reasons for them to get a website now.
Yes. The article became, "10 Reasons You Need a Website." Think of
something you want to convince your clients of and write an article doing
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so. For a software developer wanting to sell more of his ebook creation
software, his article became "18 Reasons to Write an eBook and Give it
Away Free."

Sample Titles:

• 8 Good Reasons Your Business Should Have a Website

• 10 Reasons Your Website Doesn't Make Money

• 5 Reasons Customers Don't Buy Much in Your Retail Store

17.Short, Short Article. This article has gained popularity among article
marketers because it delivers bite-sized information. A lot of directories
have added a category for the 500 word article. Get and keep the
attention of web readers by delivering short messages. You put effort into
gaining your web reader’s attention; now make their click worthwhile with
brief compelling copy in bite sizes.

Sample Titles:

• 5 Website Mistakes that Cause Your Visitors to Leave in Less Than

2 Minutes

• 3 Easy Tips to Write Your Articles Fast

• 3 Things You Should Know About Your Fiancé Before You Marry

18.Action Article. I used to not like watching most talk-shows. I complained

that they did a good job with presenting the problem but no one offered
solutions. Times have changed for most talk-shows present the problem
then present some form of solution. Yeah!
The same goes for articles. Make it a practice to present the problem then
seek to engage your reader with an action toward the solution. For example,
a client of mine wrote an article about time management. One of her main
points was set a schedule. To engage her readers she included a one line fill
in the blank schedule M___T___W___.

Sample Titles:

• How to Make Your Book Dream Come True This Year

• 7 Ways to Nurture Your Marriage to Romance

• How to Write a Sizzling Ad that Pulls In Customers
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19. Command Tip Article. Most will say they don’t like being told what to do.
But our human psyche seems to respond in spite of what we like. The command
has an immediate effect. Why? It connects with the “Yes, I want that” spot
within us all. Commands reassure us that helpful advice will follow. Advice that
helps us get what we want. It tells the readers it’s possible to achieve the benefit
the author is claiming. Start each tip with a command such as ‘Do this’, Write
this, Implement that. Then direct them to put the tip into action.

Sample Titles:

• Write an Article in 30 Minutes,

• Sell Your Top House in 1 Hour

• Get Clients Now and Prosper

20. ______Mistake Tip. Wise people love to be warned of the mistakes and
pitfalls in any field so they don’t have to learn them the hard way. In college
days, the smart students were not necessarily the most popular. The popular
ones were those who gave out tips freely. I had a college friend that was popular
for this reason.

She tipped you about what professor to sign-up for in a hurry because their
classes filled up fast. She tipped you about the class and the professor to try
to avoid. She tipped you where to go eat cheap. So create popularity for your
business write a Top 5 Mistakes in your field. One of my website client’s most
popular articles includes “Top 5 Site Mistakes That Drive Your Customers
Away in Less Than 2 Minutes.”

Sample Titles:

• 5 Worst Mistakes New Authors Make,

• Top 7 Mistakes Doctors Make & Don't Tell You

• Eliminate the Oops Moments in Your Retail Store

21. Interview Article. Choose a reputable expert to interview and offer their
best problem/solution tips. Do this format in the question and answer format via
email. Choose specific questions that will give your audience specific solutions to
their problems. Don’t forget to make this format go the extra mile for you by
using the content on your website, blog and/or ezine.

Sample Titles:

• Top Ten 2008 Internet Marketer Interviews,
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• Interview with Internet Marketer Marlon Sanders

• Interview with 30 Book Author Roger Parker

22. _____________Review Article. Find your favorite resource, product or

website that helps accomplish something in your field. Do a review of that
resource. Does it make life easier? Does it enable you to complete faster. For
example, you could review a product on a scale of one to ten. Does it rate a
ten, eight or seven in your book? Rate the product in your article then explain
the glowing things it has done for you through experience. Don’t forget to
include any downsides of the product. Your audience will appreciate your
honest appraisal.

Sample Titles:

• These Website 2.0 Website Templates Are Awesome,

• Top 10 Article Submission Software Review

• Design Dashboard Review

23. Favorite Resource Article. I love this format. It can be similar to the Top
ten cds or the Top 20. You know at the end of each year many television
shows will air their top 10, 20 even top 50. Well in the case of your article,
you can schedule it around the holidays or some other special occasion. I’ve
seen some web developers publish a top 20 to celebrate their birthday.
Choose your celebration and write a top ten list of resources in your field. List
the resource and a mini-review including why it made your top 20 list.

Sample Titles:

• 2008 Favorite Resources for Email Marketers,

• 2009 Top 20 Website Developer Resources

• Dating Advice Resources Online

24. _____________Success Story Article. Success stories are always great

for sales. Why? Because results move people. Nothing that I know of will get
people to pull out their card better than a success story. Your audience will
instantly say, “If he can do it then I can do it.” Gather some success stories
and publish them as a case study article. Or better yet write your own
success story with details that will cause your sales to soar. Your audience
wants to gleam encouragement from your success. For example, a client’s
website jumped from a mere $20 to $1500 in just 3 months. Even with a
modest success, his readers would love to know what he did so they can do it
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Sample Titles:

• How I Overcame Anorexia,

• How I Kicked a 15 Year Smoking Habit

• How I Stopped My Kids Excessive Texting

25. Convert Tips Article to Resource Article. Convert a Simple Tips Article
Into a Resource Style Article. Take your tips and suggest a resource at the
end. No, don’t fill your resource article with affiliate links. Most article
directories, web sites and article publishers frown on the use of links in the
body of the article. It’s a quick way to get your article deleted or Not-
Accepted. Simply name the resource in a 1-2 sentence description or review.

Sample Titles:

• Top 5 Resource Books for Interior Designers,

• 2008 Top Resource Websites for Realtors

• Top Ways to Make Money Online With Resource Address Included

26. Repurpose Your Favorite Articles. You can create a great article that
explains one aspect of your business. Then take the same article and
repurpose it to explain another aspect of your business. In one of my client’s
latest articles she gave important tips for creating a web site to grab
subscribers. Later, she used the same article and offered tips to create a
website to sell. Please note she was careful to submit to separate set of list
and audience.

Sample Titles:

• How to Create an Ebook From Your Articles,

• How to Use Your Articles in Your Email Newsletter

• Transform Your Articles Into an Ecourse

27.Classic Story & Clichés Word Play Article. Yes, you can even use
clichés with this type of article. Have fun and see what you come up with.
I am almost always surprised with the little twist and play on words that
come up. Also, I'm surprised how much of a curiosity pull they create.
Look almost any where for inspiration; you can go back to grade school to
the nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes, clichés and the movies have been
good sources for me over the years.
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Sample Titles:

• 3 Little Products Went to Market But One Went Faster

• Make Your Marketing Go the Extra Mile

• Eat the Computer Elephant One Byte at a Time

28. ________________ Audience Article. Retarget your article’s audience.

Using this easy to do technique, I have gotten lot’s of extra mileage out of
my articles. For example, I wrote an article for book authors that offer
general tips to market a book using a web site. Well, guess what! You
guessed it; small business owners, service owners and retailers need web
sites. I, simply, used the same article with minor changes to re-target the

Sample Titles:

• How to Write Eye Popping Headlines on Your Author's Website,

• How to Sizzle Your Titles on Your Dentist Website

• Sizzle Your Book Titles and Sell More

29. Reverse Your Article Slant. Turn your secret tips into top mistakes. Or
transform your top mistakes article into well kept secrets. You can be sure if
it’s a little known secret then newbies in your field are making a mistake with
it. Therefore, your 5 Best Kept Secrets…can become your Top 5 Mistakes.
One of my most popular reversed articles is “Top 5 Web Site Mistakes That
Drive Your Visitors Away In Less Than 2 Minutes.

Sample Titles:

• 7 Worst Mistakes Professional Copywriters Make,

• 5 Mistakes New Scientist Make in the Lab & How to Avoid Them

• 7 Mistakes New Policeman Dread Making and How to Avoid Them

30. Parts _____________Article. Divide long articles into several parts. You
can use different titles. Many enjoy the serial article format. Perhaps you
have done extensive research for a book or a report. You can take the longer
works and chunk them into a several parts. Besides multiplying your
exposure, you can keep your readers coming back for more when your
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information is divided into short easy to digest articles. Some article

submission services frown on dividing the article into parts. But if you are
hosting the article on your own site go ahead and break your long article in

Sample Titles:

• 8 Ways to Transform Your Old Furniture, P1,

• 7 Things You Must Do Before Getting Married, P2

• How to Get Your Puppy to Use the Paper, P2

31. Transform Your FAQ Section into an Article. Do you host a FAQ section
on your web site? Great! If you don’t you should. Then consider converting
your most popular questions and solutions into a short article. Your readers
will love finding solutions neatly packaged into a friendly article.

Sample Titles:

• Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Jet Skiing,

• Top 10 FAQ About Dog Breeding

• Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions Patients Ask About Out Patient


32. A Mini Tutorial _______________ Article. Repurpose Your Favorite

Articles. You can create a great article that explains one aspect of your
business. Then take the same article and repurpose it to explain another
aspect of your business. In one of my client’s latest articles she gave
important tips for creating a web site to grab subscribers. Later, she used the
same article and offered tips to create a website to sell. Please note she was
careful to submit to separate set of list and audience.

Sample Titles:

• A Mini Tutorial for Websites,

• A Mini Tutorial for Investments

• A Mini Tutorial for Surfing

33. Top Secrets ________________ Article. Change Your Top Mistakes

Article Into a Top Secrets Article. Earlier, we changed your top secrets article
into a top mistakes article. Perhaps, you are one that focuses on helping the
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amateurs in your field avoid mistakes. Don’t forget to go the extra mile
reverse your ‘Top mistakes…’ article into a ‘Top Secrets…’ article.

Sample Titles:

• 10 Top Secrets to Professional Bike Riding,

• 7 Insider Secrets to Successful Advertising that Advertising Execs

Won't Tell

• 5 Top Secrets About Internet Marketing that the Gurus Won't Tell

34. _____ Mini Templates Article. Choose one of your topics; then come up
with 5 or more kinds or formats of that topic. Create a pattern or a form your
readers may follow and do the same thing. For example, this ebook of
templates came from a template article I wrote to help others brain storm
ideas for their articles.

Sample Titles:

• 7 Book Title Templates that Grab Your Readers by the Collar,

• 4 Mini Article Writing Templates that Go the Extra Mile in Marketing

• 3 Get Out of Debt Templates that Help You Gain Financial Freedom

35. _____ Pros & Cons of __________. As an expert in your field, list out
the pros and cons in your business or hobby. Write an article to help a
potential customer or colleague make an educated choice about your product
or service. And yes there are cons to every choice. Don't be afraid to list
them; most people will respect your honesty. You'll become the trusted friend
and advisor of many. People love to buy from friends they trust.

Sample Titles:

• 5 Pros and Cons of Buying a Used Car

• 8 Pros and Cons of Self Publishing

• The Pro and Cons of Selling Your Own Home Without A Realtor

36. Stop Killing Your _________ Dream with ____________. Did you
have a dream to own a house, get a dream job, and retire in Florida? More
importantly, did you accomplish it? If so, you are an excellent candidate to
write an article about the dream killers you encountered along the way. What
characteristics must your reader have in order to achieve this dream? Drive,
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determination, focus or plans are a few. In your article, list out the way to
achieve their dream.

Sample Titles

• Stop Killing Your House Dream with Lack of Planning

• Stop Killing Your Book Dream with Lack of Focus

• Stop Killing Your Retirement Dream with Lack of Saving

37. Make Your ____________ Pass the Profit Test. Every business owner,
service provider or professional wants to know how to make profit. If you
made a profit last year, share your knowledge in an article with other aspiring
profiteers. Be specific and quantify it as much as you feel comfortable. For
example, I made this adjustment in my business and my profits doubled. Or
my product sales increased 30% in 3 months.

Sample Titles

• Make Your Counseling Business Pass the Profit Test

• How to Make Your New Practice Pass the Profit Test

• Help Your Website Pass the Profit Test

38. Give Your ____________ a Makeover. A makeover does us all good at

certain points in our lives. Have you done a makeover in your life or business,
recently? Were you pleased with the impact it had? If so, share your
makeover tips in an article.

Sample Titles

• Give Your Store a Mini Makeover for Increased Sales

• How a Clothing Makeover Will Raise Your Self Esteem

• Follow These 7 Tips to Give Your Website the Makeover It Deserves

39. A Roadmap to ________________ Success. Do you have the road map

to success in your business or area of expertise? If so, use it in your next
article. Don't leave your readers and potential customers to take the muddy
road to success; lead them to the highway with your short map inside your
article. They'll love you for it and look for your products and services to buy.

Sample Titles

• A Roadmap to Financial Freedom

• A Roadmap to Finishing Your First Marathon
E A R M A B R O W N 1 9

• A Roadmap to the Best European Vacation

40. ___ Highly Practical Ways to __________. Everyone loves the practical.
Practical makes it easy to do for your reader. Write an article with practical
tips to accomplish any task. Write for the 8-10 grade level. Reward your
readers with benefits for them. Clear, easy to understand copy makes your
reader want to read your piece to the end. Fill your writing with what's in it
for them. They'll come back for more and tell all their friends.

Sample Titles

• 8 Highly Practical Ways to Learn Ball Room Dancing

• 7 Highly Practical Ways to Teach Phonics

• 5 Highly Practical Ways to Write Articles Fast

Don’t wait any longer! If you wait to choose an article format your traffic
may never increase. Choose a format for your insightful information and
write your article today. Remember, there’s an Information Revolution raging
online. Why not jump in before it’s too late. Start with writing a short, short
article to promote your ezine, website, product or service. Your readers have
been waiting for your expertise. Now just do it. Best wishes for your greatest
success yet.

Note: You’ll probably want to print these out on a separate sheet of paper
(maybe even laminate them) to refer to anytime you write.
E A R M A B R O W N 2 0

21 Article Writing Templates &


Sponsor: Traffic Magnet Article Writing eKit.

Discover how to get more FREE traffic the easy way. The “Article
Marketing Speedway: Put Your Articles in the Fast Lane to Success” will
show you step by step how to write short articles that sizzle and have
everyone publishing them faster than cars racing in the Indy 500!”


Have you made a mistake, recently? Few of us enjoy making a mistake. Yet
we all make them. It happened to me just yesterday. I made a costly mistake
in my web design business. I invested time (about a day) into a project that I
didn't get the clear approval on. I thought they would love it and they didn't.
I failed to communicate well enough with my client. It'll take me awhile to live
it down but you can be sure I won't make that mistake again anytime soon.
Here's the reason, I mentioned mistakes. Most of us love to hear how
we can avoid mistakes. We want to avoid mistakes in love, in business and
life in general. If you've made one recently, that can be your next article.
Warn your readers; help them avoid the same mistake. They'll love you for it.
Here's how to write an article helping your readers avoid costly mistakes in
your area of expertise:

Title Samples
• The 7 Worst Mistakes Professional Artist Make With their First
E A R M A B R O W N 2 1

• 3 Dreaded Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Own House

• The 5 Most Common Mistakes Aspiring Authors Make with their First

The Template

"The _______ Most Common Mistakes in …."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Now write an introduction about the common struggles you face in your
topic. Emphasize the risks and encourage your reader to keep reading for the

List the most common mistakes:

Mistake 1

Mistake 2

Mistake 3

Mistake 4

Mistake 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.


Top 5 Mistakes that Cause Online Business' to Fail
E A R M A B R O W N 2 2

Are you afraid of online failure? Correct these 5 mistakes and watch your
profits soar!

Do you change products and methods to make money online like

most people change their clothing? Many online marketers do. In
fact, only about 3% of all online marketers succeed in making
money online. The other 97% jump from product to product and
method to method never seeing the results that open the door to
the winners' circle of making money online.
If you want to break out of the 97% bracket failure and into
the 3% circle of successful online selling, create an additional
stream of income or increase the one you have - keep reading.
Correct these top five mistakes internet marketers make and

Mistake # 1 Failure to know your product

Solution: Don't produce or promote a product that you have little
interest and no passion. Your copy, your product, your service
will be ineffective. Increase your odds of success. With
passion, you will communicate enough emotion to move your
potential customers to pull out their credit cards or wallet and
purchase again and again.

Mistake #2 Failure to keep learning in your field

Solution: Keep abreast of cutting edge information about your product or
service. For example, one of my goals is to read one or two
articles a day about internet marketing and business. This habit
keeps me learning and open minded about my field. The best part
is you can support this habit with out spending money at all.
The internet has plenty of free information sites and e-books on
any subject. There's nothing new under the sun. There are plenty
of successful sites to learn from. Use Google to find some and
reverse engineer them - model (not steal) their success habits
in page setup, content layout and even source code, if feasible.
Soon, your successful pattern will become a winning model for

Mistake #3 Failure to focus your efforts

Solution: Limit your innovations and focus your efforts. Most of the
time, changes, and improvements are good. In this case, figure
out what's working for you and stick with it. If you are getting
E A R M A B R O W N 2 3

traffic from article writing, continue to write them.

If you are getting consistent sign-ups from your newsletter, improve
your letter and grow your subscriber lists. Do not drift far from
your original plan. Pre-determine the amount of innovative ideas
you want to try each month, but keep your main efforts centered
on getting better results from methods that have already worked
for you.

Mistake #4 Failure to spend money wisely

Solution: The internet contains a wealth of good information but there's
also loads of bad information and scams. It is too easy to get
tricked into pouring your money down the drain with get "rich
quick schemes" and information you can easily find from a free
resource. The author has personally purchased her share of
needless information and products.
I am not saying all internet ventures and net information are bad. I am
saying some don't live up to their claims of instant profits and success.
Consider buying more products only after referrals of several reputable
people. Otherwise hold on to your cash for purchasing services
and products that will generate definite results and/or aid you
in producing definite results.

Mistake #5 Failure to take responsibility for your success

Solution: Responsibility for your success ultimately lies with you. No
product or service will automatically make your business a success. Know
your success is directly related to your choice and your effort. If you become
unhappy with the results of your business efforts, remember to examine
yourself or your plan first.
Analyze what you could do better to gain success. There
are people who have become successful with making money online
but didn't start out that way. They started with a shoestring or
no string budget just like yours. If they did it you can too.
Keep searching, reading and talking to people who are successful
in your field. It will keep you reminded that your diligence and
hard work will lead you straight to your success.
If you continue to market sporadically-switching from method to
method you will never break out of the 97% of online marketers
that don't make money online. There are proven ways to speed
your progress but the most effective ones include sticking to a
sound business plan. Practice the five principles in this
article and break free from majority and enter the winners'
circle that succeeds online.
E A R M A B R O W N 2 4


Are there myths, lies or half-truths within your field that you would like to
dispel? You know the kind that keeps many people from success because they
don't know any better. Write your next article about some of the myths that
block the success of the aspiring colleagues in your field. Here's a template
that will help you dispel those myths:

Title Samples
• 9 Myths that Destroy Your Prosperity
• 5 Myths that Keep You Out of College
• Bust These 10 Myths that Stop You From Starting Your Own Business

The Template

"_______ Myths that Stand In the Way of …."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe how myths may have blocked you or a friend. But now you want to
share the myth busting solutions with your reader.

List the myths:

Myth 1

Myth 2

Myth 3

Myth 4

Myth 5
E A R M A B R O W N 2 5


Let your readers know if they don't destroy the myths they could be this
time next year with the same results. Summarize your article. Even if its just
one sentence, remember to sum it up for them.


5 Myths that Block You from Completing Your Book

Get Your Best Book Written today. Defy these myths and setup your system
of writing with nine easy solutions.

Many speakers, consultants, and small business owners alike feel confident
with communicating their message orally. They can spout their message in an
elevator speech with the accuracy of a scientist. But when it comes to putting
it on paper, some grown men & women end up crying like a baby.
Through speaking and writing, I have discovered 9 myths that often
block others from writing their best book now. I promise. It's not hard once
you know exactly what to do.
Successful writers set up a system of writing. Destroy these myths and
setup your system of writing with nine easy solutions.
Myth # 1 It's too hard.
Too many of us for too long have hid behind the words, "It's too hard." Now
is the time to take charge of our fears and conquer them. First things first, to
overcome procrastination -the fear of failure- is to act now. Most times the
bottom line of procrastination is fear of failure.
Solution: Act now. Select step one of an easy writing program and begin
today. Or choose to sign-up for an easy 7 lesson ecourse "Jumpstart Writing
Your Best Book Now." Send any email to Action will
destroy fear. Each successful step of your system will deal a death blow to
Myth #2 I have to get away from everything to write a successful
No you don't. I know several novelist and non-fiction book writers who had
to write during a long commute to get their best book written and out to the
world. They accomplished it because they systematically worked on their book
until it was done.
E A R M A B R O W N 2 6

Solution: Avoid marathon writing. In the midst of your busy life, designate
your time to write (work on your book) with a goal to completion.
(Reasonable time to completion)
Myth #3 I can't keep up with where I am after interruptions of life.
It is a common challenge to find your place after being interrupted with
family, work and daily life. After all that's why many think you must get away
to get it done effectively. Yet, there's hope for those who can't get away or
choose not to. Successful writers all over the world use the tracking approach.
They succeed because they commit to doing a little each day.
Solution: Set yourself up for success use the tracking approach. There are
2 methods you could use for your tracking. Time is the method where you
commit to a writing a certain amount of time each day. With the cumulative
factor involved your commitment doesn't have to be that much.
For example, to accomplish my book writing goals I commit to writing one
hour a day in my most productive time. For me it is right after my meditation
and reading time. With this method don't be overly concerned about how
much you write, just keep the time commitment.
The other method is focused on output. Commit to writing a certain number
of words or pages a day, perhaps 750-1,000 words or approximately three
and a half pages double-spaced text. The key factor is to stick to it until
Myth #4 I have to complete each chapter in order.
It's called linear writing when you complete each chapter in order. You don't
have to write each chapter one after the other. If you happen to get stuck on
chapter two, you could be stuck a very long time. I think this type of thinking
comes from grade school where we are ritually taught to do everything in
If you have been thinking that way stop right now, no need to raise your
hand. You have my permission to work on whatever chapter moves you or
you feel passion bubbling for at the moment. Feeling stuck on a chapter, try
another. There you have it now go with the flow.
Solution: Don't become chained to writing in order. Jump around and fill in
the blanks. Review your chapters and whatever subject or topic you most
drawn to, begin there.
Writing a book is a journey. Most journeys go so much smoother
with a map or in our case a writing plan. Taking the simple steps above will
get you started fast and keep you going to completion. Start today
then complete and release your significant message in a book to the world…
E A R M A B R O W N 2 7


Have you seen someone attempt to do something and fail miserably,

recently? They fail because they put the cart before the horse time and time
again? Do you wish you could tell them just do these things first and success
will follow? Now you can in your next article. You can help all those willing to
read your insightful advice. Use this template to write the things to do before
success will come:

Title Samples
• 3 Things to Do Before You Flip Your First House
• 10 Things to Complete Before You Apply for a Mortgage Loan
• 7 Things to Do Before You Write One Word of Your Book

The Template

"_______ Things to Do Before You …."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may miss if they don't do certain things first.
Entice them with what they will gain if they prepare with doing these things.

List the things to do before:

Thing 1

Thing 2

Thing 3

Thing 4

Thing 5
E A R M A B R O W N 2 8


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't do these things you could be this time next year with
less success than you deserve." Then, summarize your article. Even if it's just
one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for them.


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.


Word Count: 501

5 Super Selling Things to Do Before You Write Your Sales Letter
Every marketing campaign should begin with a plan. Sales letters are no
different. No plan and you may miss the mark of High Sales you are aiming
for. Set a roadmap that you can follow to explosive sales every time with
every ebook. Focus and aim your sales letter with these 8 preparation tips.
Then get ready to sell more than you dreamed:

1. Write a list of frequently asked questions for your ebook. You want
to make sure you pin point what your prospects and visitors are
looking for and then give it to them. Find out what their burning
questions are and then answer them in your sales copy and product.
Before you write the benefits of your products you need to know the
problems that audience face.
2. Develop a list to help your prospect visualize using your product.
Answer the questions: "When will your prospect use your product?",
"How will they use it," "Why will they use it?" For example, if your
new product was an ebook: will they read it on their desktop, laptop
or will they print it out. Will they relax on the couch and read your
insightful tips. Perhaps they will print them and read on the way to
work or during lunch break…
E A R M A B R O W N 2 9

3. Write down what your up sell offers or possibilities are. This is

where a lot of small business professionals miss out. They fail to
create up sell offers. Create your up sell offers and opportunities
before you even write your sales letter so that they can be woven
into your back end pages and sales messages.
4. Write a list of Benefit Bullets. What do they get will they experience
upon purchasing this product, what will this product give them.
5. Make a list of bonus gifts. Select bonus gifts before you write the
sales letter. This way you can include the benefits in your sales
message as a part of your product…
Preparation for your super sales maker will give you the competitive edge
you have been looking for. Put these steps into place before you even write
your sales letter and sell more. Enjoy the journey and life is made easier.


Do you know the best ways to do things in your field? A friend of mine said,
"After 20 years in my business, I know some of the top ways to get my job
done in the fastest and most profitable way." Even if you don't have 20 years
in your field, you can think of something you know top ways to get it done. If
so, share your knowledge with the world in your next article:

Special Note: If you have used some of my other article writing mini-
templates before, you'll notice a combination of some of the templates. Please
know you can mix and match with just about any of the templates. Try it; you
will get even more variety in your article writing.

Title Samples
• Top 10 Things to Ask Before You Self Publish Your Book
• Top 7 Reasons Every Author Should Have a Website
• Top 5 Website Mistakes that Drive Your Web Visitors Away in Less Than
2 Minutes

The Template
E A R M A B R O W N 3 0

"Top _________________________________…."
(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

List the top _____ things, ways, reasons, mistakes, etc.

Top _______ 1

Top _______ 2

Top _______ 3

Top _______ 4

Top _______ 5


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.
E A R M A B R O W N 3 1



Word Count: 362 (careful with this word count – a lot of article banks and
submission services don't accept any word count below 400 words)

Top 5 Systematic Ways to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Business


Have you ever been on the see-saw of business profits? Many service
business professionals experience the ebb & flow of business (commonly
called the feast-famine cycle)
A client recently asked, "How can I attract an even flow of business? I
get so frustrated with being overwhelmed with work one week and famished
the next. I know I should market. Yet when I get busy with clients my
marketing slips and I slide into the famine cycle."
To help avoid the famine cycle, create a system to attract people to
your website. Take full advantage of the powerful ways to attract people to
your website consistently:

1. Put valuable free content on your website. Seek to educate your

audience. Help them make more money, cut costs or solve their
problems. Examples include: online assessments, how to tips, short
reports, resource lists, how-to tutorials, dictionary of terms in your
field, etc.
2. Write articles. Every service professional should use this marketing
tool. Submit to publishers in your targeted market. Make sure its one
your audience reads. For example, your local Chamber of Commerce
newsletter or large trade journals in your field. Do you need help
getting started with your informative article in your field? Click here for
easy steps to write articles.
3. Develop your newsletter. Stir interest. Use your newsletter to draw
your readers back like bees to a honeycomb. Post new valuable
information and offers. They will return again and again.
4. Use your advertising space to point to free information. Most people
want to take their time with getting to know you. So instead of trying
to fit a whole sales message in a few line, use your advertising as bait
to hook your audience.
5. Put website address and special offer on printed materials. Make an
offer that drives people to your site. For example, put your URL and
E A R M A B R O W N 3 2

offer for free web assessment on your business card. Or put your URL
and offer for your mini-course inside your brochure.

Website traffic is considered the life-blood of your online marketing. No

traffic equals no sales. Put the above tips to practice and get consistent traffic
to avoid the famine cycle.

And now I would like to offer you access to 1 of my FREE Reports 10 Ways
to Help Your Website Pass the Profit Test when you subscribe to Web Wit, a
monthly newsletter on internet and website marketing tips. You can get your
instant access at

From Earma Brown – Principal web developer



Do you know the most unique things about your business, your practice or
product? Focus in on that uniqueness. Don't be afraid to do something a little
different with your words. Create a curiosity pull. Draw a mental picture with
the words in your title.
Have fun with your article marketing. Fun is attractive and contagious.
The one you did for fun may just become the top attraction to your website.

Title Samples
• 3 Little Books Went to Market But One Went Faster
• Eat the Computer Elephant One Byte at a Time
• 7 Advertising Tips that Grab Your Customers By the Collar
• 5 Ways to Break the Feast Famine Cycle of Business

The Template
E A R M A B R O W N 3 3

"Make ___________ Stand Out in the Crowd & Sell…."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

List the unique tips that support your product, your technique or service is
different. What makes your ________ topic stand out & sell?

Tip _______ 1

Tip _______ 2

Tip _______ 3

Tip _______ 4

Tip _______ 5


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.
E A R M A B R O W N 3 4



Word Count: 642

How to Write a Book to Stand Out In a Crowd and Sell

Did you know there are about 1.5 million books in print at any one time in
the United States alone? Furthermore, there are over 195,000 new titles
published each year in this country.
Many aspiring authors feel their book would be lost in the sea of books
already in print? May I be honest? That feeling is correct if you don't target
your potential book readers well.
To write your book to stand out in a crowd, you must write it for a
targeted audience interested in your book's topic. Identifying a (niche)
targeted audience is really hot in the marketing world right now and rightly
so. You expect your sales ratio to rise when you target your market.
Simply put, to target a niche market or audience in your book's topic
area: Identify a problem/solution and research your competition. Then
develop a different approach. With all the books in the world on your topic,
it's not enough to know the solution. You must present the solution in a
different way than existing books do.
Develop a way of making your book different. You need a different
viewpoint, a niche, or a different spin on perhaps the same information.
Examine the problem again. Look at the solution your book solves with the
goal of coming up with a way to present your knowledge differently than
existing books.

Here are several ways you can do this:

1. Market Segment. You can develop a niche by focusing on an

occupation, sex, or age group, i.e. Lose 14 Pounds in 2 Weeks: A Guide
for the New 30 at 40, Lose Weight Safely Before, During and After
2. Experience Group. You could write a book for people experiencing the
same thing at the same time. For example, Fit at Forty: A Exercise
Guide for the New 30 at 40 or Newbie Mothers Eating Healthy.
3. Broadening Market. Consider appealing to a broader market: Lose 14
E A R M A B R O W N 3 5

Pounds in 14 Days: A Guide for Working Class Men & Women.

4. Focus. Attack a big problem by emphasizing a particular tool or
technique that you have experience with. For example, show how heart
attack survivors can lose 14 pounds in 2 weeks by eating only fish,
white meats and walking 10 miles a day.
5. Program. I love this one. Base your solution on the way you solve a
large problem by breaking it into steps, i.e. Write Your Best Book Now:
A 7 Step Program for book writing.
6. Expertise. Base your niche on your market's previous experience with
a topic, i.e. The Last Business Book You'll Ever Need!
7. Goal. Organize your existing information around benefits of achieving
the goal: Free Again, Healthy Again!
8. Affinity. Perhaps you have a relationship with a high visibility
organization that has benefited from your ideas. You can reframe your
knowledge by leveraging off your association: The Bank of America
Financial Program or the Southern Methodist University Weight Loss
You might notice in each one of the above examples of the same market,
the contents of the book would probably be the same! The books would
contain the same basic ideas, suggestions, tips, etc. For example, all the
books about diets would probably stress the importance of eating right,
choosing the right foods in right portions and daily exercise. Yet, each book
presents a different viewpoint targeting a different market.
Be bold; have no fear about approaching the same subject as existing
books. Focus in on your unique ideas and viewpoint. Remember, according to
the writer of Ecclesiastes, "There's nothing new under the sun." Even,
Bernice Fitz–Gibbon said, "Creativity often consists of merely turning up what
is already there. Did you know that right and left shoes were only thought up
only little more than a century ago." So start today; make your book
different, make it count and make it yours. Write your significant book to
stand out in the crowd and sell.

And now I would like to offer you access to 1 of my FREE courses Jumpstart
Writing Your Book when you subscribe to iScribe, a monthly newsletter on
book writing, publishing and marketing tips. You can get your instant access

From Earma Brown – Author, Web developer
E A R M A B R O W N 3 6


Just as we all want to achieve anything in the easiest way possible, we also
like to be shown how to do anything and everything. My clients have often
said to me, “Just give me 5 easy steps or 3 easy steps and I know I can do it.
I’m the same way, aren’t you? Format your article to teach something and
offer easy steps to accomplish it. List them and write a short paragraph
explaining each step.

Title Samples
• How to Make Authentic Italian Cacciatore
• How to Sell Your First House
• How to Write Profitable Ads & Sell Your Stuff

The Template

"How to _________________________________…."
(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

Here's how to ____________.

Tip _______ 1

Tip _______ 2

Tip _______ 3

Tip _______ 4

Tip _______ 5
E A R M A B R O W N 3 7


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Word Count: 775

How to Turn Your Home Business Web Site into a Marketing Machine

Did you know many of your prospects (even locally) will type your business
name or web site name in Google to see what you offer? Often they are
looking to see what you offer compared to your competitor. Recently, Calif.
based USC Annenberg School said from 2005 research, 78.6 Americans go
online. Almost equally large percentages 72.3 say that the search engines
provide whatever information they are looking for.

Too many home business owners look at their web site as an online
brochure. They use it as little more than a place to store their office hours
and service list. A different way has emerged. Now your home business web
site can be used as an effective marketing tool. Used in the right way, it can
spear-head many successful marketing campaigns for you in the near future.
E A R M A B R O W N 3 8

Start now. Effectively use your web site to attract leads and customers; use
it to let prospective clients know who you are. Offer valuable content related
to your expertise. Attract them back over and over like bees to honey. Soon
you will become Top-Pick over your competition.

To make your home business Web site more effective, go through this short
checklist and tweak it for better results. Or if you are just starting, now is the
perfect time to put your Internet marketing plan into place to see new quarter

Stay open to learn what it takes to put the right sales language and content
on your site bringing more targeted visitors (visitors looking for what you
have to offer.) Know the robots of the various search engines examine web
sites daily looking for good key word food, free information, and content.

Use these home business website tips and make more profit:

• Create simple sales letter(s).

Novice Internet marketers don't even know they need a sales letter for their
services and products. They missed the foundational marketing message that
said, "Only words sell. Flashy even great looking websites don't convince
anyone to call, email you and foremost of all buy. Only words can do that.
Write a sales letter for each service or product you offer. Give your web site
visitors a reason why they should buy from you.

• Form compelling headlines to point the way.

Put headlines filled with benefits on your home page to direct people to your
sales letter. Develop the skill of writing headlines. Provocative titles will stir
interest. Provocative statements capture our attention like a fish on a hook.
They throw out the baited hook and reel a captive audience in every time. For
example, here's a shocking statement one sex therapist used 'Wives Who
Don't Want Sex.' Even if his web visitors didn't have this problem, it got the
attention of the curious. Rewrite your headlines. Make sure they lead your
prospects to your sales page.

• Use testimonials and/or case studies.

Add Testimonials. Most everyone wants to know who else has used your
E A R M A B R O W N 3 9

service and had a good experience. Testimonials speak up for your product or
service. They act as a referral and even an endorsement. The compliments
from another customer help melt away your prospect's fears and doubts
about trusting you.

• Give visitors a compelling reason to keep reading.

You may have been awarded for the most beautiful site. Congratulations!
But if your web site copy is weak it may not translate to sales. Check your
copy for dud phrases. Are you using trite phrases like Welcome to the official
site of _____, to find out about ME, MY Company, My Achievements click
here, or Sign-up for my FREE newsletter. Use wording that will convince your
prospects to keep reading, trust you and take action. Insert benefit loaded
headlines, bullets and even links.

• Post plenty benefits (what in it for me) on home page.

Put your resume, bio and credentials on your About Us page or even the
Contact page. You customer wants to know the answer to this question first.
"what's in it for me?" Don't get me wrong; put them in their proper place on
your site. But your audience will most want to know the value of your product
to them. You must answer questions like, "Will it solve my particular
problem?" "What will I gain?" "What will I lose if I don't use your service?"

If you are serious about making your website a more effective marketing
tool, begin by correcting the top five mistakes above. Even one or all of the
principles in place will help make your website one that your visitors will
contact you from, proudly refer, and come back to over and over again. Write
compelling copy and grow your business today.


Have you experienced pain, lately? You're probably thinking, "Of course,
I've experienced pain, silly!" O.k. but I'm talking about the dull ache of
making a mistake you didn't know about or don't know how to fix. I've
discovered many of us respond to an article with a slight negative slant faster
than the positive side with an invitation.
E A R M A B R O W N 4 0

Let me explain; I did a little test with article writing. I wrote 2 articles
about the same subject self publishing: 7 Ways to Stamp Pro on Your Self
Published Book and 7 Mistakes that Stamp Loser On Your Self Published Book
& How to Avoid Them. The loser article drew readers and clicks 3 to 1 and
higher on some days compared to the pro article. So here's a twist on the
Mistake Template:

Title Samples
• 5 Mistakes that Stamp Loser On Your Home Business
• 7 Mistakes that Stamp Loser On Your Realtor Business & How to Avoid
• 3 Worst Mistakes that Stamp Loser On Your Crafts

The Template

"__Mistakes that Stamp Loser_________ On Your _________"

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

Here's the 5 common mistakes that stamp loser and how to avoid them

Mistake _______ 1

Mistake _______ 2

Mistake _______ 3

Mistake _______ 4

Mistake _______ 5

E A R M A B R O W N 4 1

Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Word Count: 800

Top 5 Mistakes That Stamp Loser On Your Small Business Web


Are you making this mistake with your small business web site? Too many
small business owners look at their web site as an online brochure. They use
it as little more than a place to store their office hours and service list.

A different way has emerged. Now your small business web site can be used
as an effective marketing tool. Used in the right way, it can spear-head many
successful marketing campaigns for you in the near future.

To begin, effectively use your web site to attract leads and customers; use
it to let prospective clients know who you are. Offer valuable content related
to your expertise. Attract them back over and over like bees to honey. Soon
you will become Top-Pick over your competition.
E A R M A B R O W N 4 2

Did you know that many of your prospects (even locally) will type your
business name or web site name in Google to see what you offer? Often they
are looking to see what you offer compared to your competitor. Recently,
Calif. based USC Annenberg School said from 2005 research, 78.6 Americans
go online. An almost equally large percentage 72.3 say that the search
engines provide whatever information they are looking for.

To make your small business Web site more effective, go through this short
checklist and tweak it for better results. Or if you are just starting, now is the
perfect time to put your Internet marketing plan into place to see new quarter

Stay open to learn what it takes to put the right sales language and content
on your site bringing more targeted visitors (visitors looking for what you
have to offer.) Know the robots of the various search engines examine web
sites daily looking for good key word food, free information, and content.

Correct these small business web site mistakes and make more profit:

Mistake 1 No sales letter(s).

Solution: Novice Internet marketers don't even know they need a sales
letter for their services and products. They missed the foundational marketing
message that said, "Only words sell. Flashy even great looking websites don't
convince anyone to call, email you and foremost of all buy. Only words can do
that. Write a sales letter for each service or product you offer. Give your web
site visitors a reason why they should buy from you.

Mistake 2 No or poorly written headlines to point the way

Solution: Put headlines filled with benefits on your home page to direct
people to your sales letter. Develop the skill of writing headlines. Provocative
titles will stir interest. Provocative statements capture our attention like a fish
on a hook. They throw out the baited hook and reel a captive audience in
every time. For example, here's a shocking statement one sex therapist used
'Wives Who Don't Want Sex.' Even if his web visitors didn't have this problem,
it got the attention of the curious. Rewrite your headlines. Make sure they
lead your prospects to your sales page.

Mistake 3 No testimonials or case studies
E A R M A B R O W N 4 3

Add Testimonials. Most everyone wants to know who else has used your
service and had a good experience. Testimonials speak up for your product or
service. They act as a referral and even an endorsement. The compliments
from another customer help melt away your prospect's fears and doubts
about trusting you.

Mistake 4 No compelling reason to keep reading

You may have been awarded for the most beautiful site. Congratulations!
But if your web site copy is weak it may not translate to sales. Check your
copy for dud phrases. Are you using trite phrases like Welcome to the official
site of _____, to find out about ME, MY Company, My Achievements click
here, or Sign-up for my FREE ezine. Use wording that will convince your
prospects to keep reading, trust you and take action. Insert benefit loaded
headlines, bullets and even links.

Mistake 5 Not enough benefits (what in it for me) on home


Put your resume, bio and credentials on your About Us page or even the
Contact page. You customer wants to know the answer to this question first.
"what's in it for me?" Don't get me wrong; put them in their proper place on
your site. But your audience will most want to know the value of your product
to them. You must answer questions like, "Will it solve my particular
problem?" "What will I gain?" "What will I lose if I don't use your service?"

If you are serious about making your website a more effective marketing
tool, begin by correcting the top five mistakes above. Even one or all of the
principles in place will help make your website one that your visitors will
contact you from, proudly refer, and come back to over and over again. Write
compelling copy and grow your business today.


Sometimes, the hardest thing to accomplish is getting started. Think back
E A R M A B R O W N 4 4

to when you first started your career. What were some of the hardest things
to overcome? It may seem easy now. But back then, you wondered if you
would ever get started. Pay it forward. Write an article with simple steps to
just get started in your area of expertise.

Title Samples
• Jumpstart Your Internet Business
• How to Jumpstart Your First Class as Teacher
• Jumpstart Your Get Out of Debt Plan

The Template

"Jumpstart Your __________________…."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

Here's how to ____________.

Tip _______ 1

Tip _______ 2

Tip _______ 3

Tip _______ 4

Tip _______ 5


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
E A R M A B R O W N 4 5

article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Jumpstart Writing Your Book

It's not procrastination. You are more than ready to start your book. How
does one start, you may ask? You may just need a simple plan to get started
writing your book. Here's ten tips to JUMPSTART writing your book to

1. Find your target audience.

When you give your book a target, it will hit the mark of good sales. To be
honest, not everyone will be interested in your book. When you target one
audience at a time, each tip, each story or how-to will be more effective. Aim
your message and you will have a competitive edge on many book writers.
Create an audience profile. Are your potential readers male or female? How
old are they? Are they interested in self-help, mystery, romance, how-to
books? What problems do they face? Are they business people or
professionals? Are they techies or non-techies? Are they willing to spend $15-
30 on your book?

2. Examine your book's significance.

Many writers tremble in their tracks with fear that their book won't sell.
Don't be afraid. Your book is significant if its presents useful information,
answers important readers questions, and impacts people for the good. If it's
entertaining or humorous it could go further than you imagined. It creates a
E A R M A B R O W N 4 6

deeper understanding of humanity, animals or this world. With one to three of

these elements your book is worth writing. More than three, it has potential of
making great sales –even to best seller status. Go ahead, write your book and
make the world a better place.

3. Develop your book's working title.

In the literary world it's called a working title for everyone knows it may
change. You may decide to change it or your publisher. Even so, working
titles help direct and focus your writing. Some non-fiction writing does better
with subtitles. If needed, it clarifies the title. Obscure titles will miss the mark
and sales. Which titles grab you and stir a desire to read what the author has
to say: Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money -
That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! or How to Teach Others About Money;
How to Win Friends and Influence People! or How to Make Friends.

4. Write your book's thesis.

A thesis reflects the main central thought and greatest benefit of your book.
It should answer your audiences' question, "How will this book solve my
problem of…? Writing the thesis before you write the book will keep you on
the path of focused, powerful yet easy to read content. All chapters support
your book's main concept. For "Win with the Writer Inside," the thesis is "How
to write, complete, and publish your best book fast." The best titles often
include the thesis statement in some form.

5. Design your book's 60 second "Billboard" before writing chapter


Make your 2-3 sentence blurbs into a sound byte. Like a highway billboard
that you only have a few seconds to read, you condense your sound byte
message into a 60 second blurb to tell and sell. Use your billboard at
networking meeting, in the elevator, in the grocery line, anywhere you only
have a few seconds to tell about your book. Composing your billboard should
include your title, 3 top benefits and compare your book with a successful
book in your field.

Writing a book is a journey. Most journeys go so much smoother with a

map or travel plan. Taking the simple steps above will get you started and
keep you going to completion. Start today then complete and release your
significant message to the world. Write a book and prosper!
E A R M A B R O W N 4 7


Did you make a costly investment in your career or business? Are you
making money because of it? Yes, that's great. Congratulations! Now is the
perfect opportunity for you to write an article on the steps you made to make
a profit from that investment. Share your knowledge and make even more

Title Samples
• Make Your College Education Pay You Back
• How to Make Your Advertising You Back
• 7 Ways to Make Your Vacation Trips Pay You Back with Travel Writing

The Template

"Make Your _____________ Pay You Back"

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

Here's how to ____________.

Tip _______ 1

Tip _______ 2

Tip _______ 3

Tip _______ 4

Tip _______ 5
E A R M A B R O W N 4 8


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Make Your Website Pay You Back Big

There are lots of ways to create revenue from your website. But everyone
has to start somewhere. Use these seven tips to get started making your
website pay you back for your investment of time and money:

1. Find a Niche
Look for something about your business that’s special--different. You can
use that special difference to help promote your business with increased
customer awareness and loyalty. People tend to find products and services
interesting that are unique. They talk about them and tell their friends about

2. Prepare to Put In the Time

I dislike being the one to tell you. But you are going to have to put in the
time necessary to see the rewards. Despite what many self-proclaimed gurus
will tell you, there really is no instant way to make money on the net.
E A R M A B R O W N 4 9

Successful web businesses know they reap the benefits as a result of constant
development, refinement and hard work.

3. Get Real, Market and Advertise

Whoever told you "Build it and they will come." lives on the set of "Field of
Dreams" starring Kevin Costner. Anyway, know your customers won't just
come to you. You have to go get them. Use and test online/offline methods to
see which works best for you. Then synch them all together. i.e. make sure
all your print materials have your website address on them.

4. Be Real!
People will respect your honesty. Your credibility will grow along with your
profit line as they see you do what you say. Promise only what you can
deliver online and write your content using clear, short, yet friendly language.
The better your site visitors can understand what you offer, the more they will
pull out their wallet and make a purchase.

5. Make Your Customer Service Sing!

Whatever business you operate it cost you valuable time and money to get
new customers. Don’t throw them away with poor online service. If a prospect
emails an order or an inquiry, respond as quickly as possible. Courtesy and
efficient service wins relationships and maximizes any potential for sales.

6. Provide Premium Content

Invest in your website with premium content and update regularly. Set
aside some time monthly to update your website. If you don’t have the time
to update yourself, hire a web service company to do it for you. A stagnate
website reflect poorly on your business. Even if you just change a few
headlines, testimonials, fresh article or report. Customers who return will
want something new to examine. Reward them with premium frequently
updated content.

7. Maintain Your Professional Image

Make sure your website reflects the same quality and professionalism you
have in your company. Things that detract from your website and company’s
image are poor graphics, sloppy text, and poorly aligned pages. Be sure to
leave white space – don’t fill every spot with a message. It will confuse your
visitors. Invest in the construction of your website. It will pay you back with
loyal visitors and customers. Build a cheap-looking, unprofessional site and it
will reward you with visitors that don’t take you seriously. Want to know more
about maintaining your professional website image? Read: Top 5 Mistakes
E A R M A B R O W N 5 0

that May Drive Your Visitors Away In Less Than 2 Minutes.

Are you ready to see a good ROI (Return on Investment) from your
website? It’s time to make it pay for it’s keep. Remember to find a niche, put
in the time, market and advertise, be real, provide premium content and
maintain a professional image. Implement the seven tips outlined above
consistently and make your site pay!


Do you know the right things to ask when navigating where you have never
gone before? Perhaps, you have a list of things you should have asked if you
had known at the time.
When I published my first book through a publishing service company,
I did research on a list of companies, what they offered, what they didn't offer
and so on. I used the information to choose the company I published my first
book with.
One day a friend asked how I chose which company. Voila! My next
article was born out of that conversation. I began thinking if she wanted to
know, someone else wanted to know. Of course, that was back when there
wasn't so much information available online. Do you know the answers to the
top questions in your field? If so, put them in your next article.

Title Samples
• Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Realtor
• Top 5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer
• 10 Techie Questions a Non Techie Should Ask a Website Designer

The Template

"Top ___Questions to Ask __________________…."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
E A R M A B R O W N 5 1

knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

Here's the top __ things to ask ____________.

Question _______ 1

Question _______ 2

Question _______ 3

Question _______ 4

Question _______ 5


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Top 10 Questions to Ask About POD Publishing
E A R M A B R O W N 5 2

Technology has advanced in the publishing world. I love it! I have been greatly
helped to realize my publishing dreams. I think it’s wonderful that aspiring
authors have a greater range of choice. Now you may choose to pursue
traditional publishing or quantum leap into self-publishing.

Perhaps some would never have the opportunity to see their work in
professional print without the arrival of publish on demand or POD Publishing.
Print-on-demand means exactly what it implies: the company print books as they
are ordered. They use modern technology to store and print your book in
electronic form, removing the need for a warehouse and large print runs.

In my opinion, POD publishing does not take the place of its proud elder
brother “Traditional Publishing.” As with anything, there are pros and cons of
each method. With that said, I won’t attempt to convince you whether POD
publishing is a good choice for you. There are lots of good reports out there on
that subject.

Back in 2002 when I chose to self-publish my first book, I compiled a report

comparing the top 3 companies. It helped me make my decision. I have revised
that report for you and offer it free at the end of this article. If you have decided
to publish POD, here are five of those ten top things to consider and compare.

1. Cover? Covers sell books! Of course it’s not the only selling aspect of your
book but it is one of the most important. One shot at a good first impression to
capture the interest of your potential reader is all you get.

Author’s Note: Look at their covers in on-line bookstores – back in 2002 I liked
what several companies offered but their existing author book covers looked like
crayon drawings. Most companies have since improved but I still think it’s one of
the main points to consider. You are looking for bookstore quality or trade

2. Contract? – Most Publish-On-Demand or print when ordered companies are

not considered publishing houses but publishing service companies. Therefore,
you should expect a non-exclusive contract period.

3. Setup Fee? If you are like most self-publishers you are budget conscious of
the initial setup fee of your book. The basic package of the 4 leading companies I
researched average about $500. For my first self-published project, I let the
other options determine my decision more since my 3 contenders’ basic package
was about the same.

4. Distribution? – Make sure they list their books in the leading wholesaler
database as a part of the package or at least have an add-on option to list in &
distribute through the two leading book wholesalers in the United States: Ingram
and Baker & Taylor.

5. Royalty payments? – You may be wondering like an author friend of mine

asked, “Shouldn’t royalty be the first thing I should ask about?” Not necessarily,
E A R M A B R O W N 5 3

the traditional publishing company industry standard is 5-8% quarterly or bi-

annually. The industry average for POD companies is about 15-20% at the time
of this writing. Even so, it's good to know when to expect your royalty and how
much. Most pay quarterly or monthly…

I hope these thoughts are helpful to you. It helped me make an informed

choice when I knew nothing about the industry of publishing. Here’s to the
success of your book publishing dreams! Click Here to send for full report
Compare PODs Then Choose Wisely.


Why do you think the tabloids and society talk shows are so popular? Everyone
loves a secret. We love knowing something we're not supposed to know. Of
course, it doesn't make it right and good. But it is the way human nature is. So
transfer that over to your field.

Don't share anything that would be detrimental to your company. But do write
an article and share the insider secrets of your industry. Your colleagues may be
a bit miffed that you are sharing this information but your readers will love it.
Just don't give away everything; save some for your paid product.

To get extra mileage, change one of your top mistakes article into a top secrets
article. Earlier, we changed your top secrets article into a top mistakes article.
Perhaps, you are one that focuses on helping the amateurs in your field avoid
mistakes. Don’t forget to go the extra mile reverse your ‘Top mistakes…’ article
into a ‘Top Secrets…’ article.

Sample Titles:

• 10 Top Secrets to Professional Bike Riding,

• 7 Insider Secrets to Successful Advertising that Advertising Execs

Won't Tell

• 5 Top Secrets About Internet Marketing that the Gurus Won't Tell

The Template

"Top ___Secrets __________________…."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)
E A R M A B R O W N 5 4

Describe what your reader may be experiencing if they don't have this
knowledge. Entice them with what they will gain if they read your article.

Here's the top secrets the insiders don't want you to know:

Secrets _______ 1

Secrets _______ 2

Secrets _______ 3

Secrets _______ 4

Secrets _______ 5


Describe what may happen if they don't do what you suggested. For
example, "if you don't use this knowledge you could be this time next year
with less success, money or time than you deserve." Then, summarize your
article. Even if it's just one to two sentences, remember to sum it up for


Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.

E A R M A B R O W N 5 5


5 Book Writing Secrets to Finish Stronger and Sell Sooner

Are ready to finish your book writing stronger to sell sooner? No worries.
With a little extra knowledge, you can still complete writing your book this
year. Implement the following secrets; complete your book and prosper:

Secret 1 Keep going after life interrupts.

It is a common challenge for book writers to find their place after being
interrupted by family, work and daily life. After all that’s why many think you
must get away to get it done effectively. Yet, there’s hope for those who can’t
get away or choose not to. Successful writers all over the world use the
tracking approach. They succeed because they commit to doing a little each
Set yourself up for success; use the book tracking approach. The most
popular method to use for tracking is time. Time is the method where you
commit to a writing a certain amount of time each day. With the cumulative
factor involved your commitment doesn’t have to be that much. For example,
to accomplish my book writing goals I commit to writing one hour a day in
a.m. (my most productive time.) With this method don’t be overly concerned
about how much you write, just keep the time commitment.
Secret 2 Find writing rhythm.
You don’t have to write each chapter one after the other. If you get stuck
on chapter two, you could be stuck a very long time. This type of thinking
comes from grade school where we are ritually taught to do everything in
order. If you have been thinking that way stop right now, no need to raise
your hand. You have my permission to work on whatever chapter moves you
or you feel passion bubbling for at the moment. Feeling stuck on a chapter,
try another. There you have it now go with the flow.
Don’t become chained to writing in order. Jump around and fill in the
blanks. Review your chapters and whatever subject or topic you most drawn
to, begin there.
Secret 3 Push past writer's block.
I am stuck. I have to stop writing until I feel it again. Unseasoned writers
may play the martyr, give up and try again another day. We would never get
it done like that. When you get stuck simply close that chapter, pull out your
chapter outline and choose another chapter. Choose a topic from that chapter
and begin there.
Keep going; stay on course. Maintain your writing commitments. Go
E A R M A B R O W N 5 6

around writer’s block by working on another chapter. For example, while

writing this book in one of my writing sessions, I wanted to finish my fourth
chapter on titles but I ran into a writer’s block. Instead of breaking my
momentum, I came down to chapter eight about easy writing and began
there. I was able to complete my time commitment of one hour and keep my
Secret 4 Turn off editor mindset when writing.
Many newbie and seasoned writers are perfectionist. When writing, they feel
the urge to stop and change something every few paragraphs. Or they finish
a page and want to perfect it before continuing. Turn off your editor voice
while writing your first draft. Your goal should be to get the message on
Avoid re-writing during your first draft. After your message is written
completely out, then you can turn the editor's voice back up. It's true
successful authors rewrite and organize their ideas for the strongest impact.
But in the beginning stages of writing your book, concentrate on finishing
each chapter. Use later writing sessions to self-edit. When it's time to edit,
check your ideas for flow, grammar, spelling, and chapter endings. Work on
your chapter titles and lead in introductions.
Secret 5 Ask for help.
Many writers are natural loners. So it's no surprise when they fall into
thinking, "I have to do it all myself." Do your research and reading time apart
from your writing sessions. You may be able to ask your spouse, a teen-aged
son or daughter, a friend to help with your research. Know when to let go of
your chapters and book. Don’t self-edit and pick your book apart word by
Learn to use your skills at the highest level possible. Some of the
mechanical tasks of proofreading ask a family member, part-time employee
or again a friend to help. After you have done the best job you can with your
manuscript, don't be afraid to pass it to a professional. Learn to delegate
faster and faster.
You may not be making all of these mistakes. Yet one or two will stop the
successful completion of your book. Your audience is waiting. Implement the
above solutions, get your book finished, release it to the world and prosper.


Have you found valuable information hidden behind a negative titled article?
I know I have. I haven't quite figured out what it is about us (humans) that
makes us attracted to the negative. Perhaps, the tabloids, Jerry Springer
Show and all those like his have figured it out. And remember the sample
E A R M A B R O W N 5 7

article earlier titled, "5 Mistakes That Stamp Loser…"

Most of us hate missing out and we hate feeling embarrassed or
rejected. If your title hints that the reader may miss out or appear foolish if
he doesn't have this information, it will draw double and sometimes triple
the amount of readers than normal.
Even so, I caution you to use sparingly; you don't want to somehow
build a reputation on the negative. You might discover you are attracting
the negative into your life. I'm an optimist but even I have my bad attitude
days. Here's how you can work a bad attitude to your advantage:

Title Samples
• Stop Killing Your Book Dream With Wrong Thinking
• 6 Common Mistakes That May Stamp STUPID on Your Articles
• 5 Customer Service Mistakes That Stamp UNPROFESSIONAL On Your

The Template

"5 ____ Mistakes That Stamp ________ On Your _______"

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Now write an introduction about the mistakes and blunders they may be
making and want to avoid. Emphasize the risks and encourage your reader
to keep reading for the solutions. End the introduction with a short list of
benefits to the reader when they get these mistakes corrected.

List the most common mistakes:

Mistake 1

Mistake 2

Mistake 3

Mistake 4

Mistake 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
E A R M A B R O W N 5 8

to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-
book, mini-course or special offer.


5 Common Mistakes that Stamp Unprofessional on Your Self Published Book
& How to Correct Them

Have you joined the ranks of aspiring authors ready to take the next step to
self publishing in the digital age of publishing? If so, congratulations! But
wait, before you rush off to press, there are some things you should do to
prepare your book for successful self-publishing. The preparation step of the
self-publishing process includes everything you need to do to your book
manuscript before you deliver it to the book printer. This includes deciding
your publishing goals.

For example, is your book a personal family history book that you plan to
sell to a few friends and family? Or do you plan to mass-market your book
to the world? After deciding your market then you should avoid the following
common mistakes that may stamp unprofessional on your book:

1. Failure to write a Business Plan

This is where your book publishing journey should begin. You don't have to
start with a 15-page document. But do create an outline of all the costs that
you will encounter in the self-publishing process.

Outline your costs before publication, after publication and everything from
the beginning costs to the shipping price of mailing a book. This is the time
you decide whether you should print a small amount of books for family or
set up a small publishing company by buying a block of ISBNs.

2. Failure to get ISBN Numbers.

An ISBN number is what identifies you as a book publisher. Currently, it is
the only way you can be considered a self-publisher in the publishing
industry. At the time of this writing, no one can give, assign or sell you
ISBNs except RR Bowker, the U.S. ISBN agency.

3. Failure to invest in Book Editing.

Don't cut corners here. Invest in your book; get it professionally edited.
Copy or line editing will bring your manuscript up to professional standard.
Don’t settle for just having your family member take a look at your

4. Failure to hire a book designer for book layout.

The book layout is what structures the content of your book and makes it
look like a book. Again invest in your book project; this is not the time to
settle for anything less than a professional look. If your book looks sloppy, it
E A R M A B R O W N 5 9

will limit its success in the market.

5. Failure to invest in cover design.

75% of 300 booksellers reviewed (half from independent bookstores and
half from chains) recognized the look and design of the book cover as the
most important part. They agreed the jacket is prime real estate for
promoting a book. On that note, your book cover design has great
importance. It can cause your book marketing campaign to fail or succeed.
So, I encourage you to get your book cover professionally designed.

Are you ready to publish your book successfully? Did you consider all your
options including a business plan and book cover design? Great! Now that
you know how to set up your book for full speed ahead self-publishing, go
ahead take the plunge. Don't wait any longer. Start today. Your audience is
waiting for YOUR unique message and viewpoint. Make it different. Make it
count. Make it yours.


You can have fun with this one. I love playing around with words. I am
almost always surprised with what comes up. You can look almost any where
for inspiration. Nursery rhymes, clichés and the movies have been good
sources for me over the years.
Carrie Underwood has done lots of commercials and endorsements by
now. But one in particular stood out; on the billboard ad it read, "Carrie me
home for Christmas." I think they were advertising a national airline. I wasn't
even in the market for travel at that time. But it caught my attention and I
noticed the play on words. We can do the same when titling and writing our
articles. Here's a template that plays on words you might enjoy.

Title Samples
• 3 Little Books Went to Market But One Went Faster
• Give Your House a Selling Chance Before You Put It On the Market
• Eat the Website Elephant One Byte at a Time

The Template

"Insert Cliché or Rhyme but use your keywords"

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)

Now write an introduction emphasizing the risks and encourage your reader
to keep reading for the solutions. End the introduction with a short list of
benefits to the reader when they take your advice.

List the tips:
E A R M A B R O W N 6 0

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



How to Eat the Book Writing Elephant One Bite At a Time

Have you started your book yet? No. Don't beat yourself up any longer. Keep
reading this article; it was written especially for you. With the right focus and
knowledge, you can successfully start and complete YOUR book within weeks
this year.

Remember the old adage, Q: How do you eat an elephant? A: One bite at a
time. The same applies to writing your book. How do you eat the book
writing elephant? You eat him one bite (one step) at a time. More and more
people are successfully completing their books in less time. Even your
competitors are getting it done. Why not join them. Here's some tips to kick
start writing your book:

1. Write a significant book.

Many hopeful authors tremble in their tracks wondering if their book will sell.
That's a good question. Who wants to invest time or money into a sinking
ship? Don't be afraid; here's how to test your book's significance.
E A R M A B R O W N 6 1

You can know your book is significant if it presents useful information,

answers important reader questions, and impacts people for the good. If it's
entertaining or funny it could go further than you imagined.

It's significant, if it creates a deeper understanding of animals, humanity or

this world. With one to three of these elements your book is worth writing.
More than three, it has potential of making great sales –even to best seller
status. Now, get started; write your book and make the world a better place.

2. Know who will buy your book.

When you give your book a target audience, it will hit the mark of good
sales. Top selling books focus on one main topic per book. When you target
one audience at a time, each tip, each story or how-to will be more effective.
Aim your message and you gain a competitive edge on many book writers…

I admit it; getting started writing a book can become a huge elephant in the
way of your book's success. Even so, it doesn't have to stay that way. You
can do like the author did; eat the book writing elephant one bite at a time.
Start today; complete and release your significant message to the world. Bon


Are you competitive minded? Most of us want a competitive edge. We want it

whether we are competing against our self or a business down the street.
A client of mine says she doesn't have a competitive bone in her body.
Yet, when I mention anything about a mutual friend of ours implementing
something new in business, she wants to hear all about it. I suspect she's
more competitive than she realizes.
Perhaps, you know you are competitive and want to outsell your
competitors and peers. This is the template designed for you. In your article
speak to the competitive nature in each of us. Offer tips to help your readers
gain a competitive edge if they follow your advice.

Title Samples
• Sell Way More Widgets With a Sales Letter On Your Website
• 7 Ways to Craft Your Ads to Sell Way More Than Your Competition
• How to Finish Your Product First to Sell Sooner

The Template

"Insert competitive title targeting your field."

(If this is one of your first articles 5 is a good number to start with.)
E A R M A B R O W N 6 2

Now write an introduction emphasizing the risks and encourage your reader
to keep reading for the solutions. End the introduction with a short list of
benefits to the reader when they take your advice.

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



7 Ways to Write Your Book to Outsell Its Competition

Did you define an intense problem and solve it within your book?
Congratulations! You now have the ingredients to make your book a top
seller in your field or expertise. With the right mix, your book is destined to
sell way more than its competition. But, wait; don't rest in your success just
yet. You still have work to do to become a successful author with a book
selling way more than its competition.
After you have defined a problem and solution, researched your
competition, you now have to develop a different approach. With all the
books in the world on your topic, it's not enough to know the solution; you
have to present the solution in a different way than existing books do.
E A R M A B R O W N 6 3

You need to develop a way of making your book special. You need a
different viewpoint, a niche, and a unique spin on sometimes the same
information. Look at the problem again and the solution your book solves
with the goal of developing a way to describe and present your knowledge in
a different manner than existing books.
Here are seven ways you can do this:
1. Affinity. Perhaps you have a relationship with a well known
organization that has benefited from your ideas. You can repurpose
your expertise by leveraging off your association: The United Teachers
Financial Program or the Stanford University Weight Loss Program.
2. Benefits. Organize your existing information around benefits of
achieving the goal: Free Again, Healthy Again!
3. Broad market. Consider appealing to a broad market: Lose 14
Pounds in 14 Days: A Guide for Baby Boomer Men & Women.
4. Experience. Target your niche market with their previous experience
with a topic, i.e. The Last Diet Book You'll Ever Need!
5. Focal point. Attack a huge problem by emphasizing a particular tool
or technique that you have experience with. For example, show how
cancer survivors can regain their health and vitality faster through
herbs, minerals and raw plant foods.
6. Market section. You can develop a niche by focusing on an age
group, profession, or sex, i.e. Lose 14 Pounds in 2 Weeks: A Guide for
the new 40, Lose Weight Safely Before, During and After Multiple Birth
7. Program. I love easy steps; don't you find yourself looking for the
easy way out? Support your solution on the way you solve a large
problem by breaking it into steps or ways, i.e. eBook It: 10 Ways to
Profit from Your Passion Program for ebook writing.
You might notice in each one of the above examples of the same market,
the contents of the book would most likely be the same! The books would
contain the same basic thoughts, suggestions, guidelines, etc. For example,
all the books about diets would probably stress the significance of eating
right, choosing the right foods in right portions and daily exercise. Yet, each
book presents a different viewpoint targeting a different market.
So, don't be afraid to approach the same subject as existing books.
Focus in on your unique ideas and viewpoint. Remember, according to the
writer of Ecclesiastes, "There's nothing new under the sun." Bernice Fitz–
Gibbon said, "Creativity often consists of merely turning up what is already
there. Did you know that right and left shoes were only thought up only little
E A R M A B R O W N 6 4

more than a century ago."

Are you ready to write a book to sell way more than its competition?
Did you find a way to present your book of solutions in a different way?
Great! Now that you know how to make your book unique, go ahead take the
plunge. Don't hesitate any longer. Start today. Your audience is waiting for
YOUR solution-oriented ideas and viewpoint. Make it different. Make it count.
Make it yours.


Have you created an acronym to organize your content? Some people like
using them in their reports and speeches. So I began to think, why not use
one in an article. This is one of my favorite ways to entertain. Why? Not sure
why, it just feels like successfully filling in a crossword puzzle. And all the
cross word puzzle lovers say, "Yes!" I knew you would understand. (smile)
Anyway, using an acronym, you organize your content by the first
letter of a word. I used one in a book chapter I wrote recently about book
writing. In my chapter, I used the word C.H.A.P.T.E.R.S. as an acronym and
the first letter words were Choose, Have, Articulate, Present, Tell, Engage,
Reach and Sum to explain the parts of the chapter. The acronym entertains;
but it also makes your material easy to remember.

Title Samples
• 6 Simple Mistakes That Stamp S.T.U.P.I.D. On Your Articles
• How to Write Compelling C.H.A.P.T.E.R.S.
• 10 Easy Steps to Your Next R.E.A.L. E.S.T.A.T.E. Sale

The Template

"Choose your acronym and write an article around it."

(If this is your first acronym based article, you might try developing your title
first and then choose one of your title words to build acronym.)

Now write an introduction emphasizing the challenge and encourage your

reader to keep reading for the solutions. End the introduction with a short list
of benefits to the reader when they take your advice.

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2
E A R M A B R O W N 6 5

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



6 Common Article Writing Mistakes that Stamp S.T.U.P.I.D. on Your Articles

Are you making mistakes that stamp S.T.U.P.I.D. on your articles? If you're
anything like the writer was you could be making some simple mistakes that
block the success of your article marketing program. No worries; now you
can put a stop to any S.T.U.P.I.D. article writing mistakes. Here are 5
mistakes and how to avoid them written into a S.T.U.P.I.D. acronym. Put
them into action and receive boat loads more website traffic and double to
triple times the sales you've been getting.

1. Selfish Mistake. Newbie and experienced writers alike make this

mistake over and over again. They focus too much on what they want
to write instead of finding out what their audience wants.

Solution: Don't be self absorbed. Discover what your targeted reader

wants or needs help with. Then write articles they pass around like the
common cold. They will love you for it and read everything you write.
To top it off, your reader base will grow beyond your wildest dreams.
All because you put aside what you want and gave your audience what
they want.

2. Too Long Mistake. New millennium readers are busy. They want
information in a quick and easy to read format. If you are long winded,
E A R M A B R O W N 6 6

you may be boring as well. You might not get another opportunity to
capture the attention of your readers.

Solution: Shorten your sentences and paragraphs to write compelling

content. Your article writing coach shudders to think about all the long
boring articles that went out in her early days of article writing. So,
shorten your articles and began to pull your readers in like a magnet
to read your work.

3. Unprofessional Mistake. Professional articles inspire your readers to

trust you. In a like manner, un-professionalism damages your
credibility. When your readers can expect a quality well written article
to educate or entertain them they will look forward to hearing from

Solution: Stick to your good writing habits. Stay professional. Create

a professional looking blog or website to host your articles. Do your
best with your sales copy or simply hire a copywriter to put your best
foot forward. Avoid careless errors. Run a simple spell check and
grammar check. Get feedback from your peers or a professional. Don't
relax until your well written articles are well-edited.

4. Pompous Mistake. Use simple language. Avoid technical jargon that

may confuse your readers. Aim for the seventh and eighth grade level
communication. Keep your writing in an active voice.

Solution: Don't bog your readers down with schoolbook terms and
stuffy language. Choose words like caution instead of admonish or get
instead of garner. Be a friendly mentor with your articles and more
people will be drawn to you and your writing.

5. Ignorant Mistake. Continue educating yourself in your field. Read for

pleasure and read to stay informed in your industry. I believe all
reading is good; it keeps your mind alert and aware to ideas.

Solution: With any piece you're working on check your facts for
accuracy. Don't just take someone else's word for it. Live your life to
the fullest; learn from your successes and failures. Then share your
experiences with your readers through your articles. Write from the
overflow of your life.

6. Dud Mistake. Get rid of dud (failure, flop) writing. Dud writing will
show up in your titles, headings, bullet points and even your lists. Dud
writing will make your writing dull, flat and boring. You may be guilty
of dud writing if your site visitors are leaving in less than 2 minutes.

Solution: Fire your dud titles and hire sizzlers that bring attention to
your articles. Sizzler titles and headings will reach out; grab your
E A R M A B R O W N 6 7

audience by the eyeballs and compel them to read. They will pull your
reader in for the read with curiosity, shock, humor, perplexity or a big
claim that delivers within your article.

Without smart article writing that gives your audience what they want, short
and compelling, professional, simple, informed and exciting, your articles
could go another month with less readers than they deserve. Implement the
tips above to capture the interest of your visitors and get all of your articles
read. Avoid the S.T.U.P.I.D. mistakes above; watch your reader views rise
and your bottom line soar!


How passive are your article titles and content? Most word processing
software with grammar check will help you spot the passive voice. Use an
active voice in your article writing. The passive voice will slow your reader
down and cause your words to sound flat and boring. Create movement in
your titles as well as the main content of the article using active verbs and

Title Samples
• How to Make Your Marketing Stand Out In the Crowd & Sell
• 5 Ways to Make Your Meals Go the Extra Mile
• Put Your Small Retail Store Into Overdrive With Credit Card Capability

The Template

"7 Tips to Make Your _____________ Go the Extra Mile."

(If this is your first word action picture based article, you might try choosing
your topic first and then choose active verb or action word to build article
title and content.)

Now write an introduction emphasizing the risks and encourage your reader
to keep reading for the solutions. End the introduction with a short list of
benefits to the reader when they take your advice.

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3
E A R M A B R O W N 6 8

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Put Your Small Business Website Into Overdrive With a Sales Letter

Are you making this mistake with your business web site? Too many business
owners think of their site as simply an online brochure. They use it as a place to
store their hours of operation and their service list.

A different way has emerged for the small business owner. Add a business sales
letter and your web site can be used as an effective marketing tool. Used in the
right way, it will spear-head many successful marketing campaigns for you in the
near future. Use these 18 tips to put your web site marketing campaign into
over-drive with a sales letter:

1. Create a sales template file. Start a file with all the good sales letters you
encounter along the way. You can learn a lot by studying other successful
letters. Don't plagiarize (copy word for word.) Use the good letters you collect as
your templates.

2. Lead your prospect into your sales letter with a benefit loaded
headline. Develop the skill of writing headlines. Provocative titles will stir
interest. Provocative statements capture our attention like a fish on a hook. They
throw out the baited hook and reel a captive audience in every time. The
shocking statement 'Wives Who Don't Want Sex' even if they don't have this
problem will get the attention of the curious…

Don't wait to write your business sales letter. If you don't do it now, you could
be this time next year with the same dreary, unprofitable response from your
E A R M A B R O W N 6 9

web site. Hire a 24/7 salesman (your business sales letter) and put your web site
marketing into over drive to maximum sales.


Have you wondered why people read? People usually read for one or two
reasons. They read to be educated or entertained. Analogies can be used as
a form of entertainment in your article titles and content.
An analogy is when you compare one thing with another, even if it’s an
implied comparison. For example, in advising article writers I considered
saying, "You can intertwine 2 basic elements to make your articles more
interesting." Instead, I said, "When you intertwine the 2 basic elements into
your articles, you will begin to reel your readers in like fish on a hook."
Or if the writer said, "How would you like to write an ebook that lots of
people can't wait to buy?" instead of "Want to write an ebook that your
readers stampede like a herd of cattle to read?" Which of these sounds more
entertaining to you?

Title Samples
• Conquer the Giant Called Procrastination Standing Over Your Nursing
Career Dream
• Make Your Book Readers Follow The Yellow Brick Road To The End
• How To Turn Your Bar Exam Mountain Into a Molehill

The Template

"How to Conquer the Giant _________ Standing Over Your ________

(If this is your first article, you might try choosing 5 tips to start with.)

Now write an introduction identifying the momentous problem that you are
going to help your reader solve. End the introduction with a short list of
benefits to the reader when they take your advice.

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4
E A R M A B R O W N 7 0

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Reel Your Article Readers In With a Hot Sizzling Title!

The information highway has turned into a sea of information. Information

streams from every direction. So how does one make a difference in such a vast
medium? If you don't want your articles to be lost in the sea of information
streaming into your reader's consciousness each day, you must title them well.

Any marketing material from your email campaign, web page, 3 page sales letter
or to the 2 line classified ad needs the attention grabbing power of a great

You must create sizzling titles designed to hook your potential readers. One of
the most important skills to develop as an article marketer is the skill of creating
attention-grabbing titles.

When you master this skill you may use it in every aspect of your marketing to
attract more readers, more sales, improve your cash flow and increase your
profits. Here are 7 top title templates proven to create traffic pulling article titles:

1. Command your article readers through your title.

"Get Visitors Now!"

Most will say they don't like being told what to do. But our human psyche seems
to respond in spite of what we like. The command has an immediate effect.
Why? It connects with the "Yes, I want that" spot within us all. Commands
reassure you that helpful advice will follow to help you get what you want from
E A R M A B R O W N 7 1

the advice. It tells the readers it's possible to achieve the benefit the author is

2. Include a How to in your article title.

"How to Make Your Article Marketing Go the Extra Mile"

People love magic pills, miracle solutions or just plain old EASY. They love to
learn with simple steps, easy ways and most of all fast. Combine it with a
powerful benefit and you will reel your reader in every time. You decide. Does
the title above, "How to Make Your Article Marketing Go the Extra Mile" or "8
Ways to Format Your Article"

3. Write an article title using a provocative statement.

"7 Book Writing Mistakes that Stamp Loser On Your Self Published Book"

Are you saying I'm making mistakes that stamp loser on my self published
book? You would want to know especially, if you've been working hard to self
publish in excellence. Provocative statements pull at our attention like an electric
shock. They make us curious. They even make us mad. They make us feel a lot
of different things but most of all they make us read…

Develop the above valuable skill and you add magnetic pulling power and punch
to all your marketing documents including your article titles that will get your
articles read. Article titles set the stage for your potential audience. They either
grab your potential reader by the collar or they don't. Write an article title that
gets your reader's attention and make them want to read your important article.
Title well and prosper!


In my articles, I often use a story about how I started writing articles. I am

transparent with people about some of my struggles. Some of my most
popular articles and reports have been how I made a mistake or struggled
and eventually found a solution I wanted to share.
I practice 2 Rs in telling my stories. Be relevant and be real. Make
your story relevant to your article material. And be real in your expression.
In other words, you don't have to make up stuff or pretend like you're
someone you're not. Use your real life examples and stories; you'll connect
much easier with your audience.

Title Samples
E A R M A B R O W N 7 2

• How I Overcame Anorexia

• The Greatest Lesson I Learned When I Got Cancer
• 5 Self Publishing Mistakes I Made That You Don't Have to Make

The Template

"5 ______________ Mistakes I Made That You Don't Have To Make."

(If this is your first article, you might try choosing 5 tips to start with.)

Now write an introduction identifying a challenge, mistake or problem your

story will help your reader overcome. End the introduction with a short list of
top benefits to the reader when they read your story and take your advice.

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



5 Self Publishing Mistakes I Made That You Don't Have To Make!

Do you enjoy learning things the hard way? Of course you don't; none of us
enjoy that. But do you know that's exactly what happens if we don't learn
E A R M A B R O W N 7 3

from the mistakes of others. We can discover easier ways to do things from
our peers, our friends, our competitors and even our enemies. On that note,
in this article I reveal 5 mistakes in my first print publishing venture. Make it
easy on yourself; avoid these self publishing mistakes and prosper:

1. Failed to write a plan

This is where your self publishing journey should begin. There's no need to
start with a 10-page document. But you need to at least create an outline of
all the costs in the self-publishing process.
You should outline your costs before publication and after publication.
Include everything from the beginning costs to the shipping price of mailing a
book. Also, this is a great time to decide whether you plan to print a small
amount of books for family, a business niche or set up a small publishing
company by buying a block of ISBNs.
2. Failed to invest in book editor.
Don't count pennies here. Invest in your book; get it professionally edited.
Copy or line editing will bring your manuscript up to professional standard.
Don't settle for just having a family member look over your manuscript.
3. Failed to hire a proofreader
Proofreading is not the same as editing. It is only done after the book
designer formats your book into pages. The proofreader looks for word
breaks and sentence layout. Some small corrections missed in the first line
edit may also be made
Like most beginner publishers, I decided to skip this step in preparing a
book for publication. Mistake; professional publishers know not to skip this
step. A book full of errors will cost you in sales later on, including loss of
respect for your important message. I got a scathing review from one of my
peers. Yes, I know; it's not the end of the world. But my point is it cost me
sales and it could have been avoided.
4. Failed to create bound galleys for reviews.
Invest in bound galleys and/or limited run book proofs. They are often
unedited and used to get book reviews before the publication date of your
book. Also, bound galleys do not have a laminated full color cover. Reviews
will afford your book a level of professionalism not gained any other way. Not
to mention extra sales gained because of your professional reviews.
5. Failed to hire a book designer for book layout
The book layout is what gives the content of your book structure and makes
it look like a book. Again invest in your book project; this is not the time to
settle for anything less than a professional look. If your book looks sloppy, it
will limit its success in the market.

Don't limit your publishing success; avoid all of the above blunders by
learning from my mistakes. Now, go make your publishing venture a
successful one. Happy Publishing!

E A R M A B R O W N 7 4

Do you follow the current news and events on television? If you're anything
like the writer you are close to being a news junkie. Or are you a movie buff?
Tag your article onto a classic movie, the latest movie blockbuster or a
current news event. Most times, you will gain instant attention from your
audience because it's already top of mind for everyone.
For example, at the time of this writing our country and most of the
world is experiencing an economic recession. During this time, you could
write an article telling your readers how to still be successful in your field or
recession proof your business during recession. Or you might write an article
about how to make extra money with the skill set you already have.

Title Samples
• Make Your Website Show You the Money (Title based on popular sports
movie with phrase in 'Show me the money!")
• How to Recession Proof Your Business
• How to Sell a House During a Recession

The Template

"How to Recession Proof Your ___________________."

(If this is your first article, you might try choosing 5 tips to start with.)

Now write an introduction identifying a challenge or problem your story will

help your reader overcome. End the introduction with a short list of top
benefits to the reader when they read your story and take your advice.

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
E A R M A B R O W N 7 5

without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



Make Your Book Show You the Money Before You Write It
You don't have to sell your soul to write a saleable book anymore. Simply
write the solution. It's a known fact problem solver books sell well; even
better than other non-fiction books.
Here are a few tips to help you make your book show you the money
(design it to sell well) before you even write it. Give your manuscript the test
of solutions. Ask yourself the question, 'What solutions does my book offer?
To achieve maximum sales in the marketplace, write your book to offer
solutions for two to three questions or problems in your field:

1) Direct solutions to your potential reader's problems. Get this

right and you could have a best seller. Do you know the solution to a
vexing problem? Write the solution in your book. You might be
surprised at who's searching online for a little relief.
2) Specific skills and information within the solution. Thousands of
people search for specific information daily. They want easy to
understand information. Educate your audience; include engagement
tools in your book. Help them make more money, cut costs and solve
their problems. Examples include: online assessments, how to tips,
short reports, resource lists, how-to tutorials, dictionary of terms in
your field, etc.
3) Expert advice to a specific group of people. Target a group of
people looking for answers within your broad market. For example, the
Chicken Soup series for Teen-Agers, Mothers, even Prisoners sold
much better that the original more general Chicken Soup for the Soul.
4) An easy to read style to learn about something. Take a complex
subject in your field and make it simple. Most people enjoy an easy
reading language. They will reward you by reading your book to the
end then telling all their friends to get it.
5) Opportunity to learn something new or interesting. Sprinkle your
book with little known interesting facts about your topic. Be careful to
avoid information overload with pages of detailed statistics. But if you
sprinkle them as morsels throughout your book, you create
anticipation that will lead your readers through to the end. People love
statistics and bite-sized trivia about just about any topic.
6) Inspire people to do something good. Weave inspiring stories into
your book and sell more. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership spent
E A R M A B R O W N 7 6

18 straight months on the Business Week Business Best Seller List. Dr.
Maxwell started each chapter with a short story of a famous person
successfully using the chapter's law of leadership.

7) Original, different information. Have you wondered what makes a

new diet book sell well even when there are scores of diet books on
the market? The author presents their unique set of successful diet
rules, their exercise program, their perspective, their testimonials and
their credentials. They use original, different information for the same

Are you ready to start writing your solution oriented book yet? Did
your book idea pass the test of solutions by answering questions in at least
two areas? Great! Now that you know how to make your book show you the
money (design your book to sell well), go ahead take the plunge. Don't
hesitate any longer. Start today. Your audience is waiting for your solution-
oriented ideas and viewpoint. Make it different. Make it count. Make it yours.


Do you have a magic pill? We all want the magic pill that will make our
challenges and problems go away. Newbie article marketers miss the mark
with this one. They offer their reader the steps but in no particular order.
Your readers get frustrated if you don't give them the proper steps to follow
in the right order.
Most of us want a detailed, chronological list of what to do and when
to do it to accomplish a task. You know like getting a prescription from the
doctor. You want him to tell you; take 1 pill twice a day. Make it simple;
make it easy for your readers and they will come back for more and send
their friends to read your articles.

Title Samples
• The Magic of the 90 Day Plan to Debt Freedom
• 5 Simple Ways to Make Belly Fat Disappear
• How to Setup a Profit Pulling Website In 7 Easy Steps

The Template

"Insert your prescription in the title."

(If this is your first article, you might try choosing 5 tips to start with.)

Now write an introduction identifying a challenge or problem your prescribed

tips will help solve. End the introduction with a short list of top benefits to
the reader when they follow your prescription.
E A R M A B R O W N 7 7

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



The Magic of the 100 Days to a Book Goal

Do you dream of a book with your name on it as author? You're not alone, if
you do. Researchers say 81% of us have a book dream hidden in our heart.
Yet many never accomplish this lofty goal, leaving only a select portion that
go on to write a saleable book.
If you're anything like I was, you sincerely want to write your book but
lack the focus and know-how to bring it to fruition. For years, I stumbled
around this secret (I'm about to share with you) with little results. I used the
stop and start system that didn't work. You know the system of getting
excited, starting your book, telling everyone you know that you're writing it
and then life happens. You lose focus and stop writing the book.
The manuscript goes into a drawer along with your high hopes and
dreams of becoming an author. It's probably no news to you but that system
never helped me reach my goal of a completed manuscript. Then one
magical day, I discovered how to write a book in 100 days or less. I set a
goal (not the 100 day goal that came later.) The point is I set a goal,
E A R M A B R O W N 7 8

accomplished it and never looked back. It could be a 30 day, 48 day or 90

day goal. Whatever works for you will do.
Now, you can join that elite group of aspiring authors that write their
book to completion in a few short weeks. Here's a few tips that will help you
feel the magic, get started and reach your goal of a completed successful,
saleable book manuscript in 100 days or less.

1. Develop a plan. Remember, rarely anyone reaches a goal without a

plan. This statement is trite but true; failure to plan is equivalent to
planning to fail. Develop a plan for how you are going to complete
your book in the following weeks. If you've never written a book
before, get a plan from someone who's been where you want to go.
Sign up for a book writing course or hire a book coach. Your plan is
your roadmap to success and profits.
2. Make a commitment. Prepare your mindset. Do a reality check.
Don't believe those who say you can write a book with little or no
effort. If that were true, everyone would be accomplishing it, right. It's
a doable goal but it's going to take some work, maybe even hard work
and commitment on your part. Write your commitment down on
paper. I've found nothing crystallizes your intentions better than
writing them down. Make a written commitment and watch the will and
determination to finish follow your action.
3. Prioritize your book project. Take it off the back burner. Move your
book's completion into your top 3 priorities. Set up a regular time
schedule to write. Keep your commitment and allow the cumulative
effect (doing a little bit at a time) to build. Even so, unless you want it
to take years to write, you must schedule 15-20 hours writing time
each week. For example, you could write 2 pages in an hour a day and
have a short book in weeks.
4. Avoid over checking progress. An important key to achieving your
book within the 100 day goal is to not focus on the results while you
are working. It's kind of like when one is trying to lose weight and
always checking the scales. It works against your momentum. Just
keep writing each day of your schedule until the 100 days is up or you
finish. This way there is less chance for a break in your momentum as
you see how close or how far you are from your goal.
5. Stop taking breaks too early. Don't be so easy on yourself. As soon
as one sees progress there is a natural tendency to relax. We want to
put our feet up and take a break. No, don't do that. Your goal is not
achieved yet. After the 100 days is up and your book manuscript is
complete, treat yourself. Take a few days off; celebrate. Then you can
start your next 100 day project.

Don't put it off any more. Take your dream off the shelf. If you wait, you can
be this time next year without making your dream of writing a successful
book come true. You have the plan, the knowledge and the solution. Now
write it all down. Your audience is waiting. Use the magic of a 100 day goal
and write a successful book. Make it different. Make it count. Make it yours.
E A R M A B R O W N 7 9


Have you read a case study, used a template or read the results from a tip
and took action? Then you have experienced the power of case studies. Case
studies testify much like testimonials do. Use case studies to give application
to examples. Your readers want to know, "How do I apply that to my life, to
my work?" It is one of the most asked questions.
Therefore, give your readers examples, instances, ideas, samples,
templates and case studies to help them apply the principles of your article.
Your audience loves to try to gain the same results. Results move people to
action. It touches the place in us that says I want to do that too! It worked
for them; maybe it'll work for me.

Title Samples
• 5 Important Case Studies In Google Adsense Success
• 10 Samples of Do It Yourself Container Gardens
• 5 Templates of Garden Design for Your Yard

The Template

"5 Important Case Studies In _______________________."

(If this is your first article, you might try choosing 5 tips to start with.)

Now write an introduction identifying a challenge or problem your case study

and tips will help solve. End the introduction with a short list of top benefits
to the reader when they follow the principles in your case study or fill in your

List the tips:

Tip 1

Tip 2

Tip 3

Tip 4

Tip 5


Don't forget to summarize your article. Even if its just one sentence. Don't
E A R M A B R O W N 8 0

leave your readers without an ending.

Signature Box

If you are using your article to market on the Internet, don't send it out
without a bio (signature box.) This signature box should contain your subtle
sales message including multiple ways to contact you. Persuade your reader
to subscribe to your ezine. Entice them to visit your site for your free e-book,
mini-course or special offer.



5 Proven Book Title Templates to Grab Your Book Readers By the Collar

Is your book title the best it can be? Could it use some work to do its job
effectively? Don’t let your book get lost in the sea of information streaming
into your reader’s consciousness each day. Instead, write a sizzling title
designed to hook your potential readers and draw them in for the read.

One of the most important skills to develop as a marketer of your book is the
skill of creating attention-grabbing titles. When you master this skill you may
use it in every aspect of your writing to attract more readers, more sales,
improve your cash flow and increase your profits.

Titles set the stage for your potential audience. They either work to grab
your potential reader by the collar and pull them in for the read or they
don't. Top titles create excitement, anticipation and enthusiasm for more.
You want your titles to express the heart and passion of your message. Here
are 7 top title templates to help create your grab-you-by-the-collar titles:

1. Command your book readers through your book title.

"Get Clients Now!"
Most will say they don't like being told what to do. But our human psyche
seems to respond in spite of what we like. The command has an immediate
effect. Why? It connects with the "Yes, I want that" spot within us all.
Commands reassure you that helpful advice will follow to help you get what
you want from the advice. It tells the readers it's possible to achieve the
benefit the author is claiming.

2. Include a How to in your book title.

"How to Make Your Article Marketing Go the Extra Mile"
People love magic pills, miracle solutions or just plain ole EASY. They love to
learn with simple steps, easy ways and most of all fast. Combine it with a
powerful benefit and you will reel your reader in every time. You decide.
Does the title above, "How to Make Your Article Marketing Go the Extra Mile"
E A R M A B R O W N 8 1

or "8 Ways to Format Your Article"

3. Write a book title using a provocative statement.

"7 Book Writing Mistakes that Stamp Loser On Your Self Published Book &
How to Avoid Them"
Are you saying I could be making mistakes that stamp loser on my self
published book? You would want to know especially, if you’ve been working
hard to self publish in excellence. Provocative statements pull at our
attention like an electric shock. They make us curious. They sometimes make
us mad. They make us feel a lot of different things but most of all they make
us read.

4. Ask a question in your book title.

"Are You Getting Enough Sex In Your Marriage?
Most times people unconsciously answer the question you pose in their
minds. The key is to provide the answers in your copy including statistics. For
example, "Have you felt afraid to buy online? Like it or not, many are still
cautious of buying on the web. A Boston Consulting Group Consumer Survey
found that 70% of respondents worry about making purchases online."

5. Make a big promise in your book title.

"How to Increase Sales 400% by Using Article Marketing"
People will turn away from hype and never come back. But if you have a big
gun promise, don't be afraid to pull it out and use it. Consider carefully and
use sparingly; then make your big promise and deliver. People will remember
your promises and come back for more or purchase. Don't forget to include
the specific delivery or 'how to' in the content inside your big promise titled

Develop the above valuable skill and you add magnetic pulling power and
punch to all your marketing documents including your front book cover and
chapter titles that will get your message read. Book titles set the stage for
your potential audience. They either grab your potential reader by the collar
or they don't. Write a book title that gets your reader's attention and make
them want to read your important message. Title well and prosper!
E A R M A B R O W N 8 2

80 Article Title & Content


Sponsor: Traffic Magnet Article Writing eKit.

Discover how to get more FREE traffic the easy way. The “Article
Speedway: Put Your Articles in the Fast Lane to Success” will show you
step by step how to write short articles that sizzle and have everyone
publishing them faster than cars racing in the Indy 500!”

1. How to Survive ____

2. How to _______ Your Way to Success

3. How I Overcame __________

4. Best Secrets

5. _____Ways to

6. Things to Know

7. Things You Get to Do After

8. Favorite Resources

9. ______Templates

10. Steps to Success

11. Top Tips

12. ___ Changes to Profit
E A R M A B R O W N 8 3

13. The Power of __________

14. ___ Best Practices

15. The Magic of ____________

16. ___ Professional Checklist

17. ___ Highly Practical Ways to

18. ____ Profitable Lessons

19. ____ Easy Techniques

20. 10 Pros & Cons

21. ____ Strategies

22. ____ Ideas

23. ____ Tips of the Year

24. Guide to ___________

25. What Can ____________ Do for You?

26. Stop Killing Your _________ Dream with Lack of ____________

27. Make Your _____________ Go the Extra Mile

28. Non Techie Tips to ______________________

29. Make Your ____________ Pass the Profit Test

30. 5 Important Case Studies in _______________

31. Set Your ___________ Up to Succeed with a Plan

32. Give Your ____________ a Makeover

33. Best Interviews with _____________

34. A Roadmap to ________________ Success

35. One of the biggest reasons people fail in ______ is ______.

36. The greatest lesson I’ve learned about ______ is ______.

37. The biggest mistake in ______ is ______.

38. Here are the top seven reasons why you should ______.
E A R M A B R O W N 8 4

39. If I had to narrow it down to five steps, they would be...

40. The real secret to ______ is ______.

41. One thing that almost no one knows about ______ is ______.

42. Three of the best web sites for ______ are ______.

43. The absolute worst way to ______ is ______.

44. A secret weapon I use for ______ is ______.

45. Here’s why you should never be afraid to ______...

46. Five proven ways to ______ are ______.

47. The best model I’ve seen for ______ is ______.

48. Two questions to ask when making this decision are______.

49. The best example of ______ is ______.

50. Here’s what you do when ______ happens...

51. The one thing you’ve been told that’s wrong is ______.

52. New evidence suggests this about ______...

53. The one lesson I wish I had learned years ago is...

54. Here’s how to protect yourself from ______...

55. The one question you must ask before ______ is...

56. Three simple exercises to help with ______ are ______...

57. A simple way to organize your ______ is ______.

58. An easy to follow system for ______ is ______.

59. An effective way to speed up your results is ______.

60. Here’s a simple 10-step checklist for ______...

61. An often overlooked way to ______ is ______.

62. When you face this problem ______ , here’s what to do...

63. Should you ______? Take this quiz...

64. If you’re a beginner, then the first thing to do is ______.
E A R M A B R O W N 8 5

65. If you’re experienced, then here’s an “advanced” tip...

66. Seven warning signs of ______ are...

67. Your three best options for ______ are...

68. A way to get faster results from ______ is ______...

69. It only takes a few minutes to ______.

70. Five things you can do today are...

71. For ______, this works like crazy...

72. Why your ______ won’t work.

73. Something every ______ needs to know is ______.

74. The best way I know to ______ is ______.

75. A simple shortcut for ______ is ______.

76. Here’s a “rule” about ______ you should BREAK...

77. The biggest waste of time for ______ is ______.

78. If I could only do one thing for ______ it would be ______.

79. You can actually cut ______ by ______.

80. The eleven key ingredients of ______ are...

81. My best advice for ______ is ______.

82. Five ways to improve your existing ______ is ______.

83. A good way to reduce costs is ______.

84. Here is a daily schedule you can refer to for ______...
E A R M A B R O W N 8 6


2009 Top 100 of Article Directories & Groups List (updated)

Article Directories Top 100 features top directory sites of interest to writers, content
publishers, webmasters, article marketing and ezine publishers, not excluding article
writing / marketing help sites (including
Please notice this is a list, based on the sole opinion/judgment of Earma Brown. You are
invited to nominate an appropriate web site that you don't see on the list, please email
Earma Brown. I realize we may have missed some directories. I am open to adding to this
list. Your directory or favorite directory might be one of those missed. Thank you for
visiting. Enjoy the journey & life is made easier.
— Earma Brown, 14 year author, owner of and editor of the "Put Your
Articles in the Fast Lane to Sales" 7 lesson mini eCourse Send any blank email to to subscribe & receive free gift (3 FREE Article Writing
Templates: sponsored by 40+ Article Writing Templates

Top 100 Article Directories 2009

Page Sponsor(s):
Article Marketing Speedway eBook & 20+ Article Templates

Top Ranked Pages:

1. Ezine Articles - PR6
2. - PR6
3. - PR6
4. Self-Growth - PR6
5. Constant Content - PR6
6. - PR6

7. Article City - PR5

8. Li'l Engine - PR5
9. - PR5
10. - PR5
11. Business Know-How - PR5
12. -PR5
13. - PR5
14. Article Alley - PR5
15. Home Based-business Opportunities - PR5
16. - PR5
17. PR5
18. Jogena's - PR5
19. The Warrior Forum - PR5
20. - PR5
21. - PR5

22. - PR4

23. Add Me - PR4
24. - PR4
25. - PR4
E A R M A B R O W N 8 7

26. - PR4

27. Articles Factory - PR4
28. - PR4
29. Main Street Mom - PR4
30. - PR4
31. Free Content - PR4
32. ArticleWarehouse - PR4
33. - PR4
34. - PR4
35. - PR4
36. - PR4
37. - PR4
38. - PR4
39. Article Finders - PR3
40. - PR3
41. - PR3
42. Sales Masters World - PR3
43. Amazines - PR3
44. - PR3
45. - PR3
46. - PR3
47. Home Business Tips - PR3
48. - PR3
49. - PR3
50. Click Easy Articles - PR3
51. Marketing PitBull -- PR3
52. - PR2
53. Web Host Industry Review - PR2
54. - PR2
55. - PR2
56. - PR2
57. - PR2
58. - PR2
59. ClickEasyeBooks -PR2
60. - PR2
61. Articles More - PR1
62. Digital - PR0
63. - PR0

Site Originality
E A R M A B R O W N 8 8

Quality Content

Simply Easy

Site Appeal
E A R M A B R O W N 8 9

Top Resources
40+ Article Writing Templates
Article Marketing Speedway: Fast Lane Article Profits
Article Dashboard University (ADU)
Have you been looking for a way to write articles faster? Article Marketing Speedway ebook and
40+ article Writing Templates guides you to write profit pulling articles in 30 minutes or less.

Directory of Groups
Yahoo AABusiness | Submit
Yahoo AAGeneral | Submit
Yahoo AAinet | Submit
Yahoo ArticlePublish | Submit
Yahoo ArticlePublisher | Submit
Yahoo Article4You2Use4Promotion | Submit
Yahoo ArticleSubmission | Submit
Yahoo Article_Archives | Submit
Yahoo Article_Announce | Submit
Yahoo Article_Announce_List | Submit
Yahoo ePub | Submit
Yahoo EzineZone | Submit
Yahoo Free-Content | Submit
Yahoo Free-Reprint-Articles | Submit
Yahoo FreeEzineArticles | Submit
Yahoo Freelance_Promotion | Submit
Yahoo FreeWrites | Submit
Yahoo Freezinecontent | Submit
Yahoo Free-Econtent | Submit
Yahoo HerSmallBusiness | Submit
Yahoo I_Need_Content | Submit
Yahoo Netwrite-Publish-Announce | Submit
Yahoo PromoteYourArticle | Submit
Yahoo Publisher_Network | Submit
Yahoo qc_reprint_articles | Submit
Yahoo ReprintArticles-Paradise | Submit
E A R M A B R O W N 9 0

Other Article Directories | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit
Author | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit |Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit
E A R M A B R O W N 9 1 | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit | Submit
Web-Source-Net | Submit | Submit | Submit

Have you been looking for a way to submit articles faster? Submit More Articles Faster to Web Sites
& Directories using Article Submission Software.
Diclaimer Note: This list is a complimentary list included in this ebook - courtesy of the
ArticleSpeedway Directory team. List may contain some duplicate listings. The Top 100 Article
Directory list was updated 10/08 with all non-existent or page error directories removed. Even so,
the Internet changes so often that it may still contain some links to nowhere by the time you read
this. See Disclaimer Details
E A R M A B R O W N 9 2


Earma Brown lives in Northern Texas with husband

Varn. She is a 14 yr author, business owner, web developer
who helps service business owners, infopreneurs and writers
write and market effectively using articles. (Article Directory) (Article Marketing Speedway Pro eKit) (Article Directory)

Write Your Best Book Now: How to Write a Book In 100 Days
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Self-Publishing Power Box

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Get the ebook 'Self-Publish Now' & discover how to self-publish, POD publish
& market your book with less time, less effort & less money. Stop waiting to
get noticed by the 'Big Guys.' Join the ranks of other successful self-starter
publishers. Visit for all the details.

Article Marketing Services

It's a good time to let you know about one of our

Sponsors, if you don't have the time to use our
courtesy Resource List at the end of this book
consider Article Marketer Article Marketer
you can automatically reach thousands of editors and publishers

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