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A Bach fopelectric Bas THREE DUETS AND FIVE SOLO PIBGESIARRANGED FOR BASS GUIT) Music « Instruction ® Historical Analysis ak BY BOB GALLWAY, PH.D. 1S.Bodkior '§ AND FIVE SOLO PIE Electric ben GED FOR by Bob Gallway, PH. ‘This books lovely deccates to Karan, my wits; Hay, my der son Jonn Davison, an ato, end, and teacher ‘ad 19.45. fr his greatness and inspiration. INTRODUCTION Johann Sebastian Bach one ofthe greatest muscon oa tine. He was Born In Germany io 1685, ded in 1750, sri assed by histotans as 2 compose ofthe Baroque pared Muskians fem Ludwig van Bestnoven to Keth Janet have studies Bach, and hs works have rotided pleasure and inspira for ovr wo mando yeas Sos thee creation, Sachs compostons have been realized on nearly every musical ntument magnate ‘ny elects bass, wheter focused 0 az, unk, eck, uson fs bound To improve technique, as wall 85 musial understanding ard appreciation hough mastory of those pcos Bec’ phenomenal doph of expression and preteund sens ve inthis music. Lean the pleces inthis book, ans you wl be grazed at what a roving experence is play them: a shadow of Bachs genus wl twin come ave wit you. And nepetly some owl ing HISTORY Most of Bach's Ho was focused on musi lor the church. However. om 1717 nl 1725) was employed in ‘Coen by Pane Leopold as Kapeelmaeter chur choral conductor) and decor of camber musi forte royal court Prince Leopold ved music and kop a eevntoor piece orchestra a Bac’ disposal Dung his ‘St yrs in tual Gothen, Bach composed anastonshing sees of instrumental rasierpieces including the “war and Thre-Part invention, hes Sues for Seo Calla, Book Ono of The Wel: Tompered Claws, te Frenen and Engin Stes for So} Harpsichora, he sx Sonatas tor Sao in, ana the si Brendonburs (Concertos. Since Bach was acoomplshed on various keyboards, ain, ane probably cell, sno surprse that hese insrometalcompastion tnd t featur the atumets he knew bes. THE MUSIC Excapt forthe Sinfonia rom Partita 2, hich was writen in 1727—and is one of Bach's tw composiions published ding his Htine-al he pcos in hs book were composed wile Bach conducted in Cohen "Tra wo te—Two-Part Inventons & and 1—mer writen 1728s sues fr perfor ani om poser, The Two-Part Inventions exempily indepengen wo at wrth, ee using te chmiques of tgue nd canon thou sicy amenng io eter. twas Bac’ tention o familar begning students of re eyboard wih counterpoint as wel as igh and lekinan independence. nthe TWO-Pant Iventona, a Bet ‘heme it stale and then developed win an auesome ava ef compestionalcnnques. [Asi rom the Two-Part Inventions lhe pies this book ate can tom = popula Baroque musical form called te suite aso known as the sonata or parte. The orm aigatod hunéeds of years Btoe the Baroque ea, mest aly when utnists ranged pepuar dances of he day into medleys of tues inthe ‘same o fied Hays. Beosuse a the vared meter, mood, tempo, and thy of each othe dances com sings sute, Baroque composare fund hat hi form ores grat posit or musical erosion, ‘ne maintaining the basse om site and yn of ach Saree frm. For exams, the Almande ‘Snpage 32 nts book spl! ofa euch dances, m hat tis a slow dance in 44 meer wth asking ‘ornamental ine, HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ‘There are many possble approaches to loaning the music in is book. you are an experienced msl reader, you probably have a rethod that werk for you. you are raw to thi crt of hing, Ff your POQres8 Seems sow, you may want oy the oloming SUagestons: +. Figue outa singe measure or short plrase and yt play i long wih a metronome. Keep sow ng down the temp unt you can play he phrase smoothly time. A hs pont, dont worry about pause Between the Beginning an the ending yu willearn it qucy. Sometimes a whoo prrase or ‘measure i too much 1 ack a cnc Inha ease just ty two Fre nas enor ul youve 2. When you ae ready to mave on do he same hing withthe nest measure ox pase, When youve learned ty the two socon tgethor Once you can gt threugh an entre pice, srasualy "Speed up the meironome. I your paying Becomes sloppy, you Rave sped I upto soon When te {entre pecs smooth and up to tempo, ne metronome sno longer necessary, adits mo play ithe way you foal [though have cccasenay relred to proper tampa, Bach never rocommentied specie matoneme so tgs By lstening to any af he numerous recordings a hese compostons cn keyboard, vn, 0 8a, You can find ample suggested topos (08 the dscogapty below) For each ofthe duets inthis book, music rth second part (accompariment) Is incuded immediately ater DISCOGRAPHY The Two-Part Inventions: 1- Gould (piano). Columbia 38-754 2. Kirkpatick (caviar), Archive 73174 (198 674. ‘3. Malcom (harpsichord, Nonesuch 71144 Partita Number 2 in C Minor for Solo Harpsichord: 1. Flor harpshor), Nonesuch 71176, 2. Gould ipano). Columbia MS-69, 5. Kips harp.chra, Angel §-56087 Suites for Solo Cello: 5 1. Fourlr (ee), Arce 198188. 2 Starker cel, Meccury 77002 Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin: 1 Menuhin (vin), Ange 9817, 2. Mision (on), Deutsche Grammophon 2700047 Two-Part Invention 4 iE — Two-Part Invention 4: Accompaniment ORT Te eS ieee ee Two - Part Invention 1 i SESE 4 2 Two-Part Invention 1: Accompaniment Sinfonia aS ey nee te a oe ree ae —_—_ rope teeters ee ee een | “8 ale SS =e heme lt | Sinfonia: Accompaniment qs — SS SS SI 2 (eget pp ee te Wain yey fps c= a oe Allemande Tempo di Bouree = U.S. $7.95 643) HL00695643 a343-0 Two-Part Invention #4 in D Minor Two-Part Invention #1 in C Major Sinfonia from Partita 2 in C Major for Solo Harpsichord Bourree 1 and 2 from Suite #3 in C Major for Solo Cello Sarabande from Suite #2 in D Minor for Solo Cello Corker h AM Rea emilee (oR) Taare ae REST EMA M Me) ol Rconia kOe) Tempo di Bourree from Sonata #2 in D Major for Solo Violin

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