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Whether or not the subject of beliefs is new to you, I hope you will find that this information is as
helpful for you, as it was for me.

The purpose of this book is to explain what beliefs are and to illustrate how they run our lives. It will
introduce you to simple, fun and elegant processes, which will help you to programme powerful self-
supporting beliefs with long-lasting change. Finally, you will be provided with loads of examples of
self-supporting beliefs, which cover different areas of life that you may find useful to have hard-wired.

The Most Self-Empowering Paradigm Shift in History

Following years of extensive research by internationally recognised cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton
Ph.D., we know now that it’s our beliefs and not our genes that are responsible for our biological and
behavioural outcomes. More specifically, it’s our perception of our environment that is controlled by
our beliefs. So now, for the first time in history, we know that if we can rewrite our beliefs, we can
rewrite our perceptions, and if we can rewrite our perceptions, then we can rewrite our genes and our

Now that we have the tools to rewrite our beliefs, this gives us the power to achieve the unlimited
potential we have as human beings.

Like all new science, it takes time for new information to migrate to school textbooks, even though this
information is now proven as the new paradigm and has rendered the old Darwinian model, which as
it turns out was never proved in science, obsolete.

This now outdated, but still popularly accepted, belief that we are slaves to our genetic disposition,
could quite possibly be the most disempowering and self-limiting belief ever contributed to us by

“The Biology of Belief”, written by Bruce Lipton Ph.D., offers comprehensive information about this
new science called Epigenetics. Alternatively, you can watch his 1-hour video presentation that can
be found at the below website.

According to this new science, our beliefs affect more than a whopping 95% of our behaviour and

What are Beliefs?

Beliefs are the conclusions we derive from information and/or experience. Our beliefs can be both
conscious and/or subconscious.

A court case jury is a good example of a belief derived from information. In this case, a belief is
formed while listening to evidence and information put forward by the defence and the prosecution.
Even though. Even though they weren’t physically there at the time of the alleged incident, they listen
to the information presented in the present time and draw their own conclusion or belief as to what
happened in the past.     3  

A belief derived from experience, for example, is when a child touches a hot oven door for the first
time. When the pain is experienced, a conclusion or belief then forms about the oven door. From this
moment onwards, the child will have a new belief like “The oven door hurts” or “It’s dangerous for me
to touch the oven door”. This belief will then protect the child from repeating the same mistake.

Beliefs are our Filters for Reality

Our beliefs determine how we see the world. We don’t see the world how it is; we see the world how
we are. Think about when you go to the movies with friends. Even though you see the same pictures
and hear the same dialogue, you experience the movie differently than they do because you are
watching it with different sets of beliefs. We therefore perceive what we are experiencing in different

Beliefs create perceptions that determine our behaviour, decisions and therefore the outcomes in
every area of life including self-esteem, mental health, relationships, money, work, spiritual practice,
physical health and many more.

Are We In Growth or Protection?

Another key principle in the new science of Epigenetics is that we can only be in a state of growth, or
in a state of protection, at any one time. If we are in a state of growth, we are in a state of openness,
and if we are in a state of protection, we are in a state of closure. In other words, we can’t be open to
an experience if we are closed off from it, and conversely, we can’t be closed off from an experience if
we are open to it. This is pretty obvious but perhaps it is something you may not have considered
before in relation to your beliefs. However, it is fundamental when you start to work out which of these
states your beliefs are promoting.

The dictionary defines growth as an increase in quantity over time. This could be a physical growth,
such as improving our body, or an abstract growth, such as becoming more mature. In a state of     4  

growth, it is easy for us to learn new things and to be positive because we are open. When we have
positive, self-supporting subconscious beliefs, this is the state we’re in. It is moving toward something
and flourishing. Maxfield Parishes’ picture called Ecstasy (see below) represents growth and loving

The definition for protection is to shield from injury or harm, defend from attack, invasion, loss,
annoyance, insult, etc. Apart from being an unpleasant way to live, just surviving through life being
scared and hiding behind a shield means that we’re stagnating. In a state of protection, we cower
away, cover our face and put up barricades to protect ourselves. When we have self-limiting and self-
sabotaging beliefs that do not serve us in a positive way, we are in a state of protection. In a state of
protection, we struggle with life and experience life in a negative way. The picture below titled The
Scream could depict someone living in protection.

An everyday example could be a school child who has limiting beliefs about maths, such as, “I don’t
like maths”, “Maths is difficult to understand” and “I’m bad at maths”. It doesn’t matter how bright that
child is. With beliefs like these, they will be in a state of protection and find it very hard to learn and
move ahead in that class. They will be closed to the information.

On the other hand, if the child has the opposite self-supporting beliefs, such as “I love maths”, “Maths
is easy and effortless” and “I’m great at maths”, then these beliefs will support the child with maths.
Learning will become easy and more enjoyable and their marks will improve. They will be open to the

If you could choose, would you like to live in growth or protection?

Our Messages as a Child become our Experiences as Adults

Most people are not aware to the extent that our childhood programming becomes our adult habits of
perception and behaviour. Most of our beliefs are hard-wired before the age of 6. They come courtesy
of our environment.     5  

Just as “I can” messages as a child become “I can” experiences as an adult, “I can’t” messages as a
child become “I can’t” experiences as an adult.

We inherit this early programming primarily from our parents, as we are not even fully conscious at
that age. If our parents had powerful self-supportive beliefs, then we were lucky. However, if our
parents had self-limiting beliefs then, unfortunately, they passed them onto us. Many of the beliefs we
inherited from our parents no longer serve us. In the past, these beliefs would have stayed with us for
the rest of our lives, controlling 98% of our responses and, therefore, our outcomes. This is not their
fault as they inherited them from their parents and this information about beliefs and the process to
identify and change them was not around then. Now, with this information and a simple process, we
can change them.

Do you ever see any of your friends or relatives acting like their parents? The fact is that most of us
do; however, we don’t normally recognise it because it’s happening when we are not conscious of our
behaviour and when our automatic habitual programming takes over.

If we make a list of the negative responses and reactions our parents have to different experiences in
their lives, we will probably find that we repeat most of these in our own life.

If you could learn an easy way to change these beliefs, would you?

“I Can’t” Messages:

o You’ll never amount to anything.

o You’re useless.
o You’re ungrateful.
o You’re stupid.
o No matter how hard you try, it’s never good enough.
o Money doesn’t grow on trees.
o You don’t deserve to succeed.
o No one will ever love you.
o Our family has a history of cancer.

“I Can” Messages:

o You can accomplish anything you choose.

o You are a worthy and valuable person.
o You are intelligent and capable.
o You do your best and your best is good enough.
o You easily attract money into your life and use it wisely.
o You deserve the best in life.
o I love you.
o You are beautiful.
o You are lovely.
o You are talented.     6  

“I Can’t” Messages vs. “I Can” Messages

Habits are Self-Reinforcing Cycles of Beliefs and Perceptions

Bad habits usually bother us quite a bit, when we catch ourselves, as they happen outside our
conscious awareness.

Habits are self-repeating cycles of beliefs and perceptions. Experience shapes perception, creates
beliefs, reinforces perception, shapes experience, reinforces beliefs, etc…

If we learn how to change the belief creating the habit, we can break the cycle and the habit.

Our subconscious mind is the storehouse for our attitudes, values and beliefs. Therefore, it’s easier to
change habits of thoughts and behaviour if we learn how to access it.

Do you have any habits you’d like to change?

Breaking the Habit Cycle

If we can rewrite our beliefs, which are the software of our mind, we can change the printout of our

To do this we need information and tools.     7  

Why Does My Mind have a Mind of Its Own?

Have you ever tried to change your mind, only to find out that your mind has a mind of its own?

Perhaps you experienced this when you promised yourself you’d get healthy, when you made a New
Year's resolution, when you tried to quit smoking, when you said you would stop procrastinating or
when you swore you’d never get involved in another relationship.

Before we can understand the difference between conscious and subconscious beliefs, we need to
understand the difference between our conscious and subconscious minds.

It’s also important to point out that the mind is not the brain. The brain is physical matter that exists as
cells, whereas the mind is energetic and exists beyond the cells.

Our conscious mind is our volitional mind. It judges the past and sets goals for our future. It only
functions when we are holding or processing information in our awareness. It has limited information-
processing capacity (40 bits per second). It can’t deal with more than 3 events at once, and it’s also
where our short-term memory exists.

Our subconscious mind is the primary driver of our body and mind. It only exists in the present
moment and it operates outside of our awareness. Meanwhile, all of our hard-wired beliefs and long-
term memory are stored in our automatic habitual mind.

Our subconscious mind actively monitors our body’s functions and handles most of our decision
making, whether we try to consciously override it or not. It has an expanded processing capacity (40
million bits per second), which is 1 million times more powerful than our conscious mind. It can deal
with thousands of events at once.

Our subconscious beliefs are hard-wired and make up our automatic habitual programming. These
beliefs are working to protect us 24 hours a day, whether we’re consciously aware of them or not.
These subconscious beliefs are the filters or lenses through which all information and experiences
we’re presented with pass through. Working together, our subconscious beliefs define all our
perceptions and then automatically generate our responses and reactions. This all happens
completely below our conscious awareness.

If I have the subconscious belief that “I love people”, “I love talking to people” and “People love me”
when I am walking into a party, I am looking forward to interacting and feeling confident. Alternatively,
if I have the subconscious belief that “I’m afraid of people”, “I communicate poorly” and “People don’t
like me”, then when I am walking into the party, I am scared and all I feel like doing is running away.

Beliefs create perceptions that determine our behaviour, decision-making and therefore outcomes in
every area of life including self-esteem, mental health, relationships, money, work, spiritual practice,
physical health and many more.

What Does this All Mean?

It’s easier to change habits of thoughts and behaviour if we access the subconscious mind because it
is the storehouse for our attitudes, values and beliefs.     8  

How can we communicate with our subconscious if it’s subconscious?

Muscle Testing is an easy and effective way to communicate with the Subconscious Mind because the
subconscious controls motor functions such as muscle movement.

Muscle testing began tens of thousands of years ago, and George Goodhart made it popular in the
1960’s. It uses a very simple, yet effective, biofeedback system. We all have to receive “like or
dislike”, “true or false” and “yes or no” answers from our subconscious mind.

If we follow the muscle-testing tutorial with a partner, we should be able to get clear responses and
then have a tool to start testing the belief statements listed.

There is now complete scientific validation of the mind/body paradigm and muscle testing procedures,
which you will receive in a following email.

What is a Belief Statement?

If we wish to communicate with our subconscious mind and change our hard-wired beliefs, we need to
speak in the language of the subconscious. A belief statement is a goal or a conclusive declaration of
something that we would like to be true in the future. We write it in a specific format that our
subconscious mind can understand. If we don’t speak in the language of the subconscious, then there
is no way that it will be able to understand us and therefore no way that it will be able to create a new
belief. If you were in Japan and wanted to communicate with the Japanese, do you think it might be
helpful to speak their language?

A Belief Statement could fall under the category of affirmation, however, it is a lot more specific in its
structure. It needs to be in the present tense, in the first person, positively stated, literal, short and
emotionally meaningful.

Unfortunately, one of the main reasons that affirmations don’t work for most people, most of the time,
is because they don’t have these specific characteristics.

Following this introduction, there are 14 different categories, which collectively have over 500 generic
sample belief statements that are suitable for communicating and programming in the subconscious

There are some great generic examples of belief statements listed in this book; however, it is also
important to remember that some of the most powerful statements are the ones that we create

The best way for a person, new to the world of beliefs, to use them is to look through and identify
some areas that interest them. Then, using the muscle testing process listed below, test and see if
your subconscious already has the belief by giving a strong response, or whether it doesn’t have the
belief and gives a weak response. This will then start to show you the hard-wired beliefs that have
been running your life since you were a child. It will also show you why your life has been turning out
the way it has for all these years.

Afterwards, if you are curious to learn how to quickly and easily programme these powerful self-
supporting beliefs, you can find out more information on the below website.

If you already understand the change process, then these belief statements are designed to act as
inspiration for you. You can use them as they are or feel free to modify them so they become more
emotionally meaningful.     9  

Needless to say, you can start working through them one at a time, and know that every new positive
belief that you programme is creating a residual benefit for you by upgrading your automatic decision
making, reaction generating and response activating software that controls over 95% of your

Testing Your Subconscious Beliefs

Muscle Testing establishes a convenient communication system with the subconscious mind
and when used properly, it can be an accurate detector of subconscious stress and
subconscious truths. Because the subconscious mind controls motor functions in the body,
such as muscle movement, we can use this "built in" biofeedback mechanism to find out when
the subconscious agrees or disagrees with a given statement.

Please follow this procedure carefully to assure successful communication with the
subconscious. You will need a friend or family member to help you with the Muscle Testing. If
there is no one available at this time, come back to it later when you have a partner to help
you with the Muscle Test.

Remember that you will always feel more confident after having some practice, so don’t worry
if you’re not 100% sure about the results at the beginning. Just be sure to practice and trust
the process. You will be confident in no time at all.

Muscle Testing Procedure

Step 1. As the person facilitating the Muscle Testing...

A. Your partner may select either arm for testing. Stand to the side looking over your partner’s

B. Keep one hand resting lightly on their extended arm between the wrist and elbow. Place your other
hand on their shoulder for stability.

C. Your partner's body should be relaxed, chin parallel to the floor and their eyes open and focused
downward. You need to pay special attention to the eye position at all times.

D. Tell your partner to “Be Strong” just before applying pressure.

E. Apply a gentle but steady pressure for about 2 seconds or until you feel the muscle either “lock in
place” (STRONG Response) or “let go” (WEAK Response). Your partner should resist the downward
pressure. (Avoid “bouncing” the arm.)

Step 2. 
Ask your partner if the pressure you are using is comfortable. Adjust the pressure, e.g. harder
or softer, in order to achieve a clear muscle response.     10  

Step 3. 
Muscle Test a statement you know to be TRUE about yourself and then a statement you know
to be FALSE.

For example, with their arm extended for Muscle Testing, have the person being tested say,
"My name is (insert actual name)" and then immediately Muscle Test. Remember to tell your partner
to "Be Strong" just before you press so they will know when to resist the downward pressure. Note the
response. The response should be STRONG if the statement is TRUE.

Next, have the person being tested say, "My name is (insert fictitious name)" and immediately Muscle
Test. The response should be WEAK if the statement is FALSE.

Once you have tested both TRUE and FALSE statements, ask your partner to let you know if one was
weak and one was strong. This will then create a “do with” environment, rather than a “do to” or “do
on” environment. After they have identified a strong and a weak response, for future testing you
should ask your partner at the end of every test, “Was that STRONG or WEAK?” and let them tell you
the answers.

If you are still uncertain if the muscle response is STRONG or WEAK, practice with some other TRUE
and FALSE statements (e.g. your age, sex, occupation, etc.) until you get clear responses. Like
anything else, Muscle Testing is a skill and may require a little practice. Make sure your partner
repeats it in a short first person, present tense statement.

If you are reasonably comfortable with the Muscle Testing process, select a category below and
choose some belief statements to test. If you test WEAK to any of the beliefs in your chosen category,
you will have discovered a belief that is NOT supported by your subconscious mind and is therefore
limiting your success and happiness in that area of your life.

Why Do We Have Two Hemispheres in Our Brain?

Our brain is like our body’s CPU Chip, and it has both a left and a right hemisphere.

If we wish to learn how to change subconscious beliefs, then it is important to know about their
different functions as integrating them is key to the change process.

Our Left Hemisphere is our logical brain. It is analytical; it thinks in words, parts and is ordered and

Our Right Hemisphere is our emotional brain. It is creative; it thinks in pictures, thinks holistically and
is spontaneous and free.

Integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain are an important part of the change process
as this lowers the resistance of the subconscious mind to accept a new belief.

What are the 3 Myths about Changing Subconscious Beliefs?

Myth #1: If you’ve had a limiting belief for a long time, it will take a long time to change it.

Fact #1: Most of the time, changing subconscious beliefs is like changing a document in a computer. It
doesn't take any longer to change a document that has been in your computer for 30 years than it
does to change one that has been there for 30 minutes.

Myth #2: Changing old behaviours and thought patterns is difficult and often painful.     11  

Fact #2: Thought patterns and behaviours are caused by perception (beliefs). Beliefs are represented
by specific configurations of photons of light held in an electromagnetic field. Change the belief and
you change the behaviour or thought pattern.

Myth #3: You need to consciously know what caused the problem in order to change it.

Fact #3: Becoming consciously aware of the source of the problem is seldom necessary to change
most beliefs or behaviours when dealing with the subconscious mind.

What is the Easy and Fast Way to Change Beliefs that Lasts?

Psych-K is a fun, easy and fast process to programme powerful, self-supporting beliefs with long-
lasting changes. It engages all the resources discussed in this introduction with the addition of our all-
important superconscious to make sure that the change process is safe and appropriate and in our
highest and best interest.

Beyond will power, positive thinking and affirmation, PSYCH-K is a subconscious change process that
is destined to become the mainstream change process for the human race as nothing could be faster,
easier or more effective and it works with everyone.

In just a few minutes, you can use PSYCH-K to programme any of the belief statements listed in this
book with long-lasting change.

To make it easy for you to evaluate and experience PSYCH-K, visit for some
great free resources.

You can experience PSYCH-K facilitation via an inexpensive 15-minute private phone session. For a
more thorough learning experience, try our fun, interactive 2-day workshop.

Our Beliefs Determine the Limits of What We Can Achieve!

Or, as Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’t…you’re right.”


I am so healthy. I enjoy perfect health of mind, body and spirit

every day.
I am responsible for my health.
I trust _________ (God of your Understanding)
Healthy people are magnetically drawn to me. with my health

I radiate with perfect health and wellness. I always include exercise in my plan for health.

I love eating a healthy, balanced diet. I love exercising

I take such good care of myself. Exercising is easy and effortless for me

I thank _________ (God of your I am a physical being and need physical

Understanding) for my health. exercise.     12  

My life is balanced and harmonized. I attract only emotionally healthy people.

I am emotionally healthy. I accept compliments easily.

I love my body I am strong.

I am so happy and comfortable in my own I have unlimited stamina.

I’m so grateful that I’m so healthy.
My body treats me so well.
My life is so healthy.
I am lucky to have the body that I have.
I have the perfect shape for me.
I’m lucky to have the face that I have
I enjoy peace of mind and fulfillment every day.
I look at my body with eyes of love.
I celebrate my health today.
My body is a gift from _________ (God of your
Understanding). I am so grateful for being so healthy.

I only see beauty when I look in the mirror. I am so grateful for my healthy life and
_________ (God of your Understanding)
created such beauty in me. I am so trim, firm, and healthy.

I treat my body with such love, respect and I give thanks for my abundant health.
I am so emotionally, physically, financially, and
I graciously accept compliments from other spiritually healthy today and every day of my
people. wonderful life.


When I make a difference my life expands I am always increasing my chances of

I access all my assets
I hear everything when someone is talking to
I’m a success me.

It’s safe for me to be a success and I am. I am an excellent listener.

It’s safe to keep my head held high and I do. I try my hardest with everything I do.

I only do good things. I am fully supported by everyone I know.

I have unlimited potential I make all my own choices.

I can do whatever I want. I’m a winner.

It’s easy for me to be successful. I am super-confident.

I am proud of all I am. I’m irresistibly handsome/beautiful

I have unlimited options. My father is proud of me.

I am a huge success. My mother is proud of me.     13  

My family is proud of me. I only need me to be successful.

I’m highly motivated. It's the beginning of life.

I’m deeply appreciative. I’m a strong person.

I do what I think is best.


Money flows to me in avalanches of I am so rich and richly blessed.

I always have enough money.
I have enough money
My credit is so strong and healthy.
I give money
Money is no object.
I fill the buckets of those around me
I have more than enough money.
I appreciate and value people’s divinity
I have so much worth and value.
I have sufficient money
Money comes to me so easily.
Money is like water
I am worth having a positive net worth.
Money is a currency of love
My income always exceeds my expenses.
Money is a conduit for commitment
I allow myself to be rich and happy.
Money moves to my highest commitments
It is ok for me to have lots of money.
What I appreciate appreciates in value
I use my life of abundance to enrich the lives of
Collaboration creates prosperity others.

Because I have enough I am truly abundant I enjoy finding new and creative ways to share
my abundance.
True abundance flows from enough
I am so happy being wealthy.
Money carries my intention
_________ (God of your Understanding)
I use money with integrity blesses me so much for my work.

I am responsible for how my money moves My investments pay off so richly now that I
seek sound advice.
My soul informs my money
I invest, tithe and spend in balance.
There is plenty of everything I need in my life
Money is so magnetised to me
My money expresses my soul
I give myself permission to be wildly, happily
I know the flow of money.
Money is my friend.
My wealth grows in perfect proportion, both
When I appreciate money it appreciates financial and spiritual.     14  

I am a happy, sharing, caring money magnet. I work smart.

I enjoy the benefits I bring to others through Money grows on trees and I have an unlimited
my true abundance. supply.

I am wonderfully wealthy and deeply spiritual It’s ok to have nice things.

at the same time
I contribute my money with to society.
I am worth being wealthy.
It’s ok to talk about money
I happily accept wealth and gratefully tithe.
There is enough money for me to have more
It is so easy to talk about money to my spouse. than I need.

I only use the words like rich, abundant, I can afford anything I want in life.
wealthy and I can afford it.
I can do anything I want in life.
_________ (God of your Understanding) has
given me the power to obtain great wealth. I can afford every luxury.

My credit is finally being repaired. I can afford anything.

Money is such a wonderful gift to me. I deserve a beautiful car.

I teach my children the fine art of giving and I am extremely rich.

receiving with grace.
I am incredibly wealthy.
I trust that _________ (God of your
It’s so easy to make money.
Understanding) always provides.
It is really easy for me to make lots of money.
I thankfully ask and abundantly receive.
I have a good life and live it to the fullest.
Abundance is attracted to me.
I deserve to be rich.
I am so rich.
I can afford anything I want.
Money loves being with me.
Money makes me happy.
It is so easy to express my spirituality by being
so financially abundant. I have lots of money.

I always have more than enough money. I have more money than I will ever need.

I am wealthy. I don't spend any money on myself.

Life is so easy and effortless. I spend lots of money on myself.

I enjoy all life’s pleasures. Life is so easy for me.

I make money easily and effortlessly. I love money.

My enjoyment of life is a higher priority than I understand money.

I’m a masterful manager of money.
I work to live and enjoy the rest of my life to the
fullest. I’m an irresistible magnet for money.     15  


I gratefully accept every good thing that comes I am exactly who I’m supposed to be.
my way today.
It is okay to like and love myself.
I am magnetically attractive to the best, most
loving and wonderful people on Earth. I am safe to succeed.

I look in the mirror and see that I am enough. People enjoy being around me.

I accept compliments so graciously and easily. I feel confident sharing my talents with the
Leaders are attracted and magnetized to me
People value and appreciate me.
I seek and see only the best in life.
_________ (God of your Understanding)
I am so comfortable in my own skin. created perfection in me.

_________ (God of your Understanding) I am _________ (God of your Understanding).

created such beauty in and as me.
I am so respected by my friends, family and
I am so comfortable being me. colleagues.

I am more than enough; therefore I attract I am part of Divine Intelligence.

more than enough.
I put my trust in _________ (God of your
I am so confident. Understanding).

My physical energy and emotional vibrancy is I am loved.

always 10 out of 10.
I am cherished.
My personal truth is present, enthusiastic and
bold. I am loved so easily and so much

My social truth is caring Inspired and engaged. People love helping me reach my goals.

I live my life’s purpose every day. I seize opportunities.

I live with a sustained level of energy and I am one with Divinity

I am a Divine being having a human
I easily see my own worth and value. experience

I am respected in my work and my life. I am one with nature

I am so calm and confident. I am one with my friends

I am enough. I am one with my family

I am so loving and capable. I am allowed to be, do and have all that I really
want and need in this life.
I have so much natural ability.

I am always in the right place at the right time

doing the right thing.     16  


I am so successful. I am at peace with success.

I am so confident in my work. I am fundamentally unstoppable.

I can get what I want. My foot is on the accelerator.

I am always doing the right thing at the right My career is growing beyond my wildest
time with the right people. dreams.

Opportunity comes to me so easily and so I love what I do and do what I love.

My goals are coming to me as fast as I’m
I take full advantage of every opportunity that coming to them.
comes my way.
I am so clear about my vision for success.
I am so rich and so richly blessed.
I always act with integrity?
I do what I love, and get wonderfully paid for
doing it. I give myself permission to succeed.

My work is supremely satisfying to me. I am safe to take risks at work.

I am so lucky to be doing the work I do. I am secure in my work.

I love expressing my self and being well paid I have the courage to do what I love and ask
for doing it. for what I’m worth.

I am valuable to people. I love to win and prosper.

I love what I do. I feel comfortable asking for the sale.

I have the courage to do what I love and ask I am safe to succeed.

for the money I’m worth.
I am good enough to succeed and win.
I have so much.
I am so appreciated for the work I do.
I have more than enough.
My talents are recognized and well
Having what I want helps others get what they compensated at work.
I allow myself to be more successful than I
I visualise my goals so vividly. ever dreamed.

I let myself live the life of my dreams.


I enjoy healthy, happy, giving and peaceful I love unconditionally.

I always give love a chance.
My love life is so fulfilling.
I unconditionally love myself
It is easy for me to ask for and accept the love
I really need. I am loved by everyone who knows me     17  

I am loved by everyone I meet I reinforce that my spouse/partner is more than
enough for me just as they are.
Love finally came to me and stayed.
My spouse/partner is so passionate about me
I make myself so loveable.
Our love is an extension of _________ (God of
I am safe to love and be loved. your Understanding) love.

I love purely. Love is so easy for me.

I have such a passion. My relationships are so fun.

My partner is so wonderful. I have a sense of humor when dealing with my

partner’s little slip-ups.
I am supportive of my partner.
I do not expect my partner to be perfect.
I catch my partner doing something right every
day and tell them I noticed. Love is easy for me to let in.

I easily and gratefully let go of the past. My life is so filled with Love.

_________ (God of your Understanding) I am so loved for being Who I Really Am.
wants me to love again?
My soulmate is right here right now.
My relationships are precious gifts from
_________ (God of your Understanding). I am an expression of _________ (God of your
Understanding)’s Love here on earth.
I am a faithful partner.
I have permission to love.
I am so forgiving.
I am love.
I can love again.
I love love.
I respect my spouse/partner.

I appreciate all that my spouse/partner does

and is.


People see the wonderful person I really am. I am always rewarded when I give from the
My friends tell me the truth about me.
I enjoy incredible, rich relationships with
I have so many loving mirrors. wonderful people.

I find something to love in everyone I meet I have so many wonderful friends.

I am so supportive of my children. The most fun, successful people on Earth are

attracted to me.
I support my friends unconditionally.
I can count on my friends to be there when I
I catch people doing something right every
need them.
People are so generous with me.     18  

I am so generous with others. I take responsibility for my life once and for all.

Such great people are so magnetically I strive to enrich the lives of all I touch in a
attracted to me. positive way.

I listen attentively to my friends’ needs. I am a Loving Mirror to my family and friends.

I allow my children to make mistakes.
I have such a strong support network.
My children accept and love me just the way I
My family is so loving. am.

We forgive one another. I support my children’s’ efforts in school and

My family is understanding and supportive of
me and what I’m doing. I am so lucky in relationships.

My family strives to understand me. My relationships are a reflection of _________

(God of your Understanding)’s Love.
I strive to understand them.
I am so rich and so richly blessed in all that I
I love my family, warts and all.
am and all I experience on Earth.


My life is so peaceful every day of my wonder- I let myself win.

full life.
I have Permission to Succeed.
Peace manifests as my world now.
I finally achieved Peace.
Those who create peace so much stronger
than those who wish to destroy. I let go of irrational beliefs and allow myself to
be happy.
I am greater than my fears.
_________ (God of your Understanding) is
There is only confidence with _________ (God always with me.
of your Understanding).
I am confident and self-assured.
Peace won in me.
I love…(what you fear: speaking in public,
People see the wonderful person I really am. rejection, etc.).

I am loved so easily and so much. I love my critics.

People are so friendly and helpful to me and I am peace.

those I love.
I am good, strong, and capable to handle this.
So many wonderful people love me.
I am valuable to people.
Loneliness is an illusion and gone forever.
I demonstrate and manifest Peace in, and
Every day is filled with pleasure and peace. through me every day of my wonder-filled life.

I so easily and gratefully let go of past hurts. _________ (God of your Understanding) takes
such great care of me.
Why do I let myself win?     19  

I am so confident and relaxed. I am so protected.

I am so safe. I say “next” when someone says “no”.

Peace is All That Is. I am safe to _____________.(Your Fear)

I am so peaceful. Everything worked out perfectly.

I allow _________ (God of your _________ (God of your Understanding) is in

Understanding) to fill my life with calm. charge, so I am safe.

I am enough as I am I feel good sharing my talents with the world.

I am strong enough in my mind, body and soul I love making sales/opportunity calls.
to do anything.
I get to serve others through my
I am invincible. products/services/ideas.

I have the Power of Infinite Intelligence in me. Lack is the only thing that’s not real.

I forgive and let go so easily. I am completely protected in _________ (God

of your Understanding).
I am so confident.
Fear stands for “feel everything and relax.”
I know everything will turn out great.


I am in control of my life now. I love myself.

I find it easy to throw away things I don’t really _________ (God of your Understanding) loves
need. me too.

I love having a clutter-free home. I turn to _________ (God of your

Understanding) for love.
I finally stopped __________________ (the
bad habit) My life is in such perfect balance, order and
harmony right now.
I am finally free.
Addiction is no longer a part of my life.
I am finally clean and sober.
I am so happy being free.
I am already so loved.
I love being so healthy and happy.
I feed my body properly.
I go to my friends) for love, instead of
My life is in perfect balance and harmony. something that hurts me.

I stopped trying to be perfect. I am the master of my feelings.

I see and treat my body as a temple. I allow myself to eat properly.

I have control of my emotions. I am so fulfilled and happy.

I am finally free from addiction. I appreciate myself as I do my friends.     20  

I do what I need to do when it needs to get I have such inner and outer strength through
done. the power of _________ (God of your
I turn to _________ (God of your
Understanding) for my strength. _________ (God of your Understanding) leads
me to the perfect help I need.
I know that with _________ (God of your
Understanding), all things are possible. _________ (God of your Understanding)
always finds a way for me to win.
Why do I always trust in the Power within me?
_________ (God of your Understanding) loves
I am stronger with _________ (God of your me, no matter what.
I am safe in _________ (God of your
I always trust in the Power within me. Understanding)’s hands.


My life is so perfect and so perfectly wonder- I am always in the right place at the right time,
full. being the right person.

It is so easy and ok for me to have, do and be I ask for and accept miracles.
anything I want
I give and receive in such joyful abundance.
I am so grateful to be me.
I have a strong spiritual center.
Love manifests as my life now.
I bask in _________ (God of your
Happiness is who I really am. Understanding)’s love today.

_________ (God of your Understanding) is so _________ (God of your Understanding) is as

happy with me. close as my next breath.

Life is so fulfilling for me. I am always taken care of.

I am enchanting. _________ (God of your Understanding)

provides everything I need today.
I live by the Golden Rule.
I am abundantly provided for.
I always choose to be a good steward.
I am right where I should be in life.
I enjoy _________ (God of your
Understanding)’s love today. I find comfort knowing _________ (God of your
Understanding) is right here.
My life is filled with light, love, marvelous
people and fun times. I asked the right questions to manifest the
perfect partner for me.
I am so connected to _________ (God of your
Understanding). My life is such a gift.

_________ (God of your Understanding) I have many gifts to share with the world.
always takes such perfect care of me.
I get to enjoy all of _________ (God of your
I can do anything with _________ (God of your Understanding)’s gifts today.
Understanding)’s help.     21  

So many miracles come true for me today. My life is such a miracle.

So many miracles have always happened in I ask _________ (God of your Understanding)
my life. for miracles, knowing they’ve already
I have much to give.


I am so happy. Such wonderful people are so attracted to me.

I am so lucky I have the best family in the world.

The good times are here and now and here to I let the dead bury their dead.
I am so supportive of my family.
I am delighted to be me every day of my life.
I stopped trying to change people.
Love is all that really matters.
I allow people to be who they are and love
I forgive myself. them no matter what.

I am finally free, at last. I praise my family so easily and sincerely.

I am blessed. I catch my children/spouse/partner, etc. doing

something right at least twice a day.
Life is such a miracle.
I am so grateful for my life.
I am so confident and happy.
I am so grateful for all that I am and all that I
I have enough time, money and energy to do have today.
all that I want.
I allow people to make mistakes and still love
I am so lucky to be me. them.

I seek first to love, and know understanding It is a sign of strength and ok, to say, “I was
will follow. wrong”.

My family life expresses Love. I thank _________ (God of your

Understanding) for the gifts of my life every
I enjoy such balance and harmony in my life.
I so easily let go of the past.
I allow myself to succeed, be wealthy, and be
I accept and love the people in my life just the blissfully happy – today and always.
way they are.

It is more important for me to be happy than to

be right.

My family life is healthy and happy.     22  


I deeply appreciate and respect school as an I am academically successful.

important part of my development.
I love doing homework.
I connect every subject to something I really
value, giving myself a real reason to excel. I have all the time and knowledge to pass
every exam.
I love the whole idea of school and what it
contributes to my life. I am organised, hard working, creative and
School is an incredible opportunity for growth
for me. I complete this term easily and successfully.

I am loved by all. I appreciate and respect all my teachers as

I am successful.
I enjoy waking up and going to school.
I achieve all my goals.
I enjoy talking in front of the class.
I achieve the best results possible in all my
subjects I am so proud of my improvements in every
area of school.
I study and comprehend fast.
I make all A’s
I am an intelligent person
I change my beliefs to improve my perception
I enjoy learning in the classroom every time I have a challenge

Education is a gift that I value. School is easy for me.

Teachers are there to serve me as my I ace all my exams effortlessly.

I always give myself time to prepare for
I make the most of my teachers and use them exams.
to their fullest potential.
I am a straight A student.
I request help immediately every time I need
help understanding. I passed all my exams with flying colors.

I pride myself on asking lots of good questions I get A’s in all my classes.
in class.
I am proud of my school.
I help my classmates at every available
My classmates respect and support me.
I support and help my classmates wherever
I provide value to my classmates wherever
I enjoy doing my best in school and getting
Books are my friends.
good grades.
I have excellent comprehension.
I multitask and focus at will.
I love studying.
I am the embodiment of flow.
I have excellent self-discipline
I get love studying and learning.     23  

_________ (Subject) is easy and effortless for I support _________ (Classmate) and respect
me. that they have their own issues.

I respect _________ (Teacher) and know they School is easy and effortless for me
are doing their best.


I am a champion

I am a true sportsperson.

I was born to play sports.

I am a natural sportsperson.

Competition is in my blood.

All conditions are perfect for me.

I have no limits.

I am one with the club and the ball and i direct

them both with perfect precision.

I relax and play every shot effortlessly with

complete ease.

I am a natural golfer.

I am a masterful golfer.

I have a deep sense of golf and reading


I play every shot with natural ability.

I am an unstoppable force

I am success

I crush my competition

I live for golf

I was made to golf

I will win this day

My will is stronger than any force in this world.

I am able.

I perform golf to the best of my abilities each

day!     24      25  

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