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English Plan – Term 2B Week 6

Year Group: 2 Term: 2 Subject: English SCF: Collaboration/team Unit/week Objective: Planning and writing Day Whole class learning Differentiated learning
work. Environmental a newspaper report about a real event. (review, teach, practise, apply, review and
Class: Marie Curie w/b: 18th Unit: awareness. National Curric Link : Writing reports about evaluate)
March 2018 Writing reports UAE Links: Dinsosaurs real events. Plan before writing. RESOURCES: iPads, pre-prepared questions Challenge: T
about real fossils found in the local Encapsulate ideas sentence by sentence. VOCAB: interview, reporter, quotes, verbatim, Group work
events. environment. Proof-read to check for errors. L2 HOTS: Why is it good to have quotes in TA
Day Whole class learning Differentiated learning newspaper reports? Why do reporters get into Using the iPads, chn listen to
(review, teach, practise, apply, review and evaluate) trouble if they make up what people have said? recording of interview and make Ind
RESOURCES: newspapers, pre-prepared newspaper reports, Challenge: Write at least 5 or 6 T What would make a good quote? notes on what was said. Choose
VOCAB: reporter, newspaper, report, chronological, quote, non- questions for the interview Lo – to use questioning techniques to gather quotes that can used in newspaper
L1 fiction using capital letters and TA information for a newspaper report and record Core: report and write word for word T
HOTS: What are newspapers used for? What other ways can we question marks. Chn need to the information in a meaningful way. what was said.
find out about what is going on in the world? What job does a think carefully about the Ind TA
reporter have? questions to ensure they get SC:
**1 hour lesson best information for their  ask questions that add context to a Ind
Lo – identify some features of a newspaper report and write questions newspaper report. For this newspaper report
using capital letters and question marks to obtain information for the Support: T
group, chn should be able to  take notes following an interview
report. be more specific about why  record a quote using speech marks
they are asking certain TA
SC Ind
questions and in what way
 know the purpose of a newspaper report
the information will be Using the questions chosen from L1, hold a Individual: T
 Discuss features of a newspaper report
 Ask questions that will give information that can be written into
useful for their report. T to short interview either with Mrs Mansbridge or
a newspaper report assess their understanding Mr Thomas. Put chn into groups of 4 or 5
during activity. before the interview and elect a team leader
Start by sending chn into small mixed ability groups to look at real Core: Write at least 3-4 questions T who will record the interview on an iPad to go
newspapers. After a few mins bring to carpet and ask them what do they for the interview using through when back in classroom so quotes can
notice about newspaper reports? How are they written? What features do capital letters and question TA be written.
they have? This week you are going to be reporters! marks. Chn need to think When back in class, demonstrate how speech
carefully about the questions Ind marks are used for quotes.
Explain that we will be writing a report about out Dinosaur fossil find and
to ensure they get best
we will interview a special guest – either Mrs Mansbridge or Mr Thomas.
information for their Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate,
On the IWB have a pre-prepared newspaper report, Discuss the text type
with children; what do they notice about the layout? Discuss the headline; newspaper report. demonstrate, address mis-conceptions) TA
what is it for? What does it look like? Support: As a group, chn think of T Choose a “Quote of the day” – how could this
questions and TLA helps be displayed in your newspaper report? Ind
Shared reading; together, decode and read the news report. Use context them to build the sentence, TA Eg picture of Mr Thomas looking shocked and
and sounds for challenging words. hold the sentence and write Ind underneath in large bold writing “It was the
the sentence using capital biggest surprise of my life” says shocked and
Reading; in pairs or individually, children read (differentiated) newspaper letters and question marks. surprised Year Leader.
reports and decide which well-known story event it is reporting on.
Individual: Rafeeah Stu
Encourage her offer ideas for ent
 Headline
questions and ensure she tea
 Punctuation
 What the story is about
keeps up with the rest of the che
 Witnesses (things people say who saw the event) group when writing out r
Bring class back to carpet and discuss the witness reports. Why is it
important to have quotes in a newspaper report? What questions would
we ask Mrs Mansbridge or Mr Thomas about our epic fossil find?

Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate, demonstrate, address mis-

Go through some of the questions and as a class, decide on the best
questions to ask our special guest.
Day Whole class learning Differentiated learning Day Whole class learning Differentiated learning
(review, teach, practise, apply, review and evaluate) (review, teach, practise, apply, review and
RESOURCES: report skeleton on FC Challenge: Children will use skeleton plan idea T evaluate)
VOCAB: reporter, newspaper, report, chronological, (leave blank skeleton on board) to RESOURCES: graphic organiser for LA, pre-cut Challenge: Using their plan, children write their T
L3 quote, non-fiction, alliteration create their own plan for TA organisers for MA newspaper report, setting out their
HOTS: Why should our newspaper report be exciting? newspaper report. Once finished L4 VOCAB: reporter, newspaper, report, deadline, report on a sheet of A4 paper. Use TA
Why have big headlines? What other event in Brighton they can plan their ideas for the Ind chronological, quote, non-fiction ideas for layout from yesterday’s
College would make a good newspaper report? layout of their final report on A4 HOTS: Why should reporters stick to a deadline? lesson. Encourage use of vocabulary Ind
Lo – To plan a newspaper report focussing on exciting paper using real newspapers and Lo – Write a newspaper report about an exciting that grabs the reader’s attention.
events and creating a headline that grabs the reader’s the example reports from L1. event that grabs the reader’s attention. Make thesauruses available to up-
attention. Core: Children will use skeleton plan idea T level choice of words used.
(leave blank skeleton on board) to SC: Core: Chn will be given pre-cut text boxes T
SC: create their own plan for TA  re-read my work making sure that it with lines, heading boxes and
 Plan a newspaper report using a skeleton newspaper report. Supported by makes sense. picture holders to paste onto a TA
 Include most features of a newspaper report in TLA – ensure Haya, Tahnoon and Ind  use capital letters and question marks blank sheet of A4 (so they can
a plan Freddie understand activity and  use my RWInc sounds to help spelling layout the page the way they want Ind
 Create a headline that grabs attention maintain focus.  use neatest handwriting. it but with some graphics to guide
Support: Supported by T, chn will create a T them). Write newspaper report
Explain that Miss Parry will choose some of the plan for a newspaper report as a Explain that today we need to write our news using their plan. Can they use
newspaper reports to put in the Falcon. group on sugar paper. They can TA reports for the fossil discovery – tomorrow is the adjectives to build excitement in
write each stage onto post-it notes Ind deadline! That means by ***day, your report the report?
Show children a planning skeleton: Headline, What is the and stick them onto the needs to be sent to the editor of the Falcon (Miss Support: Chn will be given a graphic T
exciting event (your opening sentence)? Where did it appropriate bubble. Parry) ready to be put in. organiser to guide them. Using the
happen? When did it happen? What happened? Why did Individual: T plan created in the previous lesson, TA
it happen? What did the witnesses say (Kelly or Sam). Sofia M working with LSA. MTYT – TTYP what do you remember about how to write chn will write their own sentences Ind
ask Sofia for her ideas and scribe a news report? Share ideas as a class. Draw out describing the exciting event.
Teacher models how to complete the planning skeleton. first one in bubble, then ask her to the facts that we begin with an exciting event, Individual: T
write her next one and so on. then write facts about what happened. Do we TLA to help Sofia M “build a
Discuss headline – can chn use alliteration? need any story language? No! You are reporters, sentence and hold the sentence”
reporting the facts. before writing.

Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate, Shared writing – using the plan we created
demonstrate, address mis-conceptions) TA yesterday as a class, write a short news report
Refer to Challenge group’s ideas for layout of the final about the fossil find. Encourage children to think
report. Discuss what makes a good layout for a report. Ind
of the sentences and help to sound out/write
words. Could we use a connective to make our
sentence longer? What punctuation do we need?
How could we make it sound really exciting for
the readers?
Mini plenary/plenary: (review, consolidate,
demonstrate, address mis-conceptions) TA
Share your report with a buddy and peer assess
using green and pink coloured pencils. Ind

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