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agricultural water management 84 (2006) 147–152

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Cadmium in soil–rice system and health risk associated

with the use of untreated mining wastewater for
irrigation in Lechang, China

Q.W. Yang a, C.Y. Lan b, H.B. Wang b, P. Zhuang b, W.S. Shu b,*
Department of Resource and Environmental Sciences, School of River & Sea Architectural Engineering,
Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, PR China
School of Life Sciences and State Key Laboratory of Bio-control, Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University, Guangzhou 510275, PR China

article info abstract

Article history: Using untreated mining wastewater to irrigate paddy field around Lechang lead/zinc mine in
Accepted 15 January 2006 the upper Wu Jiang River basin, Guangdong Province, southern China, caused cadmium
Published on line 9 March 2006 transport onto paddy soils and crop contamination. This study characterized Cd concen-
tration in soil–rice system irrigated with the wastewater mentioned above and evaluated
Keywords: potential ecotoxicological hazardous risk to humans and animals. All soil and plant samples
Cadmium were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS; Model 3030, Perkin-Elmer,
China USA). The results showed that all soil samples were extremely contaminated by cadmium,
I-geo soil Cd occurred primarily in the residual fraction. Using synthetic stomach fluid simulating
Health risk gastrointestinal condition, result showed that 28.4% of the total soil cadmium concentration
Paddy soil would be ingested in human/animal gastrointestinal tract. Mean Cd concentrations in plant
Oryza sativa L. tissues (DW) ranged from 0.24 (unpolished rice) to 8.21 mg g1 (root). Dietary intake of
cadmium through contaminated rice consumption was calculated to be 2.2 and 1.5 mg kg1
body weigh per day for a 60-kg adult and 40-kg child, respectively. The values were much
higher than the provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI; 1 mg kg1 body weight by FAO/WHO in
1989). Present results indicated that the paddy soil–rice system irrigated with untreated
mining wastewater in Lechang lead/zinc mine area was heavily contaminated by Cd
and would pose a human/animal health risk through Cd mobility in the food chain. Therefore,
local mine wastewater should be decontaminated before being irrigated to surrounding
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nated food and water posed severe foodborne illness for several
hundred millions of humans in the world (WHO, 2004). With
As a great concern, water and soil contamination by heavy increasing improvements of economy and living levels, the
metals from various mining activities in the upper Wu Jiang demand for ‘food safety’ is increasing. However, heavy metal
River basin is not well documented. It is well known that heavy contamination in agricultural soils has increased due to
metal, such as cadmium (Cd), in agricultural soils may influence disposal of sewage sludge and municipal wastes, irrigation
crop yield and quality. Consumption of heavy metal contami- with industrial wastewater, and precipitation of air pollutants

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 20 8403 6296; fax: +86 20 8411 3652.
E-mail address: (W.S. Shu).
0378-3774/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 agricultural water management 84 (2006) 147–152

(MacNicol and Beckett, 1985; Jinadasa et al., 1997). As a well- and 40 rice (just from plots 2 to 5 and 10 from each plot) samples.
known toxic element, cadmium is nonessential and poisonous Note that there was no any crop in plots 1 and 6. Plot distance
for plant, animal and human (Gupta and Gupta, 1998). Elevated from the inlet is clearly plotted in Fig. 1. Each soil sample (about
Cd in soils may compromise soil productivity, and inhibit vital 1 kg) was taken from the plough layer (0–20 cm) and each rice
plant processes (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992). plant sample was collected from the corresponding soil-
Rice (Oryza sativa L.), as a primary cereal crop in China, sampling site. Aerial parts of rice plant were sampled using
contributes to about 40% of the national grain yield. The yield stainless steel scissors, roots were scooped up using a stainless
of about 200 million tonnes per year and sowing area of around steel shovel within a cylinder of approximately 20 cm in
30 million ha per year since 1995 rank the first and the second diameter and in depth. Plant samples were washed with tap
in the world, respectively (Hu et al., 2002). In addition, rice is a water to remove adhered soil. Ten random samples of paddy
major staple for more than 60% of the population of China soil were also collected from control area about 2 km away from
(Ying, 1997). There are 20 million ha accounting for about 20% the study area and without the use of the mining wastewater
of total area under cultivation contaminated by heavy metals (Yang et al., 2003). Soil sampling in background area was also
from various human activities in China (Chang and Shi, 2001) collected and analyzed by Xu and Liu (1996).
and about 1700,000 ha of farmland contaminated by heavy Soil samples were air-dried, pulverized and passed through
metals released from local mining activities in northern 60 mesh sieve. All samples of rice plants were washed with
Guangdong Province of China (Shu, 1997), which accounted for deionized water to remove soil particles or dusts adhering to the
7.3% of the total cultivated land in this area. Thus, heavy metal plant surface. Aerial parts were separated into straw, stalk, hull,
such as Cd in rice production may cause potential long-term grain with hull, and grain without hull (namely, unpolished
health risk through rice consumption. The objectives of this rice). All aerial parts and roots were oven-dried at 70 8C for 72 h,
study were to examine Cd contaminations in paddy soil–rice then ground in a stainless steel mill to fine powder.
plant system influenced by mining activities, and to evaluate
the potential ecotoxicological hazardous risk to local animal 2.3. Chemical analysis
and human from ingestion.
Total soil Cd was measured by the method from McGrath and
Cunliffe (1985). DTPA-extractable soil Cd was extracted using
2. Materials and methods DTPA solution introduced by Lindsay and Norvell (1978).
Exchangeable, carbonate, Fe/Mn oxides, organic and residual
2.1. Study area description form of Cd in soils was determined by a sequential extraction
procedure described by Tessier et al. (1979), and the likely post-
Lechang lead/zinc mine (248400 N, 1138200 E) is located in north- ingestion bioavailability of soil Cd in human/animal gastro-
ern Guangdong Province, southern China (Fig. 1). This mine area intestinal tract was examined by a simple bioavailability
has a humid subtropical climate with a long-term average extraction test (SBET), which using synthetic stomach fluid. A
annual temperature of 19.6 8C and an average annual precipita- detailed description of this program has been published
tion of 1522 mm. The major ore minerals are sphalerite (ZnS elsewhere (Kim et al., 2002). Plant samples were digested with
with some cadmium, iron and manganese), galena (PbS), pyrite concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 (5:1, v/v). Cadmium in all
(FeS2) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2). As a conventional under- extracts was analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophot-
ground operation, this ore mine was opened in 1959 and is still ometer (AAS; Model 3030, Perkin-Elmer, USA). Quality control
in operation with a cover area of 1.5 km2 and produces of was assured by the use of reagent blanks, duplicates and
250,000 tonnes of waste rocks and 30,000 tonnes of tailings standard reference material (NIST SRM 2709).
occupying respective 8300 and 60,000 m2 (Shu et al., 2001). Most
of the dumping area is bare and lacks vegetation cover. 2.4. Soil Cd pollution assessment
Therefore, the surrounding farmlands, including the present
study area involving six adjacent rectangle paddy fields and Soil Cd pollution severity was assessed by the geo-accumula-
covering an area of 0.8 ha (Fig. 1), were seriously affected by the tion index (I-geo;) using the following equation (Muller, 1969;
continuing usage of untreated black mining wastewater lifted Ntekim et al., 1993):
from mines and filtrated from tailings for irrigation all year  
around. Both polluted and unpolluted soils in the study area are I-geo ¼ log2 ;
the same zonal soil, i.e., red soil, with pH value of 4.38 and
33.8 g organic matter (O.M.) kg1 for unpolluted (Xu and Liu, where Cn is the measured total concentration in soils, Bn the
1996) and 7.46 (pH) and 12.4 g O.M. kg1 for polluted soils (Yang background value (0.03 mg Cd kg1 in this case; Xu and Liu,
et al., 2003), respectively. In the study area, rice plant has been 1996) and 1.5 is the correction factor compensating the back-
grown continuously on these soils since 1959 when the mine ground data due to lithogenic effects. The I-geo is classified
opened. Rice plant is submerged with the polluted water into seven grades: 0 (class 0) indicates the uncontaminated
occasionally during growing season. stage; 0–1 (class 1) shows the uncontaminated to moderately
contaminated; 1–2 (class 2) the moderately contaminated, 2–3
2.2. Soil and plant sampling and preparation (class 3) the moderately to strongly contaminated; 3–4 (class 4)
the strongly contaminated; 4–5 (class 5) the strongly to extre-
As presented in Fig. 1, at harvest, six adjacent rectangle paddy mely contaminated; and 5–10 (class 6) the extremely contami-
fields were selected for collection of 60 soil (10 from each plot) nated (Muller, 1969; Ntekim et al., 1993).
agricultural water management 84 (2006) 147–152 149

Fig. 1 – Sampling location map of the study area.

study paddy field, was 21 mg g1. The comparison suggested

3. Results and discussion that Cd contamination in study soils was originated from the
use of untreated mining wastewater for irrigation and not
3.1. Total and bioavailable cadmium in contaminated from the geochemical baseline. According to the regression
paddy soil model (Fig. 2), cadmium concentration of soil decreased
significantly with distance from the inlet, which suggested a
Although not generally well correlated with metal mobility necessity for precipitation of the mining wastewater contain-
and bioavailability data, total soil metals can be used to ing toxic heavy metals before use for vegetables and crop
estimate the degree of soil exposure to heavy metal pollution plants. The value of I-geo ranged from 5.5 to 9.4 (Fig. 3) which
(Kuo et al., 1983). As shown in Table 1, the lowest Cd indicated that all the 60 soil samples were in I-geo class 6 and
concentration (2.01 mg g1) at one point in plot 6 was 67 times thus the paddy soils were extremely contaminated by Cd from
higher than the local background value (0.03 mg g1; Xu and the mining wastewater.
Liu, 1996), and the highest one (29.68 mg g1) at one point in The amount extracted by a chelating agent like DTPA is
plot 2 was 9.9 times higher than the critical level referring to considered to be the plant-available portion (Baker, 1990).
the presence of toxic effects above the concentration in soils Mean percentage of DTPA-extractable Cd in soils of local
(3.0 mg g1; Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992). tailings (TS), the present study paddy soils (PS) and local
Total Cd concentration in different plots ranged from natural soils (NS) is TS (3.5%; Shu et al., 2001) < PS (4.4%;
6.59 mg g1 (plot 6) to 17.97 mg g1 (plot 2) (Fig. 2), and the lowest Table 1) < NS (10.8%;Ye et al., 2002), while total Cd is NS
and the highest average concentrations of Cd were about 7.0 (1.2 mg g1;Ye et al., 2002) < PS (13.59 mg g1; Table 1) < TS
times and 19.1 times higher than the average (0.94 mg g1; (21 mg g1; Shu et al., 2001). This may be due to pH, O.M. and
Yang et al., 2003) in the control paddy soils, respectively. other soil conditions (Harter, 1983; Berrow and Burridge, 1991;
According to Shu et al. (2001), mean Cd concentration in local Salomons and Stigliani, 1995; Manz et al., 1999). Although
Pb/Zn mine tailings, from which filtrate containing toxic heavy absolute DTPA-Cd concentrations (0.39–1.28 mg g1) found
metals originated and was used as a great part to irrigate the here was lower than the phytotoxically excessive level

Table 1 – Concentrations and percentages of Cd in different fractions of paddy soils

Metal fraction Meana Maximuma Minimuma Median Mode S.D. Nb

Total Cd (mg g1) 13.59 (plot 5) 29.68 (plot 2) 2.01 (plot 6) 13.55 19.54 6.50 60
DTPA-Cd (%) 4.4 (plot 4) 7.20 (plot 2) 3.10 (plot 1) 3.8 1.2 2.02 16
SBET-Cd (%) 28.4 (plot 4) 73.5 (plot 1) 7.70 (plot 6) 27.1 29.1 13.33 16
Exchangeable (%) 15.1 (plot 4) 40.6 (plot 1) 0.6 (plot 2) 19.9 0.4 10.85 16
Carbonate (%) 18.8 (plot 4) 32.0 (plot 4) 7.6 (plot 6) 18.2 7.6 6.54 16
Fe/Mn oxides (%) 5.1 (plot 4) 10.0 (plot 4) 1.9 (plot 6) 4.8 3.4 2.34 16
Organic (%) 4.2 (plot 4) 17.4 (plot 4) 0.6 (plot 6) 2.9 2.4 3.57 16
Residual (%) 56.8 (plot 3) 83.0 (plot 2) 21.4 (plot 1) 56.3 54.7 16.9 16
To which in parentheses the value corresponds.
N, number of samples.
150 agricultural water management 84 (2006) 147–152

Fig. 2 – Soil Cd concentrations in six paddy fields with

distance from the inlet. Values are mean W S.D.
Fig. 4 – Correlation between total and DTPA-extractable Cd
concentrations in soils.

(3.0 mg g1; Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, 1992), the positive

correlation (Fig. 4) between Cd concentration in DTPA- (0.24 mg g1; Table 2) in unpolished rice was slightly higher
extractable and total fraction indicated that the elevated Cd than the environmental quality guideline of 0.2 mg g1 for Cd
in the paddy soils might increase its toxicity for crops such as in cereals in China (Wang, 2000).
rice plant. Cadmium in soils occurred primarily in the residual,
carbonate and exchangeable fractions (Table 1) and about 3.3. Potential health risk of cadmium to human and
37.3% of total Cd would be bioavailable to plants as the livestock
exchangeable, carbonate, Fe/Mn oxides and organic forms
would be released under some conditions, while the residual Environmental mediums containing toxic or excessive che-
form would not because it was strongly bounded in the crystal mical metals, such as food, drinking water, atmosphere, and
lattice of the minerals (Tessier et al., 1979; Kersen and soil/dust, can affect human health when occasional ingestion
Förstner, 1991). and inhalation occurred (Bowie and Thornton, 1985). Accord-
ing to the simple bioavailability extraction test (SBET; Kim
3.2. Cadmium in rice plants et al., 2002), the likely bio-availability of soil Cd in the
gastrointestinal tract of local resident and/or livestock was
Cadmium in root was over 4-, 2-, 11-, 12- and 34-fold higher examined (Table 1). Comparison with the result (61.7–72.8%)
than that in straw, stalk, hull, grain with hull and grain reported by Kim et al. (2002) showed that result in the present
without hull (namely, unpolished rice), respectively (Table 2). study (Table 1) was comparatively lower. However, children
The result indicated that Cd was mostly accumulated in rice can consume up to 10 g (i.e., 10  106 mg) per day (cf. Mercier
root, Cd in rice grass was mainly distributed in stalk, and Cd in et al., 2002). Based on the average SBET-extractable Cd
rice grain largely in hull. concentration (3.86 mg g1 = 13.59 mg g1  28.4%; Table 1),
Average Cd concentration in hull, grain with hull and grain theoretic 0.965 mg kg1 body weigh per day for a 40-kg person
without hull of rice plant exceeded the normal range of 0.013– (i.e., children) can be calculated, which approximated the
0.22 mg g1 for all cereal grains and Cd in straw and stalk was provisional tolerable daily intake (PTDI; 1 mg kg1 body weight;
much higher than that of 0.07–0.27 mg g1 for grass (Kabata- FAO/WHO, 1989). Therefore, potential health hazards may be
Pendias and Pendias, 1992); also, concentration of Cd caused by incidental oral ingestion of soil when local farmers
and cattle are working or children playing in paddy fields.
In this study area, cattle are fed with unwashed rice straw
harvested from the contaminated paddy fields in the winter.
Cadmium concentration in washed rice straw (1.69 mg g1) or
stalk (3.41 mg g1) (Table 2) exceeded the tolerable level
(0.5 mg g1) recommended for livestock consumption (Chaney,
1989). Other domestic animals, including duck, geese, chicken,
and swine, are fed with other tissues containing elevated Cd
concentration, such as hull (0.73 mg g1), grain with hull
(0.67 mg g1) or/and unpolished rice (0.24 mg g1; Table 2).
Thus, all these tissues of local rice crop might pose adverse
effects on the health of local domestic animals.
For local population, rice is consumed as the staple food,
and hence, concentration of Cd in rice contributes a major part
to the total daily intake of this element. Average daily dietary
Fig. 3 – The distribution of I-geo values of soil samples in intake of unpolished rice grown in their own land by local
the study area. residents is 550 g for adults aged fewer than 40 and 250 g for
agricultural water management 84 (2006) 147–152 151

Table 2 – Cd concentrations in rice plants (mg gS1)

Tissue Mean Maximum Minimum S.D. Na

Root 8.21 23.47 1.79 5.63 40

Straw 1.69 6.24 0.50 1.23 12
Stalk 3.41 5.86 0.95 1.32 12
Hull 0.73 0.81 0.55 0.10 12
Grain with hull 0.68 1.15 0.35 0.24 12
Grain without hull 0.24 0.46 0.03 0.16 12
(unpolished hull)
N, number of samples.

children aged 8–10 years old. According to Cd concentration references

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