Senior Project Proposal 1

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Senior Project

Alexis Henry
w Commented [1]: put your headings in bold
w to
schools.” My overarching topic will be CPR and First-Aid, and my specific topic will be
CPR and First-Aid being taught in public middle schools every year, as well as what
liabilities can occur if students are not properly trained in the area. I am proposing an
amendment to the “2014 Virginia Code Title 22.1 - Education § 22.1-253.13:4. Standard
4. Student achievement and graduation requirements” to include CPR and First-Aid in Commented [2]: Are you presenting this to the School
the mandatory learning requirements, required for advancement. I have selected this
topic because I realized that I would not know CPR or first aid skills if they weren't
required for my job as a lifeguard at the oceanfront and the majority of my pupils have
not had the opportunity to learn such skills that can, quite literally, save a life. Questions
to drive my research include:
● What liability risks come with teaching CPR and First Aid in schools?
● At what age do you need to learn CPR and First Aid?
● Why are CPR and First Aid necessary for people to learn?
● Why are CPR and First Aid necessary for teenagers or children to learn?
● What are the benefits to learning CPR and First Aid?
● What are the risks of not knowing CPR or First Aid?
● How does the Good Samaritan Law factor into the issue?
For my project, I plan on holding a demonstration on how to do CPR and basic First Aid
skills for adults, teenagers, and children. I want to promulgate the steps to take when
performing each lifesaving technique in hopes of inspiring those who attend my senior
project to get certified in each. My senior project consultant is Ms. Elkins because she
teaches CPR and First Aid skills in her anatomy class. My project will be held between
February and April at the Great Neck Rec Center. The success of my project will be
evaluated by the attendees performance in a simulation scenario that tests their
knowledge of CPR/First Aid. In order to be successful, I will need: CPR Masks, Sani-
Manikins, Prestan manikins, Elastic Bandages, Exam Gloves, Student Training Kits,
AED Trainers & Pads, Emergency Supplies, First Aid Kits, and EpiPen Trainers
provided by the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
I want to promulgate the benefits to, and importance of, knowing CPR and First
Aid.According to the American Heart Association, the vast majority of people who suffer
cardiac arrest outside of a hospital die, but if CPR is administered immediately, the
chances of survival are two or three times higher. Making these life saving techniques
available in public schools gives each demographic a parallel chance of survival that is
otherwise skewed in favor of those who have these resources available outside of

Learning Targets, Growth Goals, and Skills

During the course of my project I will focus on achieving learning targets such as:
● New CPR and First-Aid techniques
● How to plan and hold an event
● How to teach new skills to a group
● How to contact large organizations such as the American Red Cross or the
American Heart Association

I will also be focusing on enhancing previously acquired skills such as:

● Setting and achieving time management goals
● Previous knowledge of CPR/First-Aid
● Keeping composure under pressure
● Working with my advisor and outside professionals to schedule dates and events
Areas of growth I plan to focus on include:
● Not letting plans and events be “out of sight, out of mind”
● Keeping up with and maintaining a work calendar
● Exploring my newfound independence and freedom given to me for the year with
maturity and reliability
● Allowing others to input and help without taking offense, being worried about
control, or fear of not getting my way

Marketing Plan/ Facilities/ Audience

The target audience for my project would be those who don’t know CPR or First-Aid
skills. In addition, I want to reach everyone I can who is interested in learning these life
saving skills and reasons why they are important to know in everyday life. There is no
one I would exclude from my target demographic. Even if someone already knows CPR
and First-Aid skills, brushing up on techniques and practicing is just as beneficial. These
are important skills for anyone to learn because they can be used on everyone and
increase the chance of survival if one were to be in a life-threatening situation. I will
create an online flier, promote my event on social media, as well as invite family,
friends, and work colleagues. My dream venue would be the either the outdoor stage on
31st street at the oceanfront, or the outdoor stage on 24th street at the oceanfront. As a Commented [3]: I don't know the procedure for getting
these, so I am glad you have a backup.
backup, I would resort to having it at the Great Neck Recreation Center.

Project Steps

Preliminary Steps Review proposal and project plans with

advisor. Go over venue locations and
contact the American Red Cross, the
local fire station and the Community
Emergency Response Team.

Midway Steps Confirm venue, create online invitation

and advertisements, follow up with
professionals, and send invitations.

Later Steps Go over any last minute issues, meet face

to face with advisor, and host

Follow Up Clean up after event, send thank you

letters to those who made the event
possible, organize documentation.

Total 27 hours
Project Documentation
● Event Photographs
● Weebly
● Emails with officials
● Receipts from purchases
● Event video
● Time Log

Project Justification
This project will push me to learn new skills and life saving techniques that can help
save a human life in a high pressure scenario. This is something that is vital to learn,
but not available to those who lack the time or resources to do so outside of school. I
believe that an amendment to the 2014 Virginia Code: “Title 22.1 - Education §22.1-
253.13:4. Standard 4. Student achievement and graduation requirements” to include
learning CPR and First-Aid skills would be beneficial to all students, especially those
who babysit, or take care of loved ones. Knowing how to do the heimlich maneuver
when someone is choking, cardiopulmonary resuscitation when someone stops
breathing, or their heart stops beating, or how to dress an open wound are all skills that
could save lives. As such, students have a right to have an equal opportunity to learn Commented [4]: Is it really a right?
these techniques that could save the life of their parents, siblings, friends, or
grandparents. Relying on outside resources to teach these skills is both costly and
inconvenient. I hope to help others learn CPR and First-Aid by putting in time and effort
that may one day result in a life being saved. The performance of these CPR and First
Aid skills would be protected under § 8.01-225 of the Virginia Code states that any
person who “in good faith, renders emergency care or assistance, without
compensation, to any ill or injured person at the scene of an accident, fire, or any life-
threatening emergency, or en route therefrom to any hospital, medical clinic or doctor’s
office, shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or missions resulting from the
rendering of such care or assistance.”
Project-Paper Connection
My project directly reflects my paper because I will be writing about the importance of
knowing CPR and First-Aid skills: skills that could save the life of a loved one or
stranger. Therefore, my project will be a demonstration of these skills, available for free,
to anyone willing to come. I believe hands on learning is the best approach for my topic,
because when the time comes for the skills to be utilized, muscle memory will allow for
a more timely and accurate response.

Academic Honesty
I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project will result in
failure of the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my High School

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