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TIPS in Starting your Ukay-

ukay (Thrift Shop) Business

build your own business, Business, easy business, entrepreneur, low capital, online business, small
business, sme, thrift shop, ukay-ukay

All throughout my life, it never occurred to me to shop my clothing items on a 2nd hand
stores, not until I got hooked up in reading fashion blogs that features unique, cheap but
quality hauls from various thrift shop.

In addition to this, I have seen plenty of online businesses that transforms their ukay-ukay
hauls into a profitable and fashionable business. Being an entrepreneur and fashionista at
heart, my idea to start the same venture also strucks my innocent mind.

I met a new found friend, namely Paula, from a bazaar group which I intend to
join. Having literally no actual experience with how flea markets work, I am always inclined
to ask questions and seek the experiences of other bazaaristas who already earned a
significant moments and learnings from joining in this type of business events.

So there, I met Paula, who is into ukay-ukay business for five (5) years already. She
taught me everything she knows about this type of business so I am very happy to share it

 First, if you want to start a thrift shop business for a 20 square meters area or size of
your store, then you must have a capital of at least P40,000.00 for goods
only. Approximately P8,000.00 for hangers, hanger racks, chairs, orbit fan and etc.,
and P20,000 for at least two (2) months deposit of your chosen commercial space,
assuming that your rent is P10,000 monthly.
 Second, bear in mind that the most saleable ukay items are those that came from
United States (US), Canada, Europe and Japan.
 Third, choose at least six (6) items among the following items below, at least of 45 kgs.
in total:
Ladies T-Shirts #1 (approx. 360 – 400pcs per bale)
Children’s Shirts #1 (approx. 420 – 480pcs)
Original Shorts #1 (approx. 190 – 230pcs)
Bags #1 (approx. 100 – 140pcs)
Children Rummage #1 (approx. 380 – 450pcs)
Men’s T Shirts #1 (approx. 190 – 230pcs)
Baby Rummage #1 (approx. 500 – 650pcs)
Bedsheets #1 (95 – 120pcs)
Shoes #1 (120 – 150 pairs)
Capri #1 (170 – 190 pcs)
Capri Shorts #1 (180 – 200pcs)
Dresses #1 ( 200 – 250pcs)
Winbreaker Jackets #1 (120 – 130pcs)

#1 or no. 1 (number 1) means Class A. Class A does not mean

that the items are either fakes or imitations. This is the highest
grade when it comes to classifying an ukay items, it means these are
slightly used, IMPORTED AND ORIGINAL which is a surplus
#2 or number 2 means that the items are class B, these are the
VERY USED items.
 Fourth, find a supplier who is willing to teach you some techniques in selling ukay
items since most of them started as a retailer. It is always nice to have a mentor whom
you could directly seek for advices and tips, especially when it comes to worst. Find
suppliers of US, Canada, Europe and Japan items only. These items are the most
sellable items in the Philippines. Why? Because brands from these countries are well-
known, and ukay patronizers love these brands too! (I knew it coming from an Ukay
shopper myself *wink)
 Fifth, you should set your target gross sales daily. For example, you are able to sell an
average of P3,000 per day, how much then will be your net profit? Minimum of P1,500
per day. Why? Refer to the list of items above. Price per table times quantity per table.
That will be your capital for each item.
 Sixth, make a list of contact numbers of your customers. Every time that someone buys
from your store, get their mobile numbers or emails so that you could inform them
every time you have items for new arrival. This engages you to promote a good
customer relationship with your clients because they will be happy to know that you
inform them immediately or you prioritize them for your new ukay items.
 Seventh, once you open your store, do not display or release all your items all in one
time. Divide it into three parts which you slowly release as NEW ARRIVAL once a

You should BE CONSISTENT. Once you announced that you will have
New Arrival every Wednesday and Saturday, then you must indeed
release new items on those particular days every week.
 Lastly, these brands of ukays are what she usually get: Premium, Supremo, Friends,
Samiyatex, Delmar, American Mill, ABS, Atlantic, CanAm, Bell, AFC, etc.

There are still a wide variety of brands to choose from. Just make sure
to import your items only from US, Canada, Europe and Japan.
It is indeed true that many already succeeded in doing the ukay-ukay business.
But bear in mind that this type of business has a very stiff competition now. Of
course, you also need to invest heaps of your patience and perseverance in bring
your business into a success.

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