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“Central College aims to prepare the next generation of

global leaders and engaged citizens through a rigorous,

interdisciplinary curriculum.”
- Central College president, Leon DeWitt

Celebrating 115 Years

Central College is the oldest institution of
higher learning in South Carolina. Its main
campus is located in the heart of downtown
Charleston and there is currently one
satellite campus in South Carolina’s capital
city, Columbia. With 32 majors on campus
and more than 300 online classes, Central
College lets students control their education.
Since it was founded in 1902, more than
200,000 students have earned their degrees
from Central College.
• To date, Central College has received over • Central College’s second satellite campus
$10 million in grants to fund student and will open in August 2017 in Greenville and
faculty research projects. offer six new degree programs.
• Central College faculty are recognized • In 2016, Central College received a grant
experts, published authors, accomplished from the Federal Education Resources
researchers and more. Commission to participate in a four-year
• Distinguished faculty present their work pilot study of Early Support, an intervention
nationally and internationally. program that partners colleges with high
• More than $2.5 million in scholarships are schools to bring struggling students up to
awarded to students every year, in addition the college level.
to financial aid provided by state subsidies • Central College dedicates $1.2 million
for students who qualify. annually to 21 community engagement
• The Central College Career Center, open programs, including extended hours for
to students and local residents, offers mock public access to the library and athletic
interviews and resume workshops. facilities.

4,500 186
Full-time students enrolled in 32 Faculty members dedicated to
Central College Majors and degree programs student success
currently offered at Central
1,200 College campuses, including 10 23
Part-time students enrolled in top-25 ranked programs Award-winning researchers
Central College teaching at Central College

202,091 300+ 21
Online courses to offer students
Central College alumni working more options and flexibility Community engagement
around the globe programs
Media Contact: Karen Eliot | Communications Manager | 443-694-7308 |
Central College | 1001 Main St, Charleston, SC 29401

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