MANG6222 Grade Descriptors

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Postgraduate Grade Descriptor for [MANG6222, Fixed Income Securities Analysis]

These descriptors give the allocation of marks within each of questions 1 & 2.

Percentage 0 - 34 35 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 - 79 80 - 100
Degree Class Fail Compensatable fail* Pass Merit Distinction Distinction
Criteria Inadequate evidence Inconsistent Adequate evidence Good evidence of A comprehensive Exceptional evidence
of knowledge as evidence of of sound knowledge knowledge and and thorough of knowledge of
Knowledge/ expected for level 7. knowledge and and understanding understanding of the awareness of the key concepts and
Understanding: Addresses understanding of the key or higher key or higher order or higher order techniques of the
task/ question set. No or inadequate concepts and order principles and principles, concepts principles, concepts subject.
evidence of reading. principles taught at concepts. and techniques. and techniques of Exceptional evidence
Weighting 60% level 7. Appropriate use of Evidence of a good the subject. Evidence of extensive reading
Little ability to use or
Inconsistent sources to show depth and breadth of of extensive reading that extends
select information
evidence of reading understanding of reading. Literature that extends beyond significantly beyond
literature, mostly concepts, may used to support core texts. Critical core texts.
restricted to include some central argument or knowledge of how to Outstanding ability in
recommended set evidence of reading development of use information to the use of
texts. beyond the set texts. debate. support points. Very information to
Information applied Adequate use of Good degree of clear evidence of support points.
with limited information and competence in the handling complex Exceptionally clear
consistency. generally able to use of information problems (e.g. evidence of handling
handle some and generally able to numerical) with complex problems
complex problems. handle complex confidence. (e.g. numerical) with
problems. high level of
Cognitive/ Thinking: Inadequate evidence Inconsistent Level of critical Good level of critical Critical Critical
Shows an understanding of critical evidence of critical understanding is understanding understanding is understanding is
of theory and concepts, understanding as understanding. reasonable. evident. applied in a applied in a very
and an ability to critically required at this level. Argument is just Some confusion may Competent in comprehensive and comprehensive and
assess them. adequate but may be be evident but most producing argument concise manner. concise manner.
Lacks ability to
poorly structured. argument is relevant that is well Analysis is Analysis is very
develop an effective
Weighting 10% and adequate. sustained, structured appropriate and comprehensive.
argument as
and legitimate. precise. Very high degree of
required for level 7.
High degree of competence to
competence to produce innovative
produce innovative, and original
original argument argument

Southampton Business School: Postgraduate Module Grade Descriptor

Percentage 0 - 34 35 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 - 79 80 - 100
Degree Class Fail Compensatable fail* Pass Merit Distinction Distinction
Cognitive/ Thinking: No/ inadequate Evidence of some Analysis is evident Competent ability to High degree of ability Very high degree of
Clearly presented, evidence of analysis. systematic handling with some reliance systematically to structure and ability to structure
rigorously argued and No/ inadequate of information to on description. Some analyse and synthesise and synthesise
focussed analysis. evidence of ability to provide a basic but confusion but most synthesise information and information and
develop an effective inadequate analysis argument is relevant information. argument that argument that
Weighting 10% argument. for level 7. and adequate. Analysis is relevant provides clarity provides exceptional
Limited coherent and effective. throughout the clarity throughout.
argument that lacks Argument is well work. Analysis is most
focus and direction. sustained, structured Analysis appropriate comprehensive.
and legitimate. and precise. Extensive innovative
Some innovative and Innovative and and original
original argument. original argument. argument.
Cognitive/ Thinking: No evidence. Shows some Ability to include Good evidence of Very good evidence Excellent evidence of
Shows independent evidence but innovative ideas innovative and of innovative and innovative or original
thinking. inconsistent. evident. original views. original views. ideas presented.

Weighting 2.5%

Subject Specific: Scope of No evidence. Limited evidence Reasonable coverage Good coverage and Very good coverage Excellent coverage
relevant literature with numerous and referencing but referencing with and referencing with and referencing.
including Harvard style omissions. incomplete or minimal omissions. minimal errors.
reference list. numerous omissions.

Weighting 10%

Transferable Skills: Well- No/inadequate Poor structure with Adequate structure Good structure with Very good structure Excellent structure
structured with structure. limited introduction with reasonable competent with concise, with exceptionally
appropriate introduction and conclusions. introduction and introduction and comprehensive clear introduction
and conclusions. conclusions. conclusions. introduction and and conclusions.
Weighting 2.5%

*Compensatable fail is only possible for compulsory or optional modules, subject to University of Southampton Progression Regulations. ** See notes in the assignment
Percentage 0 - 34 35 – 49 50 – 59 60 – 69 70 - 79 80 - 100
Degree Class Fail Compensatable fail* Pass Merit Distinction Distinction
Transferable Skills: Very poor and Significant Adequately Well expressed. Very well expressed. Exceptionally
Correct and fluent English often/mostly deficiencies in expressed but some Clear and Confident and very competent and
language. inarticulate. Mostly expression. inconsistencies appropriate use of good use of fluent use of
incomprehensible. Inconsistent and apparent. Adequate language. language. expression.
Weighting 2.5% poor use of use of language. Confident and
language. excellent use of
Transferable Skills: Shows very little Shows limited Shows reasonable Final submission Final submission very Final submission
Evidence of group cohesion, extremely evidence of cohesion evidence of cohesion shows good cohesion clearly shows exceptionally clearly
cohesion in final fragmented. in final submission, in final submission. of the group work cohesion of the shows cohesion of
submission. slightly fragmented. Some fragmentation with a consistent group work in a the group work with
in style. style. quality style. a professional
Weighting 2.5% common style.

Transferable Skills: No evidence. Limited evidence. Some evidence of Good evidence of Very good evidence Excellent evidence of
Individual contribution to limited individual individual of individual individual
group submission. ** contributions. contributions and substantive substantive
integrated. contributions and contributions and
very well integrated. exceptionally well

*Compensatable fail is only possible for compulsory or optional modules, subject to University of Southampton Progression Regulations. ** See notes in the assignment

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