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Why random selection is necessary for sampling to be effective and

statistically accurate?

Sherese Marie Clark

Instructor: Sonya Goshe
JUS-510 Research Methods
Grand Canyon University
September 10, 2010

Why random selection is necessary for sampling to be effective and

statistically accurate?

Every year around December or January, we receive a survey that asks us

about the police in the area. They are asking about their routines, and if they are

patrolling the area as often as necessary. One year they asked us if the police

officers were communicating with the citizens in the neighborhoods. This is all

done with a questionnaire, which is presented to every one in the neighborhood.

Many surveys that we encounter are not seeking for information to better

the society, or give out helpful information. But they are some times trying to sale

products or receive some sort of contribution to sponsor an event or cause. But for

what ever the reason the researcher decides to sample, there is one question that

cross many people’s minds! This question is how accurate is the data? There are

many forms of sampling, and many researchers choose to use the non-probability

sampling method.

The non-probability sampling does not involve random sampling. This

does not mean that this method is not respected by researchers, but it may not

represent the population as accurately. The information can not be proven by

other researchers that may follow. This method is quicker than random sampling,

but not as accurate. This method was adopted by many researchers because they

were pressed with time, and suffered from limited funds.

Random sampling is a process or procedure that assures that the different

units in a given population will have equal probabilities of being selected.

Random selection minimizes what is known as bias selection. This is a term used

Why random selection is necessary for sampling to be effective and

statistically accurate?

to describing an error that may occur when choosing the individuals or groups

that may participate in the scientific study.

Bias sampling refers to the distortion or alterations of a statistical analysis,

resulting from a method that is used to collect samples. If the selection bias is not

taken into account then any conclusions drawn may be fabercated. This would

then prohibit the researcher from presenting the found information to a larger

group or population. But if the researcher use statistically derived samplimg, this

would insure that the survey results can be defended. The information needs to be

as accurate as possible, so that another researcher may come behind them and

prove their work. Or maybe even add relevant information.

If a survey that is performed, do not meet the guid lines of random

selection, this may produce results that lead to misguided market research,

strategic or maybe even policy decisions.

That is why it is imperrative for researchers to used probability sampling.

Probability sampling utilizes some form of random selection. In order to have a

random selection, the researcheer must first form a process or procedure that will

assure that the different groups in the population will have an equal probability of

being selected. This can be done by using what is called, stratified random

sampling. There are many sampling methods that have been used to present


Why random selection is necessary for sampling to be effective and

statistically accurate?

Stratified random sampling, is known as proportional or quota random

sampling. This method involves dividing the population into homgeneous

subgroups. After you divid the popultaion into groups, the researcher will take

simple random sampling in each group (cite). This can be done by dividing the

population into non overlapping groups. After this is done, the researcher will do

a simple random sample of f = n/N each strata.

It has been said that random sampling is very important when it comes to

developing a sampling plan. This method allows legitimate generalization that is

shown through survey reports. These methods are developed or formed, so that

the researchers work can be defended. Any survey that is performed and did not

randomly select their respondents is more likely to produce results that do not

reflect the overall public opinion.

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