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Tbl'n layer chromatography (TLC) has found wide recognition itl a number of fiel
ds and its sensitivity of
detection offers particular advantage to the toxicologist/chemist whieh has incr
eased, 10 to 100 times as
compared to better has become an iqmortant analytical tool since it
can seyarate complex
mixyple in a relatively short time of an hour or less. lt Ls also possible to ac
hieve reproducibility-o--a-ysr.f y
high degree by means of contrqlltng the coatiug. ln TlaC the individual spots ar
e more discrete and not
diffuse as in paper chromatography. ln addition to the usual visualization emplo
yed with paper
chromatography, reagents of a corrosive nature, such as sulfuric acid, and the p
ossible use of high
temperatttres with carbop-ization offer a much wider ranger of detection i.ll th
is teclmique. The backgrotmd
substances which cause inherent fluorescence hz paper chromatography are not ene
otmtered in thc
inorganic chrolnatographic substances uscd in TLC.
The basis ot- thin layer clzrornatographyapplication of an adsorption material w
hich is
prepared as a party mass spread thinly and uniformll' on glass plates. The thin
lal'er of aclsorbent on the
plate is dried and activated by heatingc if neeessao'. The materials to be chrom
atographed are applied to
the adsorbent layers by the technique used in paper chromatographl' b) platting
the prepared plate in a jar
containing a small amount of solvent at the bottom. A chromatographic separation
Ls obtained as the
solvent ascends the adsorbent layer.
Silica gel (silicic acid ) is the most widely used basic adsorbent for TLC, suit
able for
adsorption & partition chromatography of more number of compounds.
Alumina (aluminium oxide), used primarily for the separation of non polar or wea
polar compounds.
iii) Cellulose powders, as a substitute for paper cllromatography producing fàster
separations with large quantities of compounds.
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