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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

Islamic Beliefs
Name: Josh Lipman

Date: 9/13/17

Class: 7th Grade: “Medieval and Early Modern World History”

Slides and Notes

Slide Student Notes

Unit 1: Islam 
Title  7th Grade History 
Lesson 3 - Islamic Beliefs
Explain the significance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah
Goal  as the primary sources of Islamic beliefs, practice, and
law, and their influence in Muslim daily life.

Same god that inspired christian and jewish.

Muslim honor the christian and jewish prophets=

abraham, etc.
Muslims believe in the ultimate profit of muhammad.

Muslim= people

Qur’an= The word of god

22 years that muhammad received revelations from


Muhammad's believer wrote

The Qur’an  First revelation- cave- 600’s

Continued revelations until his death= in 632

Talked about- who is god, morality, soul, law.

Read as a poem.

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

Words of god

Qu’ran, most sacred text in Islam.

Muhammad's followers wrote Qu’ran

Sacred Text  Made into book after death

Book made- 651= 19 years after death

120 chapters

Traditions that the profit followed.

Traditions= is Muhammad did it, I do it to.

Following traditions= faithful

Sunnah- ​guidelines, actions

Muhammad's words and actions where guidelines.

The Sunnah 

Religions based laws- come

from muhammad
Theocracy= government bad on religion

Core beliefs(god)=
Existence of one god
Islamic Beliefs 
Created the universe- muslims believe
No human figure can be god.

Each person has a soul

The Soul and the  Each person can chose either good or bad
What each person chooses impacts the after life

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

Judgment day based on the system.- god will chose

who is saved.

Get to heaven by-

Recite the Qu’ran
Carry a copy with you
Islamic Practices  Treat Qu’ran with respect
Hold the original version

No difference between daily life and religious life

Sharia- rules of personal conduct

Way you behave in a mosque is the same way you

behave on the street.

Five pillars-

Don't eat pork, don't steal, Mormons don't drink or

Islamic Influence in 
Students study the Qu’ran
Muslim Daily Life  
(3 slides) 
Study law, math, history.

Classes sis exist

Divided into 4 classes; Arabs, non-Arabs, Jews

Christians, SLAVES

Men supported the family, and represent them in the


Women stayed at home. Women had fewer rights than

men marriages were arranged by families

● Faith-
Islamic Laws   ○ Muhammad is the messenger of God,
(3 slides)  closest to God.

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Ms. Diane Nicoll 7th Grade History Unit 1: Lesson 3 

● Prayer-
○ Muslims are expected to pray five times a

● Almsgiving-
○ Charity
○ Money giving
○ Wealth giving: time, animal, food, shelter

● Fasting-
○ Ramadan- fast for a month
○ Only in daylight hours
○ Eat food when sun is down
○ Start when you start puberty
○ You can fast on something else if you have
○ Fast on;computers, or tv, etc.

● Pilgrimage-
○ Must do in Mecca, once in your life.
○ Muhammad born in Mecca
○ Pick up 49 stones along the way
○ Throw the rocks at 3 pillars
○ Throwing the pillars= fighting evil
○ Circle the big pillar 7 times
○ Stop every time to bow down
○ Kaaba= rock to circle around
○ Touch has made Kaaba smooth

Summary  The Kaaba
The Sunnah

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