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OptiX Metro 1050

Hardware Description Manual Contents


2 Boards Description 2-1

2.1 STM-1 Optical Interface Board (SL1/SD1) 2-1
2.1.1 Functions 2-1
2.1.2 Principle 2-2
2.1.3 Front Panel 2-3
2.1.4 Parameter Configuration 2-4
2.1.5 Technical Parameters 2-5
2.2 STM-1 Single-fiber Bidirectional Optical Interfaces Board (SB2D) 2-6
2.2.1 Functions 2-6
2.2.2 Principle 2-6
2.2.3 Front Panel 2-8
2.2.4 Parameter Configuration 2-9
2.2.5 Technical Parameters 2-9
2.3 STM-1 Electrical Interface Board (SLE/SDE/EU1S/EU2S/EUPB) 2-11
2.3.1 Functions 2-11
2.3.2 Principle 2-11
2.3.3 Front Panel 2-13
2.3.4 Tributary Protection Switching 2-14
2.3.5 Parameter Configuration 2-16
2.3.6 Technical Parameters 2-17
2.4 STM-1 Optical Interface Board (OSB1) 2-18
2.4.1 Functions 2-18
2.4.2 Principle 2-18
2.4.3 Parameter Configuration 2-19
2.4.4 Technical Specifications 2-20

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual Contents

2.5 STM-4 Optical Interface Board (OSB4) 2-21

2.5.1 Functions 2-21
2.5.2 Principle 2-21
2.5.3 Parameter Configuration 2-22
2.5.4 Technical Specifications 2-23
2.6 E1/T1 Electrical Interface Board (PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D/C12/C12S) 2-24
2.6.1 Functions 2-25
2.6.2 Principle 2-25
2.6.3 Front Panel 2-26
2.6.4 Tributary Protection Switching 2-30
2.6.5 Parameter Configuration 2-32
2.6.6 Technical Specifications 2-33
2.7 E3/DS3 Electrical Interface Board (PL3/C34S/TSB3) 2-34
2.7.1 Functions 2-34
2.7.2 Principle 2-34
2.7.3 Fornt Panel 2-36
2.7.4 Tributary Protection Switching 2-37
2.7.5 Parameter Configuration 2-38
2.7.6 Technical Specifications 2-39
2.8 Ethernet Interface Board (EMS3/ETF4/EFT) 2-40
2.8.1 Functions 2-40
2.8.2 Principles 2-41
2.8.3 Front Panel 2-43
2.8.4 Parameter Configuration 2-47
2.8.5 Technical Parameters 2-48
2.9 N x 64 kbit/s Rate Interface Board (N64/N64I) 2-49
2.9.1 Functions 2-49
2.9.2 Principle 2-49
2.9.3 Front Panel 2-52
2.9.4 Parameter Configuration 2-54
2.9.5 Technical Parameters 2-54
2.10 System Control & Communication Board (FSCC) 2-55
2.10.1 Functions 2-55
2.10.2 Principle 2-55
2.10.3 Front Panel 2-56
2.10.4 DIP Switches 2-58
2.10.5 Parameter Configuration 2-59

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual Contents

2.10.6 Technical Specifications 2-60

2.11 Cross-connect & Timing Board (XCS/XCS1/XCS4) 2-61
2.11.1 Functions 2-61
2.11.2 Principle 2-61
2.11.3 Front Panel 2-62
2.11.4 Parameter Configuration 2-64
2.11.5 Technical Specifications 2-65
2.12 Engineering Orderwire Board (FEOW) 2-66
2.12.1 Functions 2-66
2.12.2 Principle 2-66
2.12.3 Front Panel 2-67
2.12.4 Parameter Configuration 2-70
2.12.5 Technical Specifications 2-71
2.13 Power Board (SPIU/FPIU) 2-72
2.13.1 Functions 2-72
2.13.2 Principle 2-72
2.13.3 Front Panel 2-73
2.13.4 Parameter Configuration 2-74
2.13.5 Technical Specifications 2-75
2.14 Fan Interface Board (FAN) 2-76
2.14.1 Functions 2-76
2.14.2 Principle 2-76
2.14.3 Front Panel 2-77
2.14.4 Parameter Configuration 2-78
2.14.5 Technical Specifications 2-78
2.15 Synchronous Timing Interface Board (STIA/STIB/STIC/STID) 2-79
2.15.1 Functions 2-79
2.15.2 Principle 2-79
2.15.3 Front Panel 2-80
2.15.4 Technical Specifications 2-82
2.16 Case-shape Optical Amplifier (COA) 2-83
2.16.1 Functions 2-83
2.16.2 Principle 2-83
2.16.3 Front Panel 2-84
2.16.4 Installing 2-86
2.16.5 Technical Specifications 2-87

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual Figures


Figure 2-1 Principle block diagram of SL1 2-2

Figure 2-2 The SL1 board front panel 2-3
Figure 2-3 The SD1 board front panel 2-3
Figure 2-4 Principle block diagram of SB2D 2-7
Figure 2-5 The SB2D board front panel 2-8
Figure 2-6 Principle block diagram of SLE 2-12
Figure 2-7 The SLE board front panel 2-13
Figure 2-8 The SDE board front panel 2-13
Figure 2-9 The EU1S board front panel 2-13
Figure 2-10 The EU2S board front panel 2-13
Figure 2-11 The EUPB board front panel 2-14
Figure 2-12 Block diagram of TPS protection to the SLE board 2-15
Figure 2-13 Configuration of the working and the protection SLE under TPS 2-15
Figure 2-14 Principle block diagram of OSB1 2-18
Figure 2-15 Principle block diagram of OSB4 2-21
Figure 2-16 Block diagram of the PM1S board 2-25
Figure 2-17 Process of mapping and multiplexing 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signals 2-26
Figure 2-18 The PL1S board front panel 2-27
Figure 2-19 The PL1D board front panel 2-27
Figure 2-20 The PF1S board front panel 2-27
Figure 2-21 The PF1D board front panel 2-27
Figure 2-22 The PM1S board front panel 2-27
Figure 2-23 The PM1D board front panel 2-28
Figure 2-24 The C12 board front panel 2-28
Figure 2-25 The C12S board front panel 2-28

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Hardware Description Manual Figures

Figure 2-26 The DB78 connector of the C12 board 2-29

Figure 2-27 Principle of TPS for PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D 2-31
Figure 2-28 Slot assignment for the working and protection PL1S/PL1D/PF1D/PF1S/PM1S/PM1D under TPS
Figure 2-29 Block diagram of the PL3 board 2-35
Figure 2-30 Process of mapping and multiplexing 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal 2-35
Figure 2-31 The PL3 board front panel 2-36
Figure 2-32 The C34S board front panel 2-36
Figure 2-33 The TSB3 board front panel 2-36
Figure 2-34 Principle of TPS for PL3 board 2-37
Figure 2-35 Configuration of the working and the protection PL3 under TPS 2-38
Figure 2-36 Principle block diagram of EMS3 2-42
Figure 2-37 Principle block diagram of EFT 2-42
Figure 2-38 The EMS3 board front panel 2-43
Figure 2-39 The ETF4 board front panel 2-44
Figure 2-40 The EFT board front panel 2-44
Figure 2-41 Pins on RJ-45 connector of the EMS3, ETF4 and EFT 2-47
Figure 2-42 Principle block diagram of N64 2-50
Figure 2-43 Mapping and multiplexing of E1 signal 2-51
Figure 2-44 The N64 board front panel 2-52
Figure 2-45 The N64I board front panel 2-52
Figure 2-46 Block diagram of the FSCC board 2-55
Figure 2-47 The FSCC board front panel 2-56
Figure 2-48 F&f interface 2-58
Figure 2-49 Pinouts of RJ-45 connector of FSCC 2-58
Figure 2-50 Location of DIP switches on the FSCC 2-59
Figure 2-51 Block diagram of the XCS/XCS1/XCS4 board 2-61
Figure 2-52 SD cross-connect and TD cross-connect 2-62
Figure 2-53 The XCS board front panel 2-63
Figure 2-54 The XCS1 board front panel 2-63
Figure 2-55 The XCS4 board front panel 2-63
Figure 2-56 Block diagram of the FEOW board 2-66
Figure 2-57 The FEOW board front panel 2-67
Figure 2-58 RJ-11 pin numbering of the FEOW 2-68
Figure 2-59 Positions of X3, X2, X1 and F2 bytes in the STM frame structure 2-68
Figure 2-60 RJ-45 pin numbering of the FEOW 2-69

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Hardware Description Manual Figures

Figure 2-61 Block diagram of the power board 2-72

Figure 2-62 The SPIU board front panel 2-73
Figure 2-63 The FPIU board front panel 2-74
Figure 2-64 Block diagram of the FAN 2-76
Figure 2-65 The FAN board front panel 2-77
Figure 2-66 The position of the fans on the FAN board 2-78
Figure 2-67 Block diagram of the STIA/STIB/STIC/STID 2-79
Figure 2-68 The STIA board front panel 2-80
Figure 2-69 The STIB board front panel 2-80
Figure 2-70 The STIC board front panel Front panel of the 2-80
Figure 2-71 The STID board front panel 2-80
Figure 2-72 Principle block diagram of COA 2-83
Figure 2-73 Front panel diagram of COA case-shaded 2-84
Figure 2-74 The DIP switches of the COA 2-85
Figure 2-75 The position of the COA in OptiX rack 2-86

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual Tables


Table 2-1 Description of indicator of SL1/SD1 2-4

Table 2-2 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type 2-4
Table 2-3 Description of indicator of SB2D 2-8
Table 2-4 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type 2-9
Table 2-5 Description of indicator of SLE/SDE 2-14
Table 2-6 Description of interfaces of EUIS/EU2S 2-14
Table 2-7 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type 2-16
Table 2-8 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type 2-19
Table 2-9 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type 2-22
Table 2-10 Different function of PL1S, PL1D, PF1D, PF1S, PM1D and PM1D 2-24
Table 2-11 Description of indicator of PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D 2-28
Table 2-12 Pinouts of DB78 interface 2-29
Table 2-13 Corresponding relation of the working and protection PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D under
1:5 protection 2-31
Table 2-14 Description of indicator of PL3 2-37
Table 2-15 Description of interfaces of C34S 2-37
Table 2-16 Service processing capability and access capability of EMS3 and ETF4 2-40
Table 2-17 Description of indicator of EMS3 2-45
Table 2-18 Description of indicator of ETF4 and EFT 2-46
Table 2-19 Description of interfaces on the front panel of EMS3 2-46
Table 2-20 Description of interfaces on the front panel of ETF4 2-46
Table 2-21 Description of interfaces on the front panel of EFT 2-46
Table 2-22 Service processing capability and access capability of N64 and N64I 2-49
Table 2-23 Description of interface on the front panel of N64 and N64I 2-52
Table 2-24 Pin assignment of DB28 connector for N64 and N64I 2-53

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual Tables

Table 2-25 Description of indicators of FSCC 2-57

Table 2-26 Description of indicators of XCS, XCS1 and XCS4 2-64
Table 2-27 Description of indicators of the FEOW 2-67
Table 2-28 Pin assignment of S1 interface 2-69
Table 2-29 Pin assignment of S2 interface 2-69
Table 2-30 Pin assignment of S3 interface 2-70
Table 2-31 Pin assignment of S4 interface 2-70
Table 2-32 Description of indicator of the SPIU/FPIU 2-74
Table 2-33 Description of indicators of FAN board 2-78
Table 2-34 The interface description of the STIA and STIB board 2-81
Table 2-35 Pin assignment of DB9 2-81
Table 2-36 Description of indicators of COA 2-85
Table 2-37 Description of the monitor 2-85

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2 Boards Description

This chapter gives detailed introduction to the boards of the OptiX Metro 1050 from
the following aspects:
„ Functions
„ Principle
„ Front panel
„ Parameter configuration
„ Technical parameters

2.1 STM-1 Optical Interface Board (SL1/SD1)

The STM-1 optical interface board includes:
„ SL1: the 1 x STM-1 optical interface board.
„ SD1: the 2 x STM-1 optical interface board.
Both the SL1 and SD1 boards receive and transmit the STM-1 optical signals. They
can convert the optical STM-1 signals into electrical ones, extract and insert overhead
bytes, and generate various alarm signals on the line.
SL1 and SD1 can be seated in slot 10 or slot 11.
2.1.1 Functions

„ Receives/transmits STM-1 optical signals.

„ Provides Ie-1 optical interface and S-1.1, L-1.1 and L-1.2 standard optical
interfaces, with their characteristics compliant with ITU-T Recommendation G.957.
„ Provides inloop and outloop function.

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

„ Supports pass-through of the data communication channel (DCC) byte and

orderwire byte. When the FSCC board is not in position, the D byte and E1/E2 byte
can pass through the eastbound and westbound optical interface boards of this
station, without affecting the DCC and orderwire communication between this
station and other stations.
„ Supports automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function.
„ Detects and reports various alarm signals and performance events on the lines.
„ Supports online board query function.
2.1.2 Principle

The SL1 board is taken as the example here for describing the working principle of the
SL1 and SD1 boards. Figure 2-1 shows a principle block diagram of SL1.

O/E Frame
STM-1 Cross-connect unit
conversion synchroni- Overhead
zaion and processing
scrambling module
STM-1 E/O processing Cross-connect unit
conversion module

Logic control
FSCC board

Figure 2-1 Principle block diagram of SL1

1. In Receive Direction

The O/E conversion module converts the received STM-1 optical signal into electrical
ones and restores the clock signal. Then, it sends the clock signal together with the
STM-1 electrical signals to the frame synchronization and scrambling module. The
R_LOS alarm signal is also detected at the O/E conversion module.
At the frame synchronization and scrambling module, the incoming STM-1 electrical
signals are descrambled and converted into parallel signals, and then sent to the
overhead processing module. The R_LOF and R_OOF alarm signals are also
detected at the frame synchronization and scrambling module.
The overhead processing module performs overhead extraction to the received
STM-1 signals and converts them into VC-4 signals, which are sent to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane.

2. In Transmit Direction

At overhead processing unit, the VC-4 signals from the cross-connect unit are

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

inserted with overhead bytes and then sent to the frame synchronization and
scrambling module.
Parallel/serial conversion and scrambling are performed to the incoming STM-1
electrical signals at the frame synchronization and scrambling module. After that, the
signals are sent to the E/O conversion module.
The E/O conversion module converts the electrical STM-1 signals into optical ones
and then sends them onto optical fiber for transmission.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module generates the timing clock and frame header
information required by SL1/SD1. When fault occurs to the cross-connect board, it
implements switching to the active/standby boards, and supports ALS function. When
the FSCC board is not in position, it allows the overhead bytes to pass through the
eastbound and westbound optical interface boards of this station.
2.1.3 Front Panel

The front panel of SL1 and SD1 is shown in Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3


Figure 2-2 The SL1 board front panel


Figure 2-3 The SD1 board front panel

There are alarm indicators and SC optical interfaces on the front panel of SL1
and SD1.

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Indicator Table 2-1 gives a description to the alarm indicator.

Table 2-1 Description of indicator of SL1/SD1
Indicator Status Description
LOS1 (red) Off The optical power of interface 1 is normal.

On The interface 1 has no optical power input, or the

optical power is too lower.

LOS2 (red) Off The optical power of interface 2 is normal.

On The interface 2 has no optical power input, or the

optical power is too lower.

Interface The SL1 has one pair of SC optical interfaces, providing input and output of 1
x STM-1 optical signal.
The SD1 has two pairs of SC optical interfaces, providing input and output of 2
x STM-1 optical signals.

2.1.4 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for SL1/SD1 are as follows:

J0 byte Generally, the default value is used. The parameter configured for the
interconnected equipments should be inconsistent.
C2 byte The C2 byte should be configured according to the service type in practice.
Table 2-2 shows the corresponding relationship between the parameter
configuration of C2 byte and the service type.
Table 2-2 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type
Service type C2 byte
E1 or T1 tugs

E3 or DS3 asyn

E4 a140

Laser status The laser can be set to either ON or OFF, and the former is the default setting.

Loopback Loopback is usually used for fault localization, falling into two types:
„ VC-4 loopback: for the one VC-4 in the STM-1 signal
„ Optical interface loopback: for VC-4 in the STM-1 signal.
The default setting is non-loopback.

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.1.5 Technical Parameters

Parameter Description

Rate STM-1

Processing capability 1 x STM-1 2 x STM-1

Code pattern NRZ

Connector SC

Optical fiber 1310 nm, single-mode or multi-mode optical fiber

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Power consumption 4W 4.5 W

Code of optical Ie-1 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2


Transmission 0.5 km 15 km 50 km 80 km

Mean launched –19 dBm to –14 –8 dBm to –15 0 dBm to –5 dBm 0 dBm to –5 dBm
power dBm dBm

Receiver sensitivity –23 dBm –28 dBm –34 dBm –34 dBm

Overload point –14 dBm –8 dBm –10 dBm –10 dBm

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.2 STM-1 Single-fiber Bidirectional Optical Interfaces Board (SB2D)

SB2D is a dual STM-1 single-fiber bidirectional optical interfaces board. It
receives/transmits the STM-1 optical signals and fulfills the O/E conversion of STM-1
signals, extraction and insertion of overhead bytes and generation of alarm signals on
the line.
The SB2D board can be seated in slot 10 and slot 11.
2.2.1 Functions

„ Receives/transmits STM-1 optical signals.

„ Provides L-1.1 standard optical interfaces, with their characteristics compliant with
ITU-T Recommendation G.957.
„ Provides inloop and outloop function.
„ Supports pass-through of the DCC byte and orderwire byte. When the FSCC board
is not in position, the D byte and E1/E2 byte can pass through the eastbound and
westbound optical interface boards of this station, without affecting the DCC and
orderwire communication between this station and other stations.
„ Supports ALS function.
„ Detects and reports various alarm signals and performance events on the lines.
„ Supports online board query function.
2.2.2 Principle

With the help of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology, the SB2D board
achieves unidirection on a single fiber, which is transmitting and receiving on the same
fiber. Two optical signals of different wavelengths on a fiber are capable of
transmitting and receiving at the same time. The SB2D board has two optical
interfaces. The interface 1 transmits 1550 nm wavelength and receives 1310 nm
wavelength, and the interface 2 transmits 1310 nm wavelength and receives 1550 nm
Figure 2-4 take the processing of one channel STM-1 optical signal for example, the
block diagram of the SB2D board is shown in Figure 2-4.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

O/E Frame
STM-1 Cross-connect unit
conversion synchroni- Overhead
zaion and processing
scrambling module
STM-1 E/O processing Cross-connect unit
conversion module

Logic control
FSCC board

Figure 2-4 Principle block diagram of SB2D

1. In Receive Direction

The O/E conversion module converts the received STM-1 optical signal into electrical
ones and restores the clock signal. Then, it sends the clock signal together with the
STM-1 electrical signals to the frame synchronization and scrambling module. The
R_LOS alarm signal is also detected at the O/E conversion module.
At the frame synchronization and scrambling module, the incoming STM-1 electrical
signals are descrambled and converted into parallel signals, and then sent to the
overhead processing module. The R_LOF and R_OOF alarm signals are also
detected at the frame synchronization and scrambling module.
The overhead processing module performs overhead extraction to the received
STM-1 signals and converts them into VC-4 signals, which are sent to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane.

2. In Transmit Direction

At overhead processing unit, the VC-4 signals from the cross-connect unit are
inserted with overhead bytes and then sent to the frame synchronization and
scrambling module.
Parallel/serial conversion and scrambling are performed to the incoming STM-1
electrical signals at the frame synchronization and scrambling module. After that, the
signals are sent to the E/O conversion module.
The E/O conversion module converts the electrical STM-1 signals into optical ones
and then sends them onto optical fiber for transmission.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module generates the timing clock and frame header
information required by SB2D. When fault occurs to the cross-connect board, it
implements switching to the active/standby boards, and supports ALS function. When
the FSCC board is not in position, it allows the overhead bytes to pass through the
eastbound and westbound optical interface boards of this station.

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.2.3 Front Panel

The front panel of SB2D is shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 The SB2D board front panel

There are alarm indicators and SC optical interfaces on the front panel of
Indicator Table 2-3 gives a description to the alarm indicator.
Table 2-3 Description of indicator of SB2D
Indicator Status Description
LOS1 (red) Off The optical power of the interface 1 is normal.

On The interface 1 has no optical power input, or the

optical power is too lower.

LOS2 (red) Off The optical power of the interface 2 is normal.

On The interface 2 has no optical power input, or the

optical power is too lower.

Interface The SB2D board has one pair of SC optical interfaces, providing input and
output of 2 x STM-1 optical signals.

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.2.4 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for SB2D are as follows:

J0 byte Generally, the default value is used. The parameter configured for the
interconnected equipments should be inconsistent.
C2 byte The C2 byte should be configured according to the service type in practice.
Table 2-4 shows the corresponding relationship between the parameter
configuration of C2 byte and the service type.
Table 2-4 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type
Service type C2 byte
E1 or T1 tugs

E3 or DS3 asyn

E4 a140

Laser status The laser can be set to either ON or OFF, and the former is the default setting.

Loopback Loopback is usually used for fault localization, falling into two types:
„ VC-4 loopback: for the one VC-4 in the STM-1 signal
„ Optical interface loopback: for VC-4 in the STM-1 signal.
The default setting is non-loopback.
2.2.5 Technical Parameters
Parameter Description

Rate STM-1

Processing capability 2 x STM-1

Code pattern NRZ

Connector SC

Optical fiber 1310 nm, single-mode optical fiber

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Power consumption 4.35 W

Code of optical module L-1.1

Transmission distance 50 km

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Parameter Description

Mean launched power 0 dBm to –5 dBm

Receiver sensitivity –34 dBm

Overload point –10 dBm

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.3 STM-1 Electrical Interface Board (SLE/SDE/EU1S/EU2S/EUPB)

The SLE board is an STM-1 electrical interface board. It adds/drops STM-1 electrical
signals and supports protection at path and board level.
The SDE board is a 2 x STM-1 electrical interface board. It adds/drops STM-1
electrical signals and does not support TPS protection.
The EU1S board is an STM-1 electrical switching board, used in conjunction with the
SLE board. It access 1 x STM-1 electrical signal.
The EU2S board is used in conjunction with the SDE board. It access 2 x STM-1
electrical signal.
The EUPB board is an STM-1 electrical bridging board, used in conjunction with the
SLE board and EU1S board. It supports protection to the SLE board.
The SLE/SDE board can be seated in slot 10 and slot 11, the EU1S/EU2S board in
slot 30 and slot 31, and the EUPB board in slot 31.
2.3.1 Functions

„ Receives/transmits STM-1 electrical signals.

„ Provides inloop and outloop function.
„ Supports pass-through of the DCC byte and orderwire byte. When the FSCC board
is not in position, the D byte and E1/E2 byte can pass through the eastbound and
westbound optical interface boards of this station, without affecting the DCC and
orderwire communication between this station and other stations.
„ Detects and reports various alarm signals and performance events on the lines.
„ Supports online board query function.
2.3.2 Principle

The SLE and SDE are similar in working principle. The principle block diagram of SLE
is shown in Figure 2-6.

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OptiX Metro 1050
Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

STM-1(e) Frame
synchroni- Cross-connect unit
zaion and processing
scrambling module
STM-1(e) processing Cross-connect unit

Logic control FSCC board


Figure 2-6 Principle block diagram of SLE

1. In Receive Direction

At the frame synchronization and scrambling module, the incoming STM-1 electrical
signals are descrambled (with the clock signal restored as well), and then sent to the
overhead processing module. The R_LOS, R_LOF and R_OOF alarm signals are
also detected at the frame synchronization and scrambling module.
The overhead processing module performs overhead extraction to the received
STM-1 signals and converts them into VC-4 signals, which are sent to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane.

2. In Transmit Direction

At overhead processing unit, the VC-4 signals from the cross-connect unit are
inserted with overhead bytes and then sent to the frame synchronization and
scrambling module.
Scrambling is performed to the incoming STM-1 electrical signals at the frame
synchronization and scrambling module. After that, the signals are sent onto optical
fiber for transmission.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module generates the SLE board type and slot
information for the query by the FSCC board, and fulfills communication between the
FSCC board and the SLE board.

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.3.3 Front Panel

The front panel of the SLE, SDE, EU1S, EU2S and EUPB boards are shown in
Figure 2-7, Figure 2-8, Figure 2-9, Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11 respectively.

Figure 2-7 The SLE board front panel

Figure 2-8 The SDE board front panel


Figure 2-9 The EU1S board front panel


Figure 2-10 The EU2S board front panel

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Figure 2-11 The EUPB board front panel

Indicator There is an indicator on the front panel of SLE/SDE, indicating the board hardware
Table 2-5 gives a description to the indicator.
Table 2-5 Description of indicator of SLE/SDE
Indicator Status Description
STATE (green) Off The board is not configured with service, or the board
is under protection.

On The board is configured with service and is in working


Interface SLE/SDE provides no interface on its front panel. EU1S/EU2S is needed for the
input and output of STM-1 electrical signal. There are two BNC connectors on the
EU1S board. There are four BNC connectors on the EU2S board.
Table 2-6 gives a description to the interface on the EUIS/EU2S front panel.
Table 2-6 Description of interfaces of EUIS/EU2S
Interface Description Type
RX/RX1/RX2 Receiving end BNC

TX/TX1/TX2 Transmitting end

2.3.4 Tributary Protection Switching

Used in conjunction with the EU1S board and the EUPB board, the SLE board can
support TPS. Figure 2-12 show the block diagram of TPS to the SLE board.

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Principle STM-1(e)


Protection Working


slot 11 slot 10

Figure 2-12 Block diagram of TPS protection to the SLE board

In Receive Direction
STM-1 electrical signals are accessed through the BNC interface of the EU1S
board, and sent to the SLE board and EUPB board by the EU1S board drive.
In Transmit Direction
The STM-1 electrical signals are sent over both the working and the protection
SLE board simultaneously, received at the EU1S board selectively.
Board When the SLE board is configured with TPS, the SLE board seated in slot 11
configuration protects the one seated in slot 10. The board configuration is illustrated in
Figure 2-13.

Slot 2-PIU Slot 3-FSCC

Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6

Slot 7-XCS4 Slot 8-XCS4 Slot 9-FEOW

Slot 10-SLE Slot 11-SLE Slot 12

B 21

Slot 26 Slot 25 Slot 24

Slot 32 Slot 31-EUPB Slot 30-EU1S

Figure 2-13 Configuration of the working and the protection SLE under TPS

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2.3.5 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for SLE/SDE are as follows:

J0 byte J0 is the path trace byte. It is constantly transmitted by the transmitting end, which is a
sign for the higher order access point and helps identify the receiving end is
connected with the transmitting end. If the receiving end detects mismatched J0, the
associated channel (VC-4) will generate HP_TIM alarms.
The J0 default value is HuaWei SBS.
C2 byte C2 is the signal label byte. It indicates the VC multiframe structure and the feature of
information payload. The received byte is required to be matched with the one
transmitted. If mismatched bytes are detected, the associated channel (VC-4) will
generate HP_SLM alarms, and all “1”s are inserted to the C2 byte of the lower level
information structure.
The C2 byte should be configured according to the service type in practice.
Table 2-7 shows the corresponding relationship between the parameter configuration
of C2 byte and the service type.
Table 2-7 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type
Service type C2 byte
E1 or T1 tugs

E3 or DS3 asyn

E4 a140

Loopback Loopback is usually used for fault localization. There are two types of loopback:
„ VC-4 loopback: for the one VC-4 in the STM-1 signal
„ Optical interface loopback: for VC-4 in the STM-1 signal.
The default setting is non-loopback.

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2.3.6 Technical Parameters

Parameter Description

Rate STM-1 STM-1 STM-1 STM-1 STM-1

Connector No interface No interface BNC BNC No interface

Processing capability 1 x STM-1 2 x STM-1 1 x STM-1 2 x STM-1 1 x STM-1

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 245 mm (L) x 70 mm (L) x 70 mm (L) x 70 mm (L) x

100 mm(W) 100 mm(W) 100 mm (W) 100 mm (W) 100 mm (W)

Power consumption 5.0 W 5.0 W 1.4 W 2.4 W -

Weight 300 g 300 g 300 g 300 g 200 g

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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2.4 STM-1 Optical Interface Board (OSB1)

The OSB1 board provides one STM-1 optical interface. It receives/transmits 1 x
STM-1 optical signals and fulfills the O/E conversion of STM-1 signals, extraction and
insertion of overhead bytes and generation of alarm signals on the line.
Being a module of the XCS1 board, the OSB1 is mounted on the XCS1 board, which
can be inserted in slot 7 and slot 8 of the OptiX Metro 1050. This design gives full
utilization of available space.
2.4.1 Functions

„ Receives/transmits 1 x STM-1 optical signals.

„ Provides the Ie-1 and S-1.1, L-1.1, L-1.2 standard optical interfaces described in
International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization
Sector (ITU-T) Recommendation G.957.
„ Provides in-loop and out-loop functions for system testing.
„ Supports DCC and orderwire pass-through function. When the FSCC board is not
in position, such bytes as D byte and E1/E2 can pass through the east and west
line boards at this station, which will not affect the data and orderwire
communications with other stations.
„ The optical interface has the ALS function.
„ Supports the online query of board information.
2.4.2 Principle

The block diagram of the OSB1 board is shown in Figure 2-14.

O/E Frame
STM-1 Cross-connect unit
conversion synchroni- Overhead
zaion and processing
scrambling module
STM-1 E/O processing Cross-connect unit
conversion module

Logic control
FSCC board

Figure 2-14 Principle block diagram of OSB1

1. In Receive Direction

The O/E conversion module converts the received STM-1 optical signal into electrical
ones and restores the clock signal. Then, it sends the clock signal together with the

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STM-1 electrical signals to the frame synchronization and scrambling module. The
R_LOS alarm signal is also detected at the O/E conversion module.
At the frame synchronization and scrambling module, the incoming STM-1 electrical
signals are descrambled and converted into parallel signals, and then sent to the
overhead processing module. The R_LOF and R_OOF alarm signals are also
detected at the frame synchronization and scrambling module.
The overhead processing module performs overhead extraction to the received
STM-1 signals and converts them into VC-4 signals, which are sent to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane.

2. In Transmit Direction

At overhead processing unit, the VC-4 signals from the cross-connect unit are
inserted with overhead bytes and then sent to the frame synchronization and
scrambling module.
Parallel/serial conversion and scrambling are performed to the incoming STM-1
electrical signals at the frame synchronization and scrambling module. After that, the
signals are sent to the E/O conversion module.
The E/O conversion module converts the electrical STM-1 signals into optical ones
and then sends them onto optical fiber for transmission.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module generates the timing clock and frame header
information required by OSB1. When fault occurs to the cross-connect board, it
implements switching to the active/standby boards, and supports ALS function. When
the FSCC board is not in position, it allows the overhead bytes to pass through the
eastbound and westbound optical interface boards of this station.
2.4.3 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for OSB1 are as follows:

J0 byte Generally, the default value is used. The parameter configured for the interconnected
equipments should be inconsistent.
C2 byte The C2 byte should be configured according to the service type in practice.
Table 2-8 shows the corresponding relationship between the parameter configuration
of C2 byte and the service type.
Table 2-8 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type
Service type C2 byte
E1 or T1 tugs

E3 or DS3 asyn

E4 a140

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Laser status The laser can be set to either ON or OFF, and the former is the default setting.

Loopback Loopback is usually used for fault localization. There are two types of loopback:
„ VC-4 loopback: for the one VC-4 in the STM-1 signal
„ Optical interface loopback: for VC-4 in the STM-1 signal
The default setting is non-loopback.

2.4.4 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Line bite rate STM-1

Line code Non Return to Zero code (NRZ)

Connectors SC

Fiber 1310 nm, single-mode or multi-mode fiber

Dimensions 90 mm (L) x 85 mm (W)

Application codes Ie-1 S-1.1 L-1.1 L-1.2

Transmission distance 0.5 km 15 km 50 km 80 km

Mean launched power –19 dBm to –8 dBm to 0 dBm to 0 dBm to –5 dBm

–14 dBm –15 dBm –5 dBm

Receiver sensitivity –23 dBm –28 dBm –34 dBm –34 dBm

Receiver overload –14 dBm –8 dBm –10 dBm –10 dBm


Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.5 STM-4 Optical Interface Board (OSB4)

The OSB4 board provides STM-4 optical interface. It receives/transmits 1 x STM-4
optical signals and fulfills the O/E conversion of STM-4 signals, extraction and
insertion of overhead bytes and generation of alarm signals on the line.
As a module of the XCS4 board, the OSB4 shares a slot with the XCS4 board and can
be seated in slot 7 and slot 8 of the OptiX Metro 1050. This design helps to achieve
maximum space utilization.
2.5.1 Functions

„ Receives/transmits 1 x STM-4 optical signals.

„ Provides the Ie-4 and S-4.1, L-4.1, L-4.2 standard optical interfaces described in
ITU-T Recommendation G.957.
„ Provides inloop and outloop functions for system testing.
„ Supports DCC and orderwire pass-through function. When the FSCC board is not
in position, such bytes as D byte and E1/E2 byte can pass through the eastbound
and westbound line boards at this station, which will not affect the embedded
control channel (ECC) and orderwire communications with other stations.
„ The optical interface has the ALS function.
„ Supports the online query of board information.
2.5.2 Principle

The block diagram of the OSB4 board is shown in Figure 2-15.

O/E Frame
STM- Cross-connect unit
conversion synchroni- Overhead
zaion and processing
scrambling module
STM- E/O processing Cross-connect unit
conversion module

Logic control
FSCC board

Figure 2-15 Principle block diagram of OSB4

1. In Receive Direction

The O/E conversion module converts the received STM-4 optical signal into electrical
ones and restores the clock signal. Then, it sends the clock signal together with the
STM-4 electrical signals to the frame synchronization and scrambling module. The

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R_LOS alarm signal is also detected at the O/E conversion module.

At the frame synchronization and scrambling module, the incoming STM-4 electrical
signals are descrambled and converted into parallel signals, and then sent to the
overhead processing module. The R_LOF and R_OOF alarm signals are also
detected at the frame synchronization and scrambling module.
The overhead processing module performs overhead extraction to the received
STM-4 signals and converts them into VC-4 signals, which are sent to the
cross-connect unit through the backplane.

2. In Transmit Direction

At overhead processing unit, the VC-4 signals from the cross-connect unit are
inserted with overhead bytes and then sent to the frame synchronization and
scrambling module.
Parallel/serial conversion and scrambling are performed to the incoming STM-4
electrical signals at the frame synchronization and scrambling module. After that, the
signals are sent to the E/O conversion module.
The E/O conversion module converts the electrical STM-4 signals into optical ones
and then sends them onto optical fiber for transmission.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module generates the timing clock and frame header
information required by OSB4. When fault occurs to the cross-connect board, it
implements switching to the active/standby boards, and supports ALS function. When
the FSCC board is not in position, it allows the overhead bytes to pass through the
eastbound and westbound optical interface boards of this station.
2.5.3 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for OSB4 are as follows:

J0 byte Generally, the default value is used. The parameter configured for the interconnected
equipments should be inconsistent.
C2 byte The C2 byte should be configured according to the service type in practice.
Table 2-9 shows the corresponding relationship between the parameter configuration
of C2 byte and the service type.
Table 2-9 Corresponding relationship between the C2 byte and the service type
Service type C2 byte
E1 or T1 tugs

E3 or DS3 asyn

E4 a140

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Laser status The laser can be set to either ON or OFF, and the former is the default setting.

Loopback Loopback is usually used for fault localization. There are two types of loopback:
„ VC-4 loopback: for the one VC-4 in the STM-1 signal
„ Optical interface loopback: for all 4 VC-4s in the STM-4 signal.
The default setting is non-loopback.
2.5.4 Technical Specifications
Item Description

Line bite rate STM-4

Line code NRZ

Connectors SC

Fiber 1310 nm, single mode or multi-mode fiber

Dimensions 90 mm (L) × 85 mm (W)

Application codes Ie-4 S-4.1 L-4.1 L-4.2

Transmission distance - 25 km 50 km 80 km

Mean launched power –8 dBm to –8 dBm to +2 dBm to –3 +2 dBm to –3

–15 dBm –15 dBm dBm dBm

Receiver sensitivity –23 dBm –28 dBm –28 dBm –28 dBm

Receiver overload –8 dBm –8 dBm –8 dBm –8 dBm


Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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2.6 E1/T1 Electrical Interface Board


The E1/T1 electrical interface boards including:

„ The PL1S board is an 8 x 2048 kbit/s framed electrical interfaces board.
„ The PL1D board is a 16 x 2048 kbit/s framed electrical interfaces board.
„ The PF1S board is an 8 x 2048 kbit/s framed electrical interfaces board.
„ The PF1D board is a 16 x 2048 kbit/s framed electrical interfaces board.
„ The PM1S board is an 8 x 2048 kbit/s framed or 8 x 1544 kbit/s electrical interfaces
„ The PM1D board is a 16 x 2048 kbit/s framed or 16 x 1544 kbit/s electrical
interfaces board.
„ The C12 board is a 16 x 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signal conversion board. It is
used together with the PL1D, PL1S, PM1D, PM1S, PF1D and PF1S boards to
achieve electrical transfer of 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signals.
„ The C12S board is a 16 x 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s electrical interface switching &
bridge board. It is used together with the PL1D, PL1S, PM1D, PM1S, PF1D and
PF1S boards to achieve electrical transfer of 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signals. In
addition, it provides TPS protection for these boards.
E1/T1 signals processing is carried out on the boards PL1S, PL1D, PF1D, PF1S,
PM1D and PM1D. They have different functions, as shown in Table 2-10.
Table 2-10 Different function of PL1S, PL1D, PF1D, PF1S, PM1D and PM1D
Board Access Interface impedance Remarks
name capability
PL1S 8 x E1 75 ohm and 120 ohm Interface impedance of 75
ohm: The board whose bar
PL1D 16 x E1 75 ohm and 120 ohm code is labeled as “A”.

Interface impedance of 120

ohm: the board whose bar
code is labeled as “B”.

PF1S 8 x E1 75 ohm -

PF1D 16 x E1 75 ohm -

PM1S 8 x E1/T1 100 ohm and 120 ohm -

PM1D 16 x E1/T1 100 ohm and 120 ohm -

The PL1S, PL1D, PF1D, PF1S, PM1D and PM1D boards can be seated in slot 4, 5, 6,
10, 11 or 12.

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The C12 board is seated in the slots 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32.
When TPS is configured for the equipment, C12S can be seated in slots 24, 25, 26, 30
and 31.
2.6.1 Functions

„ Maps and multiplexes 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signals into the VC-4, and demaps
and demultiplexes the VC-4 to 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbt/s signals.
„ Provides 75 ohm unbalanced interface and 100 ohm /120 ohm balanced interface.
The interface characteristics comply with ITU-T Recommendation G.703.
„ PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D supports cyclic redundancy check (CRC), and the board
can detect bit errors in the received signals (PL1S/PL1D not support).
„ Supports the re-timing function (Not supported in the T1 mode).
„ Provides inloop and outloop functions for testing.
„ Supports the online query of board information.
„ Supports 1:N (N ≤ 5) TPS works with C12S board.

„ Supports hot-swapping
2.6.2 Principle

PL1S, PL1D, PF1S, PF1D, PM1S and PM1D are similar in working principle. Here
take PM1S for example. Figure 2-16 shows one channel-signal input and output.
C12/C12S Decoder Mapping Cross-connect
E1/T1 module
Encoder Demapping unit

control FSCC board

Figure 2-16 Block diagram of the PM1S board

1. In Receive Direction

The incoming 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signal passes the interface module and enters
decoder for decoding. Then, the recovered NRZ data and clock signals are sent to the
mapping module.
In the mapping module, the 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signal sent by decoder is

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mapped asynchronously to the C-12, and then forms the VC-12 after the path
overhead processing. Then, it transforms into TU-12 after pointer processing and then
is multiplexed to get the VC-4. Finally, the VC-4 is sent to the cross-connect unit.
The mapping process is shown in Figure 2-17.
X3 X7 X3
VC-4 TUG-3 TUG-2 TU-12




Figure 2-17 Process of mapping and multiplexing 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signals

2. In Transmit Direction

The demapping module demaps the VC-4 signal sent by the cross-connect unit and
extracts the binary data and clock signal to send to the encoder. After encoding, the
HDB3 or B8ZS data signal is output through the interface module.

The code patterns of 2048 kbit/s and 1544 kbit/s signals are HDB3 and B8ZS

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module fulfills communication with FSCC board. It
reports the board information, alarm and performance to FSCC board and receives
the configuration command from FSCC board.
2.6.3 Front Panel

The front panel of the PL1S, PL1D, PF1D, PF1S, PM1S and PM1D are shown in
Figure 2-18, Figure 2-19, Figure 2-20, Figure 2-21, Figure 2-22 and Figure 2-23

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Figure 2-18 The PL1S board front panel



Figure 2-19 The PL1D board front panel



Figure 2-20 The PF1S board front panel



Figure 2-21 The PF1D board front panel



Figure 2-22 The PM1S board front panel

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Figure 2-23 The PM1D board front panel

The front panel of the C12 and C12S boards are shown in Figure 2-24 and Figure
2-25 respectively.

C12 16 1

Figure 2-24 The C12 board front panel

C12S 16 1

Figure 2-25 The C12S board front panel

Indicator There is an indicator on the front panel of PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/ PM1D,

indicating the board working status.
Table 2-11 gives a description to the indicator of PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/
PM1S/PM1D board.
Table 2-11 Description of indicator of PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D
Indicator Status Description
STATE On The board is configured with service and is
(green) in working status.

Off The board is not configured with service, or

the board is under protection.

Interface The PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/ PM1D board provides no interface on its front

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panel. A DB78 connector is on the C12 and C12S front panel.

Figure 2-26 shows the DB78-connector pin numbering, followed by Table 2-12 listing
its pinouts.

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21
59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40

78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60

Figure 2-26 The DB78 connector of the C12 board

Table 2-12 Pinouts of DB78 interface

Pin No. Signal Functions Pin No. Signal Functions
2 RP1 1st positive input 6 RP9 9th positive input

22 RN1 1st negative input 26 RN9 9th negative input

31 TP1 1st positive output 35 TP9 9th positive output

12 TN1 1st negative output 16 TN9 9th negative output

41 RP2 2nd positive input 45 RP10 10th positive input

61 RN2 2nd negative input 65 RN10 10th negative input

70 TP2 2nd positive output 74 TP10 10th positive output

51 TN2 2nd negative output 55 TN10 10th negative output

3 RP3 3rd positive input 7 RP11 11th positive input

23 RN3 3rd negative input 27 RN11 11th negative input

32 TP3 3rd positive output 36 TP11 11th positive output

13 TN3 3rd negative output 17 TN11 11th negative output

42 RP4 4th positive input 46 RP12 12th positive input

62 RN4 4th negative input 66 RN12 12th negative input

71 TP4 4th positive output 70 TP12 12th positive output

52 TN4 4th negative output 51 TN12 12th negative output

4 RP5 5th positive input 8 RP13 13th positive input

24 RN5 5th negative input 28 RN13 13th negative input

33 TP5 5th positive output 37 TP13 13th positive output

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Pin No. Signal Functions Pin No. Signal Functions

14 TN5 5th negative output 18 TN13 13th negative output

43 RP6 6th positive input 47 RP14 14th positive input

63 RN6 6th negative input 67 RN14 14th negative input

72 TP6 6th positive output 76 TP14 14th positive output

53 TN6 6th negative output 57 TN14 14th negative output

5 RP7 7th positive input 9 RP15 15th positive input

25 RN7 7th negative input 29 RN15 15th negative input

34 TP7 7th positive output 38 TP15 15th positive output

15 TN7 7th negative output 19 TN15 15th negative output

44 RP8 8th positive input 48 RP16 16th positive input

64 RN8 8th negative input 68 RN16 16th negative input

73 TP8 8th positive output 77 TP16 16th positive output

54 TN8 8th negative output 58 TN16 16th negative output

1 GND Protection ground 40 GND Protection ground

10 GND Protection ground 49 GND Protection ground

11 GND Protection ground 50 GND Protection ground

20 GND Protection ground 59 GND Protection ground

21 GND Protection ground 60 GND Protection ground

30 GND Protection ground 69 GND Protection ground

39 GND Protection ground 78 GND Protection ground

2.6.4 Tributary Protection Switching

Principle Figure 2-27 show the block diagram of TPS to the PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D
/PM1S/PM1D board.

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2048kbit/s or 1544kbit/s electrical sighal



control control control control control
signal signal signal signal signal

working slot working slot working slot working slot working slot protection slot
(slot 4) (slot 5) (slot 6) (slot 10) (slot 11) (slot 12)

Figure 2-27 Principle of TPS for PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D

In normal state, the 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s signals accessed by the C12S board
will be sent to the PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D board in the working slot.
When the PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D board in slot 4, 5, 6, 10 or 11 is
faulty, the C12S board in slot 24, 25, 26, 30 or 31 will receive the TPS control signal
sent from the cross-connect unit, and control the relay to switch the service signals
to the protection board in slot 12.
Board When a PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D board is configured as 1: 5
configuration protected, the corresponding relation of the working and protection boards is shown
in Table 2-13.
Table 2-13 Corresponding relation of the working and protection
PL1S/PL1D/PF1S/PF1D/PM1S/PM1D under 1:5 protection
Working board Protection board Slot assignment
PL1S PL1S, PL1D Figure 2-28 shows the slot assignment for the
working and protection boards.





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SlotA1-PIU Slot 2-PIU Slot 3-FSCC

Slot 4-Working Slot 5-Working Slot 6-Working

Slot 7-XCS4 Slot 8-XCS4 Slot 9-FEOW

Slot 10-Working Slot 11-Working Slot 12-Protection

B 21

Slot 26-C12S Slot 25-C12S Slot 24-C12S

Slot 32 Slot 31-C12S Slot 30-C12S

Figure 2-28 Slot assignment for the working and protection PL1S/PL1D/PF1D/PF1S/PM1S/PM1D
under TPS

2.6.5 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for PL1S/PL1D/PF1D/PF1S/

PM1S/PM1D are as follows:
Payload loading If “Unloaded” is selected, the service carried by this path will not be processed, and
indication the alarm of this path will not be reported to the FSCC board.
“Unloaded” is selected to screen the alarms of the paths with no service loaded.
Tributary Tributary loopback is used to locate the fault of each service path.
Tributary loopback is a diagnostic function which will affect the service of relevant
path. Please use it careful.
Path service 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s can be selected according to the input service type.

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2.6.6 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Rate 2048 kbit/s 2048 kbit/s or 1544 kbit/s

Processing 8 16 8 16 8 16 null

Connector null DB78

Code HDB3 HDB3, B8ZS null

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W) 70 mm (L) × 100 mm (W)

Weight 200 g 250 g 240 g 300 g 240 g 300 g 250 g

Power 3.0 W 4.0 W 4.0 W 5.5 W 4.2 W 5.5 W 0.5 W Normally

consumption state:0.5 W

state:5.0 W

Interface 2048 kbit/s 1544 kbit/s


Input jitter Satisfy for G.823 Satisfy for G.824


Output jitter B2(18 kHz–100 kHz) ≤0.075 UI B1(10 Hz–40 kHz) ≤0.7 UI

Allowable ≥|±50| ppm ≥|±50| ppm

deviation at
input port

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.7 E3/DS3 Electrical Interface Board (PL3/C34S/TSB3)

The PL3 board is a 3 x 34368 kbit/s or 3 x 44736 kbit/s electrical interface board with
75 ohm impedance.
The C34S board is a 3 x 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s switching board. It works with
PL3 to transfer the 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal.
The TSB3 board is a 3 x 34368 kbit/s, 44736 kbit/s signal switching & bridging board.
It works with PL3 and C34S to fulfill TPS of the 34368 kbit/s and 44736 kbit/s electrical
The PL3 board can be seated in slot 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12.
The C34S board is seated in slot 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, or 32 when no TPS is provided.
When TPS protection is provided the C34S is seated in slot 24, 25, 30 or 31 and the
TSB3 board is seated in slot 26 or 32.
2.7.1 Functions

„ Maps and multiplexes 3 x 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signals to the VC-4, and
demaps and demultiplexes the VC-4 into 3 x 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signals.
„ Provides inloop and outloop functions at the tributary for testing.
„ Supports signal input equalization to enhance the transmission distance of the
„ Supports the board information query.
„ Supports two groups of 1: 1 or 1: 2 TPS works with C34S and TSB3 board.
„ Supports hot-swapping.
2.7.2 Principle

Take one channel-signal input and output for example, the block diagram of the PL3
board is shown in Figure 2-29.

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C34S Cross-connect
Interface Decoder Mapping
E3/DS3 module
Cross- connect
Encoder Demapping unit

control FSCC board

Figure 2-29 Block diagram of the PL3 board

1. In Receive Direction

The incoming 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal passes the interface module and
enters decoder for decoding. Then, the recovered NRZ data and clock signals are
sent to the mapping module.
In the mapping module, the 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal sent by decoder is
mapped asynchronously to the C-3, and then forms the VC-3 after the path overhead
processing. Then, it transforms into TU-3 after pointer processing and then is
multiplexed into VC-4 and sent to the cross-connect unit.
The mapping process is shown in Figure 2-30.
VC -4 TU G-3 TU -3

VC -3



Figure 2-30 Process of mapping and multiplexing 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal

2. In Transmit Direction

The demapping module demaps the VC-4 signal sent by the cross-connect unit and
extracts the binary data and clock signal to send to the encoder. After encoding, the
HDB3 or B3ZS data signal is output by the interface module.

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The code patterns of 34368 kbit/s and 44736 kbit/s signals are HDB3 and B3ZS

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: This module fulfills communication with FSCC. It reports the
board information, alarm and performance to FSCC and receives the configuration
command from FSCC.
2.7.3 Fornt Panel

The front panel of the PL3, C34S and TSB3 board are shown in Figure 2-31, Figure
2-32 and Figure 2-33 respectively.



Figure 2-31 The PL3 board front panel



Figure 2-32 The C34S board front panel


Figure 2-33 The TSB3 board front panel

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Indicator There is an indicator on the front panel of PL3, indicating the board working status.
Table 2-14 gives a description to the indicator of the PL3 board.
Table 2-14 Description of indicator of PL3
Indicator Status Description
STATE (green) On The board is configured with service and is in
working status.

Off The board is not configured with service, or the

board is under protection.

Interface PL3 provides no interface on its front panel. C34S is needed for the input and output
of 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal. There are three pairs of BNC connectors on
the C34S board.
Table 2-15 gives a description to the interface on the C34S front panel.
Table 2-15 Description of interfaces of C34S
Interface Description Type
RX1 Input of the first channel of signal BNC

TX1 Output of the first channel of signal

RX2 Input of the second channel of signal

TX2 Output of the second channel of signal

RX3 Input of the third channel of signal

TX3 Output of the third channel of signal

2.7.4 Tributary Protection Switching

Principle Figure 2-34 show the block diagram of TPS protection to the PL3 board.


slot 25 protection bus

TPS control
slot 24 protection bus signal
TPS control TPS control
signal signal
protection slot
working slot working slot
slot 6 (slot 12)
slot 4 (slot 10) slot 5 (slot 11)

Figure 2-34 Principle of TPS for PL3 board

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In normal state, 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signals accessed by the C34S board
are sent to the service bus through the relay and then sent to the PL3 board in the
working slot.
When the PL3 board in slot 5 or 11 is faulty, the C34S board in slot 25 or 31 will
receive the TPS control signal sent from the cross-connect unit, and control the relay
switching to the protection bus. The TSB3 board in slot 26 or slot 32 is in default
position, and will send the 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signal to the PL3 protection
board in slot 6 or slot 12 for processing.
When the PL3 board in slot 4 or slot 10 is faulty, the C34S board in slot 24 or 30 will
receive the TPS control signal sent from the cross-connect unit, and control the relay
switching to the protection bus. Meanwhile, the TSB3 board in slot 26 or 32 will
receive the TPS control signal controlling the relay switching, and send the 34368
kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s signals to the PL3 board in slot 6 or 12 for processing.
Board A PL3 board can be two groups of 1:3 (protected with other PL3 boards), you must
configuration install the PL3 board in slot 4 or 5 serve as working board and in slot 6 to serve as
protect board. Or you must install the PL3 board in slot 10 or 11 serve as working
board and in slot 12 to serve as protection board.
The board configuration is illustrated in Figure 2-35.

SlotA1-PIU Slot 2-PIU Slot 3-FSCC

Slot 4-Working 1 Slot 5-Working 1 Slot 6-Protection 1

Slot 7-XCS4 Slot 8-XCS4 Slot 9-FEOW

Slot 10-Working 2 Slot 11-Working 2 Slot 12-Protection 2

Slot 21

Slot 26 Slot 25-C34S Slot 24-C34S

Slot 32 Slot 31-C34S Slot 30-C34S

Figure 2-35 Configuration of the working and the protection PL3 under TPS

2.7.5 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for PL3 are as follows:

Payload loading If “Unloaded” is selected, the service carried by this path will not be processed, and
indication the alarm of this path will not be reported to the FSCC board.
“Unloaded” is selected to screen the alarms of the paths with no service loaded.
If the path is loaded with service, “Loaded” must be selected.

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Tributary Tributary loopback is used to locate the fault of each service path.
Tributary loopback is a diagnostic function which will affect the service of relevant
path. Please use it careful.
Path service 34368 kbit/s and 44736 kbit/s can be selected according to the input service type.

2.7.6 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Rate 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s

Processing capability 3 x 34368 kbit/s or 44736 kbit/s

Support code HDB3, B3ZS

Connectors - BNC -

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm 70 mm (L) x 100 mm (W) 70 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Weight 250 g 400 g 175 g

Power consumption 4.5 W 1.0 W 0.5 W

Interface specifications 34368 kbit/s 44736 kbit/s

Input jitter tolerance Satisfy for G.823 Satisfy for G.824

Output jitter B2(10 kHz–800 kHz) ≤0.075 UI B1(10 Hz–400 kHz) ≤0.4 UI

Allowable frequency ≥|±20| ppm ≥|±20| ppm

deviation at input port

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.8 Ethernet Interface Board (EMS3/ETF4/EFT)

The EMS3 board is a 3-channel FE/GE processing board. The ETF4 board is a
4-channel FE interface board. The EFT board is a fast Ethernet transparent
transmission board.
The EMS3 board transmits/receives and processes two channels of FE (10M/100M)
and one channel of GE (1000M) Ethernet services. When used in conjunction with the
ETF4 board, it can transmit/receive and process 6-channel FE and one channel of GE
(1000M) Ethernet services.
The EFT board accesses four channels of FE Ethernet services. This board offers
point-to-point transparent transmission and Ethernet over SDH (EOS) function.
The service processing capability and access capability of EMS3, ETF4 and EFT are
shown in Table 2-16.
Table 2-16 Service processing capability and access capability of EMS3 and ETF4
Board Processing capability Access capability
EMS3 2-channel FE and 1-channel GE 2-channel FE and 1-channel GE

ETF4 None 4-channel FE

EMS3+ETF4 6-channel FE and 1-channel GE 6-channel FE and 1-channel GE

EFT 4-channel FE 4-channel FE

The EMS3 and EFT board can be seated in slot 4, 5, 10 or slot 11. The ETF4 board
can be seated in slot 24, 25, 30 or slot 31.
2.8.1 Functions

1. EMS3/ETF4

„ Provides two 10 M/100 M electrical interfaces.

„ Provides one 1000 M optical interface.
„ Works with ETF4 to expand 10M/100M user interfaces (two to six).
„ Complies with the IEEE 802.3x-compliant electrical characteristics.
„ Maps three channels of Ethernet services into one to sixty-three VC12s or three
„ Provides reliable transmission channels for users using SDH protection (MSP and
„ Supports half duplex and full duplex modes.
„ Supports layer 2 switching of Ethernet data.
„ Supports link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS).

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„ Supports transparent transmission and convergence of Ethernet services.

„ Supports the application of Ethernet virtual private line (EVPL) and Ethernet private
line (EPL).
„ Supports the application of two virtual LAN services: Ethernet private LAN
(EPLAN) and Ethernet virtual private LAN (EVPLAN).
„ Supports committed access rate (CAR), the bandwidth adjustment granularity
being 64kbps.
„ Supports MAC self-learning, broadcast, multicast, and rapid spanning tree protocol
„ Provides subscriber security isolation and VLAN security isolation insider
„ Supports the filtering to MAC addresses and the suppression to broadcast packets.
„ Provides bandwidth sharing and statistic multiplexing based on VLAN and port to
improve bandwidth utility.
„ Encapsulates packets by following generic framing procedure (GFP), link access
protocol-SDH (LAPS) and high level data link control (HDLC) protocols.
„ Receives and transmits testing frames.
„ Supports the identification and transparent transmission of packet frame in online
„ Provides multiple inloop and outloop methods to enable fast location and
elimination of faults.
„ Reports the flow statistics and alarms of frames.

2. EFT

„ Provides four 10 M/100 M electrical interfaces.

„ Complies with the IEEE 802.3x-compliant electrical characteristics.
„ Maps Ethernet services into one to sixty-three VC12s at most or six VC3s. The
maximum bandwidth at SDH side is two VC4s.
„ Supports auto-negotiation and full-duplex.
„ Supports LCAS.
„ Supports GFP, LAPS and HDLC.
„ Provides multiple inloop and outloop methods to enable fast location and
elimination of faults.
„ Reports the flow statistics and alarms of frames.
2.8.2 Principles

The EMS3 board can only access and process two channels of 10 M/100 M Ethernet

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services when it is used alone. However, it can process up to six channels of 10 M/100
M Ethernet services when used together with ETF4.
Figure 2-36 shows the working principle of EMS3. In the figure, six channels of 10
M/100 M and one channel of 1000 M Ethernet services are accessed and processed.
The EFT board works similarly. Figure 2-37 shows the working principle of EFT.
Compared with the EMS3 board, the EFT board does not have 1000M optical
interface. It has only four 10M/100M Ethernet electrical interfaces.

4 x 10M/100M
ETF4 Electrical
2 x 10M/100M module
Encapsulation/ Mapping/ Cross-
decapsulation demapping connect
module module unit
1 x 1000M Optical

Logic contril FSCC


Figure 2-36 Principle block diagram of EMS3

4 x 10M/100M Electrical Encapsulation/ Mapping/ Cross-

interface decapsulation demapping connect
module module module unit

Logic contril FSCC


Figure 2-37 Principle block diagram of EFT

The following is the working principle of EMS3.

1. In Receive Direction

The 10 M/100 M Ethernet data signal from ETF4 and the signal cable is decoded and
converted into parallel signal at the Ethernet electrical interface module, and then is
sent to the service processing module.
The 1000 M optical signal from the optical fiber is converted to electrical signal prior to

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decoding and serial/parallel conversion at the optical interface module, and then is
sent to the service processing module.
In service processing module, the parallel data signals from the electrical and optical
interfaces are performed with packet framing and CRC.
Then the data signals are encapsulated in the encapsulation/decapsulation module.
In the mapping/demapping module, the encapsulated signals are mapped into VC12
or VC3 and then output to the cross-connect unit.

2. In Transmit Direction

The signal from the cross-connect unit is sent to the decapsulation module after being
In the encapsulation/decapsulation module, the demapped signal is decapsulated to
Ethernet data signal.
Then the service processing module extracts the tunnel and VC labels of the signal,
and forwards it.
The Ethernet electrical interface module converts the received data signal to serial
one, codes it and then sends it to the signal cable and ETF4.
The Ethernet optical interface module converts the received data signal to serial one,
codes it and then coverts the coded signal to optical signal, and sends it to the optical
fiber for transmission.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

Logical control module: It provides the function to communicate with FSCC and
monitor the performance of Ethernet data services.
2.8.3 Front Panel

The front panel of EMS3, ETF4 and EFT are shown in Figure 2-38, Figure 2-39 and
Figure 2-40.

Figure 2-38 The EMS3 board front panel

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1 2 3


1. RJ-45 electrical interface 2. Active indicator 3. Link indicator

Figure 2-39 The ETF4 board front panel

1 2 3


1. RJ-45 electrical interface 2. Active indicator 3. Link indicator

Figure 2-40 The EFT board front panel

The following describes the indicators and interfaces of the EMS, ETF4 and EFT

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Indicator Table 2-17 gives the description of indicators on EMS3.

Table 2-17 Description of indicator of EMS3
Indicator Status Description
RUN (green) Flashing five times every Loading the NE software

Flashing three times every Deleting the NE software


Flashing once every second Wait to load the NE software for

the original one is lost

Flashing once every other Normal


ALM (red) Off No alarm occurs to NE

Flashing once every other Minor alarm occurs to NE


Flashing twice every other Major alarm occurs to NE


Flashing three times every Critical alarm occurs to NE

other second

LINK On The link is normal

Off The link is interrupted or not


ACT On The data is in transmission

Off No data is transmitted

Green indicator at On The link is normal

Ethernet interface
–connection status Off The link is interrupted or not

Yellow indicator at Flashing or On The data is in transmission

Ethernet interface
–data status Off No data is transmitted

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Indicator Table 2-18 gives the description of indicators on ETF4 and EFT.
Table 2-18 Description of indicator of ETF4 and EFT
Indicator Status Description
LINK On The link is normal

Off The link is interrupted or not connected

ACTIVE On The data is in transmission

Off No data is transmitted

Interface Table 2-19, Table 2-20 and Table 2-21 show the description of interfaces on the front
panel of EMS3, ETF4 and EFT.
Table 2-19 Description of interfaces on the front panel of EMS3
Interface Description Interface type
FE1 The first 10 M/100 M interface. RJ-45

FE2 The second 10 M/100 M interface. RJ-45

OUT The output interface for GE optical signal LC

IN The input interface for GE optical signal

Table 2-20 Description of interfaces on the front panel of ETF4

Interface Description Interface type
FE3 The third 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet interface. RJ-45

FE4 The fourth 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet interface.

FE5 The fifth 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet interface.

FE6 The sixth 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet interface.

Table 2-21 Description of interfaces on the front panel of EFT

Interface Description Interface type
FE1 The first 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet interface. RJ-45

FE2 The second 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet


FE3 The third 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet interface.

FE4 The fourth 10 M/100 M autosensing Ethernet


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Figure 2-41 shows the pins on the RJ-45 connector of the EMS3, ETF4 and EFT.

No. Signal
1 TX+
2 TX-
3 RX+
6 RX-

8 7 6 5 43 2 1

Figure 2-41 Pins on RJ-45 connector of the EMS3, ETF4 and EFT

2.8.4 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for EMS3 are as follows. The EFT can be
configured similarly.
Item Description

TAG mark Tag port refers to an Ethernet port that can identify and transmit
packets with VLAN TAG header. The TAG mark of this port is set to
“Tag aware”.

While an Ethernet port that cannot identify and transmit packets with
VLAN TAG header is named as Access port, whose TAG mark is

An Ethernet port that can receive and transmit packets with or

without VLAN TAG header is called Hybrid port, whose TAG mark is

Working mode The working mode of the port can be autosensing, 10 M half/full
duplex, or 100 M half/full duplex.

Port enable It indicates the working status of a port. A port must be enabled
when it is configured with services.

Flow control The flow control function of a port is usually enabled.


Forwarding filter The forwarding filter table contains the slot information, VB name,
table VLAN ID and correspondence between VB ports.

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2.8.5 Technical Parameters

Item Description

Rate 10 M/100 M and 1000 M 10 M/100 M 10 M/100 M

Processing capability Two/six channels of 10 Use together with EMS3 Four channels of 10
M/100 M Ethernet M/100 M Ethernet
services and one services
channel of 1000 M
Ethernet service.

Connectors Two RJ-45 connectors Four RJ-45 connectors Four RJ-45 connectors
and a pair of LC

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x100 mm 70 mm (L) x 100 mm (W) 245 mm (L) x100 mm
(W) (W)

Weight 377 g 196 g 290 g

Power consumption 19 W 0.5 W 5.9 W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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2.9 N x 64 kbit/s Rate Interface Board (N64/N64I)

The N64 board is an N x 64kbit/s service processing board. The N64I board is an N x
64kbit/s service access board.
The N64 board transmits/receives and processes 2-channel signals based on
different physical interface protocols. When used in conjunction with the N64I board, it
can transmit/receive and process 4-channel signals based on different physical
interface protocols.
The service processing capability and access capability of N64 and N64I are shown in
Table 2-22.
Table 2-22 Service processing capability and access capability of N64 and N64I
Board Processing capability Access capability
N64 4-channel 2-channel

N64I None 2-channel

N64+N64I 4-channel 4-channel

The N64 board can be seated in slot 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 or 12. The N64I board can be
seated in slot 24, 25, 26, 30, 31 or 32.
2.9.1 Functions

„ Processes 4-channel signals based on different physical interface protocols such

as V.35/V.24/X.21/RS-449/EIA-530.
„ Provides two physical interfaces, characteristics of which conform to the
specifications stipulated in the ITU-T Recommendations and EIA standards.
„ Supports the integration of various signals at the rate of N × 64kbit/s, thus saving
the transmission bandwidth.
„ Supports the integration of N x 64kbit/s signals and Fraction E1 signals, thus
saving the transmission bandwidth.
„ Supports the board configuration through the NM system.
„ Supports the time slot cross-connection of the board service at the 64kbit/s level.
„ Provides the inloop and outloop testing function which enables fast and effective
2.9.2 Principle

Block diagram of the N64 board is shown in Figure 2-42.

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2 channel
Nx64k 4 Cross
64k/E1 E1 M/D M connection
2 channel MPIPM TIM
RCM F/DM unit


MPIPM: Multiprotocol physical interface processing module

RCM: Rate coversion module
TIM: Timeslot interchange module
F/D M: Framed/deframed module
M/D M: Mapping/demapping module
LCM: Logical control module

Figure 2-42 Principle block diagram of N64

1. In Receive Direction

The multi-protocol physical interface processing module receives the N x 64kbit/s

service from the interconnected equipment and the N64I board, and sends it to the
rate conversion module after the protocol conversion.
The rate conversion module inserts the N x 64kbit/s service to the first N time slots,
then performs rate conversion from N x 64kbit/s to E1, and then sends it to the time
slot cross connection module.
According to different service application, the time slot cross connection module has
several processing ways:
„ Sends the service accessed through the N64 board to the Framed E1 module,
after the point-to-point transmission.
„ When the 2-channel or 4-channel N x 64kbit/s services, which are accessed
through the N64 board, are integrated and timeslot combined by this module and
finally form one-channel Framed E1 signal (the sum of 2 Ns or that of 4 Ns [30).
„ When the N x 64kbit/s service, which is accessed through the N64 board, is
integrated with the Fraction E1 service, they are timeslot cross-connected by this
module and finally form one-channel Framed E1 signal.
The Framed E1 module insert the No. 0 time slot of the E1 signal, which has been
processed by the time slot cross connection module, to the frame synchronization
byte and form the standard Framed E1 signal.
The mapping module maps the Framed E1 signal into the VC-4, in the way shown in
Figure 2-43, and then sends it to the cross connection unit.

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×3 ×7 ×3
V C -4 TU G -3 TU G -2 T U -12

V C -12

C -12 2048kbit/s

Figure 2-43 Mapping and multiplexing of E1 signal

2. In Transmit Direction

The demapping module demaps VC-4 from the cross-connection unit into E1 signals,
and then sends them to the Deframed E1 module.
The Deframed E1 module realigns the received signals according to the system given
frame signal, then makes them synchronized with the board, and then sends them to
the time slot interchange module.
According to different service application, the time slot interchange module has
several processing ways:
„ Sends the service accessed through the N64 board to the Framed E1 module,
after the point-to-point transmission.
„ When the accessed 2-channel or 4-channel N x 64kbit/s services are integrated,
this module converts the E1 signals from the Deframed E1 module to 4-channel N
x 64kbit/s services, and finally sends them to the rate conversion module.
„ When the accessed N x 64kbit/s service is integrated with the Fraction E1 service,
this module converts the E1 signals from the Deframed E1 module to 4-channel N
x 64kbit/s services, and finally sends them to the rate conversion module.
The rate conversion module converts the E1 signals to the N x 64kbit/s signals and
sends them to the multi-protocol physical interface processing module.
The multi-protocol physical interface processing module performs protocol processing
to the N x 64kbit/s signals and output them through the N64 board interface.

3. Auxiliary Functional Module

„ Control module: This module assigns address to the chips of the N64 board, and
controls the working mode and status of different modules.
„ Mailbox module: This module keeps communication between the board and the
FSCC board, reports the alarm and performance events to the NM system and
receives the setting command from NM.

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2.9.3 Front Panel

The front panel of N64 and N64I is shown in Figure 2-44 and Figure 2-45 respectively.

Figure 2-44 The N64 board front panel

Figure 2-45 The N64I board front panel

Interface The N64 and N64I board have two DB28 interfaces, so each board provides input and
output of 2-channel N x 64kbit/s signals. Table 2-23 gives a description to the interface
on the front panel of N64 and N64I.
Table 2-23 Description of interface on the front panel of N64 and N64I
Interface Description Type
PORT1 The first N x 64kbit/s interface DB28, its pin assignment is
shown in Table 2-24.
PORT2 The second N x 64kbit/s interface

PORT3 The third N x 64kbit/s interface

PORT4 The fourth N x 64kbit/s interface

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Table 2-24 Pin assignment of DB28 connector for N64 and N64I
Pin No. Signal Description Pin No. Signal Description
1 TXD+ Transmitting data 15 TXCE+ Transmitting data clock for
DCE; loopback clock for DTE

2 TXD– Transmitting data 16 TXCE– Transmitting data clock for

DCE; loopback clock for DTE

3 TXC+ Transmitting clock 17 RXC+ Receiving clock

provided by DCE to DTE

4 TXC– Transmitting clock 18 RXC+ Receiving clock

provided by DCE to DTE

5 NC 19 RXD+ Receiving data

6 GND Circuit_GND 20 RXD– Receiving data

7 MODE0 Cable type identification 21 GND Shield_GND


8 MODE1 Cable type identification 22 LL Loopback control signal


9 MODE2 Cable type identification 23 CTS+ To be transmitted


10 MODE_ DCE/DTE cable type 24 CTS– To be transmitted

DCE identification signal

11 DCD+ Carrier detect 25 DSR+ DCE is ready

12 DCD– Carrier detect 26 DSR– DCE is ready

13 RTS+ Request for transmitting 27 DTR+ DTE is ready

14 RTS– Request for transmitting 28 DTR– DTE is ready

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2.9.4 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for N64 as follows:

Port „ External port protocol modes such as V.35/X.21/RS-499/V.24/EIA-530
„ Internal port protocol modes such as F.E1
„ External port working modes such as DCE/DTE
„ Internal port working modes such as PCM30/PCM31
„ Configure the serial port rate as N x 64 kbit/s (the range of N is 1–31)
„ Configure the serial clock as internal clock, external clock or slave clock
Working clock There are five clock sources available:
„ Local 2M system clock
„ External interface clock accessed through port DD3
„ External interface clock accessed through port DD4
„ Line clock accessed through port 2M1
„ Line clock accessed through port 2M5

2.9.5 Technical Parameters

Parameter Description
N64 N64I
Rate 64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s

Connector DB28

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Power consumption 5W 4.5 W

Weight 300 g 200 g

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.10 System Control & Communication Board (FSCC)

The FSCC board is a system control & communication board.
It performs management on synchronous equipment and executes communication
among them. It also provides interfaces for the equipment to connect with the
transmission network management system.
The FSCC board can be seated in slot 3.
2.10.1 Functions

„ Communicates with various boards of the NE, implements the configuration of

various function units, and collects performance parameters and alarm data.
„ Process six DCCs to enable remote system management interface.
„ Provides audio and visual alarms for the OptiX Metro 1050.
„ Supports hot-swapping.
2.10.2 Principle

Figure 2-46 shows the block diagram of the FSCC board. It is mainly composed of
system control unit and communication unit.

Inner memory Buzzer

DCC 2Mb/s

System control unit

Communication unit

Overhead time-
Ethernet RS232 division multiplexing
RJ45 interface

F2 interface

To/from line board

To/from overhead
processing board
To/from cross-
connect and

Figure 2-46 Block diagram of the FSCC board

1. System Control Unit

The unit consists of Center Processing Unit (CPU), inner memory, buzzer as so on. It
mainly performs Synchronous Equipment Management Function (SEMF) and
Message Communication Function (MCF). It provides control processing interfaces

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

for various boards via the drive on the FSCC board, and performs initialization and
configuration of various boards. It also monitors and collects the alarms and
performance data of the boards. It deals with four DCCs and performs management to
remote system. Audio alarm is also the provision of the system control unit.

2. Communication Unit

The unit mainly provides Q and F interfaces, required for the network management. It
implements time-division switching of the system overhead buses. It also provides
Ethernet interface and RS-232 interface on the FSCC board front panel, for the
network management.
2.10.3 Front Panel

The FSCC front panel is shown in Figure 2-47.


Figure 2-47 The FSCC board front panel

Switch „ “RESET” is used to restart the system. To avoid any incident, this button is only
accessed by a sharp-pointed object.
„ “ALMCUT” is an alarm cutoff switch, and it should be ON during normal
operation. When critical alarm is received by the FSCC board, an alarm sound
will be generated. To clear audiable alarm indications, switch the ALMCUT to
OFF and then ON.

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Indicator Table 2-25 gives a description to the indicator of the FSCC board.
Table 2-25 Description of indicators of FSCC
Indicator Status Description
RUN (running 5 times every other second NE software is being loaded
3 times every other second NE software is being deleted

Once every other second NE software is lost, waiting for


Once every other two second Normal operation state

ALM (alarm Off No alarm

Once every other second Minor alarm

2 times every other second Major alarm

3 times every other second Critical alarm

Ethernet Yellow On Data is being transmitted.

indicator Off No data is transmitted.

Green On Link connection is normal.

Off Link is broken or not


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Interface F&f interface

F&f is an RS-232 type interface and is used in communication with the transmission
network management system. A DB9 socket is available for interconnection, its pin
assign is shown in Figure 2-48.

No. Signal
2 RS232RXD
5 4 3 2 1
3 RS232TXD
9 8 7 6 5 GND

1,4,6,7,8 NC

Figure 2-48 F&f interface

Ethernet interface
Ethernet interface is a RJ-45 socket and is used for NMS communication, there are
two indicators on the port.
Ethernet interface is shown in Figure 2-49.

N o. S ig n a l
1 TX+
2 TX-
3 RX+
6 RX-

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Figure 2-49 Pinouts of RJ-45 connector of FSCC

2.10.4 DIP Switches

The OptiX Metro 1050 supports setting NE ID through software other than DIP
switches. The DIP switches on the FSCC use a 4-bit mode. Figure 2-50 shows the
position of them on FSCC.

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Front panel

Mode DIP switches

0 1 2 3

There are totally four bits for the DIP switches, bit sequence of 3210 from high to low.
It is "0" when the switch is put upward, and "1" when put downward.

If the debugging mode 3 is desired, the DIP switches should be set as 0011.
That is, put the bits 3 and 2 upward, and the bits 1 and 0 downward.
If the BIOS mode 5 is desired, the DIP switches should be set as 0101.
That is, put the bits 3 and 1 upward, and the bits 2 and 0 downward.

Figure 2-50 Location of DIP switches on the FSCC

The mode DIP switches are used for equipment debugging. All of them are in "0"
position during the equipment operation.

2.10.5 Parameter Configuration

Common parameter settings for the FSCC board include:

„ Gateway setting
„ Extended ID
„ Extended ECC parameter settings

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2.10.6 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Interface type F&f, Ethernet

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Weight 300 g

Power consumption 2.5 W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.11 Cross-connect & Timing Board (XCS/XCS1/XCS4)

The XCS is a cross-connect & timing board.
The XCS1 is a cross-connect & timing board with STM-1 line unit.
The XCS4 is a cross-connect & timing board with STM-4 line unit.
The working of the line units on the XCS1 and the XCS4 boards are independent.
The XCS/XCS1/XCS4 board can be seated in slot 7 and slot 8 (displayed as slot 17
and slot 18 on network management system).
2.11.1 Functions

„ Provides full cross-connection with the capacity of 20 x 20 VC-4, fulfilling service

grooming at the VC-4 or VC-12 level.
„ Provides synchronization clock sources for itself and the system.
„ Queries the information about board making.
„ Provides board temperature check function.
„ Detects and controls the TPS.
„ Provides 1+1 hot backup for the board, ensuring the reliability of the cross-connect
and timing subsystems running in the entire system.
2.11.2 Principle

Block diagram of the working principle is shown in Figure 2-51.

Service processing VC-4 BUS Cross-connect

boards module

Service processing Clock signal

Clock module
Clock signal

Figure 2-51 Block diagram of the XCS/XCS1/XCS4 board

1. Cross-connect Module

This module grooms service between the service boards. The OptiX Metro 1050 does
not support time division (TD) cross-connect but space division (SD) cross-connect

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SD cross-connect refers to the cross-connect between the same VC-12 timeslots in
different VC-4s, as shown by (a) in Figure 2-52.
TD cross-connect refers to the cross-connect between different VC-12 timeslots in
different VC-4s, as shown by (b) in Figure 2-52.
The OptiX Metro 1050 supports cross-connects between the tributary board port and
the VC-12 timeslot are supported.

#1 VC-4 #1 VC-4
2 1 2 1
#2 VC-4 #2 VC-4
#3 VC-4 #3 VC-4

#4 VC-4 #4 VC-4
2 1 2 1

#1 VC-4 #1 VC-4
2 1 1
#2 VC-4 #2 VC-4
#3 VC-4 #3 VC-4

#4 VC-4 #4 VC-4
2 1 2 1

Figure 2-52 SD cross-connect and TD cross-connect

2. Clock Module

This module implements source selection, detection, phase locking to the system
clock, switches the active and standby XCS boards, and communicates with FSCC
through mailbox.
2.11.3 Front Panel

Appearances of the front panel of the XCS, the XCS1 and XCS4 are shown in Figure
2-53, Figure 2-54 and Figure 2-55.

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Figure 2-53 The XCS board front panel


Figure 2-54 The XCS1 board front panel


Figure 2-55 The XCS4 board front panel

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Indicators Table 2-26 gives a description to the indicator of the XCS, XCS1 and XCS4 boards.
Table 2-26 Description of indicators of XCS, XCS1 and XCS4
Indicator Status Description
LOS Off No alarm occurs to the board

(red) On R_LOS alarm occurs to the board.

RUN Flashing 5 times every second. NE software is being loaded.

(green) Flashing 3 times every second. NE software is being deleted.

Flashing once every second. NE software is lost, awaiting for


Flash once every two seconds. Normal operation state

ACT Off The board is in the standby state.

(green) On The board is in the working state.

Interface There is no interface on the XCS front panel.

The XCS1 board provides one pair of SC/PC connector to process 1 x STM-1
The XCS4 board provides one pair of SC/PC connector to process 1 x STM-4
2.11.4 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters that should be configured for XCS/XCS1/XCS4 are as follows:

Protection Active board

Generally, slot 7 is set as active slot.
Standby board
Generally, slot 8 is set as active slot.
Clock „ Clock source and priority table
settings „ Clock quality
„ External clock source mode and synchronization status byte
„ Phase-lock source of external clock output
„ Clock source switching conditions and clock source restoration parameters
„ Clock subnet

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2.11.5 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Cross-connect 20 x 20 VC-4
1260 x 1260 VC-12

Cross-connect level VC-4, VC-12

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Weight 350 g 400 g 420 g

Power consumption 6.5 W 7.5 W 8.0 W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.12 Engineering Orderwire Board (FEOW)

The FEOW board is an engineering orderwire board, and mainly performs extraction
and insertion of the overhead bytes. It provides orderwire phone, transparent data
transmission or Boolean inputs/outputs.
The FEOW board can be seated in slot 9.
2.12.1 Functions

„ Extracts/inserts E1, E2, and F2 bytes.

„ Provides one channel of orderwire phone over E1/E2 byte and supports
addressing call and conference call.
„ Provides four transparent data transmission (RS-232) broadcast interfaces,
namely, S1, S2, S3 and S4 via F2, X1, X2 and X3 bytes, with the maximum data
transmission rate of 19.2 kbit/s per channel. It also supports the point-to-point and
point-to-multipoint data transmission.
„ The four data interfaces can be multiplexed for three Boolean inputs and one
Boolean output.
2.12.2 Principle

Block diagram of the FEOW board is shown in Figure 2-56. It mainly implements the
extraction and insertion of overhead bytes such as E1, E2 and F2 and other user data
interface bytes. The orderwire phone channel and data interfaces are also available.

User circuit Phone interface

FPGA Data circuit S1,S2,S3,S4

Boolean circuit

S1:The first data interface (Boolean output )

S2:The second data interface (Input of the third boolean)
S3:The third data interface (Input of the second boolean)
S4:The forth data interface (Input of the first boolean)

Figure 2-56 Block diagram of the FEOW board

The FEOW board includes user circuit module, data circuit module, Boolean module
and FPGA module.

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1. User Circuit Module

It provides one orderwire phone interface, complete function of phone.

2. Data Interface and Boolean Circuit Module

It provides physical interface of the peripheral data terminal equipment. It provides

complete transparent data transmission, asynchronous RS-232 serial ports. The
RS-232 serial port is optional and its maximum transmission rate is 19.2 kbit/s. The
four RS-232 serial ports can be multiplexed into three Boolean inputs and one
Boolean output.

3. FPGA Module

It performs the functions of processing and detection of the signaling, generation of

the frame header and clock, clock detection and switching.
2.12.3 Front Panel

From Figure 2-57, there is one phone interface and four RS-232 transparent data (or
three Boolean inputs/one Boolean output) interfaces on the FEOW board.


Figure 2-57 The FEOW board front panel

Indicator Table 2-27 gives a description to the indicator of the FEOW board.
Table 2-27 Description of indicators of the FEOW
Indicator Status Description
Connection status indicator On Normal link connection
(green, right)
Off Link interrupted or not

Data status indicator Flashing or On Data being transmitted

(orange, left)
Off No data transceiving

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Interface PHONE interface

It is an orderwire phone interface, working in Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF)
mode, using E1/E2 overhead byte.
The orderwire phone interface is a RJ-11 socket, its pin number is shown in Figure

No. Signal
3 Signal1
4 Signal1 NC

6 5 4 3 2 1

Figure 2-58 RJ-11 pin numbering of the FEOW

S1–S4 interfaces
S1–S4 is single-row 4-port RJ-45 network port connectors, used for transparent
data transmission or Boolean signal transmission.
When interfaces S1, S2, S3 and S4 are used as data interfaces, they use the bytes
X3, X2, X1 and F2 respectively. Figure 2-59 shows the positions of these bytes in
the STM frame structure.

A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 J1 J0M

B1 E1 F1 B3 J1M

D1 D2 D3 C2

H11 H12 H13 H21 H22 H23 H31 H32 H33 G1

B21 B22 B23 K1 K2 F2

D4 X1 X2 D5 D6 H4

D7 D8 D9 F3

D10 D11 D12 X3 K3

S1 M1 E2 N1

Figure 2-59 Positions of X3, X2, X1 and F2 bytes in the STM frame structure

For S1–S4 interfaces the pin numbering is shown in Figure 2-60, and the pin
assignments are respectively listed in Table 2-28, Table 2-29, Table 2-30 and Table

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8 7 6 5 43 2 1

Figure 2-60 RJ-45 pin numbering of the FEOW

Table 2-28 Pin assignment of S1 interface

Pin number Signal Functions
1 PGND Protection ground

2 RS-232RXD_4 RS-232 receiving data (4F2)

3 RS-232TXD_4 RS-232 transmitting data (4F2)

4 PGND Protection ground

5 DGND Digital ground

6 PGND Protection ground

7 KGOUTA Boolean output A

8 KGOUTB Boolean output B

Table 2-29 Pin assignment of S2 interface

Pin number Signal Functions
1 PGND Protection ground

2 RS-232RXD_3 RS-232 receiving data (3F2)

3 RS-232TXD_3 RS-232 transmitting data(3F2)

4 PGND Protection ground

5 DGND Digital ground

6 PGND Protection ground

7 KGIN_3 The third Boolean input

8 KGINGND_3 The third Boolean input ground

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Table 2-30 Pin assignment of S3 interface

Pin number Signal Functions
1 PGND Protection ground

2 RS-232RXD_2 RS-232 receiving data (2F2)

3 RS-232TXD_2 RS-232 transmitting data(2F2)

4 PGND Protection ground

5 DGND Digital ground

6 PGND Protection ground

7 KGIN_2 The second Boolean input

8 KGINGND_2 The second Boolean input ground

Table 2-31 Pin assignment of S4 interface

Pin number Signal Functions
1 PGND Protection ground

2 RS-232RXD_1 RS-232 receiving data (1F2)

3 RS-232TXD_1 RS-232 transmitting data (1F2)

4 PGND Protection ground

5 DGND Digital ground

6 PGND Protection ground

7 KGIN_1 The first Boolean input

8 KGINGND_1 The first Boolean input ground

2.12.4 Parameter Configuration

Main parameters for the FEOW board include telephone call parameters and
data server parameters:
Telephone call Telephone number
Call waiting time
Orderwire phone occupation byte E1/E2
Data server Working mode
Broadcast data source
Broadcast data sink

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.12.5 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Number of Boolean 3 Boolean inputs and 1 Boolean output


Number of orderwire 1

Number of data interface 4

Dimensions 245 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Weight 350 g

Power consumption 5W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.13 Power Board (SPIU/FPIU)

The power board includes: SPIU and FPIU.
„ The SPIU board provides two –48 V/–60 V DC inputs with power of 100 W. If the
power of the OptiX Metro 1050 system is less than 100 W, two SPIU boards can be
seated, which are respectively inserted in slot 1 and slot 2 for mutual backup.
„ The FPIU board provides two –48 V/–60 V DC inputs with power of 198W. If the
OptiX Metro 1050 is configured with more than two Ethernet process boards, two
FPIU boards need to be seated, which are respectively inserted in slot 1 and slot 2
for mutual backup.
2.13.1 Functions

„ Provides the access of –48 V/–60 V DC, with the allowed voltage ranging –38.4 V
to –72 V DC.
„ Executes the Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) protection, undervoltage and
buffer startup protection of the power supply.
„ Supports board temperature check function.
„ Provides 1+1 hot backup mode, increases the reliability of the equipment.
„ Communicates with FSCC.
2.13.2 Principle

The working principles of the SPIU and FPIU board are similar.
Block diagram of the SPIU/FPIU board is shown in Figure 2-61.

Output circuit
-48V/-60V EMC protection Boards

FSCC board

Figure 2-61 Block diagram of the power board

The –48 V/–60 V DC power supply from the secondary power supply system
undergoes EMC protection processing, passes the undervoltage and overcurrent
protection module, and then is output with desired voltage for respective boards by the
output circuit.
The following is the description of each functional module.

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1. EMC Protection Module

It performs lightning protection and reverse insertion protection of the –48 V/–60 V DC
power input to guarantee the subsequent circuits will not be damaged.

2. Undervoltage Protection Module

It realizes the undervoltage and surge current protection.

When the input voltage is below the undervoltage protection point (–36.6 V), the
power input will be disconnected.
Board swapping is supported through the suppression of surge current.

3. Output Circuit Module

It converts the input DC power supply into the system operating voltage.

4. Communication Module

It collects the board working statuses, environmental temperature and the alarms of
the damages caused by lightning shock and reports the monitoring results to the
FSCC board.
2.13.3 Front Panel

The front panel of SPIU and FPIU are shown in Figure 2-62 and Figure 2-63

1 2 3


NEG(-) RTN(+)

1. OUT (indicator) 2. Power switch 3. PWR (power socket)

Figure 2-62 The SPIU board front panel

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1 2 3


NEG(-) RTN(+)

1. OUT (indicator) 2. Power switch 3. PWR (power socket)

Figure 2-63 The FPIU board front panel

Switch There is a power switch on the SPIU/FPIU front panel.

On: Equipment power is on.
Off: Equipment power is off.
Indicator Table 2-32 gives a description to the indicator of the SPIU/FPIU board.
Table 2-32 Description of indicator of the SPIU/FPIU
Indicator Status Description
OUT On Board is normal.

(green) Off Input voltage is abnormal or SPIU/FPIU board fails.

Interface Through DB3 socket –48 V/–60 V DC power supply is attached to it. The voltage
range of power should be –38.4 V to –72 V DC.
2.13.4 Parameter Configuration

Common parameters for SPIU/FPIU board include:

„ Temperature upper limit and lower limit
„ Input power upper limit and lower limit

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2.13.5 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Input voltage –48 V/–60 V

Input voltage range –38.4 V to –72 V

Dimensions 245 mm (L) × 100 mm (W)

Weight 540 g 550 g

Power consumption 8W 15 W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.14 Fan Interface Board (FAN)

The FAN board contains two fans and is used for heat dissipation of the equipment.
The FAN board can be seated in slot 13.
2.14.1 Functions

„ Regulates the fan speed. If the temperature is very high and beyond the upper
threshold, the fan will rotate at higher speed. While it will lower the speed if the
temperature is lower.
„ High maintenance ability. If any of the fans stop rotating, an alarm will be reported
to the FSCC board. Correspondingly, the red indicator of the FAN will be on.
„ Overvoltage protection. Since the working voltage of the fan is lower than –56 V
DC and the operating voltage range of the OptiX Metro 1050 is –38.4 V to –72 V
DC, hence the overvoltage protection must be provided to the fans.
„ Supports hot-swapping.
„ Supports the environmental temperature query of the fan board.
„ Supports the query of board information.
2.14.2 Principle

Block diagram of the FAN unit is shown in Figure 2-64, followed by the brief
introduction of these units.
FSCC board FSCC board

temperature Fans failure Alarm
Fan control
detection Fans detection indicator
module module

information FSCC board

Figure 2-64 Block diagram of the FAN

1. Local Temperature Detection Module

It detects the surrounding temperature.

2. Fan Control Module

It determines the operating voltage of the fans and controls their speeds according to
the temperature detected by the Local temperature detection module, and as well as
the temperature information of other circuit boards collected by FSCC board. Since
the voltage range of the –48 V/–60 V power supply is –38.4 V to –72 V, and the

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

operating voltage range of the fans is lower than –56 V, the fans must be provided with
–56 V over voltage protection.

3. Fans Failure Detection Module

It detects the on/off state of the fans. When either of the two fans stops, an alarm will
be reported to the FSCC board, and the corresponding alarm indicator of the FAN will
be on. When both the fans stop running, the FAN not-in-position alarm will be reported
to the FSCC board.
2.14.3 Front Panel

The front panel of FAN is shown in Figure 2-65.



ESD jack

Figure 2-65 The FAN board front panel

There are two indicators, one handle and one electrostatic discharge (ESD) jack on
the FAN front panel.
Handle Handle used to draw out the air filter and FAN board.

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Indicator Table 2-33 gives a description to the indicator of the FAN board.
Table 2-33 Description of indicators of FAN board
Indicator Status Description Remark
FAN1 ALM (red) On FAN 1 stops running FAN 1 is near the front panel,
as shown in Figure 2-66
Off FAN 1 is normal

FAN2 ALM (red) On FAN 2 stops running FAN 2 is away from the front
panel, as shown in Figure
Off FAN 2 is normal 2-66.





Figure 2-66 The position of the fans on the FAN board

Interface ESD jack used to insert static wrist.

2.14.4 Parameter Configuration

Common parameters for the FAN board include:

Temperature threshold
2.14.5 Technical Specifications
Item Description

Number of fans 2

Dimensions 218 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Weight 9500 g

Power consumption 9W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.15 Synchronous Timing Interface Board (STIA/STIB/STIC/STID)

The STIA and STIB are used for the OptiX Metro 1050 I, they are used together with
the XCS/XCS1/XCS4 to input and output 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s clock signals.
„ The STIA board is a 75 ohm synchronous timing interface board.
„ The STIB board is a 120 ohm synchronous timing interface board.
The STIC and STID are used for the OptiX Metro 1050 II. They are used together with
the XCS/XCS1/XCS4 to input and output 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s clock signals.
„ The STIC board is a 75 ohm synchronous timing interface board.
„ The STID board is a 120 ohm synchronous timing interface board.
The STIA/STIB board can be seated in slot 21 of the OptiX Metro 1050 I. The
STIC/STID board can be seated in slot 21/32 of the OptiX Metro 1050 II.
Slot 21 and slot 32 use the same physical slot in the OptiX Metro 1050 II. When
STIC/STID is seated, it should be held by slot 21.
2.15.1 Functions

„ Processes two 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s clock signal.

„ Control output/input two 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s external clocks via board
„ Provides 75 ohm and 120 ohm interfaces.
„ Processes synchronization status byte S1.
2.15.2 Principle

The block diagram of the STIA/STIB board is shown in Figure 2-67, including the
receiving and transmitting parts.

External clock 2MHz Clock signal

Control XCS/XCS1
2Mbit/s module /XCS4
External clock module

Figure 2-67 Block diagram of the STIA/STIB/STIC/STID

1. In Receive Direction

The incoming 2 MHz or 2 Mbit/s signal passes through the clock signal processing unit
and control unit and is sent to the XCS/XCS1/XCS4 board.

2. In Transmit Direction

The 2 M clock signal from XCS passes through the control unit and clock signal
processing unit and is output to the external clock interface. The rate of the output

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

clock signal may be either 2 MHz or 2 Mbit/s.

2.15.3 Front Panel

Front panel of the STIA, STIB, STIC and the STID are shown in Figure 2-68, Figure
2-69, Figure 2-70 and Figure 2-71.



Figure 2-68 The STIA board front panel


Figure 2-69 The STIB board front panel



Figure 2-70 The STIC board front panel Front panel of the


Figure 2-71 The STID board front panel

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

Interface The interface description of the STIA, STIB, STIC and STID boards are shown in
Table 2-34.
Table 2-34 The interface description of the STIA and STIB board
Board name Interface description
STIA/STIC There are two pairs of SMB sockets on the front panel of the
STIA/STIC, they provide interfaces for 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s
clock signal.

I is stand for the 1st external clock interface.

II is stand for the 2nd external clock interface.

STIB/STID There is a DB9 connector on the front panel of the STIB/STID, it

provides interface for 2048 kHz or 2048 kbit/s clock signal.

The pin assignment of DB9 is shown in Table 2-35.

Table 2-35 Pin assignment of DB9

Pin number Signal Functions
3 GND Protection ground

5 EXT1R+ 1st external clock positive input

9 EXT1T+ 1st external clock positive output

4 EXT1R– 1st external clock negative input

8 EXT1T– 1st external clock negative output

7 EXT2T+ 2nd external clock positive input

2 EXT2R+ 2nd external clock positive output

6 EXT2T– 2nd external clock negative input

1 EXT2R– 2nd external clock negative output

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2.15.4 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Clock reference 2 (Output and Input)

Interface type SMB DB9

Clock signal 2048 kbit/s, 2048 kHz

Dimensions 70 mm (L) x 100 mm (W)

Weight 200 g 200 g

Power consumption 1.5 W 1.5 W

Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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Hardware Description Manual 2 Boards Description

2.16 Case-shape Optical Amplifier (COA)

The case-shaped fiber amplifier (COA) is equipped with only one erbium-doped fiber
amplifier (EDFA) module, which works as optical amplifier. It needs separate power
supply. It can raise the transmitting optical power up to +14 or +17 dBm to extend the
effective transmission distance of optical signals.
2.16.1 Functions

„ The COA raises the optical transmitting power of the circuit board transmitter via
the EDFA. The optical transmitting power can be raised up to 14 or 17 dBm and the
signal transmission distance is extended.
„ The COA provides RS-232 serial port communication module and communicates
with the FSCC board. It reports the alarms and performance events of the local
board to the NM and receives configuration commands from the NM.
„ The COA is externally installed and does not occupy any slot in the subrack. It can
work separately.
2.16.2 Principle

The principle block diagram of the COA board is shown in Figure 2-72.
Optical input Optical output


EDFA optical module Optical part

Drive and detect part Drive and detect part

A/D D/A Conversion

Data processing and
communication part
Control Communication
module module FSCC

Figure 2-72 Principle block diagram of COA

1. Optical Part

It consists of EDFA to amplify the optical signal.

2. Driving and Detection Part

It provides the EDFA with driving current and detects the working status of the

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components of the EDFA. It predicts and processes the potential faults.

It implements the functions such as pump power detection, optical module drive
control or optical module temperature control, input/output optical power detection.

3. Data Processing and Communication Part

It consists of the CPU and its peripheral chips. It analyzes the measurement results of
the detected circuit. On the basis of the analysis, it adjusts the driving circuit within the
nominal range to keep the EDFA gain or power output at the nominal value level. It
sorts out the abnormalities indicated by the detected data and reports to the NM.
2.16.3 Front Panel

The front panel diagram of case-shaded is shown in Figure 2-73.

8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11

3. Alarm
1. ID DIP switch 2. Running indicator 4. RS232-1
5. RS232-2 6. Monitor -1 7. Monitor -2 8. Input optical port
9. Output optical port 10. Power switch 11. –48 V Power interface
Figure 2-73 Front panel diagram of COA case-shaded

Description of indicator of the COA case-shaded is shown in Table 2-36.

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Indicators Table 2-36 Description of indicators of COA

Indicator Status Description
Alarm The constant ON status of the alarm Memory self-test error
indicator and the constant OFF
(red) status of the running indicator

Flashing 3 times every other second Critical alarm occurs

Flashing twice every other second Major alarm occurs

Flashing once every other second Minor alarm occurs

Run Flashing 5 times per second NE software startup/load

(green) Flashing 1 times per 4 second Database protected mode;

Communication between board
and FSCC mailbox interrupted

Flashing 1 times per 2 second The board is in working state

Monitors Table 2-37 Description of the monitor

Monitor Pin number Description
Monitor-1 1, 6 EDFA output optical power too low

2, 7 Working temperature of the pump laser over


3, 8 EDFA cool current of pump laser over threshold

Monitor-2 1, 6 EDFA output optical power too low

2, 7 Working temperature of the pump laser over


3, 8 EDFA cool current of pump laser over threshold

DIP switch OFF OFF

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Left Right

Figure 2-74 The DIP switches of the COA

The DIP switch is switched upward (0) and downward (1) by default.
Bits 1-4 mean the board ID information, ranging from 20 to 35. In practice, the range

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is from 20 to 27.
Bit 5 means the fiber type. 0 means the access fiber is the G.652 fiber and 1 means
the G.655 fiber.
Monitor-1 and Monitor-2 is the alarm output port when only one COA is employed. The
relation between the output alarm and the interface pin is illustrated in Table 2-37.
The DIP switches of the COA are located on the lower left part of the panel. Figure
2-74 shows the DIP switches. The DIP switches set the ID of the COA. The FSCC
board identifies the COAs by different IDs. It also communicates with the COAs with
different IDs.
The RS-232-1 and RS-232-2 serial ports are control & communication interfaces.
They communicate with the FSCC, report alarms and performance events. When
there are several COAs on the same station, the RS-232-2 port is employed. The
RS-232-2 of No. 1 COA is connected with the RS-232-1 of No. 2 COA via the serial
port, and the RS-232-2 of No. 2 COA is connected with the RS-232-1 of No. 3 COA.
The ports are all connected in this way.
2.16.4 Installing

The COA adopts case-shaped design, no slot in the subrack needed. In the OptiX
rack, a special bracket is designed to hold the COA unit. The bracket is fixed on the
crossbars on both sides at the upper part of the rack. The COA unit is pushed into the
brackets along the guide rails in the brackets and fixed. One bracket can house two
COA units horizontally with the front panels of both COAs at the front side of the rack,
as shown in Figure 2-75.

Figure 2-75 The position of the COA in OptiX rack

The COA can also adopt wall mounting or desktop bracket mounting.

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2.16.5 Technical Specifications

Item Description

Dimensions 240 mm (L) × 190 mm (W) × 50 mm (H)

Weight 3500 g

Power consumption 10 W

Processing capability One path of optical signal

Interface connector SC/PC


Environment Temperature Humidity

Long-term working conditions: 0°C to 45°C 10% to 90%

Short-term working conditions: –5°C to 50°C 5% to 95%

For storage: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

For transportation: –40°C to +70°C 10% to 100%

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