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Immutable Rules
of Successful Tourism

• Tourism is an economic development activity.

• The idea is to import more cash into the community than you export.
• Tourism is the fastest growing and one of the top three industries in 49 of 50
• In Washington, alone, it is a $10.8 billion industry. Are you getting your fair

Tourism travel
• The number one reason for travel is to visit friends and family.
• The number one activity is shopping and dining in a pedestrian setting.
• Overnight visitors spend three to four times more than day visitors.
• If you can’t get passers-by to stop, you’ll have a tough time becoming the

Rule #1
Go from opening act to main attraction
The rule of distances

• The “4-Times Rule:” People will travel a distance if you have something that
appeals to them, and will keep them busy four times longer than it took them to
get there. A drive of 15 minutes = a minimum one hour activity. (4 x 15
• What you have to offer will determine who your market is. If people from the
major market areas must drive 2 hours to visit you, do you have activities (that
will appeal to them) to keep them busy for 8 hours? If not, maybe you’re not
ready to market to that area.

Rule #2
Put your bait out on the highway
The rule of billboards and exits

• If you use billboards – do they give passers-by a reason to stop?

• Always tell me “why” I should stop, not just “welcome” or “discover.”
• Do your exits have the appeal to get a passer-by to stop?
• Concentrate on things that will convince passers-by to stop.

Rule #3
First impressions really are lasting impressions
The rule of perceived value

• Always put your entrance signs where you want to make the first, best impression.
• Curb appeal is an investment with a tremendous return.
• When you introduce yourself via signage, they will size you up immediately.
• The greater the “perceived value,” the more visitors will spend and the longer they
will stay.
Notes & Comments:

Rule #4
Toilets attract more than flies
The rule of necessity

• The number one reason for passers-by to stop is to use the “facilities.”
• Public restrooms do provide a return on investment – if there are places to spend
money nearby, and if they are clean.
• Make sure you provide signage to your restroom facilities – and provide other
information that will get visitors to spend time and money. “While we’re here,
why don’t we…”

Rule #5
Parking is not just for lovers anymore
The parking limits rule

• Two hour parking is not enough time – particularly in pedestrian-oriented

downtown settings.
• Four hours (or no time limits) is just fine.
• Don’t chase away customers before they are done spending money in your town.

Rule #6
Speed reading shouldn’t be a highway sport
The too-much-text rule

• Freeway and highway travelers have only four seconds to read a sign.
• Too much text means your signage will be ignored.
• Generally, use 12 words or less.
• Keep the graphics simple.

Rule #7
The bellman does more than open doors
The rule of front-line sales

• Front-line employees can be your most valuable sales team.

• All retail/service employees should use the customer’s name.
• They should promote other stores, attractions to keep visitors longer
• Attitude is critical.
• Hotel “front desk” employees are not order takers, they are “sales staff.”

Rule #8
Kiosks never sleep
The 365 and 24/7 rule

• Travelers don’t just travel during business hours.

• Make sure your visitor information center or chamber of commerce is working
365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
• Put up visitor information kiosks and outdoor brochure holders.
• Make sure you have “24/7” signage.
Notes & Comments:

Rule #9
20/20 signage equals $$$
The rule of perpendicular signage

• Storefront signage should be perpendicular to the street.

• Storefront signs should be of uniform height and size.
• Perpendicular signs should be decorative top increase perceived value.

Rule #10
Sell what you have, not who you are
The rule of magnets

• On your signs, sell what it is you have to offer, not who you are (name of store).
• Always market the one thing that will bring the most customers in: If you sell
antiques and second-hand merchandise, and the name of the store is “Ralph’s
Emporium,” make sure the word “Antiques” dominates the signage.

Rule #11
Show and tell isn’t just for first graders
The rule of outdoor retail

• Outside “displays” can pull customers into retail stores.

• Outside “displays” do not include “outside sales:” the idea is to make your
exterior an extension of the display windows, not additional retail space.

Rule #12
The best ideas are often crazy ideas
The rule of being different

• In order to be successful, you must be worth the trip. What sets you apart from
your competition? For instance, in Washington all 39 counties promote outdoor
recreation. All of them promote bird watching. So why should I travel to you,
when I can enjoy the same activity closer to home?
• Always set yourself apart. Do something different. Look at Leavenworth,
Winthrop, or Ashland, Oregon; Branson, MO; Las Vegas, NV.

Rule #13
Be worthy of a standing ovation
The rule of being the best

• If you aren’t “different,” then you must be the best.

• Example: Okanogan County promotes cross country skiing and snowmobiling,
but so do 18 other counties in Washington. Okanogan County has been
touted as “Perhaps the best cross country skiing on the continent” by several
publications. Quotes like “pinch yourself, you’re in Okanogan Country,” make
it worth the drive.
• Being the best makes you worth the drive. Look for those third-party
Notes & Comments:

Rule #14
Fishing without bait leads to new hobbies
The rule of supporting businesses

• Whatever it is that sets you apart makes you worth the drive: make sure you have
the businesses to support the activity. If you are promoting mountain biking,
make sure you have bike rental, repair, and supply shops.

Rule #15
Weigh in, then tip the scales
The rule of balance: product and marketing

• Make sure you’re ready to bring in visitors BEFORE you start marketing heavily.
• Many communities spend nearly 100% of their tourism budgets on marketing
when they have little to sell, thus they see a very poor return on the investment.
• Product development should ALWAYS be the top priority, and it never ends.
• Make sure you have a good mix of product development and marketing.
• As your product is developed, tip the scales towards marketing
Rule #16
Plop, plop, fizz, fizz almost always means relief
The rule of branding

• Branding is critical, even for communities. What are you known for? What sets
you apart?
• Branding is much more than just a logo. It’s your image, your value, the primary
thing that sets you apart.
• Many communities need to establish a “positioning” or “repositioning” program.
• Don’t be all things to all people. “We have it all” does not translate to sales.

Rule #17
Critical mass is not just a religious experience
The rule of convenience

• The top activity of visitors is shopping and dining in a pedestrian setting.

• Critical mass is critical to success: visitor-oriented retail should be in a compact
• Average rule of thumb for rural communities: nine retail stores, four dining/treats
• Ever wonder why fast food restaurants and gas stations gather together at
intersections? The critical mass (choice) translates to increased sales for all.

Rule #18
Ghost stories make the campfire memorable
The rule of stories versus artifacts

• Museums and interpretive centers should ALWAYS tell stories, not just display
• Visitors remember stories, and stories will hold them longer, translating to
additional spending.
• Artifacts are simply a been-there, done-that experience.
Notes & Comments:

Rule #19
Sell the look, not the salon
The rule of selling experiences

• Always sell the “experience:” the activity, not the place.

• Victoria’s Secret sells the look in its ads, not its stores, not the “place to go for your
lingerie needs.”
• If you sell river rafting, use photos of river rafters screaming in delight, not just
pictures of the river.
• Scenic visitas only last a few minutes. Then what?

Rule #20
Photos are worth at least 500 words
The rule of wow appeal

• Nothing sells tourism as well as photography.

• ALWAYS use photos that have “wow appeal:” “Wow! I want to go there!”
• Thinking about going to Hawaii? Why? Look at the photography they use.
• Photography should be the key element (not secondary) in brochures, in public
relations efforts, and on the web.

Rule #21
Coming in 2nd just isn’t the same as winning
The rule of closing the sale

• Chances are, your community spends much of its resources on advertising. The
primary “call to action” in advertising is to get potential customers to call and
get a brochure, or to get them to log on to your website. In that case, your
website and printed materials MUST be good enough to close the sale. Otherwise
your advertising effort is largely wasted.
• Coming in second won’t bring visitors and their cash to you.

Rule #22
Tell them over and over and over again
The rule of frequency over variety

• Frequency is far more important than variety in placing advertising.

•TOMA is Top of Mind Awareness. What’s the first thing you think of when I
mention the word “fast food?” That’s because McDonald’s pounds it in.
• Most visitors will see your ads before they are ready to make a decision. When
they are ready, will you be the first to pop into their minds? Tell them over and

Rule #23
Bragging is better when someone else does it for you
The rule of publicity

• Publicity is MUCH more valuable than advertising – but you do need both.
• Implement a professional PR campaign: it will build brand, improve your image;
it has more credibility and will provide you with a greater return on your
investment than advertising alone.
Notes & Comments:

Rule #24
Polygamy is ok in tourism
The rule of partnering

• Visitors don’t stay within boundaries. Always market the broader package.
• The more you have to offer, collectively, the further people will drive to visit you.
• Your branding effort should be developed to include the bigger picture.

Rule #25
We’re all geeks when it comes to travel
The rule of websites

• The internet is, far and away, the number one resource for planning travel and
• How does your website stack up? Can they find you?
• Don’t be afraid to spend $35,000 – or more – developing a website that can close
the sale.

Roger Brooks, President

Destination Development, Inc.
Evergreen Plaza Suite 101 • 711 Capitol Way South
Olympia, WA 98501

(360) 754-7920 voice • (360) 754-7622 Fax

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