March For Our Lives Action Fund Application

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To: Page 2016 2018-03.08 13:08:90 6ST 19542080845 From Ranae McGtow Note: Please print this page and use it as 11 cover sheet, Type the fis audit number (shown below) on the top and bottom of all pages of the document (((H18000073760 3))) INO A iea00073760386C% Note: DO NOT hit the REFRESH RELOAD button on your browser trom this paxe Doing so will generate another cover sheet Te: Division of Corporations Fax Number: (#50)617-6383, Account Name Account Number Phone Fax susber €_T CORPORATION $¥STEM Fcxeaaeoa923 (614)290-3338 5 (954)208-@885 ‘stenter the email address for this business entity to be used for future Enter only one erail address piease.°* amival report mailings: email adéress: SORPORATION | qa pete sui oighepaieteawcese To: Page 3018 2016-03-06 13:08:30 6ST 19542080845 From: Renae McGraw . : ae APPLICATION BY'FOREIGN NOT FOR PROFIT CORPORATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO : CONDUCT ITS AFPAIRS = FLORIDA IN COMPLIANCE WITH SECTION 617.1503, FLORIDA STATUTES, THE MOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED 10. REGISTER | FOREIGN NOT VOR PROFTE CORPORATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT 7S APFATRS IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA. Mare for ie Lives Action Fund. Ine ‘otaiie Oreaepa Sr FETRTE RE NOS -TNCORFORATIOD "CORPORATION owe tia TRC, Singer in inngonge ol car ace at fete 3 corporation sent of anata! parson oF partnership not so contained ine age presen. Compariy or Ce." may not be aged as corporat sui by» nexproft corporation) ‘Frame inavallabi i Fora, our slcenaie corporate namie Moped Kis he Faepose oT wansacing Business in Moria) Detowane 24535615, [Brae or roma eT TE aT WATS WTF TaceeparNTSs) —— 4, Pebrony 22018 - Baie of icoparateny 2018 RET HURST appleoTe ———"~ Tonic a Tarai, We an Pap February TST SanTRT aT POOR iT aan, See Get OTH TSDT SORES a Bear FERS THT) 4,22 Wisin Rem Watney Copan, 6130 Vela Bd Suite 320, asin CA 91436 TrRaeT ores aes) (CATR REET APERT —z COnyanizing public events focused on ending gun violence, educating te public, and advocating end af salsitshogtngs. “TY ” (Purpase(sV ar corporation authorized in Reine slate oF country to Be iitied nut ia the stake ot Torta) 7 ye 7 rc 7 9, Nume and slrvet address of Florida registeced agent: (P.O. Box NOT acceptable) m oo > oO ee a oo co TT * “(dip Codey Cee Having been named as registered agent and to accept sersice of process for the above stated corporation atthe place designed in thts application, | hereby accept the uppolniment as registered agent und agree to acti this capacity. £ Jarther ugres in enmply with the provisions ofall statutes relative ta the proper and complete performance of my ‘ules, andl am farililar wlth and accept the obligations of my position os registered! ake. Katt gen Kimberly Lau egateraSnginls igh! rey - Assistant Secretary 11, Attached isa cenifcate of existence duly authenticated, not mi ihe Department of State, by the Seeretary of Stae or otis ofc Jurisdiction under the lew of which itis incorporated. than 90 days prior to delivery of this application to ‘saving eustody of corporate records ithe To, Fogesors 2016-03406 13.08:30 C8 19542080865 From: Runae MoSiaw 12, Names and addresses of officers andor directors A. DIRECTORS ‘See atiachment, ‘lamar aap eta SU des Vice Chinen edness Adee 8. OFFICERS Deena Katz A reset, w= Sees ‘io Walwow Rass Warsavsiy & Company, 18130 Veniuta Addros. ioe Present: Adress “Veritas Wainer A secuciary oe . io Bow Sour, 750 8h Steet NIV, Address ‘Rhodes v Frensuer afi eee ecmanaae "Je Fiona Conmizeo on National Legilaton, 248 Second St, NE, Washingion DG 20002 1 the epplieatio~ listing additional offers andlor diceetrs. NOTE: Hsecossary, you muy atach an addend Que Chonns Tpraet Baa ane eS tS Cian ay ST TE BULGE TOT pT Jos Rhodes, Yroasurer eae ee CC SpT OF PATER HTS and SapacllyO" rn Signing AppHCaTTON) 18542080845 Flom Range McGaw 2018-03-06 13:08 3087 To: PogeSof6 MARCIT FOR OUR LIVES ACTION FUND ATTACHMENT FIT CORPORATION FOR APPLICATION BY FOREIGN NOT FOR PROI AUTHORIZATION TO CONDUCT ITS AFFAIRS IN FLORIDA, ailing Adress Line 12 me Title ‘Aileen Adame Director Director George Kicifer Director. Treasurer eri Rhodes Director ‘Melissa Scholz { (Nina Viaik {Director Vernetia Walker | Divector, Secretary President 7] Deena Rat oY ow ae gang a To: Fuge sor6 2018-03-06 180830 CST 4952080845 Flom: Ranae McGraw Delaware _ The First State 2, JEFFREY W. BULLOCK, SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, DO HEREBY CERTIFY "MARCH FOR OUR LIVES ACTION FUND" IS DULY INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE AND IS IN GOOD STANDING AND HAS A LEGAL CORPORATE .JKISTENCE SO FAR AS THE RECORDS OF THTS OFFICE SHOW, AS OF THE TWENTY-EIGHT DAY OF FEBRUARY, A.D. 2018. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE AFORESAID CORPORATION . 19 AN EXEMPT CORPORATION aati ES b VW 9- BVH B12 @ 5764953. 8300¢ ‘sR 20281555163 ‘Authentication: 202232095, Date: 02-28-18

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