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A Debreceni Déri Mózeum évkînyve Debreceni. Déri. Móz. êvk.

Debreceni Déri Móz

Abhandlungen Und Berichte Des Staatlichen Museums Für Völkerkunde Dresden Abh.
Ber. Mus. Völkerk. Dresden. Abh Ber Mus Völkerk Dresden
Aboriginal History Aborig. Hist. Aborig Hist
Acta Archaeologica Acta. Archaeol. Acta Archaeol
Acta Ethnographica Acta. Ethnogr. Acta Ethnogr
Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Universitatis Comenianae: Anthropologia Acta.
Fac. Rer. Nat. Univ. Comen. Anthrop. Acta Fac Rer Nat Univ Comen Anthrop
Acta Geneticae Medicae Et Gemellologiae Acta. Genet. Med. Gem. Acta Genet Med Gem
Acta Musei Moraviae: Scientiae Naturales Acta. Mus. Morav. Sci. Nat. Acta Mus
Morav Sci Nat
Acta Musei Moraviae: Scientiae Sociales Acta. Mus. Morav. Sci. Social. Acta
Mus Morav Sci Social
Acta Praehistorica Et Archaeologica Acta. Praehist. Archaeol. Acta Praehist
Ad Quintum: Bollettino Del Archeologia Del Nord-ovest Ad. Quintum. Ad Quintum
Africa Africa Africa
African Archaeological Review Afr. Archaeol. Rev. Afr Archaeol Rev
African Arts Afr. Arts Afr Arts
African Languages and Cultures Afr. Lang. Cult. Afr Lang Cult
African Music Afr. Music Afr Music
African Notes Afr. Notes Afr Notes
African Social Research Afr. Social. Res. Afr Social Res
African Studies Review Afr. Stud. Rev. Afr Stud Rev
African Studies Afr. Stud. Afr Stud
African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue Afr. Stud. Monogr. Suppl. Afr
Stud Monogr Suppl
African Study Monographs Afr. Stud. Monogr. Afr Stud Monogr
African Urban Quarterly Afr. Urban. Q. Afr Urban Q
African Urban Studies Afr. Urban. Stud. Afr Urban Stud
Africana Bulletin Afric. Bull. Afric Bull
Africa-Tervuren Afr-Tervuren Afr-Tervuren
Afrika Und Übersee Afr. Übersee Afr Übersee
Agria Agria Agria
Akademia E Shkencave, Tirana Stud. AlbanStudia. Albanica Stud AlbanStudia
Akwe:kon Journal Akwe:kon. J. Akwe:kon J
Alba Regia Alba. Regia Alba Regia
Allpanchis Allpanchis Allpanchis
Alt-Thüringen Alt-Thüringen Alt-Thüringen
Amazonía Peruana Amaz. Per. Amaz Per
América Indígena Amér. Indíg. Amér Indíg
American Anthropologist Amer. Anthrop. Amer Anthrop
American Antiquity Amer. Antiq. Amer Antiq
American Ethnologist Amer. Ethnol. Amer Ethnol
American Indian Art Magazine Amer. Indian. Art Amer Indian Art
American Indian Basketry Magazine Amer. Indian. Bask. Mag. Amer Indian Bask
American Indian Culture and Research Journal Amer. Indian. Cult. Res. J. Amer
Indian Cult Res J
American Indian Quarterly Amer. Indian. Q. Amer Indian Q
American Indian Rock Art Amer. Indian. Rock. Art Amer Indian Rock Art
American Journal Of Human Biology Amer. J. Hum. Biol. Amer J Hum Biol
American Journal Of Human Genetics Amer. J. Hum. Genet. Amer J Hum Genet
American Journal Of Physical Anthropology Amer. J. Phys. Anthrop. Amer J Phys
American Journal Of Sociology Amer. J. Sociol. Amer J Sociol
Amérindia Amérindia Amérindia
Anales De Antropología E Historia An. Antrop. Hist. An Antrop Hist
Anales De Antropología An. Antrop. Hist. An Antrop
Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología An. Arqueol. Etnol. An Arqueol Etnol
Anales Del Museo Del Pueblo Español An. Mus. Puebl. Esp. An Mus Puebl Esp
Ancient Mesoamerica Ancient. Mesoamer. Ancient Mesoamer
Andean Past And. Past And Past
Annales Aequatoria Ann. Aequator. Ann Aequator
Annales Du Service Des Antiquités De L'Egypte Ann. Serv. Antiq. Egypte Ann
Serv Antiq Egypte
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska: Sectio C Ann. Univ. Mariae.
Curie. Sect. C Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sect C
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska: Sectio F Ann. Univ. Mariae.
Curie. Sect. F Ann Univ Mariae Curie Sect F
Annals Of Human Biology Ann. Hum. Biol. Ann Hum Biol
Annals Of Human Genetics Ann. Hum. Genet. Ann Hum Genet
Annals Of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Ann. Bhandarkar. Orient. Res.
Inst. Ann Bhandarkar Orient Res Inst
Annals Of the Cape Provincial Museums: Human Sciences Ann. Cape. Prov. Mus. Hum.
Sci. Ann Cape Prov Mus Hum Sci
Annals Of the Náprstek Museum Ann. Náprstek. Mus. Ann Náprstek Mus
Annuaire Roumain D'anthropologie Annu. Roum. Anthrop. Annu Roum Anthrop
Annual Review Of Anthropology Annu. Rev. Anthrop. Annu Rev Anthrop
Antaeus Antaeus Antaeus
Anthropologia Hungarica Anthrop. Hung. Anthrop Hung
Anthropologiai Kîzlemények Anthrop. Kîzl. Anthrop Kîzl
Anthropologica Anthropologica Anthropologica
Anthropological Forum Anthrop. Forum Anthrop Forum
Anthropological Journal On European Cultures Anthrop. J. Eur. Cult. Anthrop J
Eur Cult
Anthropological Linguistics Anthrop. Ling. Anthrop Ling
Anthropological Papers Anthrop. Pap. Alaska Anthrop Pap Alaska
Anthropological Quarterly Anthrop. Q. Anthrop Q
Anthropologie Et Préhistoire Anthrop. Préhist. Anthrop Préhist
Anthropologie Et Sociétés Anthrop. Soc. Anthrop Soc
Anthropologie Anthropologie. Paris Anthropologie Paris
Anthropologie, Brno Anthropologie. Brno Anthropologie Brno
Anthropologischer Anzeiger Anthrop. Anz. Anthrop Anz
Anthropology and Education Quarterly Anthrop. Educ. Q. Anthrop Educ Q
Anthropology In Action Anthrop. Action Anthrop Action
Anthropology Today Anthrop. Today Anthrop Today
Anthropology, SUNY Anthrop. SUNY Anthrop SUNY
Anthropology, UCLA Anthrop. UCLA Anthrop UCLA
Anthropos Anthropos. St. Augustin Anthropos St Augustin
Anthropos, Athens Anthropos. Athens Anthropos Athens
Anthroquest Anthroquest Anthroquest
Antiquity Antiquity Antiquity
Anti-slavery Reporter Anti-Slave. Reptr. Anti-Slave Reptr
Antropologica Antropologica Antropologica
Antropologicas Antropologicas Antropologicas
Antropología E Historia De Guatemala Antrop. Hist. Guat. Antrop Hist Guat
Antropologia Portuguesa Antrop. Port. Antrop Port
Antropología Antropología. Mex. Antropología Mex
Antropología Antropología. Quito. Antropología Quito
Anuario De Estudios Americanos Anu. Estud. Amer. Anu Estud Amer
Anuario De Eusko-folklore Anu. Eusko-Folkl. Anu Eusko-Folkl
Anuario Indigenista Anu. Indig. Mex. Anu Indig Mex
APLA Newsletter APLA Newsl. APLA Newsl
APLA Occasional Paper APLA Occ. Pap. APLA Occ Pap
Arabian Studies Arab Stud. Arab Stud
Arbeits- Und Forschungsberichte Zur Sæchsischen Bodendenkmalspflege Arb.
ForschBer. Sæchs. BodDenkmPfl. Arb ForschBer Sæchs BodDenkmPfl
Archaeoastronomy Archaeoastronomy Archaeoastronomy
Archaeologia Historica Archaeol. Hist. Archaeol Hist
Archaeologia Interregionalis Archaeol. Interreg. Archaeol Interreg
Archaeologia Polona Archaeol. Pol. Archaeol Pol
Archaeologiai értesito Archaeol. Ert. Archaeol Ert
Archaeological Method and Theory Archaeol. Meth. Theory Archaeol Meth Theory
Archaeological Newsletter Archaeol. Newsl. R. Ont. Mus. Archaeol Newsl R Ont Mus
Archaeological Review From Cambridge Archaeol. Rev. Camb. Archaeol Rev Camb
Archaeology In New Zealand Archaeol. NZ Archaeol NZ
Archaeology In Oceania Archaeol. Oceania Archaeol Oceania
Archaeology Jamaica Archaeol. Jamaica Archaeol Jamaica
Archaeology Of Eastern North America Archaeol. East. N. Amer. Archaeol
East N Amer
Archaeology Archaeology Archaeology
Archaeometry Archaeometry Archaeometry
Archeologia Polski Archeol. Polski Archeol Polski
Archeological Papers Archeol. Pap. Amer. Anthrop. Ass. Archeol Pap Amer Anthrop
Archeologické Rozhledy Archeol. Rozhl. Archeol Rozhl
Archipel: études Interdisciplinaires Sur Le Monde Insulindien Archipel
Archiv Für Völkerkunde Arch. Völkerk. Arch Völkerk
Archives De Sciences Sociales Des Religions Arch. Sci. Social. Relig. Arch
Sci Social Relig
Archivio Per L'antropologia E La Etnologia Arch. Antrop. Etnol. Arch Antrop
Arctic Anthropology Arct. Anthrop. Arct Anthrop
Arheologia Moldovei Arheol. Moldovei Arheol Moldovei
Arheoloski Radovi I Rasprave Arheol. Rad. Raspr. Arheol Rad Raspr
Arheoloski Vestnik Arheol. Vestn. Arheol Vestn
Arkheologicheskiya Pamyatniki Feodal'noy Gruzii Arkheol. Pam. Feodal'. Gruz.
Arkheol Pam Feodal' Gruz
Arkheolohiya Arkheolohiya Arkheolohiya
Arquivo De Anatomia E Antropologia Arq. Anat. Antrop. Arq Anat Antrop
Arrabona Arrabona Arrabona
Art Tribal Art Tribal Art Tribal
Artes De México Artes Méx. Artes Méx
Artes Populares Artes Pop. Artes Pop
Artesanías De América Artesan. Amér. Artesan Amér
Arts D'Afrique Noire Arts Afr. Noire Arts Afr Noire
Asclepio Asclepio Asclepio
Asian Folklore Studies Asian Folkl. Stud Asian Folkl Stud
Asian Music Asian Music Asian Music
Asian Perspectives Asian Persp. Asian Persp
Asian Research Trends Asian Res. Trend Asian Res Trend
Asie Du Sud-est Et Monde Insulindien Asie S. Monde. Insul. Asie SE Monde
Atlatl Atlatl Atlatl
Atoll Research Bulletin Atoll Res. Bull. Atoll Res Bull
Ausgrabungen Und Funde Ausgrab. Funde Ausgrab Funde
Australian Aboriginal Studies Aust. Aborig. Stud. Aust Aborig Stud
Australian Archaeology Aust. Archaeol. Aust Archaeol
Azania Azania Azania
Backdirt Backdirt Backdirt
Baessler-Archiv Baessler-Arch. Baessler-Arch
Balgarska Etnografiya Balg. Etnogr. Balg Etnogr
Balgarski Folklor Balg. Folkl. Balg Folkl
Bead Forum Bead Forum Bead Forum
Beads Beads Beads
Behavior Science Research Behav. Sci. Res. Behav Sci Res
Beitræge Zur Volkskunde Der Ungarndeutschen Beitr. Volksk. Ungarndt. Beitr
Volksk Ungarndt
Beitrage Zur Japanologie Beitr. Japan Beitr Japan
Belleten Türk Tarih Kurumu Bell. Türk. Tarih. Kurumu Bell Türk Tarih Kurumu
Bericht Ber. Basler. Mus. Völkerk Ber Basler Mus Völkerk
Berytus Berytus Berytus
Biblical Archaeologist Biblical. Archaeol. Biblical Archaeol
Bijdragen Tot De Taal- Land- En Volkenkunde Bijdr. Taal. Land. Volkenk. Bijdr
Taal Land Volkenk
Bikmaus Bikmaus Bikmaus
Boletim: Série Antropologia Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio. Goeldi. Sér. Antrop. Bol
Mus Para Emílio Goeldi Sér Antrop
Boletín Cultural Y Bibliográfico Bol. Cult. Bibliogr. Bogotá. Bol Cult Bibliogr
Boletín De Antropología Americana Bol. Antrop. Amer. Bol Antrop Amer
Boletín De Antropología Bol. Antrop. Antioquia. Bol Antrop Antioquia
Boletín De Arqueología Bol. Arqueol. Bol Arqueol
Boletín De La Escuela De Ciencias Antropológicas De La Universidad De Yucatán
Bol. Esc. Cienc. Antrop. Yucatán Bol Esc Cienc Antrop Yucatán
Boletín De Lima Bol. Lima Bol Lima
Boletín Del Archivo Histórico De Jalisco Bol. Arch. Hist. Jalisco Bol Arch
Hist Jalisco
Boletín Del Instituto De Estudios Aymaras Bol. Inst. Estud. Aymaras Bol Inst
Estud Aymaras
Boletín Del Museo Chileno De Arte Precolombino Bol. Mus. Chil. Arte. Precolomb.
Bol Mus Chil Arte Precolomb
Boletín Indigenista Venezolano Bol. Indig. Venez. Bol Indig Venez
Boletín, Museo arqueológico de La Serena Bol. Mus. Arqueol. La Serena Bol Mus
Arqueol La Serena
Boletín. Museo del Hombre dominicano, Santo Domingo. Bol. Mus. Hombre. Domin.
Bol Mus Hombre Domin
Boletín. Museo del Oro, Banco de la Repóblica, Bogotá Bol. Mus. Oro. Bogotá Bol
Mus Oro Bogotá
Boletín. Sociedad de Investigación del Arte rupestre de Bolivia, La Paz. Bol.
Soc. Invest. Arte. Rup. Boliv. Bol Soc Invest Arte Rup Boliv
Borneo Research Bulletin Borneo. Res. Bull Borneo Res Bull
Botswana Notes and Records Botswana. Notes Botswana Notes
Briefing Paper (Australian Developmental Studies Network) Brief. Pap. Aust. Dev.
Stud. Brief Pap Aust Dev Stud
British Journal Of Middle Eastern Studies Br. J. Mid. East. Stud Br J Mid East Stud
British Journal Of Sociology Br. J. Sociol. Br J Sociol
British Museum Magazine Br. Mus. Mag. Br Mus Mag
Bulletin De La Société Des Etudes Océaniennes (Polynésie Orientale) Bull. Soc.
Etud. Océan Bull Soc Etud Océan
Bulletin De La Société Suisse Des Américanistes Bull. Soc. Suisse. Américan Bull
Soc Suisse Américan
Bulletin De L'Ecole Franáaise D'Extràme-Orient Bull. Ec. Fr. Extr-Orient Bull
Ec Fr Extr-Orient
Bulletin De L'Institut D'Archéologie Bull. Inst. Archéol. Sofia Bull Inst
Archéol Sofia
Bulletin De L'Institut Fondamental D'Afrique Noire Série B: Sciences Humaines
Bull. Inst. Fondam. Afr. Noire. Sér. Sci. Hum Bull Inst Fondam Afr Noire
Sér Sci Hum
Bulletin De L'Institut Franáais D'Etudes Andines Bull. Inst. Fr. Etud. And.
Bull Inst Fr Etud And
Bulletin Des Séances Bull. Séanc. Acad. R. Sci. Outre-mer Bull Séanc Acad R
Sci Outre-mer
Bulletin Du Bureau National D'Ethnologie Bull. Bur. Natn. Ethnol. Haiti Bull
Bur Natn Ethnol Haiti
Bulletin Du Centre Genevois D'Anthropologie Bull. Cent. Genev. Anthrop. Bull
Cent Genev Anthrop
Bulletin Du Musée D'Anthropologie Préhistorique De Monaco Bull. Mus. Anthrop.
Préhist. Monaco Bull Mus Anthrop Préhist Monaco
Bulletin Of Information On Computing In Anthropology BICA BICA
Bulletin Of Latin American Research Bull. Latin. Amer. Res. Bull Latin Amer Res
Bulletin Of the American Schools Of Oriental Research Bull. Amer. Sch. Orient. Res.
Bull Amer Sch Orient Res
Bulletin Of the Department Of Anthropology Bull. Dep. Anthrop. Taiwan Bull
Dep Anthrop Taiwan
Bulletin Of the Ethnographic Museum In Beograd Bull. Ethnogr. Mus. Beograd Bull
Ethnogr Mus Beograd
Bulletin Of the Institute Of China Border Area Studies Bull. Inst. China. Bord.
Area. Stud. Bull Inst China Bord Area Stud
Bulletin Of the Institute Of Ethnology Bull. Inst. Ethnol. Taipei Bull Inst
Ethnol Taipei
Bulletin Of the International Committee On Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological
Research Bull. Int. Comm. Urgent. Anthrop. Res. Bull Int Comm Urgent Anthrop
Bulletin Of the National Museum Of Ethnology Bull. Natn. Mus. Ethnol. Osaka
Bull Natn Mus Ethnol Osaka
Bulletin Of the National Museum Of Ethnology: Special IssueBull. Natn. Mus. Ethnol.
Osaka. Spec. Issue Bull Natn Mus Ethnol Osaka Spec Issue
Bulletin Of the National Museum Of Natural Science Bull. Natn. Mus. Nat. Sci.
Taichung Bull Natn Mus Nat Sci Taichung
Bulletin Of the National Science Museum: Series D Anthropology Bull. Natn. Sci.
Mus. Tokyo. Ser. Anthrop Bull Natn Sci Mus Tokyo Ser Anthrop
Bulletin Of the School Of Oriental and African Studies Bull. Sch. Orient. Stud.
Lond. Bull Sch Orient Stud Lond
Bulletin of the Middle Easter Studies Association Bull. Mid. E. Stud. Ass.
Bull Mid E Stud Ass
Bulletins Et Mémoires De La Société D'Anthropologie De Paris Bull. Soc.
Anthrop. Paris Bull Soc Anthrop Paris
By Og Bygd By. Bygd By Bygd
Cadernos De Estudos Sociais Cad. Estud. Sociais. Cad Estud Sociais
Cahiers D'anthropologie Et Biométrie Humaine Cah. Anthrop. Biométr. Hum. Cah
Anthrop Biométr Hum
Cahiers De Tunisie Cah. Tunis. Cah Tunis
Cahiers Des Amériques Latines Cah. Amér. Latin. Cah Amér Latin
Cahiers Des Arts Et Traditions Populaires Cah. Arts Trad. Pop. Cah Art Trad Pop
Cahiers Des Religions Africaines Cah. Relig. Afr. Cah Relig Afr
Cahiers D'études Africaines Cah. Etud. Afr. Cah Etud Afr
Cahiers Ethnologiques Cah. Ethnol. Cah Ethnol
CAM the Cultural Anthropology Methods Newsletter Cult. Anthrop. Meth. Newsl.
Cult Anthrop Meth Newsl
Cambridge Anthropology Camb. Anthrop. Camb Anthrop
Cambridge Archaeological Journal Camb. Archaeol. J. Camb Archaeol J
Canadian Association Of African Studies Newsletter Canad. Ass. Afr. Stud. Newsl.
Canad Ass Afr Stud Newsl
Canadian Ethnic Studies Canad. Ethnic. Stud. Canad Ethnic Stud
Canadian Journal Of African Studies Canad. J. Afr. Stud. Canad J Afr Stud
Canadian Journal Of Archaeology Canad. J. Archaeol. Canad J Archaeol
Canadian Journal Of Native Studies Canad. J. Native. Stud. Canad J Native Stud
Canadian Review Of Sociology and Anthropology Canad. Rev. Sociol. Anthrop. Canad
Rev Sociol Anthrop
Canberra Anthropology Canberra. Anthrop. Canberra Anthrop
Central Issues In Anthropology Cent. Issues. Anthrop. Cent Issues Anthrop
Ceramica De Cultura Maya Ceram. Cult. Maya Ceram Cult Maya
Cesky Lid Cesky. Lid Cesky Lid
Chicago Anthropology Exchange Chicago. Anthrop. Exch. Chicago Anthrop Exch
Chungará Chungará Chungará
Ciància and Trópico Ciànc. Tróp. Ciànc Tróp
Cimbebasia Cimbebasia Cimbebasia
COMA: Bulletin Of the Conference Of Museum Anthropologists Of Australia COMA:
Bull. Conf. Mus. Anthrop. COMA Bull Conf Mus Anthrop
Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae Commun. Archaeol. Hung. Commun Archaeol
Comparative Studies In Society and History Comp. Stud. Soc. Hist. Comp Stud
Soc Hist
Comunição: Programa De Pós-gradução Em Antropologia Social Comun. Progr. Antrop.
Social. Rio Comun Progr Antrop Social Rio
Contributions To Indian Sociology Contr. Indian. Sociol. Contr Indian Sociol
Contributions To Southeast Asian Ethnography Contr. SE Asia Ethnogr. Contr SE
Asia Ethnogr
Cookeia Cookeia Cookeia
Critique Of Anthropology Crit. Anthrop. Crit Anthrop
Cuadernos De Antropología Social Cuad. Antrop. Social Cuad Antrop Social
Cuadernos De Antropología Cuad. Antrop. Social Cuad Antrop
Cuadernos De Arquitectura Mesoamericana Cuad. Arquit. Mesoamer. Cuad Arquit
Cuadernos Del Instituto Nacional De Antropología Cuad. Inst. Antrop. B Aires
Cuad Inst Antrop B Aires
Cuadernos Prehispánicos Cuad. Prehispán. Cuad Prehispán
Cultura De Guatemala Cult. Guat. Cult Guat
Cultura, Hombre, Sociedad Cult. Hombre. Soc. Cult Hombre Soc
Cultural Anthropology Cult. Anthrop. Cult Anthrop
Cultural Dynamics Cult. Dynam. Cult Dynam
Cultural Survival Quarterly Cult. Survival. Q Cult Survival Q
Culture and History Cult. Hist. Cult Hist
Culture and Tradition Cult. Trad. Cult Trad
Culture Populaire Albanaise Cult. Pop. Alban. Cult Pop Alban
Culture Culture Culture
Cumania Cumania Cumania
Curare Curare Curare
Current Anthropology Curr. Anthrop. Curr Anthrop
Dacia Dacia Dacia
Dansalan Quarterly Dansalan. Q Dansalan Q
Derdapske Sveske Derdap. Sveske Derdap Sveske
Development Anthropology Network Dev. Anthrop. Netwk. Dev Anthrop Netwk
Diadora Diadora Diadora
Dialectical Anthropology Dialect. Anthrop. Dialect Anthrop
Domodomo Domodomo Domodomo
Driemaandelijks Bulletin Driemaand. Bull. Antwerp Driemaand Bull Antwerp
Dyn Dyn Dyn
Eastern Anthropologist East. Anthrop. East Anthrop
Ecology Of Food and Nutrition Ecol. Food. Nutr. Ecol Food Nutr
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised: ühiskonnateadused Eesti. Tead. Akad. Toim.
öhiskTead Eesti Tead Akad Toim öhiskTead
El Palacio Palacio Palacio
Empirical Studies Of the Arts Empiric. Stud. Arts Empiric Stud Arts
Ennaanin Etto Ennaanin. Etto Ennaanin Etto
Eskimo Eskimo Eskimo
Estudios De Cultura Maya Estud. Cult. Maya Estud Cult Maya
Estudios Sociales Estud. Social. Estud Social
Ethnia Ethnia Ethnia
Ethnic and Racial Studies Ethnic. Racial. Stud. Ethnic Racial Stud
Ethnies Ethnies Ethnies
Ethnographia Ethnographia Ethnographia
Ethnographie Ethnographie Ethnographie
Ethnographisch-archæologische Zeitschrift Ethnogr-archæol. Z Ethnogr-archæol Z
Ethnohistory Ethnohistory Ethnohistory
Ethnologia Europaea Ethnol. Eur. Ethnol Eur
Ethnologia Fennica Ethnol. Fenn. Ethnol Fenn
Ethnologia Polona Ethnol. Pol. Ethnol Pol
Ethnologia Scandinavica Ethnol. Scand. Ethnol Scand
Ethnologia Slavica Ethnol. Slav. Ethnol Slav
Ethnologica Ethnologica Ethnologica
Ethnologie Franáaise Ethnol. Fr. Ethnol Fr
Ethnology Ethnology Ethnology
Ethnomusicology Ethnomusicology Ethnomusicology
Ethnos Ethnos Ethnos
Ethos Ethos Ethos
Etnía Etnía Etnía
Etnoantropoloski Problemi: Casopis Etnoantrop. Probl. Etnoantrop Probl
Etnofoor Etnofoor Etnofoor
EtnograafiaMuuseumi Aastaraamat EtnogrMuus. Aastar. EtnogrMuus Aastar
Etnografia Polska Etnogr. Polska Etnogr Polska
Etnografia Shqiptare Etnogr. Shqipt. Etnogr Shqipt
Etnografija Juznih Slavena U Madarskoj Etnogr. Juz. Slav. Madar. Etnogr Juz
Slav Madar
Etnolog Etnolog Etnolog
Etnoloska Istrazivanja Etnol. Istraz. Etnol Istraz
Etnoloska Tribina Etnol. Trib. Etnol Trib
Etnoloski Pregled Etnol. Pregl. Etnol Pregl
Etudes Et Documents Balkaniques Et Méditerranéens Etud. Docum. Balkan. Médit.
Etud Docum Balkan Médit
Etudes Inuit Etud. Inuit Etud Inuit
Etudes Maliennes Etud. Malien. Etud Malien
Etudes Mongoles Etud. Mongol. Sibérien Etud Mongol Sibérien
Etudes Tsiganes Etud. Tsig. Etud Tsig
European Review Of Native American Studies Eur. Rev. Native. Amer. Stud. Eur
Rev Native Amer Stud
Expedition Expedition Expedition
Fataburen Fataburen Fataburen
Field Museum Of Natural History Bulletin Field. Mus. Bull. Field Mus Bull
Finskt Museum Finskt. Mus. Finskt Mus
Florida Anthropologist Florida. Anthrop. Florida Anthrop
FLS Children's Folklore Newsletter FLS. Child. Folkl. Newsl. FLS Child Folkl
Folia Archaeologica Folia. Archaeol. Folia Archaeol
Folia Ethnographica Folia. Ethnogr. Folia Ethnogr
Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia Folia. Praehist. Posnan. Folia Praehist
Folk Life Folk. Life Folk Life
Folk Folk Folk
Folklór Archívum Folkl. Arch. Folkl Arch
Folklore Americano Folkl. Amer. Folkl Amer
Folklore Folklore Folklore
Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses Font. Archaeol. Posnan. Font Archaeol Posnan
Fontes Archeologiae Moravicae Font. Archeol. Morav. Font Archeol Morav
Fort Hare Papers Fort. Hare. Pap. Fort Hare Pap
Garcia De Orta: Série De Antropobiologia Garcia. Orta. Sér. Antropobiol. Garcia
Orta Sér Antropobiol
Genäve-Afrique Genäve-Afr. Genäve-Afr
Genus Genus Genus
Geographical Journal Geogr. J. Geogr J
Gîteborgs Etnografiska Museum ürstryck Gîteborgs. Etnogr. Mus. èrstr.
Gîteborgs Etnogr Mus èrstr
Glasnik Antropoloskog Drustva Jugoslavije Glasn. Antrop. Drus. Jugosl. Glasn Antrop
Drus Jugosl
Glasnik Slovenskega Etnoloskega Drustva Glasn. Slov. Etnol. Drus. Glasn Slov
Etnol Drus
Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja Bosne I Hercegovine V Sarajevu Glasn. Zem. Muz.
Sarajevu Glasn Zem Muz Sarajevu
Goodwin Series Goodwin. Ser. S. Afr. Archaeol. Soc. Goodwin Ser S Afr
Archaeol Soc
Gradhiva Gradhiva Gradhiva
Health Transition Review Transit. Rev. Transit Rev
Health Transition Series Hlth. Transit. Ser. Hlth Transit Ser
Hespéris-Tamuda Hespéris-Tamuda Hespéris-Tamuda
Historia Boliviana Hist. Boliv. Hist Boliv
Historia Y Cultura Hist. Cult. Hist Cult
Históricas Históricas Históricas
History In Africa Hist. Afr. Hist Afr
History Of Religions Hist. Relig. Hist Relig
Hombre Y Ambiente Hombre. Ambiente Hombre Ambiente
Homo Homo Homo
Hong Kong Anthropology Hong. Kong. Anthrop. Hong Kong Anthrop
Human Biology Hum. Biol. Hum Biol
Human Ecology Hum. Ecol. Hum Ecol
Human Evolution Hum. Evol. Hum Evol
Human Heredity Hum. Hered. Hum Hered
Human Organization Hum. Org. Hum Org
Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv Ibero-amer. Arch. Ibero-amer Arch
ICSSR Newsletter ICSSR. Newsl. ICSSR Newsl
Iglesia, Pueblos Y Culturas Igles. Puebl. Cult. Igles Puebl Cult
Il Polo Polo Polo
Indian Journal Of Physical Anthropology and Human Genetics Indian. J. Phys.
Anthrop. Hum. Genet. Indian J Phys Anthrop Hum Genet
Indiana Indiana Indiana
Indonesia Circle Indones. Circ. Indones Circ
Informa Informa Informa
Informes Antropológicos Inf. Antrop. Inf Antrop
International Journal Of African Historical Studies Int. J. Afr. Hist. Stud.
Int J Afr Hist Stud
International Journal Of American Linguistics Int. J. Amer. Ling. Int J Amer
International Journal Of Anthropology Int. J. Anthrop. Int J Anthrop
International Journal Of Comparative Sociology Int. J. Comp. Sociol. Int J Comp
International Journal Of Middle East Studies Int. J. Mid. E. Stud. Int J Mid E
International Migration Review Int. Migr. Rev. Int Migr Rev
International Review Of Mission Int. Rev. Mission Int Rev Mission
International Social Science Journal Int. Social. Sci. J. Int Social Sci J
Inuit Art Quarterly Inuit. Arts Q. Inuit Art Q
Inuktitut Inuktitut Inuktitut
Iranformerly Fully Indexed] Iran Iran
Iraq Iraq Iraq
Is Lietuviu Kulturos Istorijos Liet. Kult. Ist. Liet Kult Ist
Isla: A Journal Of Micronesian Studies Isla Isla
Islam Et Sociétés Au Sud Du Sahara Islam. Soc. S. Sahara Islam Soc S Sahara
Israel Museum Journal Israel. Mus. J. Israel Mus J
Issue Issue Issue
Istoriko-filologicheskiy Zhurnal Ist-filol. Zh. Ist-filol Zh
Items Items Items
Izvestiya Akademiya Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR Seriya: Obshchestvennykh Nauk Izv. Akad.
Nauk. Kazakh. SSR. Ser. Obshch. Nauk. Izv Akad Nauk Kazakh SSR Ser Obshch Nauk
Izvestiya Akademiya Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR Seriya: Filosofiya, Ekonomika,
Pravovedeniye Izv. Akad. Nauk. Tadzhik. SSR. Ser. Filos. Ekon. Pravoved Izv
Akad Nauk Tadzhik SSR Ser Filos Ekon Pravoved
Izvestiya Akademiya Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR Seriya: Vostokovedeniye Istoriya
Filologiya Izv. Akad. Nauk. Tadzhik. SSR. Ser. Vostokoved. Ist. Filol.Izv Akad
Nauk Tadzhik SSR Ser Vostokoved Ist Filol
Jahrbuch Des Museums Für Völkerkunde Zu Leipzig Jb. Mus. Völkerk. Lpz. Jb Mus
Völkerk Lpz
Jahresschrift Für Mitteldeutsche Vorgeschichte Jschr. Mitteldt. Vorgesch. Jschr
Mitteldt Vorgesch
Japanese Journal Of Ethnology Jap. J. Ethnol. Jap J Ethnol
Jemen-Report Jemen-Rep. Jemen-Rep
Jewish Journal Of Sociology Jewish. J. Sociol. Jewish J Sociol
Jewish Quarterly Review Jewish. Q. Rev. Jewish Q Rev
Journal De La Société Des Américanistes J. Soc. Américan J Soc Américan
Journal De La Société Des Océanistes J. Soc. Océan J Soc Océan
Journal Des Africanistes J. Afric. J Afric
Journal Des Anthropologues J. Anthrop. J Anthrop
Journal For the Anthropological Study Of Human Movement J. Anthrop. Stud. Hum.
Move. J Anthrop Stud Hum Move
Journal Of African History J. Afr. Hist. J Afr Hist
Journal Of African Law J. Afr. Law J Afr Law
Journal Of American Folklore J. Amer. Folkl. J Amer Folkl
Journal Of Anthropological Archaeology J. Anthrop. Archaeol. J Anthrop Archaeol
Journal Of Anthropological Research J. Anthrop. Res. J Anthrop Res
Journal Of Archaeological Science J. Archaeol. Sci. J Archaeol Sci
Journal Of Asian and African Studies, Leiden J. Asian Afr. Stud. Leiden J
Asian Afr Stud Leiden
Journal Of Asian and African Studies, Tokyo J. Asian Afr. Stud. Tokyo J
Asian Afr Stud Tokyo
Journal Of Biosocial Science J. Biosocial. Sci. J Biosocial Sci
Journal Of California and Great Basin Anthropology Papers In Linguistics J.
Calif. Gt. Basin. Anthrop. Pap. Ling. J Calif Gt Basin Anthrop Pap Ling
Journal Of California and Great Basin Anthropology J. Calif. Gt. Basin. Anthrop.
J Calif Gt Basin Anthrop
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Journal Of Human Ecology: Special Issue J. Hum. Ecol. Spec. Issue J Hum Ecol
Spec Issue
Journal Of Human Evolution J. Hum. Evol. J Hum Evol
Journal Of Indo-European Studies J. Indo-Eur. Stud. J Indo-Eur Stud
Journal Of Latin American Lore J. Latin. Amer. Lore J Latin Amer Lore
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Journal Of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law J. Legal. Plur. J Legal Plur
Journal Of Linguistic Anthropology J. Ling. Anthrop. J Ling Anthrop
Journal Of Mayan Linguistics J. Mayan. Ling. J Mayan Ling
Journal Of Mediterranean Studies J. Medit. Stud. J Medit Stud
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Journal Of Peasant Studies J. Peasant. Stud. J Peasant Stud
Journal Of Quantitative Anthropology J. Quant. Anthrop. J Quant Anthrop
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Journal Of Sociology, Chenchi J. Sociol. Chengchi J Sociol Chengchi
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Anthrop Soc Nippon
Journal Of the Anthropological Society Of Oxford J. Anthrop. Soc. Oxf. J
Anthrop Soc Oxf
Journal Of the Anthropological Survey Of India J. Anthrop. Surv. India J Anthrop
Surv India
Journal Of the Asiatic Society J. Asiat. Soc. J Asiat Soc
Journal Of the Faculty Of Science Section V: Anthropology J. Fac. Sci. Tokyo.
Anthrop. J Fac Sci Tokyo Anthrop
Journal Of the Gypsy Lore Society J. Gypsy. Lore. Soc. J Gypsy Lore Soc
Journal Of the Historical Society Of Nigeria J. Hist. Soc. Nigeria J Hist Soc
Journal Of the History Of Collections J. Hist. Collns. J Hist Collns
Journal Of the Hong Kong Branch Of the Royal Asiatic Society J. Hong. Kong.
Brch. R. Asiat. Soc. J Hong Kong Brch R Asiat Soc
Journal Of the Indian Anthropological Society J. Indian. Anthrop. Soc. J
Indian Anthrop Soc
Journal Of the Institute Of Asian Studies, Madras J. Inst. Asian Stud. Madras
J Inst Asian Stud Madras
Journal Of the Malaysian Branch Royal Asiatic Society J. Malay. Brch. R. Asiat.
Soc. J Malay Brch R Asiat Soc
Journal Of the Polynesian Society J. Polynes. Soc. J Polynes Soc
Journal Of the Royal Asiatic Society J. R. Asiat. Soc. J R Asiat Soc
Journal Of the Steward Anthropological Society J. Steward. Anthrop. Soc. J
Steward Anthrop Soc
Kaogu Xuebao Kaogu. Xuebao Kaogu Xuebao
Kaogu Kaogu Kaogu
Kavkazskiy Etnograficheskiy Sbornik, Tbilisi Kavkaz. Etnogr. Sborn. Tbilisi
Kavkaz Etnogr Sborn Tbilisi
Kenya Past and Present Kenya. Past. Pres Kenya Past Pres
Khipu Khipu Khipu
Kleine Beitræge, Dresden Kl. Beitr. Dresden Kl Beitr Dresden
Kobie Kobie Kobie
Kon-Tiki Museum Occasional Papers Kon-Tiki. Mus. Occ. Pap. Kon-Tiki Mus Occ
Kratkiye Soobshcheniya O Dokladakh I Polevykh Issledovaniyakh Kratk. Soobshch.
Inst. Arkheol. Moscow Kratk Soobshch Inst Arkheol Moscow
Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers Kroeber. Anthrop. Soc. Pap. Kroeber
Anthrop Soc Pap
Kultura Popullore Kult. Pop. Kult Pop
Language Language Language
L'année Sociologique Année. Sociol. Année Sociol
Latin American Anthropology Review Latin. Amer. Anthrop. Rev. Latin Amer Anthrop
Latin American Antiquity Latin. Amer. Antiq. Latin Amer Antiq
Latin American Indian Literatures Journal Latin. Amer. Indian. Lit. J. Latin Amer
Indian Lit J
Latin American Studies Latin. Amer. Stud. Tokyo Latin Amer Stud Tokyo
Law and Anthropology Law. Anthrop. Law Anthrop
Le Monde Alpin Et Rhodanien Monde. Alp. Rhodan. Monde Alp Rhodan
Lettre Du Bulletin D'ethnomédecine Lett. Bull. Ethnoméd. Lett Bull Ethnoméd
Levant Levant Levant
L'homme Homme Homme
Libyan Studies Libyan. Stud. Libyan Stud
Libyca Libyca Libyca
Lietuvos Archeologija Liet. Archeol. Liet Archeol
Lietuvos Istorijos Metrastis Liet. Ist. Metrastis Liet Ist Metrastis
Lietuvos TSR Mokslu Akademijos Darbai A Serija Liet. TSR. Mokslu. Akad. Darb. Ser.
A Liet TSR Mokslu Akad Darb Ser A
Literatura Ludowa Lit. Ludow Lit Ludow
Little World Bulletin Little. Wld. Bull. Little Wld Bull
Little World Studies Little. Wld. Stud. Little Wld Stud
Lituanisticas Lituanistica Lituanistica
Lódzkie Studia Etnograficzne Lódz. Stud. Etnogr. Lódz Stud Etnogr
Lore and Languages Lore. Lang. Lore Lang
Lud Lud Lud
Makedonski Folklor Makedon. Folkl. Makedon Folkl
Man and Life Man. Life Man Life
Man In India Man. India Man India
Man In the Northeast Man. NE Man NE
Man Man Man
Markets and Traders In South Asia Mkts. Traders. S Asia Mkts Traders S Asia
Masterkey Masterkey Masterkey
Material'naya Kul'tura Tadzhikistana Mater. Kul't. Tadzhik Mater Kul't
Materialy Archeologiczne Nowej Huty Mater. Archeol. Nowej. Huty Mater Archeol
Nowej Huty
Materialy Archeologiczne, Cracow Mater. Archeol. Cracow Mater Archeol Cracow
Materialy I Prace Antropologiczne Mater. Pr. Antrop. Mater Pr Antrop
Materialy K Antropologii Kavkaza Mater. Antrop. Kavk. Mater Antrop Kavk
Materialy Po Etnografii Gruzii Mater. Etnogr. Gruz. Mater Etnogr Gruz
Maya News Maya. News Maya News
Mayab Mayab Mayab
Medical Anthropology Quarterly Med. Anthrop. Q Med Anthrop Q
Medical Anthropology Med. Anthrop. Med Anthrop
Memoirs Of the Research Department Of the Toyo Bunko Mem. Res. Dep. Toyo. Bunko
Mem Res Dep Toyo Bunko
Mens En Maatschappij Mens. Maatsch Mens Maatsch
MERA Forum MERA Forum MERA Forum
Mesoamérica Mesoamérica Mesoamérica
Mexican Studies Mex. Stud. Mex Stud
Mexicon Mexicon Mexicon
Meyibó Meyibó Meyibó
Micronesica Micronesica Micronesica
Midcontinental Journal Of Archaeology Midcont. J. Archaeol. Midcont J Archaeol
Middle East Journal Mid. E J. Mid E J
Miscelánea Antropológica Ecuatoriana Misc. Antrop. Ecuator. Misc Antrop
Missiology Missiology Missiology
Mitteilungen Aus Dem Museum Für Völkerkunde, Hamburg Mitt. Mus. Völkerk. Hamburg
Mitt Mus Völkerk Hamburg
Mitteilungen Aus Dem Museum Für Völkerkunde, Lepzig Mitt. Mus. Völkerk. Lpz.
Mitt Mus Völkerk Lpz
Mitteilungen Der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft In Wien Mitt. Anthrop. Ges. Wien
Mitt Anthrop Ges Wien
Mitteilungen Der Berliner Gesellschaft Für Anthropologie, Ethnologie Und
Urgeschichte Mitt. Berl. Ges. Anthrop. Ethnol. Urgesch. Mitt Berl Ges
Anthrop Ethnol Urgesch
Mitteilungen Der Præhistorien Kommission Der îsterreichischen Akademie Der
Wissenschaften Mitt. Præhist. Komm. Vienna Mitt Præhist Komm Vienna
Montalbán Montalbán Montalbán
Munibe Munibe Munibe
Musée D'Art Et D'Histoire, Geneva Musée Art Hist., Geneva Musée Art Hist, Geneva
Museum Anthropology Mus. Anthrop. Mus Anthrop
Museum Of Far Eastern Antiquities Bulletin Mus. Far. East. Antiq. Bull. Mus
Far East Antiq Bull
Museum Museum Museum
Museums Journal Mus. J. Mus J
Muveltség és Hagyomány Muvelt. Hagyomány Muvelt Hagyomány
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Nanzan Studies In Cultural Anthropology Stud. Cult. Anthrop. Stud Cult Anthrop
Narodna Tvorchist' Ta Etnohrafiya Nar. Tvorch. Etnohr. Nar Tvorch Etnohr
Narodna Umjetnost Nar. Umjetn. Nar Umjetn
Národopisné Aktuality Národ. Aktual. Národ Aktual
Národopisny Vestník Ceskoslovensky Národ. Vestn. Csl. Národ Vestn Csl
Natal Museum Journal Of Humanities Natal. Mus. J. Human. Natal Mus J Human
National Geographic Magazine Natn. Geogr. Natn Geogr
Natural History Nat. Hist. Nat Hist
Nature Nature Nature
Nawpa Pacha Nawpa. Pacha Nawpa Pacha
Néprajzi értesíto Népr. êrt. Népr êrt
New Scholar New Schol. New Schol
New Zealand Journal Of Archaeology NZ J. Archaeol. NZ J Archaeol
News From Native California News Native. Calif. News Native Calif
Newsletter Of the American Dermatoglyphics Association Newsl. Amer.
Dermatoglyph. Ass. Newsl Amer Dermatoglyph Ass
Newsletter Of the Gypsy Lore Society North American ChapterNewsl. Gypsy. Lore. Soc.
N. Amer. Newsl Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer
Nexus Nexus Nexus
Nigeria Magazine Nigeria. Mag. Nigeria Mag
Nigrizia Nigrizia Nigrizia
Nomadic Peoples Nomad. Peopl. Nomad Peopl
North American Archaeologist N. Amer. Archaeol. N Amer Archaeol
Northern Perspectives Nth. Persp. Nth Persp
Northwest Anthropological Research Notes NW. Anthrop. Res. Notes NW Anthrop Res
Norveg Norveg Norveg
Nsi Nsi Nsi
Numen Numen Numen
Nyame Akuma Nyame Akuma Nyame Akuma
Occasional Papers of the Royal Anthropological Institute Occ. Pap. R. Anthrop.
Inst. Occ Pap R Anthrop Inst
Oceania Oceania Oceania
Odu Odu Odu
Oriental Culture Orient. Cult. Orient Cult
Ornament Ornament Ornament
Ossa Ossa Ossa
Pacific Arts Pacif. Arts Pacif Arts
Pacific Studies Pacif. Stud. Pacif Stud
Paideuma Paideuma Paideuma
Palestine Exploration Quarterly Palest. Explor. Q. Palest Explor Q
Památky Archeologické Pam. Archeol. Pam Archeol
Pamirovedeniye Pamiroved Pamiroved
Papers From the Annual Meetings of the Gypsy Lore Society of North America Pap.
Annu. Meet. Gypsy Lore Soc. N Amer. Pap Annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer
Papers From the Institute Of Archaeology, London Pap. Inst. Archaeol. Lond
Pap Inst Archaeol Lond
Papers In Anthropology Pap. Anthrop. Pap Anthrop
Pastoral Andina Pastor. And. Pastor And
Patterns Of Prejudice Patt. Prejud. Patt Prejud
Peasant Studies Peasant Stud. Peasant Stud
Philippine Quarterly Of Culture and Society Philipp. Q. Cult. Soc. Philipp Q
Cult Soc
Pictogram Pictogram Pictogram
Plains Anthropologist Plains Anthrop. Plains Anthrop
PNG National Museum Record PNG Natn. Mus. Rec. PNG Natn Mus Rec
Pogrom Pogrom Pogrom
Polevyye Arkheologicheskiye Issledovaniya, Tbilisi Polev. Arkheol. Issled.
Tbilisi Polev Arkheol Issled Tbilisi
Polevyye Issledovaniya Polev. Issled. Polev Issled
Population Studies Popul. Stud. Popul Stud
Prace Archeologiczne Pr. Archeol. Pr Archeol
Prace Etnograficzne Pr. Etnogr. Pr Etnogr
Prace I Materialy Etnograficzne, Wroclaw Pr. Mater. Etnogr. Wroclaw Pr Mater
Etnogr Wroclaw
Prace I Materialy Seria: Etnograficzna, Lódz Pr. Mater. Ser. Etnogr. Lódz Pr
Mater Ser Etnogr Lódz
Practicing Anthropology Pract. Anthrop. Pract Anthrop
Praehistorische Zeitschrift Praehist. Z. Praehist Z
Prehistoric American Prehist. Amer. Prehist Amer
Proceedings Of the American Philosophical Society Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc.
Proc Amer Philos Soc
Proceedings Of the Prehistoric Society Proc. Prehist. Soc. Proc Prehist Soc
Przeglad Antropologiczny Przegl. Antrop. Przegl Antrop
Przeglad Archeologiczny Przegl. Archeol. Przegl Archeol
Public Culture Publ. Cult. Publ Cult
Publicaciones Del Instituto De Antropología, Córdoba Publs. Inst. Antrop. Córdoba
Publs Inst Antrop Córdoba
Publicaciones de el Instituto de Investigactiones Arqueologicas, San Juan Publs.
Inst. Invest. Arqueol. San Juan Publs Inst Invest Arqueol San Juan
Pueblos Indígenas Y Educación Puebl. Indíg. Educ Puebl Indíg Educ
Quartær Quartær Quartær
Quarterly Journal Of the Mythic Society Q. J. Myth. Soc. Q J Myth Soc
Queensland Archaeological Research Queensl. Archaeol. Res. Queensl Archaeol Res
Rad Vojvodanskih Muzeja Rad. Vojvod. Muz. Rad Vojvod Muz
Radiocarbon Radiocarbon Radiocarbon
Rapa Nui Journal Rapa. Nui. J. Rapa Nui J
Rasy I Narody Rasy. Nar. Rasy Nar
Readings In Long Island Archaeology and Ethnohistory Read. Long. Isl. Archaeol.
Ethnohist. Read Long Isl Archaeol Ethnohist
Recherches Amérindiennes Au Québec Rech. Amérindien. Québec Rech Amérindien
Records Of the Victorian Archaeological Survey Rec. Vict. Archaeol. Surv. Rec
Vict Archaeol Surv
Rencontre Rencontre Rencontre
Res Res Res
Research In Economic Anthropology Res. Econ. Anthrop. Res Econ Anthrop
Research In Melanesia Res. Melanes. Res Melanes
Review Of Indonesian and Malayan Affairs Rev. Indones. Malay. Aff. Rev Indones
Malay Aff
Revista Andina Rev. And. Rev And
Revista Bigott Rev. Bigott Rev Bigott
Revista Chilena De Antropología Rev. Chil. Antrop. Rev Chil Antrop
Revista Colombiana De Antropología Rev. Colomb. Antrop. Rev Colomb Antrop
Revista Cubana De Ciencias Sociales Rev. Cuban. Cienc. Social Rev Cuban Cienc
Revista De Antropología Y Arqueología Rev. Antrop. Arqueol. Bogotá Rev Antrop
Arqueol Bogotá
Revista De Antropología Rev. Antrop. Sao Paulo Rev Antrop Sao Paulo
Revista De Arqueología Americana Rev. Arqueol. Amer. Rev Arqueol Amer
Revista De Arqueologia, Belém Rev. Arqueol. Belém Rev Arqueol Belém
Revista De Ciàncias Sociais Rev. Ciànc. Sociais Rev Ciànc Sociais
Revista De Dialectología Y Tradiciones Populares Rev. Dialect. Trad. Pop.
Rev Dialect Trad Pop
Revista De Etnografie Si Folclore [Et De Folklore] Rev. Etnogr. Folcl. Rev
Etnogr Folcl
Revista De Indias Rev. Indias Rev Indias
Revista Del Museo De La Plata Sección Antropología Rev. Mus. La. Plata. Antrop.
Rev Mus La Plata Antrop
Revista Española De Antropología Americana Rev. Esp. Antrop. Amer. Rev Esp
Antrop Amer
Revue De L'Institut De Sociologie Rev. Inst. Sociol. Brussels Rev Inst Sociol
Rig Rig Rig
Rivista Di Antropologia Riv. Antrop. Riv Antrop
Rock Art Research Rock. Arts Res. Rock Art Res
Rossiiskaia Arkheologiia Ross. Arkheol. Ross Arkheol
Runa Runa Runa
SAIL: Studies In American Indian Literatures SAIL Stud. Amer. Indian. Lit. SAIL
Stud Amer Indian Lit
Samskriti Samskriti Samskriti
Sarance Sarance Sarance
Sarawak Museum Journal Sarawak. Mus. J. Sarawak Mus J
Savanna Savanna Savanna
Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii Y Etnografii, Moscow & Lenningrad Sborn. Muz.
Antrop. Etnogr. Moscow. Leningr. Sborn Muz Antrop Etnogr Moscow Leningr
Schweizerisches Archiv Für Volkskunde Schweiz. Arch. Volksk. Schweiz Arch
Scottish Studies Scott. Stud. Scott Stud
Scripta Ethnológica: Supplementa Scr. Ethnol. Suppl. Scr Ethnol Suppl
Senri Ethnological Studies Senri. Ethnol. Stud. Senri Ethnol Stud
Sign Language Studies Sign. Lang. Stud. Sign Lang Stud
Silesia Antiqua Siles. Antiq. Siles Antiq
Slavia Antiqua Slav. Antiq. Slav Antiq
Slovenská Archeologia Slov. Archeol. Slov Archeol
Slovensky Národopis Slov. Národ. Slov Národ
Social Analysis Social. Analys. Social Analys
Social Networks Social. Netwks. Social Netwks
Social Science Information Social. Sci. Inf. Social Sci Inf
Society Of Malawi Journal Soc. Malawi. J. Soc Malawi J
Sociological Review Sociol. Rev. Sociol Rev
Sociologus Sociologus Sociologus
South African Archaeological Bulletin S. Afr. Archaeol. Bull. S Afr Archaeol
South African Journal Of Ethnology S. Afr. J. Ethnol. S Afr J Ethnol
South American Explorer S. Amer. Explor. S Amer Explor
Southeast Asian Studies SE. Asian Stud. SE Asian Stud
Southeastern Archaeology SE. Archaeol. SE Archaeol
Sovetskaya Etnografiya Sovet. Etnogr. Sovet Etnogr
Sprawozdania Archeologiczne Spraw. Archeol. Spraw Archeol
Starinar Starinar Starinar
Studi Etno-antropologici E Sociologici Stud. Etno-antrop. Sociol. Stud Etno-
antrop Sociol
Studia Comitatensia Stud. Comitat. Stud Comitat
Studia Ethnologica Stud. Ethnol. Zagreb Stud Ethnol Zagreb
Studia Fennica Stud. Fenn. Stud Fenn
Studies In Latin American Popular Culture Stud. Latin. Amer. Pop. Cult. Stud Latin
Amer Pop Cult
Studies In Physical Anthropology Stud. Phys. Anthrop. Stud Phys Anthrop
Studies In Speleology Stud. Speleol. Stud Speleol
Studii Si Cercetari De Antropologie Stud. Cercet. Antrop. Stud Cercet Antrop
Studii Si Cercetari De Istorie Veche Si Arheologie Stud. Cercet. Ist. Veche.
Arheol. Stud Cercet Ist Veche Arheol
Suomen Antropologi Suom. Antrop. Suom Antrop
Suomen Museo Suom. Mus. Suom Mus
Suplemento Antropológico, Asunción Supl. Antrop. Asunción Supl Antrop Asunción
Svenska Landsmül Och Svenskt Folkliv Svenska. Landsmül Svenska Landsmül
Swiatowit Swiatowit Swiatowit
Systämes De Pensée En Afrique Noire Syst. Pensée. Afr. Noire Syst Pensée Afr
Taloha Taloha Taloha
Tebiwa Tebiwa Tebiwa
Techniques Et Culture Techn. Cult. Techn Cult
Temenos Temenos Temenos
Tempus Tempus Tempus
Tennessee Anthropological Association Newsletter Tenn. Anthrop. Ass. Newsl.
Tenn Anthrop Ass Newsl
Tennessee Anthropologist Tenn. Anthrop. Tenn Anthrop
Terrain Terrain Terrain
Textile Museum Journal Text. Mus. J. Text Mus J
Thai-Yunnan Project Newsletter Thai-Yunnan. Project. Newsl. Thai-Yunnan
Project Newsl
The Australian Journal Of Anthropology Aust. J. Anthrop. Aust J Anthrop
The Beaver: Exploring Canada's History Beaver Beaver
The Brunei Museum Journal Brunei. Mus. J. Brunei Mus J
The Bulletin: Journal Of the New York State Archaeological Association Bull. J. NY
Archaeol. Ass. Bull J NY Archaeol Ass
The Contemporary Pacific Contemp. Pacif. Contemp Pacif
The Digging Stick Digging. Stick Digging Stick
The Kiva Kiva Kiva
The Margaretologist: the Journal Of the Center For Bead Research Margaretol. J.
Cent. Bead. Res. Margaretol J Cent Bead Res
The Northern Review Nth. Rev. Nth Rev
The Olive Pink Society Bulletin Olive. Pink. Soc. Bull. Olive Pink Soc Bull
Thraco-Dacica Thraco-Dacica Thraco-Dacica
Tools and Tillage Tools Tillage Tools Tillage
Tor Tor Tor
Trabalhos De Antropologia E Etnologia Trab. Antrop. Etnol. Trab Antrop Etnol
TRACE: Travaux Et Recherches Dans Les Amériques Du Centre Trace Trace
Transactions and Proceedings Of the Fiji Society Trans. Proc. Fiji. Soc. Trans
Proc Fiji Soc
Transactions Of the Westermarck Society Trans. Westermarck Soc. Trans Westermarck
Transactions Of the Zimbabwe Scientific Association Trans. Zimb. Sci. Ass. Trans
Zimb Sci Ass
Travaux De L'Institut Franáais D'Etudes Andines Trav. Inst. Fr. Etud. And. Trav
Inst Fr Etud And
Travaux Du Laboratoire D'Anthropologie De Préhistoire Et D'Ethnologie Des Pays De
La Méditerranée Occidentale Trav. Lab. Anthrop. Pays. Médit. Occid. Trav Lab
Anthrop Pays Médit Occid
Tribus Tribus Tribus
Trudy Po Antropologii, Tartu Trud. Antrop. Tartu Trud Antrop Tartu
Tumivut Tumivut Tumivut
Ulster Folklife Ulster. Folklife Ulster Folklife
Unesco Courier Unesco. Courier Unesco Courier
Uomo Uomo Uomo
Uqaqta Uqaqta Uqaqta
Urban Anthropology Urban. Anthrop. Urban Anthrop
Verîffentlichungen Des Museums Für Ur- Und Frühgeschichte, Potsdam Verîff. Mus.
Ur. Frühgesch. Potsdam Verîff Mus Ur Frühgesch Potsdam
Vertebrata Palasiatica Vertebr. Palasiat. Vertebr Palasiat
Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR Seryya: Hramadskikh Navuk Vestsi. Akad. Navuk. BSSR.
Ser. Hramad. Navuk Vestsi Akad Navuk BSSR Ser Hramad Navuk
Vínculos Vínculos Vínculos
Visible Religion Visible. Relig. Visible Relig
Visual Anthropology Review Visual. Anthrop. Rev. Visual Anthrop Rev
Visual Anthropology Visual. Anthrop. Visual Anthrop
Vjesnik Arheoloskog Muzeja V Zagrebu Vjesn. Arheol. Muz. Zagreb Vjesn Arheol
Muz Zagreb
Voprosy Antropologii Vopr. Antrop. Vopr Antrop
Voprosy Arkheologii Gruzii Vopr. Arkheol. Gruz. Vopr Arkheol Gruz
Wen Wu Wen. Wu Wen Wu
West African Journal Of Archaeology W. Afr. J. Archaeol. W Afr J Archaeol
West Papuan Issues W. Papuan Issues W Papuan Issues
Wiadomosci Archeologiczne Wiad. Archeol. Wiad Archeol
Wiener Ethnohistorische Blætter Wien. Ethnohist. Bl. Wien Ethnohist Bl
Wiener Völkerkundliche Mitteilungen Wien. Völkerk. Mitt. Wien Völkerk Mitt
Winak Winak Winak
World Archaeological Bulletin Wld. Archaeol. Bull. Wld Archaeol Bull
World Archaeology Wld. Archaeol. Wld Archaeol
Yagl-Ambu Yagl-Ambu Yagl-Ambu
Yaxkin Yaxkin Yaxkin
Yearbook For Traditional Music Yb. Trad. Music Yb Trad Music
Yearbook Of Physical Anthropology Yb. Phys. Anthrop. Yb Phys Anthrop
Zambezia Zambezia Zambezia
Zambezia: the Education Supplement Zambezia. Educ. Suppl. Zambezia Educ Suppl
Zambia Museums Journal Zambia. Mus. J. Zambia Mus J
Zbornik Radova Zborn. Etnogr. Inst. Belgrade Zborn Etnogr Inst Belgrade
Zborník Slovenského Národného Mózea: Etnografia Zborn. Slov. Nár. Móz. Etnogr.
Zborn Slov Nár Móz Etnogr
Zeitschrift Für Archæologie Z. Archæol. Z Archæol
Zeitschrift Für Ethnologie Z. Ethnol. Z Ethnol
Zeitschrift Für Morphologie Und Anthropologie Z. Morph. Anthrop. Z Morph
Zimbabwea Zimbabwea Zimbabwea
Zimbabwean Prehistory Zimb. Prehist. Zimb Prehist
Zpravy Zpr. Csl. Spol. Antrop. Zpr Csl Spol Antrop

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